Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 28 Aug 1931, page 2

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pick axes. The diggers wers soon rewarded by {finding the Tomato juice is among the most health giving drinks that a half closed entrance to an old Indian tunnel, believed to stretch housewife can, prepare from raw gallon of juice. dinner are desired small amounts of mild spices such as cloves, all. | spice, cinnamon and red pepper, | EES (CD (SEED () ERED OSE () GE (}- SED | ESR (EES (ES ()-EEED (EEE (<x Oa | | I have secured the agency for 1926 Fordor . $100 i ; Avoid the rush that will result when hundreds. of w ~ b i Star Touring, Deluxe $100 students start clamouring for books, by buying your =n . i=] - : supplies now. Done." , ; 5 Ford Touring $55 : SALE fe Ty ne £2 We have splendid specials in Scribblers, Pencils, LE with the patented Unwinds freely fo the ° = . ory 5 is i Book Bags and all sundries and our line of Text Books VOver, guaranteed for last foot, treated against Cr i is complete. Let us serve you now. | Length, str ength |" and destruction by insects. 4 = Cy DRYDEN, Ont. ad Dingwall Motors Ltd, Sales and Service E18 C) Eh] ; KENORA, Ont. ; oh | ] $e. fo -- o ay Pronger and Armstron "Through Service We Grow" : 'No One Appreciates Your Business More Than We Do." Joss. "a8 iy 4 , Builders' Supplies EVERYTHING FOR A BUILDER Bags agg --rrrrisim ws THE DRYDEN OBSERVER === | August 36th, 1981, ae ] by : ; ) , : wo : HER Fy SERS around and refuses to allow any-| exclude the air which slowly s , B= " "HE DRYDEN OBSERVER one on it. He won't seli 1% either | destroys the vitamins by oxida- ety and : ; ; for since my first discovery tion. Pa erhanoin Published every Friday at there have been lois of offers to| Extraction -- After the pulp LS x 8! g FALL FAS Dryden, Ontario, buy it. This was apparently an has reached the desired tempera- Hee Zuasonan's ; ott Indian village around lheve|ture it is ready to be passed| . Tappisserie Sunworthy ' Subscription rate $1.50 yearly. | aud I imagine thee: 13 const Jer through a sieve to remove the 'Wall-paper For Sale -- ate treasure buried lees 1 wei skin and seeds. At this point BEASTON & RODTKA ! p Pe) ~ Co . : % ik A 2p 2 crn oF : % & NA ' ha Iilsie DB. Collison, Pulli her could get at I. a 2 the Leeessily of haste cannot be Dryden, Ont. Phone 129 | Exciting, eventful days these, with lovely fall y =F --my | Ladoussac, as : Ai ee over emphasized as the juice will ar 4 3 PIN OTN settlement in America, played ail Jose much ot its nutritive value . 7 fashions arriving daily--Coats, Dresses and Hats--the IN OLD GOLD COIN S important part in the early his- it cxpasnd 10 the air for more Starting Sept. 1st. | © \ ge OUND AT TAD- tory of the continent and many| than a few minutes. \ ) very newest and smartest apparel coming to fill our i ATTRA O TREO who visit this quaint summer| Bettling--Return the extract- ; iY : : : : A OU SSAC, QUEBEC vesort every summer are certain| ed juice to the kettle and bring Lr CART OTR aN racks, carrying out our reputation for having the right - i 2 { - ttle i. 1 FOG . aye No i n 31 : : : ; : Tadoussas, Que, August 22-- SLL Piaaiion --_-- Tosh to heli. a She' sane v fashions at the right prices, even at the very beginning Fraser AU na Yves ih td animes cal many interesting and bis-| {ime have enough sealers or POLICY TO STRICTLY i a i : i dy $650 are toric relies. For tourists, the| small pop bottles being kept hot X ¢ of the season. Hats after the dashing styles of the gute i i > EN Joan | old church situated only a few| in the oven. I'll these with the CASH FOR REPAIRS Yi Empress Fugenie--All these mav b t ad here Sonal 7 7 The hundred. feet away from the] juice, seal, and place in boiling i mpress Kugenie--All these may be seen a a Sli Ei kg Hotel Tadoussac, is one of the| water. Remember to fill the AND War Goong 3 oda LAR chief points of interest and it) Lottles well up into the neck and : = ghaion to his ia Th a contains