Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 24 Jul 1931, page 2

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Bage Pwo ~~" re rte, TH DRYDEN a OBSERVER pi aa a July 24th, 1931. A THE DRYDEN OBSERVER | topics in a friendly and tolerant| course, will be for the conven-| Canada highway have been sug-| PROMOTIONS AT SPECIALS a spirit. They are sincerely anx-| tion to decide. But good will gested as topics. x NIX ; Wie | Frid : lous to be fair and sboveboard,| will overcome all "difficulties. There is no reason why New BEDWORTH SCHOOL Taevmes Picnic Jugs Plion Published every Friday a and have no ulterior motives to| The north can get farther by | Ontario cannot be made a sum. i=, --_-- Te ATE : Dryden, Ontario, serve. No matter what sectional! pulling together. mer playground as popuar as Jr. IV. to Sr. IV--Ada Mas- a Dairy Sense ; : : 1a: jealousies there may have been Yours truly, Florida is in winter. It will take | cetti 65%. ? Garbage Cans Zz $1.75 Subscription rate $1.50 yearly. |i =p. past or now exist, the J. W. CURRAN. | a lot of work, of course. Sr. to Jr. IV--Albert Milanese Ladin Clinteys £0 Iii 250 3 ; promoters hope that all will now Convenor, | The Soo wil tender the dele-| 60%. Cry | Cover Leaf Cups & Saucers 10c Elsie B. Collison, Publisher unite in a sincere effort to im- Sault Ste. Marie. gates a civie banquet. Jr. - TI to - Sr. III--Arthur r i f Havmaki Imol = == | prove the conditions in the es "An effort is being made to get | McMillan 64%; Hugh Bowman lu oy ge TO THE EDITOR north and to call attention to THE GENERAL an outstanding U. S. publicity | 60%. i ns oh ; , its resources and its opportunt- OUNCIL OF expert to tell the convention how Sr. IT to Jr. fl--Richard Wire Cloth--Oils--Greases-- Dear Editor: ties for industrial and other de- Co to advertise the Trans-Canada | Currie 83%, honours: = Jean Sharpening Tools--All your gy 1 Ws an appeal to your velopment. , NEW ONTARIO highway. : White 75%, honours; Angus Mec-| Requirements at lowest prices. ihe to Jord their assistanee| It is in this broadminded The convention will likely last | Millan 62% ; Gwen lJivans 61%. i to making the ne Gh oo. hl SE % Councils, Boards of Trade mm Daoud the forenoon of August Pra LOE Ll pe No : ) on August 25 for the discussion, called i+ wil] be Chambers of Commerce which | 26th. EL oy Wr ep F A KLO of the problems of Northern union is regs, aa Sd fail to receive a formal invitd-; Port Arthur and Fort William Frank Trist 60%. . iy o ® 9 Ontaric a success hy writing | unfortunate i ps i full co. | tion to the conference at the Soo | will try to organize a big dele- Teacher---Kathlees Dyer. oe Qenazal Hod either to you or the Bou ino Hopi i RE 3 "| on August 25th, at 10 a.m., will i i) to po CR : .l SER 5 ee their advice as to wha 008: 1 ODS alion Ot to a, + | kindly accept this notice as an| the de egates anc pay a nelgh- TE ARBLE © ryvden -- ntario tions should be taken up, and if| It is in this pot Joa eb invitation. The convenor, J. W.| borley visit to the Soo. i ) Si a abs 4 possible some suggestions as to| and suggestions of all + Curran, Sault Ste. Marie, cannot | Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs o 1 L. : how they should be handled? before the "convention meets. be sure he has a list of all the | the Soo have been asked to have} O GEO. NOBLR 0 >) 0 me 0 a 0 6 0 The sponsors of the convention, | Possibly it may be thought od boards and chambers in New| a joint meeting for visiting mem- | o Dryden, Ontarie LR i Ce ie Fort William, Port Arthur and sirable at the WE a Ontario. Every organization is| bers of these organizations. i ---- --=y | 1 have secured the agency for Sault Ste. Marie realize that the the first of a series of a weleome, All New Ontario editors are os 3 gathering must approach its] it is hoped, to be held ny The Soo Board of Trade has| specially invited, and are respect- WINDSO work in the fairest spirit to all | ent parts of the Joie D sent out a letter to all organi-| fully requested to