"THE DRYDEN OBSERVER £9) CEE-O CEE O EID) -6D- OEE UD (CE -() GED) C55 (G5 (ES (Eh (a : + TR () ERT) ERD (CRED () ESTE O) GFE () -GHES-) GE () ET ) iD () EEE () CR () EE (GED) BR) D> >) D> 0D) CE) 0G <)>) CT ED) <C> SRD 0+ CHE (6308-03 GA) od Ee oi err th Moor re -- ee am, A Nanhai te AEE) CRED (3 BERD () SE (SE CEP (GHD (3-0 (GED () CRED AED <HR> ()-ETED (3 ES () CRIES (1 EEE (3 STD C3 SD) SRT ( OH 13 CIR OB > (aus O GREE OG. OSES 0 ee The Railway Traffic Warning Sign Reads: STOP, LOOK and LISTEN We say: | wey, RI This advertisement invifes your atbention, 'The school holidays are almost over, so now for one gloricus bust. LN 500 Ibs. Fresh Roasted Peanuts. ./ 500 lbs. Fresh Bulk Dates. ; 500 large Jem Balls. All at 5 cents, each or pound. Naturally, we must put some limit, but we are mak- ing this very liberal, five of each item. Notwithstanding the deprassion, which we all feel so much, hear of so much and talk of so much, this is a welcome hand out for the children, And here is still a better one for Mothers and the Daughters Silk hose, several hundred pairs, even up to 200 var- ieties at 89¢c per pair. A thorough house cleaning of several makes. Nothing held back, because we want to clear the stock for new goeds and new values, We have never done anything like this before, and we do not want to do it often. We naturally expect a great big response to this, for which we are ready. At the same iime, you can buy a bottle of Lucille, giving a sheen to silk hose for bc a bottle. The price for the hose is 8%¢ per pair. A small special Campbell's Tomato and Vegetable Soup, per tin 10s. DRYDEN, ONTARIO SEEDED GESPUQ VES 33 ED CS pS OO ORE 1 EE ORS OTE O-QE-¢ T- ~-- = - fod ES } ~ c - ) - < c ! ~ i < ~ ! a : a < ~ : ~ : a < ~ / ~ : ~ < - ! PS S$ ~ = ~ < ~ { ~ ! a < = 8 Pay } ~ ] ~ ] A ; a < CHURCH NEWS - ] Though last Sunday night was|€ very warm the people eame in large numbers and the Baptist Church was nearly full again, many coming from quite a dis- tance. The pastor and members and adherents certainly appre- ciate the presence of any one, to any of our services, and we trust that what you received last Sunday night will be very beneficial for years to come. Did the subject announced 'keep & some away? If so, be sure and come next Sunday Night, "The Worst Character in Dry- den,"" was the subject for last Sunday night's message. people were of the opinion that the preacher should not deal in! personalities yet we believe alli those who were present realized that he had a perfect right to! @ openly expose the '"Warst Char- acter in Dryden." The "Worst Character' was none other than what the Word of God ealls "Satan" "Devil"? "01d Ser- pent" '""Dragon" '"God of this World" ""The Tempter' "Ad versary" "Liar" 'Prince of this | & World" 'Murderer' ete. God's Word proves to us conclusively that Satan or the Devil is a real personality. - There will be a very profit- able message for you next Sun-|€ day night when the subject 'will | be, "Are You Insured?' Many are using all kinds of insurance these days yet neglecting to in-| 3 sure the most valuable possession 'they have. sion, and what will it cost to in- sure it? CHAUTAUQUA IN DRYDEN Second Day The Artists Trio, . violinist, pianist and soprano, Miss Clark gave a delightful Prelude, the pianist, Hugo Brandt, rendering some of his own compositions, and five request selections" of grand opera with his own inter- pretations. Miss Clark swayed the audience with her rendition of old airs such as '"Ann'e Lau- rie,"" proving that old melodies are known anc loved best. Zell- ner, the Protian characterist, charmed all with his lightning- like changes, both comic and serious. One went. with him back to the time of Ancient Greece, to 'the betrayal of Jesus, then rejoiced with him as Huck Finn, famous Abe Martin, ete. Third Day Ei. The Mulvaney Artists enter- tained cleverly and Professor Sanford gave his vocational lee- ture. Even the youngest of the audience remained reverently still as the Professor offersd his words of guidance. So interest- ingly told, so convineingly trae |- his words will remain with all for a long time to come. The Opera Festival Company gave a