Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 3 Jul 1931, page 3

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Ei July 8rd, 1081, TV _THE DRYDEN OBSERVER ee TTT pinay Wipes | See @® COMFORTABLE ROOM WITH |O GRANITE & MARBLE O i L. B A U E R uy I P a board, very reasonable terms. |Q MONUMENTS o vi Princess St., Dryden Apply Mrs. R. Hadley, Duke | O GEO NOBLE O \ 9 ' Y Gr Vo ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Be ) A St., Box 263. 6/26. | O Dryden, Ontarie 0 ) ' y Wood Sawing Sunday: 10 a.m. Holy Mass. - -- f) oy Prompt Service -- CASH 11 am. Catechism. : T L 4D gy) a ---- 7 pm. Rosary and _\/ Benediction. ' ; v i SPECIALS Father Balanger, P.P. W ATCH and JE Y | SHOP : ' Thermos Picnic Jugs gallon ea - ; Vy HN \/ oa - ¢ 8 [RU Mish SL BAPTIST CHURCH | Yl /{| Glass Lemon Squeezers .... 16¢| ~~ Bdgar Ferns, Paster , | ) @ | 14- qt. Dairy Pails, tin .... 55¢ : \/ ----t : \| Garbage Cans ........... $1.75| 10 a.m --Bible School. | \| Lamp Chimneys, 2 for ..... 25¢| 11 am--"The First Filling Cover Leaf Cups & Saucers 10¢ | Station." We are specialists in Watch and Jewelry ! 6.30 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. {| Full line of Haymaking Imple- air ave bes y 58) 1 lioeiof Baya g Imp 7.30 p.m.--* Wherewithal shall | repairing and have been in business in re . 22 173112 £4 rer A " Wie. Cte AI we be clothed? Fort William for over thirty years. Sharpening Tools--All your Baptism and Service Sond. wh We ; a | Requirements at lowest prices. ST. LUKE'S ANGLICAN Lg hid , CHURCH promise you prompt delivery. FE. A. K LOSE, Sanday mmiing 18 oidlsuiv ALL WORK WARRANTED Sunday School. : 11 o'clock--Mattins and Ser- : ------ General Hardware To sige 1 Dryden -- Ontario 7.30--Evensong and HITE Be Cho, ir ®. 3. Taillon 0. H. PRONGER,.Prop. : PHONE 26 1931 SEA : ) THE UNITED CHURCH OF STARTS juny 6th, 1931. 4 "Bus Schedule CANADA 504 VICTORIA AVE. wis ears nady | DRYDEN jon fy sess -108, ¥ . y Le . X . y 4 i "10.Ins. for 59c. ! Oxdrift -- 1.30 Sunday School "ex ch watches to keep time' LEAVE YOUR ORDERS for SUGAR AT THIS PRICE 230 Divine Worship We teh wala 1 hosp ane 2 -- : with Communion. 3 io Le Sg Laksl Tea 39¢ pkt.; 5-1bs. good Rice | QUIBELL Dryden -- 11 o'c Church School faa : ce Drips 47c; Seeds, reg. 10¢ packet, 3c packet. i [SH Eel 7- 0'c Divine Worship : A - 2, " / Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. The Minister will Preach on-- y ; 3 Fomnay-o lled Pork 156 b.; Side Bacon 22¢ 1b, and Fri 'The programme of Jesus for a MeOUBIICR - DifeING 3 : cut; Cheese 15c Ib, limit 5 lbs. 1 IDE 5 new Social Order. : Mowers-Rakes-1 edders- Loaders WEDNESDAY Red Label To oa 43c 1b.: Bulk Ten 35c a Apolo Be poh, W. Howes AM There is so many chances for logs in making hay that Ll hb 25 Fw) Prunes $1.85 a. = AM : ohn owes, Minister, to be without suitable machinery is to neglect the one _ Fight " s - ] possibility for meeting and overcoming all other diffi- THU DR a ageing Bogor 2 per ch whole 8.00 Quibell ........ 215 Paintirg and culties. Your hay machines must be right. A Rlower : 8.25 Vermilion Bay . 1.50 5 Rake, Tedder or Loader that does not perform i's dut- FRIDAY Hho a 5c Io.; Bananas 10c Ib.; | 8.35 Waldhof ....... 1.40 Paperhanging ies properly is a handicap that no hay or seed g ower a ; an afford to risk. The latest equipment is worth Oranges 254" Aor, 8.45 Eagle River ... 1.30 Price: Bonsonable can afford to risk he latest equipment ig worth all 8.25 Oxdrift ........ 9.20 oe Ten 9.00 p.m. Dryden Lumber Co. Ltd Leaves | Dealers in-- Read Up BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Ee Hot Weiser Leaders : LUMBER LATH PLASTER : JULY 1st CEMENT ETC. yi . Bus will leave Central Hotel for Lia || Waldhof at 12.30 noon and 3 | memes oem oa oem p.m. Special return fare $1.25. | ammo -e=n 0 am 0-0-6 Come and look these over 11] 9.05 Minnitaki ...... 1.10 p.m. Poppins Soros 3; waste, Tao Bost Te 0ons tas geod, © SATURDAY Mullipters Onions 5c Ih; Fresh ground D5 Onan uss 1200 Wall-paper For Sale TT SRT Coffee, reg. 29¢ for 25c; Monarch Brand pastry flour $j| 9:40 Dryden ...... 