give the con- L. B AU E R parts of the north, with i Bon fon mare bo ie i of | zations endorsing the invitation vention publicity. Princess St., Diyden " , determination to deal with all | questions of policy. » V4 of the eonvenor. ! Organizations are asked to geo 2 =r T=======! All proposals or resolutions to 'send one or more delegates. Con- z - 3 i Va : S come before the convention yoniisys subjects, it. is hoped, Weod Sawin g ir 3 b Y d should by te hy the | will pe avoided, and all deci- Prompt Service -- CASH for Boys. 1 W convenor by August 1st 1" POSSI | gions made unanimous. latin 2 Lora: interbottom Lum er Yar 1| ble, or at least two es hutors 85, 5 Bok Aa == = Fay hen os Builder & ontractor. August 25th, so that an advance : : yo. . I : gin C . : Hl program can be sent to all news- QUIBELL P ainting and In the store we have 12 model : y in New Ontario. ANoINg ity 2 sample: h Lumber. Coal and rr Soe cities promoting the| Mrs. T. H. Crowley made a Paper hang ng pa " of b ga 2 Wi Nl wy 2 ° $ . conference desire to emphasize | business trip to Dryden last Price - Reasonable CL i ee) es ge : Builders Supplies ihe thot) oo > % Dray free | week by the bus. Tappisserie: Sunworthy A Lokal " A BUILDER of sectional jealousy goa Fie » bd s Wall-paper For Sale iil ou may select any pa ern | EVEavoamg You 4 iin EL ae WE Holly Mr. W. M. Robinson's new BEASTON & RODTKA = |made in any style you desire. i Quality -- and -- Service EE Sta poh fo all house is nearly: completed. Dryden, Ont. Phone 129: Workmanship "and quality the | REOTTOM ONTARIO Lh met dation] Miss Fretds Thompson UR ie a I. spportunit La DEVON. JAS: Wine o Shh proper Jeonmagenion jh 'S SU The best opportunity ever of- i : : | can be provided for the dele-| trip to Dryden Monday. . MEN'S SUITS & fered in Dryden. We will be == | gates, the number and if Ds ? . .» * . LADIES' DRESSES pleased to have you call and he- \\| the names of these should be| Louis Remillard, Leona Coll- " uni i : AN : : 4 Pressed for |come acquainted with this new a forwarded as soon as possible. | i. and Joe Collette were visit- Cleaned & system. The town of Capreal "wos the ing Bob Roberts and Alex Coll- $1.00 i Fit J. 7 first municipality to accept the|™® * bat # ra : ; HE p ATERSON S invitation and appoint its dele-| ette last Sunday. Also take orders for Dye Work. T. PROUDFOOT eo The is i "| "The Dryden Tailor" ' Wie i icnics, 1-1 tin 20¢ So far the newsprint situation, lr. Li. Saari, the bus driver, Vv Maple Leaf Sausages, the kind for picnics, 2 or iron ore development and a pub-| was a pretty busy man last' y 8 ! alll ry i OD a a Pickled Pigs Feet, 14 oz. for .................. wo licity campaign for the Trans-| week. A PCED EEO (SD (CIES (EE Lamb Shops, per IB o.oo iii iiiiasninsiniraney ; em wets 2 _-- I [OR SaTyand) ONY in Sheriffs Sale of Lands for Arrears of School Taxes | 1.Ib Stewing Steak, 15 Kidney, both ........ 2 | School Section No. 1 of the Township of Melgind, in the District of Kenora and Province of Ontario ME ner-db Lorin de adie: ens m dima #5 Cc | ; : : Wo Cottage Rolls per 1b 7) 1% = 22¢ | By virtue of a Warrant under the hands of the Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer of School Section No. 1 of the 'Town- | Bide Bacon Wholly Bart perdh opie --- ship of Melgund in the District of Kenora, dated the 3rd Day of March, 1931, commanding the Sheriff to levy upon the lands YT TT Soe Sa Cn CLE A SNL 132 hereinafter described for arrears of 'taxes respectively 'due: thercon, together with the costs incurred, I hereby give notice that webpage SRR: 15¢ pursuant to the Assessment Act, I shall on Monday, the 10th Day of August, 1931, at hour of ELEVEN O'Clock in the forenoon Bide doule., I Ten Blade Fins a niga at the Sheriff's Office, in the Town of Kenora, in the «said District of Kenora, proceed to. sell by Public Auction so much of the 25g ; A Ta, Dppcend Veal Chops ............coovvviiiiiiiii, said lands as may be necessary for the payment of the said arrears and charges