THE DRYDEN OBSERVER is ef i --- NESTE TODO CED (RID ODO) Ed) (GS (Cid () TE 4-Enn (E80 GaS | TERE ULES IIASA HH £110 £ Corner's Little Winter shawl collars. Special Values [n- ws Men' ss Men's Heavy Quality, all-wool double sewn, large and roomy--regular $3.00 SPECIAL v0. imme 2 $9.90 Pullovers . Women's and Men's all-wool Jumbo SWEATERS--Red, white, sand, etec.-- SPECIAL. io. --- $3.00 BP) Eerste 1 in tren 0 EY) i Boys Heavy all-wool Pullover SWEATTRS -- Roll Regular $3:00 OY re lr Ce Corner Vol 3 Oct. 31st, 1930 ] £3 SHIRTS--two. pockets, Pl . $2.35 Sweater Coats Edis Heavy Jumbo, all-wool SWEATER COATS Cy RAR WIE + $4.75 Ralph J, Pronger Honesty is the one card in the pack you can play at any time with- out thinking of how to play it. Now that the harv- est is over, threshing fairly well cleaned np up and plowing prac- tically done, it is time to think about a grain grinder and an engine to run it. A MeCor- mick-Deering or a Ves sot 8-in grinder and a 6-horse power engine makes the ideal outfit for the individual far- der, while for custom work a larger grinder & more power makes faster work, Visitor to No 1897: You know stona walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage. "No 1897: Well, if = 3 they don't I've been crazy sitting here this long. McComrick- Deering known for years as the world's easiest run ning cream separator, What makes her so wild ? Her father was pitcher! a Anyone reading the report of the Dryden School Board in last week's would come to the conclusion that they are just one year behind times. The polls ares rl ces where you stand in line for a chance to decide who will spend your money. B - CORNER, Oxdrift, We delivered a new 15-30 tractor this week to Frank Morcom, who is now threshing up Pine Grove way. Frank has had a lot of ex- perience with machin- ery and knows a good tractor when he sees one, so of course he bought a McCormick. Deering. Lowe; 'Isn't it diffi- cult to live within one's income? Crowe: Yes, but it's harder to live without it! Ves Richardson has also been doing a lot of plowing and thresh ing with his new 10- 20 McCormick . Deer- ing tractor. Ont. DRY wOOD Deliversa 'The Store of Better Values' LEED 0 CEE (GOD (SH (SE SKE) RED (SEED 0 RDO Ee __Tamarae, per. cord___.__... 7:80. _ -..Mixed Fuel per cord .._ _88:88. _._Split Poplar, per cord____§5-89__ REED ORISSA OEE (EER 09 SEDO OND OER 17 TARE No 19 ur Big Sale; a carvine: | Is Now On adding New Stuff to it every day, and we are See the big Posters for the Remarkable Bargains in all lines of Hardware. -- nner E. A. KLOSE, GOLDEN STAR LODGE AF: & A: M:, No. 484, GRC; Meets in the Masonic Hall Dryden, she Second Tuesday of each month, Visitors Cordially Tavited. F. O BAKER, W.M, A. E, BERREY, Sec. iL 0. i DRYDEN LODGE, Mo 16 Biests tue Pid sd Tin Wednesday of each month sf eight sm. in the Town Hall. Visiting rethren cordially invited. R. McMONAGLE, WM oh SMITH, Sec'y. i[:0:0: F: DRYDEN LODGE No. 417, meets in the Town Hall 2 Dryden every Monday evening at Vg pm. Men! A.. McCALLUM, NG, FF WHITELEY, Rec, Sec. EET SER 2 Gensral Morchant, i CAGLE RIVER Agent foe Frost & Weod IMPLEMENT COCHEBSHUTT PLOW (COV. sees Sharple"s Cresm Segeratess. RAW FURS BOUGHT @ 30LS. ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIREGTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATPENBED vO PHONE- Day, 62 R 3 Right, 6 B 4 PETMPT SERVICES £3 ALL HOURS A. WEAVER, 0000000000 Ce GRANITE & MABBLE © MONUMENTS GEO. NOBLE, Dryden, Ontarie Cc 0 Oo 0 Oo 0000000000000 o 1] © © 'THE PHANTOM SQUADRON'. can also tell when my planes ap- proach this island, because I have an invisible ray surrounding it. As soon as it is broken by a plane passing through, it rings an alarm. Then I bring my sound detector in-jon at a moments notice 'racks When it records a faint sound, as parted air. I to play. whistling they had streamlined fuseclages and J SWAN SWANSBOE _. New ia Samples powerful motors. All were amphi. bains, that could land on either wat- { er or land; they were covered with bullet-proof steel, equipped with fire | extinguishers that could be turned | and bomb ! that carried two thousand bombs. They could fly at a very know it is one of my own planes, jhigh altitude and could taxi into a but dinary aeroplane motor, I know it's another plane and then I get my radio guns = ready. You needn't . worry, I have quite a few inventions} which I have kept secret." "Golly, then this place must be impregnable" commented Dick. 