12.50 BEASTON & RODTKA 5 oe a " uli a Re Tay Bon Raspberry Yoon S00 200. Arrives * AM. y machines to ta te care of the unusua conditions 'that, ; Rend Up' Dryden, Ont. Phone 129 with less efficient equipment, might mean a partial if . - . g -- - : not complete logs of the crop. They help the farmer to Gil. That ate with MEN'S SUITS & «anake the most of good weather by handling the crop ; rv : Ti ell. DIES' DRESSES quickly and do not fall down when bad weather threat- A LA . ens. : SATURDAY K Cl d &P & Tor In so small a space we cannot begin to describe the THE BU ST J TOKE : Rend: Down i €ane resse or good points of the McCormick-Deering line of hay mak- Leaves : $1.00 ing machines. It will pay you to look over our mach- ; P.M. ines and literature, and get our prices before ordering, = ey £40 Also take orders for Dye Work. also bear in pan Hie that repairs will be necessary e : uibell ....... 45 sometime, and the LH.C, repair service is the very best To Arrive Monday, July pe big Bay Bas Wh te Qt, Laundr oy also Fangs Beatty Bros. Barn equipment and 5: aldhof ..... 3 ; Vashing machines. 0 Berke Hive [Ay J 6th, 1931 pan Yagi Tire = 6K : J. S. CORNER, Uxdrift, Ont. os ey :: MecCormick-Deering D 12 6.quart Aluminum Stew Kettle and Aluminum Cake 6.25 Oxdrift ....... 1120+ i A ai Sui Pan as a lid filled up with 2-Ibs. Orange Pekoe Tea, oe Dryden'... i § 11.00 p.m. oti (S Here a ALL 3 FOR $1.25. Ares Return -- = : I= LE === First come, first served. . : Res SS ARABS ASAE = SEE Hen p With the ert of milder i Connections made every after. | Weather, how about repairs and 5 day Sweaters Sizes, 24 to 30 inch at 5c each. noon from Quibell with C.P.R, |remodling? : US & | ot Vermilion Bay except Satur-| , We have a complete line of | Lg 3 day (when bus goes thru to |demension, sheeting and shiplap, | Potatoes still at 40c bushel, 25¢ per bushel, bring your Dryden) Fare $1.00. iy Hoops nd mms i : . {2 dot Ee] -- rams shingles and roofing papers, tar| fe own bag and pick over yourself. SUND AY papers and building papers, i ] R brick, lime, plaster, plaster| Zi ira SEs ' | Read Down : board, sash and doors and build- oh Yl Arrives | or's hardware. La id Ft. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED Si) 1 7.00 Quibell ........ 10.45 Call and see our plans for new it 7.25 Vermilion Bay . 10.20 buildings. : SPOT CASH SPECIALS 7.35 Waldhof ...... 10.10 Mail orders promptly attended | Li 7.45 Eagle River .... 10.00 to Lh 8.05 Minnitaki ..... 9.40 - bh 0 Ch | Lo Chevrolet Touring in excellent condition, only .. $76.00 BOY'S NAVY BLUE COTTON JERSEYS Return time arranged with Star, 1926 Touring, new balloon tires ........ $175.00 Tow neck with sleeve, all sizes, many stores would say driver. NEW Chevrolet 1929 Sedan, reconditioned .......... $475.00 " it : 6 pe RT . Chevrolet 1926 Sedan, a bargain ............. $245.00 35e. This waek's BL or vivre iy Ss 4 5 5 dws wn, os AID ' Bu i Sey , Suiiect to change WHEL nelire Ford Light DAlIVOLT «coor rruersnsesesensin, $135.00 Bugs Stops Anywhere LADIES' a ON SALE FARES 5 BATHING Star Touring, a snap at ................ ch sre 0 $85.00 Wazwell Tourdng ©... ove 0s ia barinr svfuns an, $170.00 Ford Tuder Sedan ...... CED SA hth hy Ee! $65.00 Pontiac Coach, 1930 special 6 wire wheels .... $786.00 + Fares |. From Chevrolet 1929 Truck, 114 ton, 4 speeds ....... $275.00 Quibell We have a number of 14 ton, 1 ton and 11, So trucks ai Ei Ch Ca Single Return Latest Styles 5 {o choose from. 7 Li aly = =r] Uy Broken sizes, because we are out of some sizes we will clear these fine shoes including many summer blondes values te $5.75, all one prise ................ 0. $2.93 $1.25 $2.25 Quibell ....-- -- Lae: > Included in this sale is a 16 fi. canvas covered canoe sei =| 105 1.90 Verm'n Bay .35 .65 S Pant = pd 7 1 edi dig 5 SHIRTS FOR MEN 5 178 Wadd oda Sa) DUMMEP fants, 3 H.P. Johnson Motor, late model ...... 20 445 Fagls River 70 1.25 18 ft. freight cance .................. Heavy navy blue drill in roomy size collar attached, oi} 55 .95 Minnitaki .. .90°1.60 Shirts, Sweaters, 925 50 Oxdrift ....1.10 1.95} ° 4 -- -- Dryden ....1.25 2.25 Ties and other Single Return Accessories extension neck band, breast pocket only ........ $1.50 BASY TERMS © Made of heavy quality black sateen, same construction Far p=] as the navy drill only .................. a tis $100 =. yy ei) I= : Te Dryden Our stock of Raincoats and | 2 Children Under 14 Half- F are. Slickers is complete. Ii --_-- I= North Shore Trssporalin 7. PROVDFGOT i Head Office 111 N. May St. | "The Dryden Tailor" | Fa Fort Wiliam Cy | . i= rege PY OEE 0 AED) GD) GEER () 3 (axe ()@ = 1 a =n I=] EE re re A i A i= Set vice Safety Comfort HEED GED (BAD (EE (ED (TRE Len daliatings Pl he Ted iH Le En HELE u ELE DEITY Ralph J. Pronger ; The Store of Better Values Pronger's Cash Store--We Will Not Be Under Sold.

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