many interesting relics,| to keep the juice hot. A cook of MERCHANDISE 3 resulted ee es but for those who love the thrill] 2 minutes in boiling water is Choate Li he Ss or He , of the treasure hunt there is a| sufficient for small bottles while _ 2 Sania he Sea a vast, untouched area within easy | sealers should receive 4 to 5 Jew ways and Sl reas I foadh of he hotel minutes. ) hunting in the hopes that this reg Polo e Te Jul. von PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR | ___ : oldest settlement in America TAY PRESERVING Wirt in ls pile tare CREDIT. py = ; : : N vield more valuable ge TOMATO JUICE 'tomato suitable for feeding to / ; p a Mr. Imbau found a bag fu a \. + | babies instead of orange juice. If ; as Winterbottom Lumber Yard 3 wa CS er IN THE HOME |it is to be used by adults as a : : : fy but not realiz I e g 3 Ra . : : ; before breakfast drink, it is im- utlder (B® ontractor. X said nothing about it. As soon and Orel the oA of F. WILLARD : : : as the find became known, Bo ITS FOOD VALUE and sugar at the rate of a level! hoo and Harness Repairer ever, the ground was invaded by tablespoonful of both to each : Lumber Coal and treafure hunters with spades and (Experimental Farms Note) 1% woatiails ger 5 y fruits or vegetables for her! may be added in addition to the | Quality -- and -- Service back 5 mile or Wage "10 She family. Although it is not rich! salt and sugar. These help to . y ; Saguenay River, but before 165 in actual energy producing con-| emphasize the tomato flavour : : could explore the stituents, it contains such high| which should still be dominant DRYDEN JAS. WINTERBOTTOM ONTARIO Tey woe Tooind by pe pon . proportion of vitamins A, B and| after the blending is finished. |° C OTH S Xr /, of Mr. Imbau's neighbor fo al- C, and minerals, parteularly| F. E. Atkinson, Dominion Ex- low any digging on his property. iron, that it assists materially | perimental Station, Summerland, or Bor se Mr. Imbau himself, though he | Aig lanl ra rR Sl or Boys. Sous 7 oy Jn seally Ni aso foods. Mineral acids, pariicular- ; The best and cheapest boys y find until he received a fT} Iv citric, which assist in the &i- a A from a eoin collector, is certain a Hs cesses, are also pre- SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK | clothing in Canada. AT that there are more coins and sent. Research work on vita-|1 Cream Separator, American, In the store we have 12 model --- : old relies buried near his howme-{ ing carried on by various in| Large Size, new ...... $40.00 | suits and 72 samples to choose A et a I ss Slane a CL stitutions has shown that vita-; 1 Electric Washer ...... $35.00 from. Prices range from $8.00 Era BUTT TT TOs Sa NL te 25¢ iy house anc was A12gng SUL] ,.in 'A increases resistance of} 1 Motor Driven Washer map | yprards Lond Choos 'per 1h 956 fhe stn win 1 Sunil Wiss] cote, sins ronal, pRORRAAL ot or. et areas: sa000] Tr Op rd Ba ere ih 2: 5) oe be said, The was 3 and other infeetoin, and promot- Scythe Stone 15¢ You may select any pattern air ER al A IE hi SA a oro Jn = bug whieh had ane] 2%, orn Sovetopment of Mgr ee 1. $1.50 made in anv style you desire. || | FOR SATURDAY ONLY | ¥ y t - 7s . . PUREE: © [BE 0 0 ARE BL 8 a 4 ERC Se REI . a - " frei a iy i " parently been worn around the ar Sa le Hay Fork Rope Workmanship and quality the 1-ib Stewing Steak, 15-1h Kidney, both ..... 25¢ | man's waist. There were stillf =o keeping the appetite keen. | Bicycle Tires. ....... Gish $110] very best. { Stowing Veal, 3 Walon tu... .viinaivn a PE Al 25¢ | A Pe ot iy i Vitamin C is a factor in the| Auto Tires ....... $500 and up| The best opportunity ever of- | Shoulder Roasts of Veal, per Ib ............ 10¢_ | ert. le man was a z H z qj i aS = Fo SE ; growth of children and a pre-| Types ..... ... ... 