Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 24 Apr 1931, page 4

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THE DRYDY HEALTH SERVICE (Continued from Page 3) blood are brought about by cer- tain diseases, but not by the seasons of the year, Blood purifiers are not re- : quired. What is needed, and all same year. Fruit trees should that is needed is healthy living. | be opened up to let in sunl ght Questions concerning Health, and air, branches that rub to- + addr essed to the Canadian Medi- | gether removed, and perhaps the cal Association, 184 College St. top growth headed back so that TEAMS: $10 and under--Cash, | Tor onto, will be. answered per-1 oi) not have to use'an aers-| "The Ghost Bird," a 3-act| Over that amount, half cash and sonally by nr mmm | plane to pick the fruit Late | mystery drama, with plexty of: six months eredit on the balance. @h 10 th P 5 blooming shrubs should be piun-| good comedy, will be presented EN OBSERVER _ In The Co (Continued from Page 1) AL U CT I ON S AL L E HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE . FARM MACHINERY at this store Saturday, May 2nd. at one o'clock RIG LIST OF GOODS bio, J) | i: i i % ) EES 00D) ED () TR) 6 (ED (OED () OD ( GS (TED (| GD () GS () aE BERTIE' S CAVE MAN EET ee ==. "Berties Cave Man," to he played at the Strand Theatre, May 4th. This is going to be: the talk of the town as it's a' scream from start to finish. THE GHOST BIRD TOE (CED (ERD () EEE (SED (TEE (RE (GE () €2E (GE (SED ed in the Spring, but the early | at the Strand Theatre, Wednes- M. J . CROSIER bloomers not until Fall. Weak | day, April 29th. The price is; Yeneral Merchant and spindly growth among <the | 256¢ and 40e. OXDRIFT, ONT. climbing roses should be remov- , Cle Losid (hots ria 4 | BAPTIST CHURCH T. E.. McAllister, Pastor Bacon and Egg Week ¥ { { at this time; or Porheos a little ples There is a tomato week, and a chewing gvm 10 a.m.--Bible School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. later. week, and other weeks, in fact we take crodls for 6 pn--B.Y.PLA. : s : ------e-- i 'novating, onion weak, but so far we have not 6 pm--B.Y.P.U. A m etng| HOUSECLEANING TIME IS heard of bacon and egg week hut after all, why for the young people and econ- HERE AGAIN ited by the young people. not? Is there anything more 'popular than bacon antl amas? We have a full line of 'ALABASTINE -- PAINTS VARNISHES -- BRUSHES 7 p.m.--Gospel Service. Theme "The Church at Je:usa'em.' Would we recognize it today? It seems to the writer, that he can remember 0ST OCD -GIED (SE OED EN 0 GHD 6 GRD OSH 0 GEER 04 BO Sm (0-0 SE SHE hacon gg h gl 4 " hacon a ud eggs. from anrly childhood. Then mn ATS Tins aaron in Air Taster | afd S00 snd Titatine. oi. healthy, hungry hoyhcod and again on the or What? And now, on Sunday mornings, after a hard weeks ave LRA We also stock -- work, the luxury of late sleeping, and the savoury i o CAR PAINTS -- TIRES | anticipation of a breakfast of bacon and eggs. i THE UNITED CHURCH OF | TUBES & BICYCLE TIRES { { Good for Mother, Father, All, CANADA & TUBES AT VERY LOW e TRIN In the Spring, and in the Fall, PRICES. : | (food for stomach, arms and legs, DRYDEN ; We sing the praise of Bacon, Eggs. Red Seal Gas per gal. 30¢ Oxdrift -- 1.30 Sunday School White Rose Gas per gal. 35c i And so, for the week of April 27th, to May 2.30 Divine Worship : 3 A NEW FO RD BODY TYPE Hs 2nd, Monday to Saturday inelusive. Dryden -- 11 o'c Chur eh School : ! ry { 7 o'c¢ Divine Worship 1 | Bacon: The Independent Order of E. A, KLOSE OF DISTI NCT ve BEA urTYy | Fresh, side, bought especially on a drop, for | Sn , parade to the : ' | thi s sale, | The minister will preach on-- General Hardware Tur NEWEST, latest addition to the wide variety of Ford body types is Pieces of 8-10 bs. | § "THE MODEL NEIG:BOUR.'| Dryden -- Ontario vn tae nee Ae By the plese i. os ed vrs ns 22¢ 1h, You are heartily welcome. - - The striking lines of the Ford Victoria are especially apparent in Dyciha half DORE. 30 vi vain sigs vu 23¢ 1b, John W. Howes, Minister. the graceful sweep of the straighter, lower top, the slanting windshield + and the curving bustle back, with the spare wheel set at a conforming angle. There is a suggestion of continental design also in the shape and size of the side windows and the intimate, four-passenger interior arrangement. The comfortable, deeply cushioned seats are upholstered in luxurious mohair. Appointments and hardware reflect the manner of a custom-built' car. % ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Spring iS Here None more than four weeks old, and kept at : Sunday: 10 a.m. Holy Mass. almost freezing point. 11 a.m. Catechism. 