&- he Dryden bser A ---- == VOL. IX DRYDEN, Ontario, November 28th, 1950 Death of Mrs Jas McFadyen THE entire community was shocked at the news that Mrs James Mec- Fadyen had died at 8.45 Friday even- ing, after an extdemely short ill-° ess. Mrs McFadyen had returned Mon- day evening with Mr McFadyen from a short trip to the West. They had, visited with Mr Mrs Rivers with Mr and Mrs Hugh Bartlett and Mr and Mrs Edgar Whitehouse of Winnipeg, and Mr and Mrs Robert Wilton, of Kenora. On her return, Mrs McFadyen was in particularly good spirits, and friends, but on Tuesday evening she developed a cold and it was neces- sary to call the doctor in the even- ing. Although cause to worry, it was thought ad- visable to send for Mrs M. S Camp- bell, her daughter in Ottawa. Mrs Campbell left Ottawa on Thursday 4 morning, but she was too late to see her mother. Ofter a short family service in a the evening at the home, conducted by Rev. J W Howes, the body was taken on Number Four on Saturday to be interred in the ceme ry at Mount Forest, Onario; Tuesday aft- ernoon and wag accompanied by Mr McFadyen, Mrs Campbell and Neil, and Mr and Mrs Hamble'on. Mrs McFadyen was one of pioneers. of Dryden, coming here a With Mr: McFadyen thirty-two years ago. She was born at Bright, Ont, and was married forty-three years. She: is survived by her husband, ® Mr James McFadyen, two daughters Mrs, M.S Campbell, of Ottawa; at Holland, Manitoba,' hav- ing enjoyed her sojourn with her there seemed no' the : | { WHIST & DANCE-- A Whist Drive and Dande will} 1 held in the Town Hall, Dryden, Tuesday, December 2nd, under the. auspices of tht L: O. B: A, at 8:30 pm. "One cent for each day of the month your birthday comes in.' i NIGHT SCOHOL-- The Night School Classes will be- gin at 7:00 p.m., Monday, Decemb- "er 1st and will be held every Mon- {day and Thursday evening through-; out the winter. Pupils will kindly note ths time- table & arrange to begin their clas- ses promptly at the hour indicat- ad: 7:00 to 7:.50--Shorthand, 7:50 to 8:10-- (English) (Typing) 8:10 to 9:00--(Book-keeping) (Elementary Math.) 8:00 to 9:00--Drafting, 990 to 10:00--Practical Mathe- matics, 9.00 to 9:30--Upper School Mathematics 9:30 to 10,00--Uprer School Mathematics Fees will be payable to the Princ- ipzl on Monday, December 1st. 'Xmas Sal*-- The Ladies Aid of the United Church will hold their Annual Christmas Sale of Work = and Home Cooking and Tea in t'e Basement of the Church, Wed- nesday, December 3rd from 8 |] interesting to 6 p.m. Articles for any of the tables will be greatly ap- preciated. Darkie days are Here A"an-- Next Friday night the Tuxis and C: Gi: I. T, of the United Church will put on the best Minstrel Show of their career. Undoubtedly it will be a night to remember Mrs W Hambleton of Dryden, and ply} Mammies and Double-dyed three grand children, Verne, Neil no 3 Jolns Duttars « Shtine and Gordon Campbell. She has gon.o. oy Sy ! > three brothers, John Wesley Hatch. «7 : ; of Mount Forest; George Hatch of | You Mush Soe this Swe! Drayton and Walter Hatch of % meen Kitchener. There is one sister, Mrs Amos, of Mount For. st. Mrs McFadyen was a consistent member, first of the Presbyterian Church, and latterly of the Imited Church 'and was always interested and helpful in their activities. Mrs McFadyen will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends who are all offering their sincere . sympathy to the family. ~_ lon, heavy "his parents are very anxious about LLOYD WALTERS-- __ Lloyd Walters of Ottawa, age 21 years, height about 5 ft. 6 in: weight 120 pounds, dark complex- eye-brows, . is missing, him and ask that if any way this message: comes to him that he will immediately communicate by tele- phone collect or by telegraph col- 0. with his parents who anxiously « Building, Ottawa, await him and will be most happy to have him come back. Any in- formation about Lloyd Whlters will be gladly received, telephcns mes-j sages or telegrams may be sent collect to C. S WALTERS, Bate telephone Queen 4260 or Dideau 7238. "Will You Please Kezp on Lookout for Lloyd Walters. the