Continuation School Inspector's Annual Report for 1930. ; The death occurred last week o £ Peter Lundmark, a well-known resic{ I am continuing the grading of the- accommodations whirh was given by Inspector Hoag last year: The provisions made for teaching Science in a practical way is no longer commensurate with the needs of this growing school. Suit- able laboratory tables with sinks, ete. should be provided The equipment is, generally speaking, satisfactory, and its pres ent condition indicates that the teachers are interested in keeping it neatly arranged, carefully catai- ogued and, as far as possible, up- twho resided with him, to-date: Some books of r ference fOr teaching the new course in Geog- raphy are nzeded; also a few books of reference in Canadian History & Ancient History: I was pleased to find that the schoo] has a set of the Chronicles of Canada. The usual plan of having four books read by each pupil is in operation here: Lists of b"oks suitable for the differtnt grades are. prepared by the teachers: The reading is also supervised. Death of Peter Lundmark dent of Wabigoon, The late Me Lundmark was born in Pitea, Swed en, in the year 1877, He wag mar. ried in 1901, and came to Canada four years later to settle at Ken- ora, Ont, Mrs Lundmark died in' 1910 and shortly after Myr Lund- mark moved to Wabigoon with his :two young sons, Since then he has resided at Wabigoon, where he was wel] known and respect d by all ag a splendid citizen, He had been in poor health for two years Besides hig two sons Albin and Elof, he 5 survived by one brother Jonas Funeral service was held Wednes- day, December 10, Rev, Mr Ander- 7 on of Bethseda Lutheran Church; Kenora conducted the service at the j home, following which the cortege ; proceeded to St John's church,Wab-: igoon, where a large number of friends had gathered to pay their last respects, The remaing were then conveyed to Kenscra on the afternoon train and interment took place at the Lake of the Woods } cemetery, Kenora, The pall bearers were: O E Norman, P Holmstrom The Pup'ls appear to be interes-iChas Coll n, V, Melander; Andrew | ted in good roading, and they are making frequent use of the Library] both for the supplementary courses in general literature and for ref-' erence work. Fire drill is practised several times during the Fall and Spring months. I have pleasure in speaking very favourably of the condition in which I found the school. A visit to the Dryden Continua tion School impresses one with the value of the work that schools Of this type are doing: The pupils, for thy most part, realize the value ' of the opportunities they enjov, are ready to give their teachers the co-operation that is essential, if best results are to be achieved. The teachers too, are entering into their work with a fing spirit of . enthus'asm and an understanding of the significance of that closer pers- ona] contact with the pupil that the smaller school affords. Johnson and Albert Johnson, : BOYLE--NASLAND .. | A quiet wedding took place at' 'the United Church Manse on Wed- (nesday, December 10th, Rev. J W, "towes performing the cememony, shen Sigrid, only daughter of Mr | nd Mrs E Nasland, became the ride of Arthur D Boyl, of Tiryden: The bride was becomingly gown- 2d in beige georgette and ea ried a bouquet 'of Pink. Miss Ella And- erson was bridesmaid, while the f groom was supported by his broth- er William G Boyle: Following the ceremony, Mr and Mrs Boyle left for Winn'peg, where they are spending their honeymoon. Mrs Heenan to Spend Christmas at Home] In addition to this, I found aiOTTAWA, Dee 16-- Mrs Petorf group of six or seven young © men who are seeking to complete their | Upper School subjects, and yet are} able to get help with only a few, of them in the regular classes, As the attendance at the Public; School points to even larger Entr-- ance classes than heretofore, and as there is a strong demand for Upper School work, the Board should, in my judgment, provide an additional class-room, make the laboratory accommodation commen- surate with the needs of ths school and provide for teaching the cours- es for which there is a reasonable demand in the community: rh 'Heenan, for whose recovery hope iwas about given up a few weeks ago will probably spend Christmas at home with her family, For ning weeks, the wife of the former Dominion minister of labor "has been in hospital fighting a com- bination vf pneumonia and diabetes | Her rerovery has been so rapid it was said at hospital that she wil] likely be able to return to her home Monday. i Eon Fire Destroys Wabigcon Hotel WABIGOON, Dec: 16--Fire which ' It was a pleasure for me to meet originated from an overheated stove the members of the Board and 'to discuss with them the cond tions to which I 'have referred, as well! as other matters pertaining $o the Educational advantage of the community. A_ J HUSBAND, Inspector Do you believe in this kind of PR OTECTION? The only Real Protection for your property and home is- DISURANCE. {Monday night_ destroped the J¢hn- 'son hotel building and the ' storeH ;owned by O. H Prongtr and H Mon- ty, which was on the ground floor: Occupants of the building althou tasleep at the time managed to es- cape uninjured. A smal] amount of dry goods and groceriss, furniturs and the contents of th~ safe were saved, but the belonings of the family of M Green, who roomed there was almost all destroyed: It is understood that the loss is only partly covered by insurance;: there being one thousand dollar. om the building valued at $30 0 & $ 00g the stock which was valued at Xmas Service Ther, Will Be A Service Christ- } mas Morning at 10 a:m in the Baptist Church, to which the Pub- § lic is cordially Invited: Come, let us worship Him { Sgt. P T Hake wag a business visitor from Port Arthur last week J. L Skill:n ig in Toronto repres- enting the Dryden District Twenti- eth Century Young Liherals Club at their Convention now in ses- J. BE GIBSON, Agent sion, 2 i Es OOO re CARD OF THANKS Messrs Albin and Elof Lundmas of Wabigoon, wish to thank th many friends for the kindness sympathy extended to them' dul ing their recent bereavener also for the flora] offerings, Price 1ageed 2 - Here You Have: Ample time to Look Things Over & Make Your Own GIFTS FOR AIL Prices to Suit any Purse. Make This Your: Shopping Headquarters