[ECPI Rn oa vom j i bf Page Two = Rugust 21st, 1081. 2 CE » ; GRANT FLEMING, M.D. ~ ASSOCIATE SECRETARY edges and Jon, cultivasian in rn ---------- ee -------- co pots. Buy Tulips Now Direct 75 y ln it From The Dutch Grower. a1 newer substances are called vita-| > ) EEL Vitamins ; i ; . 500 excellent Darwin tulips in| mins. Al i i % Sx] 1 ; ; y Es Y Senn. du ion ioe colours: pink - red - violet -| Whatever: in. wow, fatwpdliyl From om heb is @ ritten, itl yaligtrope - yellow, 100 of each) attracts a great deal of attention and that is one reason why you read and hear so much about That is not, however, It is vitamins. the reason for this article. because vitamins are of impor- tance to the health and well- being of each and everyone of us that it is necessary for our own good that we be informed concerning them. For many years it has been known that our foods contain fats, roteins, carbehydrates and minerals. It was generally un- derstood that the value of a diet depended entirely upon the quantity and quality of these in- gredients. These substances are just as important as they were, and if our bodies are to be kept well nourished they must receive, a sufficient supply of them. = During recent years, however, it has been discovered that there is something else needed to com- plete the diet. There are other constituents of foods which must also be present in sufficient quantity if the body is to be kept strong and healthy. These = Ghurches ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Sunday: 10 a.m. Holy Mass. 11 am. Catechism. §! 7 pm. Rosary and Benediction. Father Balanger, P.P. THE BAPTIST CHURCH (Edgar Ferns, Pastor) { 10 a.m.--Bible School. 11 am. -- "Wonders Book."' of the ; (4th in Series) 7.30 p.m.-- 'Areyou insured?' Thursday 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. } Friday 8 p.--B.Y.P.U. ST. LUKE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Qunday morning 10 o'clock-- Sunday School. 11 o'clock--Matting and Ser- mon. 7.30--Fvensong and Sermon. Rev. W. M. Clarke, Minister "THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA DRYDEN 7 o'clock p.m.--Divine Wor- ship. Mr. Punter will greah on "The Shut Door." A hearty invitation is extend- ~\ Healt S | " . tii C52) Ganadian Medical Association ed to all Classifizd HOLLAND'S FAMOUS RICHLY -| Flowering Darwin Tulips. Ouv Darwin tulips with extra long stems are remarkable for their long flowering period. Enor- mously large flowers on strong | Service wr OF THE Edited by length. Magnificent for beds, might be supposed that a great veal is known about them, where- as the truth is that we know comparatively little. What we do know is not only interesting but it is sufficient to make it perfectly clear that the growth of the body and the keeping of the body in a state of health demand vitamins. colour, and each colour pack- ed separately Post and Duty Fres, deliveted at your home; | for only $10.00. Please remit amount per money order: W. A DeWinter, Ine., Duteh Bulb Growers, Heemstede, Holland, Europe. FOR SALE_JERSEY COW, 6 There are several different| year old, coming in 11th of vitamins. 1f they are not" pre- October, 'apply. R. Ostman, gent in the food consumed then such diseases as SCUrvy and ciek- ets develop. They are called de- ficiency diseases as they occur when the diet is deficient vitamins. If the vitamins arc only partially lacking, while the deficiency diseases do not occut, proper growth and development do mot take place; the body is not healthy and it more readily falls a victim to infection. The vitamins are present in Rugby, Oxdrift. i mm ot FOR RENT--SEVEN ROOMED house with full sized basement, woodshed "and pantry, fully modern. Can be had either unfurnished or partly furnish- ed. Apply Mrs. C. W. Harris, Dryden, Ontario. + I 0 L PRYDEN LODGE, No. weUelie 1694 Meets the First and Third Wednesday of each month, at eight pm, in the mn THE DRYDEN OBSERVER See 1. BAUER Princess St., Dryden --for-- ! Wood Sawing Prompt Service -- CASH stems of about three feet in| Fi The Portage la Prairie Mutual Insurance Company FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE We. can compete with any rate. G. C. MEGGISON DRYDEN, ONT. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK|, 1 Cream Separator, Amer.can, Paints and Oil going on sale. E. A. KLOSE, v The New "Derby" Hat -- Ce | Tiny and tip-tilted over one eye--that's the new hat launched by Paris. It dips forward over your right eye and sweeps up off your left ear. Here you see it in felt, black, navy, cedar, bottle, wine his ! oak. i hres Large Size, new ...... $40.00 pe. EE wih ue Say. dain iors. ET EN 20 | Winterbottom Lumber Yard Hay i) 2 MAREE $1.50 Builder ®, Contractor. Sen $500 and wp CUBOE , op innit $1.10 and id Lumber, Coal and Builders' Supplies EVERYTHING FOR A BUILDER Quality -- and == Service | | many foods, but in varying Town Hall. Visiting brethren | ay H amounts. The average perdon| cordially invited General Hardware | DRYDEN JAS. WINTERBOTTOM ONTARIO can rely upon milk and dziry PERCY MOORE. W.M. 2 Dryden a Ontario \ A | products, eggs, green, leafy vege-| BADEN, SMITH, "Rec.