'I would like to see the planes now, they 'seem to be causing quite a stir in the newspapers." When they entered the again Dick saw hangers nine cabin mono- planes; a large tri-motor:d plane; five single motored planes and three planes too small tn sustain a man, these last had one radio gun mounted in front, that wass all. The others had large gun turrets and ong gun mounted in front. All were painted a greenish blue that made them invisible when in the sky, and iDick that the small if it 'records a drone of an or- {very small space, due to the folding wings. They had a wheel control 'and self-starters. But the thing 'that puzzled Dick the most was the iradio antennae on the large lead- fer and the small planes. This was 'explained by the colonel who told lanes were controlled by radio from the leader. These were very useful in getting close to the enemy without danger or loss of life if they were brought down. "Did you notice that plane brought down by the Yanks when I rescued you?" he asked. "Yes," replied Dick. "Well, that was a radio ship, 1 would not risk a man-carrying plans like I did that ome. If I did, I wouldn't have any men left." (Continued next week). SiN 7 Camp Stoves - A Furnacettes 3 Air tight Heaters: in all sizes from. ....... SM McClary's 'Famoils APAhY XX with cast top and bottom and large cast doors. 3 Heater .. ; from .. x Box Stoves -- tom 5yQuebec Heaters, in all sizes, from ___. 10-0 5 . § We have Everything You Need in: Heaters, Pipes, Stove Boards Dampers, Tapers, Etc., We wil] Gelivey and set up any Heater purchased from us Free of charge. 2 7 Ete RL A fine cosy + $16.90 £3 - $9.50 - $10.50 all Sos $34.90 4 . $95. 03 5 ete (LEEN - EZE Windows CLEAN THE WHOLE WINDOW BY REMOVING TOP AND _ LOWER SASH Sus. O'COATS Houses ip Canada, Just arrived from one cof the best IR at ealy Peanut Brittle--Cocoanut Roc --Nut Fudge Maple Cream--per pound .....oouvivimer. oo. 0 Bemis iovenipenenmemim bere irrriad =, Fresh Salted Peanuts--per pound ..... semen == pre Over Coat Re Dealers fp-- BUILDERS SURPLIES LUMPBER, @ATH, PLASTER, [INTERIOR VIEW =p Pryden Lumber Co. Ltd Sani oth: Don't forget you get 13 Loaves of BREAD for. here, J. O. Gough, Proj 1.00 Highest Class Lines of all Gent's ZU Furnishings. T. PROUDFOOT § "The Dryden Tailoz" -- = 202 Cui Se a ae an | White a Grocery Store | 0. H PRONGER, Prop Phone 26 -- MONDAY--" Ripe Tomatoss, 1 or... .i8 Peanuts, per I ....__.. .10 Grapes, per 1 ..o---... .18 ) TUESDAY-- \_/ 4 loaves Bread, limit four loaves __uecee_¢emmmmeomee. 20 China Rolled Oats, per ph .....cun fv mmmrireerren--. 34 Corn SLATE, IDET IB ves» cmb sila vas sigs mee 3D Be Ol d WEDNESDAY-- i Milk, two for ....__.. 28 Raisins, per I .._... 19 \ Country Miged Candin, pel Wy ovis io oarsmen seal aninlS \ Pop Corn--for Popping--2-lbs for. RE Ne \ THURSDAY \ A Eastern Macaroni, 5-lbs .___.. .38 Pink Salmon, per tin.. .17 : Creamery Butter, I» __ .35 Jolly Beans, Ib... 17 Canada FRIDAY-- Limit ic cach customer Nabob Coffee, I ____. 49 Na bob Tea, Wins A . f= All Cne cent Candies--six for vov.o'coocsvevseomienmes 0B Pacific SATURDAR-- Sugar, 10-1bs for ..__.- .59 Flour, Purity, bay -- $3.36 Coast Lemon, Orange and Citron ae]; Sind nen. .29 E ( cs ; \ pric 3 SCOT plionr or TE! Evap Peaches, 1h ..... .19 Evap Apricots, 1 TE 21 J S. Wi io; We are making Free By nr fc th h 1 N ber or the ont of Novem Dryden ,Ont M1 ;