Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 14 Nov 1930, page 2

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ns a THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Sra MARRIED-- At Dryden, on cou | ML J. CROSIER. pl : day, Nov. 1st Sven Danielson and Gonaral Marchott | Amelia Crigger,. both. of Minnitaki, OXDRIFT, ONT * | were united in marriage, Rev. J. W. Howes of Dryden United Church, Deuler in-- officiating. : BOOTS AND SHOES -DRY GOODS Women's ciderdown Kimonos 3 Grocery Store , GROCERIES Heavy Eiderdown Cloth in Assorted Patterns and Color 0. H PRONGER, Prop Facne 28 Baby Nelson Dies-- wd EL Ap Combination. Finished with Satin and Heavy Cord The infant daughter of Mr and] ! PLEMENT Mrs John B. Nelson of Amesdale, atl Me Lenn Lk died on Thursday, Nov. 7th at their Agent for-- gia ale roa Ea $2. 45 large sige cise seine an SE ah $2. 95 These Prices Are Good Until Saturday, November 20th Monday Only home, Buriel took place at Ames- --LIFE INSURANCE, ? WOMEN'S, BLOOMERS Ho. 1, Puieth FLOUR Luv. rwomrmares + 82. 98 dale on Friday. -- ae Cockshutt Heavy Winter-weight--dainty shades, at ...-.... 5 LL of : ; d ; ) ; : in tba ins pm peer Sn By Wa we SN Dill Pickles, No 2%'s per rein No 2%, per ile AREA IRE a LE EL . UN oom 220 oes 250 tn i ANDE RSON Kg. fA HD WOMEN'S NIGHT GOWNS-- Rarley, finest pot A bs 256c Prunes, California 4-1 bag arrihonl oa : ik i " Py : = Fieecy V Flannelette' in a good Ww ad Flann Walnuts; Shelled; 14 Hb 21c POT DAG ike. ne. BTC enera FUNERAL i 1 HECTOR: iy aot Lh i le 81.00 | a Coffee, Goldon Santos Vi-Tone, 1-Ib tins : i a } 3 7 5 = per We de nid 38e¢ et IR re MCR RE | 49¢ { hildrens WH L MITTS---Cood Range o olors / on : i DAY OR MIGET CALLS CEs I ER w 4 Soh Sw ly gr Si BN ard ware PROMPTLY ATFENBED FO - 35 of --_ All Seasonabl Fruits and Vegetables -- + FHONE- § Day, 62 R 8 Biteht, 62 B 4 Dotes, finest Mesopotamian Salmon, fancy quality Pink ; : 5, ; ie 2: pkgs en 280 DEINE isis canis, SDE Our sale is now ended, but we are biter dn a toe fr ors tie Be for oo 2M eontiming to sol a con pie @ LIVERY AND DRAY Marmalade, Orange, 3%-1b French Creams, per 1b 192 & we still have plenty of good PRNMPT SERVICR I Q [iE tnsrper tin ii... Licorice, allsorts, % 1 16c : AT ALL HOURS Te Us = i] Soup, Red & White Quality Baking Powder; Serv-us Bargains, all for spot Cash. No Sh ) > Tomato, Vegetable & other ME iris more paying for bad debts at A. WEAVER, k ] BE Paters i § Weal Market 7 varieties, per tin__.. 1le 1-1 ting .... Dryden, Ontaslo l= A591 Bi i : I¥ i ------SEE US FOR APPLES Ey 7 store. IEE CARDO ER OID EDO CD O GRANITE & MABBLE © ; E. O MONUMENTS © A oO GEO. NOBLE, £ re ) 9 0 4 > a Dryden, Ontaris i] ' . 5 Li Choice Ling of : 5 --FRESH & CURED MEATS i | | | | ! Th Lot nc ih r= a ; ; i --BACON, HAMS, etc, S i= --~HOMEMADE SAUSAGE: : of F : i ; i e 3. gE SONS Y LL --HAMBBOURG STEAK; . [Y ¢ Us = Builder @& Contractor. ; You Should Carty Your fis --FRESH FISH--all kinds. : 2 . : Ue . C Oo ic c Fire, Automobile Insurance i! i iL with Canada's largest Fire Mutual on Phone 8, AL PA TERSON, Dry de' No More Dust in Your House; 1--Because our Policy gives Asolutely sure protection. i LS No Raise in Prices. : : : L EE pile EE COKE--per ton . €15. 00 2--Because our Policy gives us broad a covering as can be Ts lai Srl LET a Si TT CE RD SR < secured in Canada. : py = ie DRUMHELLER onto) per ton ____..__ _ 313 54) 2 SEE Sr NUIT CAI UT ot ai ho wii . $20.00 3--Because we do it for less money, as we operate without ~ BLACKSMITH COAL--per ton ...... - $95.00 2 profit. i Quality -- and -- Service The Wawanesa Fire Instirance Co -~ ita WAWANESA, 2 Manitoba DRYDEN Jas. a Ontario : 2. L. SKILLEN ; : . Tr mot a 2 I (RA I ER DRYDEN, Ontario ; Local Agent | = O suil ever y Taste and Pocket- Book : a that is what we claim to have znd back it with an organization that aL : op = ° 4 give you terms and service. : Sheriff S Sale of l.ands for arrears ol Sch ool Taxes We have studied the Radio business since its inception and have al- School Section No. 1 of the Township of Southworth ang Hartman in. the District of Kenora and the Pro vince of Ontario, ways had our choice of Canada's finsst makes, there are other good Radios, but none better than we sell or