August 8st, 1081, i THE DRYDEN OBSERVER ST Bass hres Dear Folks: ; This splash in advertising is to commemorate our sec- ond anniversary. The editor claims it will cost us around $80.00, so I hope to glory all our good customers and friends will read every word on these two pages. We want you £0 becoms more familiar with our lines. Business has been good--fortune has smiled on us. Even this year we have shown a nice increase over last. This has been made possible through the many kindnesges hand- ed us by customers and the writer deeply appreciates it. Ths old dilapidated White Lunch Building has been turned into a store that is equipped to render the buying public of this town and district a real service. Our motto "Through Service We Grow" will continue to be the key - note of our ambition. Assuring you of our best endeavours should we merit your confidence, : Most faithfully yours, Joe, for Pronger & Armstrong: ] Deal with ©) Pronger and Armstrong "No One Appreciate Your Business Nore Than We Do" Dear Folks: This year's radios will have really greater dollar value than ever. We have placed several of the new 1932 lines and have contracted with Victor, DeForest-Crosley, West- inghouse, Atwater-Kent, Marconi, Philco, Stewart Warner, and General Electric. Surely you can find one to fit your requirements on this list. : We finance all our sales--your agreement lies in our safe. Our service department is at your call. Our carrying charge is the lowest in the land. Our blanket insurance protects your instrument. What more could any Music House offer? 3 Most faithfully yours, Joe, for Pronger & Armstrong. SCHOOL OPENING Each year we have been able to announce better prices. This Prices for Septemmber-- Forty page--pen and ink exer- week our school opening order 3 : A 5 oo = of scribblers will arrive consist- OVE | O yoy: N Tia ing of 16,000. y Vv secoece cise books, 8 for 25c. | Eighty-eight page--ruled pencil - scribblers, 8 for 25c. Seventy page--pen and ink scrib- bler, a real Pronger and Arm- strong Scribbler made especially for Dryden District pupils and students bc each. Six other lines to sell at 5c, 10c, 15¢, and 25c. PENCILS We have purchased fifty gross at splendid prices -- Trefor rubber tipped at 29c¢ dez. Patrician H.B. for 28c doz Wicklow, mada in England, just 39 doz. Get your Text Books before September 1st. PIANOS BAL ALI of Pianos we lav sold - 'n the past two years--Willis, Beil, Necombe, Gerard Heintz- man, Evens, New Williams, Fnnis and Doherty. We can give you information : on any of the above makes as we It's an have all the details in our piano records, Prices range from $285.00 to $5,000.00. Our terms are as low as $10 00 per month and our carrying charge is 7% on pianos per annum, " Let us quote you before you close any deal. SPALDING SPORTING GOODS Handling Spalding Sporting Goods exclusively in town has placed us in an enviable position in the Sporting Goods business. It has been our pleasure to fur- You'll talk too when you hear this sensational radio in action! Because here, for the first time . . . the very first time . . . is a big, powerful Victor Super-Heterodyne employing two new super-control tubes combined with screen-grid, increased-range tone control, "trigger-touch" selectivity, improved volume control and many other im- provements, condensed into a convenient size cabinet that will tit anywhere--living-room, bedroom, porch or office. And this "smallest BIG radio ever Eight-Tube Super-Heterodyne 77 == Te: a * RO a oe = built" comes to you, complete © with tubes, at only $89.50. At such a low price, you ican ° 'easily use a "Superette" as an - extra set! Come in today... see "it... hear it! GENERAL ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATORS "The electric regrigerator of the future."' Sturdy Durability . Proved Efficiency New Economy Unrivaled Beauty Within the reach of every home. Prices are moderate--down pay- ments are low, and terms are liberal. GENERAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT Mr. J. Jensen, our mechanic, is at your service at any time with up-to-date equipment. He excells in the repairing of Sewing Mach- ines, Radios, Washing Machines "and Gramophones- He also does .a splendid job on picture. fram- ing. Our prices are the same as mail order catalogues. We have a complete line of radio tubes in Westinghouse and General Electric makes, and test tubes free of charge. If your radio stops--call us. In fact, if you require the services of a general repair man just phone ms and OUR SHOWROOM JOHN will handle the job. SINGER SEWING MACHINES Used Singers, reconditioned in aish practically every baseball team this summer with 100% of their supplies including bats, balls, gloves, mitts, bases, ete. The Tennis Club has also looked favourably on Spalding goods during the season. All Golfing supplies have sold readily. Our stock, in season, is complete. We have fully seven hundred English and foreign records in stock, most of which are carefully catalogued: A Victor Combination is at your service. Victor is equipped to fill your orders for records 100%. New VE I EE I IE SEI Jas! ole nie Wo Reo p beside ties 65¢ each. Process records at ... GRAMOPHONE NEEDLES ger and our Service Department. Five- drawer machines at $15.00, $28.00, $40.00 and $60.00: Six.drawer machine in excellent condition $42.50. New machines sold at $5.00 cash and $3.00 a month with no interest charges. 20¢ and 25c per box. | "Through Service We Grow" strong ONTARIO $