Mr James Hatch of Dryden is a n>phew? DRY WOOD Tamarac, per cord, Cush, K7 00 First Class Mixed, Fuel Wood, per cord $6.00 delivered ... Cash, delivered Second Class Mixed, Fuel Wood, per cord £5.00 Cash, delivered $5.00 Split Poplar, per cord Cash, delivered Phone 15 SWAN SWANSON __ FOR CHRISTMAS-- You can Give Them Except Your Photograph. preciate your thoughtfulness making such a gift. Make an Appointment at once. We also have a fine Assortment of Oil Paintings. Get yours while our Stock lasts. DRYDEN PHOTO STUDIO in Old Maids & Widows-- I have a Homestead about six miles from Dinorwie, and my house is situated by a lake named "Jack- PREVENT FIRE as fa ors asf ossi P .ancia loss fire with SR, FIRE INSURANCE 1 * sucues wu © 4 J. 4IBSON, Agent, Dryden I fish Lake." The Jackfish Lake and 'the surroundings are delightfully and beautiful. There is also the No. One Highway that passes right : beside my house and rurs along ; the beach of the lake, so, this place "would be suitable for a summer res- 'orting place. Come and see the place. convenience, because there a lot of admirers that want to buy place off me. My nationality Finnish, and I am short in the Engl. i the place together. 'adddess below: Your Friends Can Buy Anything And they will ap-: | ENROLMENT CEREMONY-- Monday evening of this week was a memorable day for the First Dry- den, Troop of Girl Guides, when their Enrolment Ceremony took place in St. Luke's Parish Hall Enthusiasm ran high and keen in- terest was shown by the parents &. friends. For several weeks the: Recruits have been busy working for their Tenderfoot Badges, so that! into * they could be admitte} the Guides as a Tenderfoot and then go on working for other badg- es. Most of the girls had mastered ithe Tenderfoot tests -- several are proficient knot-tiers. They are now learning the Morse Code, and this provides plenty of opportunity for competition between the Patrols, namely 'Bluebird', 'Can- ary', 'Robins', and 'Toppy.' The local Red Cross Nurses gave ia splendid demonstration on First Aid Bandaging. - Games were also included in the evening's program. By means of games ani practice the Guides are able to learn the diff- erent things which will help them to get on in life. Thus Camping and Signalling, First Aid Work & Camn Cooking, and all these things that the Guides practice tare all going to be helpful to them afterward: in making them strong, resourceful women; skilful and helpful to oth- ers and strong in body as well as in mind, and what is more, it makes them a jolly, cheery lot of com-- rades. The Horseshoe was formed and ; the 'whole Company saluted the Un ion Jack, and then sang the Nation: 1al Anthem, which closed a very de- lightful rrogram and a most enjoy- i : able evening. Bowling Tournament Score-- W. J. Robinson Passes W. J Robinson, a former Dryden resident died at his home in Winnji- 'peg, Tuesday, November 25th. Mr 'Robinson's death was a decided {shock to friends in Dryden and no .details are available at time - of writing, except that are being forwarded to Dryden for burial. Funeral service will be held November 29th. The sympathy of everyone is ex-- tended to the bereaved widow and family, 4 JUVENILE PARTY-- Little Freckled - faced Smudgy" Huckleberry Finn & equally smud- gy Tom Sawyer were there. Cute' little Sylvester Sweet and Madge Wildfire and boisterous Willie Jones. In fact the 'gang' were all very bears, Mama-dolls, Slates and But- tons on strings, . not to mention, Lolly-pops, all-day Suckers and Air plane. rides kept the kids out of mischief (?) for about two hours But, where, why...... all this, asks the preplexed reader? And rightly so. 'The Young People's Socisty first Juvenile Party. proved an over- whelming success, held last Wednes day in the basement of the Church. Soul-satisfying and in'ellectually producive games, such as 'Ring, Ring Rosy ' and Farmer's in His Den were. the order of the evening. Proud Sylvester and Boisterous DBil- ly alike relished this pastime with 'hitings-- _. gusto. as } Whiting ----__ 181__.169...155 Mother Carey was also present, McMaster __._____ 110... .._157 guarding her 'Chicks' from the Sherwood... 