Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 10 Apr 1931, page 3

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER STARTING APRIL 21st 4%, Jim Spalding 10%, ray ERE 4 = = HES Se 2 § = Sk { KENORA From 730 p.m. to 830 p.m. ; bh Mr. D. E. Macrae, Kenora, dis-| Corner 69%, Stella Pulled 68% \ 4 > COURSE . ! trict, Ontario Agricultural rep- Willie MecGonegal 57% ia MISS J. MASCETTI \ ¢ DRAFTED posoniotive, "will: spesk Jon Coutts 48%, Mary Cook 429. HAIRDRESSER \ ¢ 3 S-- ? v gs wh i, \/ ig ; Sheep and swine dns and Jr. II--Laurence James 78%, Graduate of Marvel Beauty a A | Agricultural I i i sheep and sevice club, Burton Pollard and Willie A School ; N Buying for less, selling for cash, we are able to Agra arel struction WillBe | From 220. 40 990 pm, wn 68%. R Sk 64 a : ; \/ undersell all competitors v Given on April 15-16 expert from the Palm Dairies | i CL Be Will be at i A Limited, of Winnipeg, will | of tL Fa co S01 PHIL MOORE'S BARBER ' Our daring attack on recognized standard of val- ' PROMINENT SPEAKERS Pon oR Mis ay Jndusry in 40% Jack Coutts on. pile \ i i nishi hid i on the production side. % ; z nn BE or " i ues is astonishing everyone. IN Kenora, Ont, April 1.--The Ps ig April 16, the pro- but absent io pre une Rey a br pny ) Every article fully guaranteed, no sale complete | complete programme for the | gramme will be as follows: 9.30 Primer e i Gr Ist Harold " al pas, 8 VY until you are absoutely satisfied i first annual short course of in-|am. to 10.45 pm. Professor Poteman, 2n 1 Bry Winding You wy aEyange for appoint. AN ' A | struction in agricultuarl sub-| Herner's answers to question 3rd Phoebe Cool, n Ivor Amos | ments at any time by calling at y v po Rt by the Kenora | box queries, and general poultry | Oth Orville Pollard, the shop, 3 : . : ; : 7 7 | Rotary club and the Kenora | discussion. 10.45 to 12 noon iA ) i bg | Otay) ; 2 iscussion 0 , A iy pe pn a 30 pairs of ladies die ¢ Agricultural society, which will | Dr. Lewis, answers to question |Z o black ki strap slippers, full leather sole, rubber Yl be held in the council chambers | hox queries and general first ? tipped heel, steel arch support and cushion sole, \/ at Kenora Wednesday and| aid discussion. 2 p.m. to 2.45 FOR THE i a comfortable wide fitter, not just a $2.98 shoe, i Thursday, April 15 and 16, is| pm. E. L. Carter on "Bee- 0 but a high grade shoe, bought and sold very 4 announced. The speakers _are keeping from personal eX PP ' v RN EE Chi) $2.98 | | outstanding and the subjects | perienc," preliminary to move (NAarics i | timely. : intensive instruction later by the A : i WITT ; ' Wo April 15, from | Ontario department under the . \ Ty eh . ¥| 230 pan. to 4 pm, Dr. M. T.| board of trade auspices. 2.45 a Wang 4 Go Gr 2 those famous suits for men. | Lewis, chief = veterinarian of | pm. to 4 pm. A. C. Heise, of 3 : = 4 18 ounce, all wool botany serge, coat, vest and \/ Manitoba will speak on "First | the Dominion department of ag- \ Tr Ah s | AOe ug Dah SABRE $17.90 ii | aid in the way of diagnosis and | riculture, on 'Farm crops, fer- A A | treatment to horses, cattle, sheep | tilizers, and soil cultivation." 4 ' vi and swine." From 4 pm. to 5.30 | pm. to 5 p.m., "Sheep feeding, : . LADIES' SILK RAINCOATS | p.m. Professor M. C. Herner, of | potato growing and small fruit Coats S 13] ifs A Rubberized fl brilli 3 id ¢ Manitoba Agricultural college, | production by instructors to be 5 \ ubberized flat crepe, brilliant colors in stylish \/ will speak on "Feeding chicks, | ordained. 5 p.m. to 5.30 p.m, AND oe a ie Ft oh oh 3 1 MT 0 ee we wage i oa esd $11.70 I poultry diseases, quality in eggs] discussions as to future short ' : ¢ and general care and manage- | courses and general situation in v ) "ment,"' local area agriculturally, Dresses i 2-ply wool in cones for knitting machines, 2 Ibs. A (Free Press) to cone, sold by the catalogues for $2.45, our id a y emi Classified - i PUI A, LI ST a mite SB Ba a $2.00 \ MARCH HONOUR \ V/| FOR SALE--BROKEN LOT NO. ROLL i g pi s A Children's play suits and dresses, 500 hundred / a Lobind r V new numbers from 35¢ up to 98c each. vi Toho EK Brightw ell. 1066 Coo- Oxdrift School | A| lidge Highway, River Rouge, : ¢ R I h J P ¢ 1 Michigan. 