-Rez'y. i ¢ _J) tables, fresh fruits, tomatoes ARERR mm i wali to" GOLDEN. STAR LODGE (raw or canned) and who: AT & AM. No. 484, GRC. 7 A grain cereals to supply him with all the vitamins he requires. : : 3 = ay den, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors cordially invited, H. Morison, W.M. A " A _-- : i 1L0.0.F.. DRYDEN LODGE. No. A sufficiency of vitamins is a matterof real importance. It is fortunate that, if the mentioned foods are used regularly and, freely in the diet, one does nof reed to worry about the ques tion of vitamins. From what has been said, it is evident tpt the person who lives chiefly on sweets and starchy foods is almost sure to Dryden every Monday. . cvening at 8 p.m. F. RUSSELL, N.G.* . |. FF. WHITELEY, Rec. Sec. ifr, This Sos og Cag O. GRANITE & MARBLE 0 Secs it sre are ruin 6 Somme © should be used, but not to the 5 GEO. NOBLE 0 Dryden, Ontagio - Pai Paperhanging Price Reasonable Tappisserie Sunwerthy Wallpaper For Sale BEASTON & RODTKA Dryden, Ont. Phone 129 exclusion of other foods. Kat a wide variety of foods is safe ad- vice to follow. Questions concern ing Health, addressed to the Canadian Medical Associa- tion, 184 College St. Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. TOURISTS STILL [] | Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dry-3, 417, meets in the Town Hall, | ative and, | Starting Sept. Ist. | WE ARE CHANGING OUR _. POLICY TO STRICTLY "GASH FOR REPAIRS srr ola" MERCHANDISE PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR : "CREDIT. F. WILLARD Shoe and Harness Repairer : (SED (SEE) €EES EE (SRD CEs (ERS) CSE () TED GER () ESD Ca T have secured the agency for - MEN'S SUITS & LADIES DRESSES (leaned & Pressed for $1.09 Also take orders for Dye TOURING Official figures for the influx of motor car visitors from the United States to Canada during the touring season of 1931 are not vet available, but it is 2a mistake to assume that the num- ber of visitors has dwindled. For instance, official figures just re- leased at the Ottawa City Hall showed that 2,000 persons had registered at the Lansdowne Park Tourist Camp so far. This was an increase of 50% over the same period last year. €s5 Work. wy or prompt and efficient service om in WINDSOR CLOTHES for Boys. The best and cheapest boys clothing in Canada. Tn the store we have 12 model suite. and 72 samples to choose from. Frices range from $8.00 upwards. You may select any pattern made in any style you desire. LEAL I = a CEE SERRA y ! > EE and quality the Ly 5: | Livery and Dray |, ,. PE B= P= 0 % 5 The best opportunity ever of- Lg Wn hr ; Work fered in Dryden. We will be ie = : pleased to have you call and be- i =i PHONE G5 come acquainted with this new piel ; Lh system BARG = 6h an AIN PRICES T| ,... cries oo to 21, to fi oads carried up to 214, ton. T. PROUDFOOT : i= Digtance no object. "The yoo Toller" = 3 ryae 110. MODEL "T" FORDS We Reoseuipictiaser ol firyoen Lougy T= | EY 1 ATER O GER (SED () GE () SEE () EN () SEE Fordor, good tires and battery ................ $1060 51 DRYDEN ONTARIO come i 78 1927 Touring, marvelous value ............. od $160 I= p == = A : : po N 1927 Coupe, just sce it 1930 1l4-ten truck, nearly MODEL "A" 1929 Fordor, smart and lively 1929 Lt. Delivery, ideal for hauling i EXTRA SPECIAL fall $590 DY SHOP ERY and lighter color, with the heat, no} harmed in the slightest. new, cost over $1,000 last SPECIAL Boxes of Chocolates that have turned 3 Boxes that were $1.00 for 35¢ Boxes that were 75¢ for 25¢ & ; the quality of the chocolate Not over 3 months. old. Dingwall DRYDEN, Ont. #. § ol =E = lotors Ltd, Sales and Service fon EEE EELS EEL EEE ELE USE UE LEE] EREERERER Ee re i ei Fs COOKED MEATS AND FRESH FRUITS FOR THE : WEEKEND Ask for votes on Pony at time of purchase. We are sometimes busy and oftentimes forget. © . KENORA, Ont. RRR E oe W. STANSFIELD & SON ELE ELELE LE Ei = Tr AN - PATERSON'S MEAT MARKET Summer Sausage, per I... eat 25¢ Shoulder: Pork Steak, per B-........ovvivvivnnn, 20¢ Hen Chronnes LA if brs vas ya an Sa hates 15¢ FOR SATURDAY ONLY | Spare Ribs, per ib 10c Pienic Hams, per ib 19¢ | Shoulder Pot Rst., Ih 10c Rolled Rst. Beef, Ib 22¢ : COOKED MEATS : Chicken Loaf, per 1 30c Vegetable Meat Loaf, Ib 25¢ Jellied. Veal, per 1b 40c Jellied Tongue per 1b 45¢ FOR SALE OR TRADE Bay Horse, 5 year old, can be seen anytime. Apply A. Paterson. , Phone 6. A. PATERSON Dryden Ae Pickling Requirements Choice Ontario Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and Cauliflower for pickling and other necessary ingredients. i ~ | AF Vinegar and Spices of all kinds. ri --_-- FRUIT JARS, RINGS AND RUBBERS s Get yours now. ALL OTHER PRESERVING FRUITS IN SEASON ORDER NOW : ia y 3 ws C. James Wright, Phone 49 -- \ J a 'McCormick-Deering { BINDER TWINE | £ FL, te BTR § 7 Made in Canada << BT Se ene PL THIER Done up in the BIG 5-2 BALI. with the patented Unwinds freely to the cover, guaranteed for last foot, treated against Length, Strength and destruction by insects. Evenness. . 5p | & BU Codi he ie FF BF IRE RE a J. S. CORMER, Uxdrift, Ont. vot? Me formick-Deering Dealer gi