137__.161.. stormy blast" But Mother, fearing Rodtka ____....__. 181__, ___117 to leave the littlest one home alons | Petdraor ......... ___187.__ brought her along to witness the Bonner _..__..__ 184__.163 {run Pitts-- Peanu's and candy provided adeq-- "A. Berrey __..__.. 148...150__.165 uate nourishment until the festivi- 'H Saunders ______. 151...128...131 ties were over then the kids all S. Lappage ..__... 168__.148.._134 'cleaned up' on hot cocoa and cook- UBinda __........ 142__,154... es. F. Foulis __..__., ..125 2 DRYDEN is open of Electric Light Poles of the following specifica- tions: Clean Cut Cedar Poles, peeled 33 ft. and 85 ft long; 4 inches in diameter at top, to be delivered at the Town Hall, Dryden. Com- ~municate with THE TOWN OF for 'the purchase BAILEY, Crairman, Electric Light & Telephone Committee THE BOWLING ALLEY i Wednesday and Friday afternoons have been set aside for Lady Bowlers. The Alleys will be entirely for the ladies use these afternoons: PHIL MOORE, Manager 'fully 'on the shadow screen. YOung Peoples So'icty-- Wednesday evening was the Soc- iety's Literary night. Silhouettes illustrated the poems and song dis- cussed. Tennyson's-- The Sleeping Beauty, was portrayed very beauti- The song--In A Persian Market, played with much expression by Mr Harry Gammon & portrayed on the screem with much originality and an .eye for the artistic was voted a great successs. The meeting adjourned about 9:45. { This Society is going ahead rap- idly and doing things. All young i people are 'earnestly and whole- heartedly welcomed. ' { ; United Church will hold a Sale of j Home Cooking in M. J. Crosier's; Store every the remains from St. Luke's Church on ging, much 'among those present.' Teddy- : {NOTICE-- he Senior Ladies Aid of Oxdrift . Saturday from 1:30 to 5¢ 05 p.m, Hosnital for St C 67 COLLEGE (Country Brancn afternoon, NT. TORONTO 2 fuistietown) - 1930 December Dear Mr Editor: As a friena oi afflicted iittie folks, you will earn with: satisfaction thut through the oJenevolence of 1t§ sup- oorters the dospitas tor Sick Children was enabled tC Increase its service cone siderably during the past year in that period its cots were occupied by aearly 7.000 smal; patients. most ot whom were restored or are well upon the way to recovery now An enormcus amount of zood is being accomplished for Ontarics many "Sick Kids," and ov passing this information along to the good-hearted people your news- paper serves you wil! interest them and at the same time oe nstrumeuntad na sromoting the contindance ot this aumeane service [tis a gigantic unders taking and the hospital needs every bit of help it can get Please note the following official fig ares for the year which ended Septeme oer 30. 1930. indicating the magnitude and rapid expansion of this mission of mercy Ictal number of cot patients tn year, 6.970. an increase of 377 over the previous year: actua: number of patient days. 132.718. an increase of °: 11,361: average days stay «i all patienis ! 18 These figures Include the wonder- § ful country nospitai at Thistietown, i where the year's total of patient days f was 36,876 and the daily average 101, in addition to this. the out-patient de- partment. at the main hospital, bad 58.7056 attendances within the year. the i chis desire to accept it. tion was given as to when the p-em- "iers final decision would be made. Ferguson is Given Free Hand nomi TORONTO, Nev. 27--Premier . ard Ferguson has the full sanctisa sof the Ontario Conservative par'y in ny aciion he may take in connes- 'tion with the post of Canadian High Commissioner in London. Mecting in caucus at the Parliament build: ings the Conservative members of 'the Omtario legislature unanimeous- ly agreed to place no obstacle in the way of Mr Ferguson accepting the London post. Although it is now regarded as a foregone conclusion that the Ontario premier will resign his present post in the course of a week and accede to Premier Bennett's wishes in tak- "ing the London appointment Mr i Ferguson emphatically stated he had