thereon, unless such arrears and charges shall - A. PATERSON Drvd have been sooner paid. : gr" oa : 3 ; ryaen ee i ---- -- Phone 6. HH Reg. Name of Owners and No. No. No. Rate No. ~~ Total Total Amt. Amt, Total No. address. of of of © each = Yrs. ' Rate . Inter-: Ow- © of Amount NS J) Lot Con Acr. ~ YE, 2 est ing Costs Owing -- | 44 © Wilfred E. Dumble SPI1 2 160 $1080 7 7 $75.60 $7.56 $83.16 $17.15 $94.31 a | Coubourg, Ont. EY RA LE ; it ™ E 114705 Robert H. Gillard SP11 3 16114 $10.80 16 $172.80 $17.28 $190.08 $1649 - $206.57 HOME BAKERY an Coubourg, Ont. aad Be oR pia i 4560 Thomas Hill SP8 6 160 $10.80 9 $97.20 $9.72 $106.92 $12.34 - $119.26 (Gananoque, Ont. Te : y fod ue Cc AND Y SHOP 6361 Mrs. Car. Plews SP8 2 160 $1080 6 $64.80 $6.48 $71.28 © $10.55 ©, $81.83 Coubourg, Ont. " iW 2 ; : £3 En H ; 7185 Edw. Gabourie EP3 6 ~160 $10.80 4 $43.20 $4.32 $47.52 4. $937 © $47.52 Savanna, Ill, U.S.A. % rts : , &g % ROAST BEEF, VEAL, PORK AND BOILED HAMS 6228 Thomas Hittle NP2 6 160 '$10.80 16 $172.80 $17.28 $190.08 ;, $16.49 | $208.57 KEND Gananoque, Ont. phat tap. Sos a . .. FOR WEE , 5730 Thomas Stark SP10 5" 159 $1071 16 $171.36 $17.15 $188.49 - $16.41 $204.90) '= FY Gananoque, Ont. ¥ Lo Nike z 5 : ii 4 4741 Jno. A. Kritzwiser ~~ SPI11 5 160 © $10.80 16 $172.80 $17.28 TL $206.57 4 : . Lethbridge, Alta. : ' PEE I Ee ER et BL : Wach this ad for further information re Snap Shot 6935 Prilp Redwk NP6 1 157 $1059 "16 $169.44 $16.94 $202.69 + Af. 4 = + Contest. Rossmore, Ont. ilbead TONLE TRAE - rg 2 pre 5827 Sir John F. Rams. ~~ SP4 5 15615, © $10.53 8 $84.24 $3.42 $104.28 BFF dan, Buckingham ; 2 rar : County, Eng. at : £7 4 FRESH FRUITS FOR WEEKEND. 4476 Fred Olson NP2 4 160 $1080 © 8 $8640 $8.64 © $106.78 5 Dyment, Ont. , AR 7 LEE co Ff = 6572 Canadian American NP3 4 160 $10.80. 10 $108.00 + $10.80 © $118380 '. E.W. STANSFIELD & SON Pr Lue. freien + fl Bil LB 5 Jj] 2134 H. R. McLaughlin SV203 i 40 I vi) BE Bw 4m a 504 Grain Exchange, yd The or vy J = = Winnipeg, Man. te 5 3 Fe, 7 | 8845 Louis Becker, June Landing, $1.01 10 $10.10 $1.01 TUNE IN ON THE STEBBINS BOYS B.C. 8% of the pt. of SV235. Ba Reda Bo, 5 Esley, John and Capt. Bill Station 1070 at 9.15 pm. Ts oo of C.P.R. containin I 3 § : Hear the famous down East Characters every night 0 acres. : i : _r oR il > except Saturday and Sunday. Sponsored by 4077 James Randall Walker, Wab- $1.01 . 10. $10.10 © $1.01. SWIFTS CANADIAN CO igoon, Ont., the N Part of the i 3 | fF FEC ) Bac Part of 8. V235 situated south "a Lf ry . Manufacturers of Premium Hams and Bacon of C.P.R. containing about 15 acres. Ts ka -- 6571 Wm. A. Ormiston SP11 6 +160 $1080. ¥ $86.40 $8.64 °° $106.73 Gananoque, Ont. rev " 5 "gy. EE i ww. 5 , % : All the above claims sre PATENTED Lands. ¥ 9 Name of Owners No. No. No. © Ares Total Amt. Costs Total Pat. and Address of of of ears Inter- Ow- E23 Amt. 8B" or. Lots Con. Acres est ing L. Owing * Unpat, : Tom Robinson N19 5 156 1927 $8.00 $4.55 "$50.05 $59.54 'Unpat- Dyment, Ont. 1928 $12.00 # i J & :.: ented ois i 1929 $12.75 » i | Ey : - 1930: '$12.75 % B= : > Savor-tite Spiced Cooked 60c- 1b -Premium C. Hams 60c Henry Knowels N57 a: 130 1928 $12.60 $3.96 $5178 1 TT, Unpat - Bacon 14 Slab or Whole Slab, 16 ................ 22¢ Dyment, Ont. i 1929 $13.05 it) BE. 1 ented Pickled Lambs Tongue, glass jars ................ 55¢ zip A.D82 40 1930" $13.05 £5 : Pickled Pigs Feet, glass jars .................... 3b¢ ye nA Ah SP4 3 1 1928 $9.24 Ba $44.13 | Unpat- Brookfield Cheese, 14-1b 23¢ 1-Ib 43c a hE : rp 23 / 1 ented. | Fresh Bologna, 1b 10c; Classic Cleanser, 3 tins 25¢ Uo "es Nps z 26 1920 $11.46 7 7.3 = gna, erie 2 ' ' Do ~ SVv230 40 1930 $11.46 HEEETTTRLTIES Aaa Va ak E, i J ames Wright, Phon e 490 | The adjourned Sale, if any, will be held at the same hour and place two weeks later. : Published in the Ontario Gazette. 3 ott to nn Nee ead NE pe pe GREY PO I I 0) PARTINGTON, ; NG -- ; : 2 = ra nt ERS i. Te hut oo LE CTR Acting Sheriff of Kenora.

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