Wwe would have the |agency By virtue of a Warrant und r the Chairman and Secretary-treasurer of School Section No. 1 of the Townships of Southworth and Hartman; long ago. in the District of Kenora; dated the 18th day of June 1930; commanding the Sheriff to levy upon the lands hereinafter described for arrears Yo wkd Tait Sets If : J . of taxes respectively due thereon together with the costs incurr.d; I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that pursuan'to the Assessment Act; I shall on is 2 tery ets il you are a Radio Builder, several to go WEDNESDAY the Third (3) day of December; 1930 at the hour ..f Eleven 0'Clock in the forenoon at tne Seriff's office in the Town of Ken- BPRIUSE wir tmgsvie) vo fina pss tment. $5100 to $10 00 ora; in the Districe of Kenora; pro ced to sell py Public Auction se much of the said lands as may ba necessary for the poyitient of the sil One Ramway, 5- tube set-- Walnut Console--a new Set ..__.... $55:00 arrears and charges theereon un'ess such arrears and charges shall have been sooner paid, j Two Walnut Console Electric Sets; T-tubes Se eR : : For pat or un The Famous Phileo; Baby Grand 7-tube' Screen grid, Full dynamic No, of Lot Con. Acres Years in Arrears Taxes Expenses Total Name of Owner & Address Pat 'Speaker--compact and powerfull J. oe iiiiceii.... $99:90 : i : Township of Hartman 7 aa 5 Vietors New Battery Set, beautifil Walnut Cabinet; 2-volt screen N14 of 4 2 94 «1927;; 1928; 1929) : = : grid tubes; batieries that will last you 1000 hours, or about 6 to 8 817 of 4 1 120 +1927;; 1928; 1929) $2802 $4.24 $2226 H. A, Jones; 41 Ken St months of Reception without charging or any attention. Com. ; ie Totento; Ont Pat plete installed to your Radio _ ..._....oo ve. 5169:00 N14 of 8 1 152 5 . 1927;; 1928; 1929) ; Victors new Combination, new Five.circuit screen grid set, auditorium S14 of 4 2 160 . 1927;; 1928; 1929) __ $96.08 $15 -05 $111.85 ; dynamic S-eaker; Electric FElectrola and home Recording. This N15 of 7 2 148 ©. 1927;; 1928; 1929) Mohawk Timber Co. Instrument. is years in advance of any competition ....__ $397.50 N15 of 8 2 161 = ¥1927;; 1928; 1929) : SOAS : 24 King St:;; W We Sell the Best on the market. We give the lowest terms in Can- : ; i Toronto; Ont. Tat ada. Our financing charge is less than tre the Mail Order House : N14 of 12 1 WEE 1927; 1928; 1929 $23:34 $ 3.63 $ 26.97 MW. @ Kennedy; 396 We give you a [iberal allowance on your old Instrument. 5 : : : 8rd St.; Verdun; Que. Pat Always at least twetny-five MODELS on our floor to choose - Townsite of Dinorwic--Township of Southworth PLig Ta : From, a al : | Pronger & Armstrong Bio Ts iBT) ie Music Store and Radio Specialists. . 22: =18: 1%: ::189 3} : ; : : 20; 21; 24; 25 ) Blok dean £9; 30; 33; 34 ) 3 87 and 88 ) AREER 92,5, 6.9, 18 ) : 2 ie 5) 34 180.30, 0) : 0 - 17; 1%; 19; 23, ) Bleck i | OU £3: 28; 0a) TY | : Aad : : : 3%; 34; 37; 38 | : : Be : : . jo 3 'Bloek A ) . x ; rg AR ape ; Ti h r bl Undivided ) .. : if i 4 O 1 e Loic 44 Int, ) 51:04 ; : : } : : Ln ; : § Owing to ar trade & financial i Wo) | 1922 to 1929 $337:81 $52:51 $390:32 Mrs Jane Henry : : CE Cah 2 int 8. % : : , change my s CY. Cover W717 ) 9:03 | Inclusive oe ; *Beachville; Ont, Pat 1 2s I py nines polis = E I am giving you notice that one i month from November First, I will ; 4x place my business on a strictly cash To's 13 27 9°10, ) Block basis. Prices will be adjusted zo : 24; 25; 28; 29, ) _5 | that you can buy for less money, and "1 2; 5; 6; 9, 10 ) Block $ I wil] be able to buy for cash also. 11; 24; 25; 28, ) _6 3 28 ) a a gg Ny No exceptions to this rule will be § and West ) Block | 1921 to 1929 $148:79 oT 30 $172:00 A, J. Bannemran 4 made: same price to everybody and : ) i Trlas] ; ; hi Pr 50 Bannerman Ave = courteous treatment to all. ha' of 10-- ya | MEWSIVE pe 7 ee Eden ii Tinni War Pe 4 I solicit your hearty co-operation ~~ ei Bn | Winnipeg, Maa % 5 gray pe The adjourned sae if any, will bz held at the same time and place twoweeks later. Published in the Ontario Gazette, 3% s aoust 30th and Se tpember 6, 13 and 20 1930, h Augus | Se tp ] JOHN VV. HUMBLE, $C Janis WwW right. Phone 49 oo as Sheriff of Kenora 3. ' er as A

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