not yet formally accepted the post. In discussing thie matter with his followers he laid before them the reasons he had been pressed to take the London post and made known No intima- {DRAWING-- The drawing for the Afgan made by the Guild, will take place at the As Y: P A Whist Drive on Wednesday night, December 3rd largest number of patients treated im a single day peing 31%. The luttle sufferers tered to in the- Hospital tor Sick Chu dren come trom ali over the Provimce 7 of Ontario .: Through this maznificens institution tor nealing, the very pou: child 'nds an equal advantage with the very rich in.securing the benefit of the finezi «known medical and surgical skill, T'here are no strings to admittance of the cnild requiring hospital care. face, steed or circumstances in life make mo difierence. Iv 1s a great Mother Charity, Every year the trustees have toc see that 1 very iarge deficit 1s provided tor and they rely on kind people to nelp. Wee oabes. pigger' ones. toddlers, kinderzarteners. up to early teen age Jovs and girls some stricken with dis ase. others deformed. crippled or maimed make up the continuous large Jopulation ot the Hospitas for Sick Children which na¢ oeen in operation for ©5b- vears fhe annua: appeal tor funds is always made at the approach 51 the Christmas season as a most ap- oropriate time tc urge the claims ot such a: cause. when all overs of little children would ilke to contribute The flespitay tor Sick Children does not share in the tung ot :he Ioronto Fed sraticn for Community Service because T 'serves the whole province Dona- sons from the generous persons iA or ir territorv are earnestly solicited. ; Faithfully yours IRVING & ROBER1SON. Charriian 01 Annes Co mmittas L. BAUER Princess St., Dryden --fOr-- Wood Sawing See who are minis f Sat: "2Vour dues are now due to Mr J. W Fowlie or Jack Skillen .BIRTHDAY Party-- A large number of friends gathor- ged for a surprise party at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo Ferguson oa izday, on the occasion of Mrs Ferguson's birthday. A . delightful evening vas spent in laying cards and with music, after which delic- jous refroshmients were senjoyed. aL W4ARD--BLAIR Mrs D. Frejd of Kenora, Onatrie, "announces the marriage of her dau- ghter, Bessis Blair, to Mr Thomas A Ward of Kenora. The wedding took: place at St. Luke's church, Winnipeg Wednesday evening, Rev. Canon Bortal Heeney officiating. Mr and Mrs Ward loft last evening for Vancouver where they will reside. Stop! LioOk! Listen ,__ Now that wint:r has arrived the Ice is being started, we should be Curling by the end of 'noxt week. and payable NOTICE-- A Business Meeting of St Lukes Guild will be held at the. home of Mrs D E McRae on Thursday Prompt Service -- CASH December 4th at 3:00 pum Where the Title You should act in your earliest - this . ds: ish language, but we could think of Answer with Mr OLLI FUORILA, Dinorwic, Ont. i ; TALK OVER YOUR ASSURANCE PROBLEMS WITH A SUN LIFE MAN. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE 'on the First Payment which unpaid balances are cancelled by death, and the pro- perty transferred, unencumbered, to the heirs. : becomes good i Lis is an age of instal- ment buying. Furniture, homes, motors-even cloth- ing--is being bought on time. If income stops for any reason and funds are insufficient to meet payments, the home or motor or furni- ture is forfeited, and the money already paid is lost. Life assurance is merely buy- ing an estate on a yearly pay- ment plan BUT... Life assurance is the only form of property upon mE ey I=Iyi=nt Dryden United Church Loditn Aid will hold their Annual Christmas | Sale of Work, Home Cooking and | Tea in the Church Basement on es, December 8rd from | £3 to § o'Clock. EL nN An HEAD OFFICE COMPANY OF CANADA MONTREAL J. L. SKILLEN; Agent; Drydss ile Blue Bird Toffee Made in Englend per pound _... yi Ue 1 A] =r cone GOC Original 4-1b tin with mirror top, LRERERERE tees sae i JSS Pecan TIE IEE [i --by Heilson-- 25¢€ at - Containing: Almonds, Cherries, Nuts Creams, Hard Centres, ..---95C 1B ...... 40C Special, 12 Rolls