2/27. V Class--1st Dorothy @Qriffith, Ni : | == er ili i : i fronge TD CE | Cg dong, Marfa : maid, apply Mrs. J. 8S. Wilson. |] © 1V--I8 acla : The Store of Better Values fsiadind [vs Mary Corner 64% Nerval WORK WANTED -- WANT Findlay 55%, Hazel Richardson work of any kind, Chas. Silver, 52%, Winnie Findlay 29%. em: DY tua Jr. IV--Jimmie Patéeman 66%, FOR SALE--ONE SET DISC | Victor Pollard 52%, Grant Me- Harrows, nearly new, also ome | Gonegal 46%. set team harness in good con- Jr. III--Tom Griffith 80%, dition. Apply E. A. Klose. Irvin Skene 78%, Douglas Amos WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN- | rrr eral housework, to commence 0000000000 o'clock. between April 1st and 10th. CHARLES SILVER 'The Romance of the Reaper," a five reel pic- ture, along with other interesting films will be ne D. Dickson, Vivensed Miritoncer w : Address--Charles Street shown, Mr. Earl Hutchinson, M.L.A., will be chair- : = man. 'We want you all there to show Picture Show FOR SALE_GOV'T. TEST. NO. Tryon, Onbun Bailey what a crowd looks like. ry 1 Victory Seed Oats, Cert. No. Pym MACHINERY--If in need of anything in the 502916, 94% germination, 50¢ Das 00 000 O 00 00 We pay the delivery charges Yam SHE HEC apie ogEmeC nie SHER REE DON'T FORGET The big free show in the Strand Theatre on Wed- mesday evening next April 15th, starting at 8 wach gry line, whether it ig a Tractor, Cream ber us. alse U-3-G- ng Separator, Seed Drill, Disk, Plow, Cultivator, Drag 21, 96% 'germination, cert. No. Harrows, Wagon or any other farm machine, get 502917 b5¢ per bus., also one our price and literature, our prices always com- Avshive Bull. 8 months old, | Sec pare well with other makes of machines, and you elicable for ro iratlat $35.00 gi rare 'always assured of repairs when you want Apply JA Crerar, Oxdrift, L. B A U E R them, and at a reasonable price. Ont. 4)24 "Princess St. Dryden ~--for-- Grasoline, Kerosene, Motor Oils, Cream Separa- italy, Oil, Cup Grease, and other products of Im- . Wood Sawing Prompt Service -- CASH COCO O0O0O00OO0 QQ OO COO0O0O 4 ONTARIO POULTRY BREED- ing Station, Barred Rocks, ; Hatching Eggs for Sale 50¢ Tires and tubes--A new stock of Dunlop tires vig 5 or i 5 : i & Aj 1 per doz, T. J. Latimer, Ox and tubes received this spring, when you re-tire drift 4124 insist on Dunlop. ad perial Oil Ltd. always on hand. 'We have also a new shipment of batteries, pre- sent the old bus wth a new battery and see how much nicer it will start off, besides driving in the dark is not always what it used to be. J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. WANTED TO RENT--5 ROOM- ed house, modern preferred, Apply Box 14, Dryden Obser- ver. 4/10 FOR SALE--CERTIFIED SEED 3arley, No. 50-3058, 95% ger- ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 1926 STAR COACH A SNAP IN FINE CONDITION McCormick-Deering Deal RE 7 Ting -Leater mination, d0e. Apply to BE. M. PHONE-- . Bodner, Oxdrift, Ont. 4/10 | Day, 62 R 3 Night, 2 BR 4 | : : a mY 2 ? [) [A ' ed and White Books Music Stationery Po 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. PHONE 25 Bopilois 50 1926 FORD 1929 : ne Hope it doesn't rain for .the next two TUDOR SPECIAL LIST GOOD FOR EACH DAY ONLY weeks. My girl friend just gave us an order IN SIX CYLINDER oy for a new Spalding Golf Set and seems in a EXCELLENT 7 . VL fa 3 heek if a rush to try it out. If the weather CONDITION CHE} ROLET MONDAY --Creamery Butter 33¢ 1b., limit 3 Ibs. man goes against us she may bring it back and SEDAN _ Teing Sugar 8 lbs. for 25¢ limit. decide to play checkers. $ 75 : We have a very complete Spalding de- SEE So : : ; partment at the store and would be glad to : yp. 3 2 TUESDAY--Princess Soap Flakes 19¢ pkt.; Palm take care of your needs. We are going to fea- Olive Soap, 4 for 29c. ture Sporting Goods this week, that is, in the window where the piano used to be. ; ; : Te The next time you are down town, come WEDNESDAY--I'ig Bar Social Tea Biscuits and on in and look over our stock. i Easy Ginger Snaps 19¢ 1b mixed; 5 Ibs Sugar, gran. 29¢. Yours truly CMAC Terms Jo i in 3 With 2 Small Dew Payments . . - Balance URSDAY--No. 1 patent flour $2.65 per bag. | Pronger & Armstrong 8 Few Dollars a Month ; -- for Spalding Sparips Goods. - : - FRIDAY--Carrots and Turnips 3c 1lb.; Side Bacon : 25¢ 1b.; Bulk Tea 33¢ Ib. Pronger and ARTI D B & ( I ur daiice I 0S. 0. SATURDAY-- Brooms, reg. 65¢ for 49¢; Be sure "Through Service We Grow" DRYDEN. ONT : ¥ ' ° and get some pure maple sugar; Bottle Caps 27¢ 1b : 3 ucie-24 "No One Appreciates Your Business More Than We Do."' Ls as

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