1.10 and up| fered in Dryden. We will be 1 " : ; 2 Frenchman who had been killed vontive of wony. dveates.. Ani or ts and Oil B i ila pleased ta have you call and be- Blined Side Basin, WOrID. isis ns 1omrsas vin sits 252 by Indians and the Indians, not abandanse. of witandi, I in The going S328. | come acquainted with this new Cottage Rolls, per 1h ..... fons Abn = nonstate Senso then realizing the value of they 4, helps to overcome irritable - | system. : Spring Chicken, per 1 ....... EAT IRE te GATT E Y.) gas oa by Bo a ey and restless tendencies. A K 0S AE Ca : gai ® Was 1 : y . ji his PEC ; peta In sections where tomatoes We Bae Ho . one of a party that came here : Ba i 8 : T. PROUDF yh : 7 from Montreal after Dollard had Ey Inte So on bs 5 frp ii non Phone 6. A, PATERSON Dryden held back the Indians there. We] ate IW Ws ROMA 204 18 4 great General Hardware The Dr yden Tailor x --, a deal clieaper than its equivalent 2 : N - 4 know that a party came here in orange or other citrus juices. Dryden re Ontario OE) EED (EES WE GD) GER (| | cen -- 2 from Montreal about that time Brittle ture Cited Ms HEED) CHE) EB () ED) Ga Bary EE A and that three of the sooutel oo lndhing Wit min. 0 thin A ,--™ we if : ; 3 Were abtuskod hy Indians, that any other one constituent "and - SN) ay @ two of them were killed and tomatoes Wiel 578 GOT yaokh wn ™ ; 1 5 4 that one escaped down the river. : = vl = ea onomical source should be more i m= : ' °® This is likely the skeleton of one widely used for supplying this | 3] | an o the pr that poses killed. Thai iti ort i : ; Ondine Comes, Tole dh vis 52 wis bias stoi Tes as 65¢ ig skeleton might be near Choice of Fruits--Pick thor- CAND Y SHOP OntoniosPoaohes, Dam el fo. vfs sabe tinny cad $1.2 "Phe old Indian tunnel en- is Td vine easy fruit, ay i Ontario G. Gages, basket ............c.coovveee. $1.25 trance is right on the edge of 0 gi Gils i) ah 4 : : Ontorlo B. Planks, Togltel i. onus ve stands dens $1.10 my property there. I went in it pons) it ih ay Risk SPECIAL--Boxes of Chocolates that have turned a Grson Penson, To i. 0 i sm Kansas sino , 20e- a little way but it was impossible LE peg * IARI Re lighter color with the heat, the quality of the chocolate Bod Peppers, Wn. inn i orioisdee dis Untied 2be fo ey 2 Jon hppa 0 J Preparation--Stem and sore not harmed in the slightest. Not over 3 months old. Poors, badlemta ns. olsun ICE ET eer 3150 was afraid to go anv farther . : ; The people 7 lg Bt the tomatoes. Slightly pulp with Boxes that were $1.00 for 35c. Crab Apples, basket ....... BL es SEs west 4 or a een 3. wht 85¢ "cussac, and TI heliéve the Gov- > poish) masher oad Pre on Boxes that were T5¢ for 25¢. Italian Prunes, bam 8.0.00 fo aids ius bo 3 BRA WAG $1.75 ernment. wanted to dig up the Se SA % Tolling = 2 by Golden Bantam Corn, dozen i.......... rior ace We 20¢ tunnel as there a ikely 2 I > i lh a : : a ie oe th EL A wise to put as much fruit in the COOKED MEATS AND FRESH FRUITS FOR THE Order Early as § upplies are Limited Bove hotly vo olf the property | kettle at the commencement of WEEKEND grities pa : = : a Te pers this step «s possible in order to i bE SEATS Sonia ou, | A ¥ EE EE Ee CC Cm mt = in =the ele == Ask for votes on Pony at time of purchase. Tr, ib SoBe Sots ge af RT ge ah 19: = 5 We are sometimes busy and oftentimes forget. Ln 0000, WR0, I vos ete ots idl td Revues nvss 22e [Lk Cheese, 1h 15¢ 5 B 1 : AR eb WIE ele al Tas Howth Bee 2 ARGAMN DAYS 0 E. W. STANSFIELD & SON Pr aN Hs B.C : USED CARS |: J|| C.James Wright, Phone 49 T= y, SF pe =~ I ; Pps 7 2 N= -- Fe i= ' ry F eer] S h = Va = men = Y 4 SN) Ch S i! 1920 Fordor . . $375 gi ©CN00I Supplies... , ie @ ] cCovmick-Deerin 5 1920 Lt. Delivery $325 Et | (IHCK=DeCring fire TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st IS THE OPENING DAY : : 1 ATTY TE = ° ? : ie i yl ky " i= 1927 Touring . $100 FOR SCHOOL. BINDER TWINE Bvstanitof 5 BS Be 3 a5 airs SVN 8 | 311 a Te Bg TI § meme 1} TIT J. S. CORP JER, Uxdrift, Ont. | 7 Mel jowmick Deering Dealer 77 SE UE LE EE TL EE LE EL UE EU EEE -- SR EE Cie Si Sim Ce Ci Cm i= i = HS Ji Ns : == oma f=

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