lavish entertainment in the evening offering, parts from five light operas. A sprightly, gay and happy evening. Fourth Day Jugo Slavs in" national cost. ume provided a fine instrumen- tal program and Capt. Upton his rollicking semi-serio-comic lec. ture. He pleased everyore and even kept those who usually walk out when a lecture starts as if he had strings to draw them back; as indeed he had, those with the most elasticity-- a magnetic personality. In|'q spite of the fact that many |< What is that posses- | & Achievement 1€ Mantel Type Rogers S77 series. Rogers 1932 Radio Models available in the New Superheterodyne circuits as well as New "Pentode" tube models. Never have Rogers Radios been as at- tractive, inside and out, as the present ~ Console 8-tube Superhet (At Left) Inspect the store. They may be purchased on our easy payment plan, tubes. DRYDEN PHARMACY LUNTED All models have Rogers fully-guzranteed Rogers 1932 models at onr oN Se ar Peter Rabbit, Flopsy, Mopsy and 'Cottontail come to life on this children's afternoon. So realistic were the Marionettes, so exquisite were the diminutive scenes and so effectively did they cavort that children were kept in gales if mirth. A spee- tator remarked in the number of [ lovely children and babies pre- sent, lovely in their summer best. In fact was surprised to see the wealth Dryden has in her youth. The bubbling comedy "Skiad- ing"' was a universal success. Every character was portrayed to perfection, particularly the sixteen year old gum-chewing woman-hating irresponsible kid brother. : ; Sixth Day Vierras Hawaiians entertained in their usual fascinating style. Mrs. Vierra gave a sparkling Fifth Day Progressive Shoe Hospital FIRST Machinery CLASS Workmanship Material MODERATE PRICES Jobs a Specialty 'Done While You Wait' Full Line of: SHOE POLISH & LACES Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention P.O Box 240 Dryden, Ont. L GREENHI! L Phone 4 amtseir # ; a t=] ; fo] ! fe] ] < : ; : a ! a & | f=] ; i = ; b.4 ] {¢] THE BAZAAR 5c. to $5. Store Special account of her own Hawaii. Prin- cess Bluefeather with her in- structive lecture on the Aztec race was both interesting and informative. Sunday service wag held in. the tent, Rev. Clark and Mr. Punter conducting, while Artists Trio rendered beautiful sacred music. --dJ. Fleming. ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO When repaired by ms. Also your a guarantee of satisfaction. It's nice to have the Correct Time, so that one won't miss that important Appointment. Have your watch L. M. BEATH & CO. : THE JEWELLERS the | PHONE- . Day, 62 R3 Hight, 2 B 4 po pie ; -- 0 8 Golfing Clocks, Jewellry, etc, with An announce of Dryden. ed to his personality. SULT OVERCOAT TUXEDO The Tip Top policy of to every man in the To Dryden On Wednesday, September 2nd, Mr. CG. R. Hudgin, Tip Top representative will arrive in the town of Yes Sir! This is the big day when the expert stylist and fitter from Tip Top headquarters will be at our store. Every man ordering during his visit will be personally measured by him, and advised as to style, pattern and color which is most suit- "STILL MORE QUALITY" of imp 0 a Tip Top suit or overroat ONE PRICE ONLY -MADE TO MEASURE Still more Quality' is more (EEE () CHER () (ED () GRD (EE () CEE () GED () GR () (SI () Sa () Ea TF) GID) RD Glass Chinaware FANCY TEA SETS 6 cups and saucers; 6 plates; teapot; cream and sugar. All For $1.50 set. ---- . o DINNER SETS 6 cups and saucers; 6 dinner plates; 6 bread and butter plates; 6 fruit nappies; 1 platter; 1 baker. All For $5.00 ---- « . We have several specials every week, come in and look them over. W. E. THORSEN & SON apparent this year than before- Fabrics are more ex- clusive, finer in texture, and available in wider variety. Styles have been selected from the world's leaders, and last, but not least, tailoring has been improved right down to the innermost part. Don't miss this opportunity to secure extraordinary personal service along with Canada's most outstanding clothes value. ; . 3 > 0 -D- ()-E ()-G () GD) GE () GED) GREE () ETD ()-€ED -EEIDD- () - ERED () EEE () EEX Exclusive Dealer, Tip Top Tailors Ltd. DRYDEN, ONTARIO