7 p.m. Rosary and 'With the event of milder | | 12 cents a dozen. | Prices guaranteed | Eggs: | for the week, provided of Benediction. | Father Balanger, P.P. weather, how about repairs and remodling ? Another appreciated feature of the new Ford Victoria is a choice of attractive body colors. They complement its fresh new lines and course, the stock which is large, is not sold out. We have a complete line of contour and help 2 give it distinctive place on every highway Bl If of course, the stock is sold, then nothing re- "ST. LUKE'S PARISH CHURCH demension, sheeting and shiplap, i : = fi Ine. siding, flooring and mouldings, 605 3 EE Ga ih 10 a.m.--Sunday School. shingles and roofing papers, tar. | and Bible Class. | papers and building papers, DINGWALL MOTORS 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer. brick, lime, plaster, plaster tet 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. | hoard, sash and doors and build- Sales and Service { Rev. W. M. Clarke. | er's hardware. : Dryden & Kenora i --=:| PRICES GREATLY REDUCED = i : - 1H 4 Call and see our plans for new i Cake Meal A va D il "buildings. 3 ) rr ving ait y Mail orders promptly at! ended | FRR RN PROVING PNRININIRINNI NINN Stock needs this in the Spring. to ; The special weeks offer for this is $2.50 per FINEST YIsiiny RAIN- o e % ; < oh 7 dL aiter's Weekly i This will not be repeated, at least we are of from $6.75 to $7.75 Dryden umber Co. Ltd ; lt the opinion that the price is very low. Best money can buy. Dealers in-- . BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ore ews FULL LINE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS The best quality at the lowest price. LUMBER LATH PLASTER CEMENT ETC. BeBe Ber Bargains Galore at Daiter's Store i COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AS WE CE CANNOT PUT EVERY ITEM IN THE PAPER. Diamond Jewellery 4 In Diamonds, quality is the essential thing. Our prices are never high, but our qualities are al- ways so. | Give a Diamond Gift, it endears and endures, be- sides Diamonds never de- crease in value. {L. M. BEATH and Co. Dizmond Expert SPLENDID RANGE OF TAILOR MADE SUITS from $25.00 up. Just received a new shipment of Men's Sui's in the newest spring shades, coat vest and 2 pairs of pants at, suit Wide Selection in Hats and Caps Shirts and Socks. Ties. egular selling price from & to 50 cents a and from one inch to twenty seven inches x Men's 3-piece suits, blue stripped at wide. : Men's Grey Suits, 3-piece LATEST CREATION IN HICKOK BELTS Only $1.50 with Monogram Buckle, ENV IO Any DTIO0, © ve ea Sees raids half. Pg vay Taos : Men's Raincoats ranging in price from $4.50 to $7.50 Men's dress pants, nice shades at, pair $2.95 and: $3.50 EID OTE OC 0 -GEEE> (SD (3 ET () CETERA (3 SAD EET 00> OST) EE 0- RED 3 <0 0 SED (3 C2 <> ) G CH OED OE 0) CHD. HD 250 } } { } { | or , } ! h] In our second hand store we are well supplied with Ranges, Beds, Baby Carriages and Gramophones T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor" go 1 | : --~ ! New Goods y [] y [+] A 2 | | 2 i gH 27 TAR TR i i RECORDS--Most of them are like new, cur price 2 i i EE) ER (EE GED) EE) DSA )- (SE CED ()- Ga (a 7 for $1.00 | iC PY | 2 THE BAZAAR ! SPECAL ATTENTION TO MALL ORDERS dW) 2 ; 2 } J . po i i) : | ! 8c. to $56. Store ! | i i | We are agents for the : ! COME AND SEE OUR VARIETY SECTION, 4 "PERTH DYE WORKS LTD. ; - ¢ MANY BARGAINS, YOU WILL BE SURPRISED | Cle aD Winn a ff e : eaners an ers -- innipe ; ] BUY Your HARDWARE NOW AT THIS STORE 2 2 ii : : Pipe Wrenches ..... $1.25 Hinges ........ 10c to 25e f Bring your soiled clothes here and save. i Heavy Hatchets ...... 75¢ Door Springs ........ 15: § . : ; . 2 : § Heavy Hammers ..... 25¢ Spring Hinges, pair .. 25¢ | Expert dry-cleaning and dyeing at City prices. We sell this at the Mail Order price of 45 | Screw Drivers ....... 25¢ Door Bolts ....c.ien 15¢ ] i FH a oS 3 cents, RE TT ee 25¢ Wrench S61... $1.00 2 Eos Inds and Sgntery thine ds: vio: GHEY, | | "And we have a cheaper grade, callod ! TI a ae 25¢ Hammer Handles .... 15¢ | on 5 "Puritas,"" at 32 cents. i Bit Braces ....... 2 $1.00 Corner Irons ......... Se & HB ; | § Steel Chisels, set ... $1.00 Door Handles ........ 40c | +1 i OE OEE (EE OE (EE) (EE (ED () ER (VEER () SE l is ft nn hi Latches, set .. Fin a @ { y 40d Baws .....00 vs (OC 1 0ON8. Fees dir ivi e | ® é 8 ! | Paint Brushes . 10e¢ to 35c Door Catches ........ 25¢ © > ; BE tcl § Padlocks ........... 25c Garden Trowels ...... 25c |) Exclusive Dealer, Tip Top Tailors Limited i / Shelf Brackets, pair .. 25¢ Flash Lights ....... $1.00 3 y ? Kester Metal Solder .. 35¢ Curtain Rods .. 10c to 25¢ | NEW AND SECONDHAND STORE DRYDEN, ONTARIO SPECIAL THIS WEEK t ; . | 17% qt. Aluminum Percolators, each ........ 75¢ | I COUP BOUGHT AND SOLD y | pone } DRYDEN, ONTARIO ; Ay i W.E,. THORSEN & SON ! | fmm Es rss T(E (EE ES (SED (EEE EE 0 cdi ik ati saison daub i ih caddovidibi di Pod? Had "of

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