Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 11 Sep 1931, page 3

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i 8 > 4 | 4 o ® September 11th, 1981, TTC THE DRYDEN OBSERVER ° 4 be <i il fa ] By » Fh & | Te e-- = Churches ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Sunday: 10 a.m. Holy Mass. 11 am. Catechism. Le 7 p.m. Rosary and a Benediction. Father Belanger, P.I. 'ST. LUKE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Sunday morning 10 o'clock-- Sunday School. 11 o'clock--Mattins and Ser- mon. 7.30--Evensong and Sermon. -Rev. W. M. Clarke, Minister THE BAPTIST CHURCH (Edgar Ferns, Pastor) i 10 a.m.--Bible Schogl. 11 a.m--Morning Worship. 7.30 p.m--"Conversion."' How a Murderer Became a Saint." Second in series "Making The Great Bible Truths Plain.'"' Thursday 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Friday 8 pm --B.Y.P.U. ---- THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA DRYDEN Oxdrift--1.30 Sunday School. 2.30 Divine Worship. This is Oxdrift's Church Anni- versary. Dryden----11 o'c. Church School. 7 o'c. Divine Worship The Minister will preach a special message on-- 'The Mean- ing and End of Education."" All Trustees, Teachers and Pupils invited. Everybody is welcome. John W. Howes, Minister. I Church Neos a £0 00H £3 23 £03010 0 00H 00 208 HOH KHOHON GE The Pastor of the Baptist Church preached a message on the subject "Regeneration" or edeioivde] fededoiede] "New Birth"' to a full house last Sunday Night. The subject for Sunday Night, September 13th will be '"Conversion" or "How a Murderer Became a Saint."" This is the second in the series, 'Making the Great Bible Truths Plain." a At 8.30 p.m. the second mess- age will be given using lantern slides, "What the Roman Catho- lic Church Teaches in Souti: America."" Having spent soms time in South America the speak- er is speaking from his own per- sonal experience and by use of other information. Dryden Baptist Church ex- tends a hearty invitation on its services. ; / Educational Sermon The Annual Educational Ser- mon will be preached in the United Church next Sunday | evening, September 13th. . The officials of the United Church invite all school trustees, teachers and senior pupils of the town and country to this service. The minister will preach on the "Meaning and End of Educa- tion."' Next Sunday is also the Ox- drift Church Anniversary with the Annual Chicken Supper oi Monday Night. [ESE ------ Mission Held at St. Joseph's Church The members of St. Joseph's Catholic Church had the pleasure of "attending of Mission all last week. Father Vezina. order of Redem- It was conducted by Rev. ! KEEWATIN LOST SPLENDID GAME TO DRYDEN TEAM (Continued From Page 1) on a fowl fly. Davis struck out and Cecil Robertson flied to in- field. Dryden who had obviously been worried by the clever pit- ching of Robertson, found their length in the sixth inning. Clempson hit safe to infield, and reached second on a baulk ball, the first pulled at Kenora and Keewatin this year. Upton struck out, but Adair, the clev- er old veteran, smashed out a nice hit scoring Clempson. An- derson hit to centre, and C. Sfreddo stepped to the plate and i) connected with a perfect drive scoring a home run and clearing the bases. Elliott was walked, Barber hit safely, Whiting hit to third, and Elliott was nailed trying to make third base. L. Sfréddo hit and then Manager Riddell changed his pitchers, calling Fatso Perron to the box. Perron steamed them down like lightning and stopped the rout. Keewatin showed snap in the first innings, when they caught Upton between' first and second trist Fathers and he was assist- ed by the Parish Priest Rev. Belanger. : Large crowds attended the early Masses while the church was filled to capacity in the evenings. were given by Father Vezina which were most interesting ani beneficial to all who attended. The church was kept beautifuily decorated with fresh flowers all during the week and the choir rendered especially good music and singing. The Mission closed aa 8 a.m. Sunday Morning ang all the members are looking for- ward with great anticipation of the renewal of the Mission next "year. Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes MUNICIPALITY OF MACHIN By virtue of a warrant under the hands of the Reeve of the Municipality of Machin, in the Dis- trict of Kenora, dated the 25th day of July, 1931, commanding me to levy upon the lands, herein af- "ter described, for arrears of taxes respectively due thereof, together with the costs ineurred, I hereby give notice, that pursuant to the Assessment Act, I shall on Saturday, the 5th of December, 1931, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afterncon, at the Cascade Hotel, Fagle River, District of Kenora, pro- ceed to sell by Public Auction, so much of the said lands as may be necessary for the payment of the said arrears and charges there-on, unless such arrears and charges shall have been sooner paid. NAME Acres Commission Advertising Taxes Total Adam Dickson Estate, z : clo F. T. Hall, Cobourg, Ont. N72 10 Con. 1 Sanford 160 $3.70 $6.25 $148.64 $158.59 Dr. D. W. Doyle, Windsor, Ont. : S72 2 Con. 6 Sanford 160 $5.90 $6.25 $236.68 $248.83 Dr. D. W. Doyle, ; Windsor, Ont. S72 3 Con. 6 Sanford 160 $5.90 $6.25 $236.68 $248.83 Russel Timber Co., Port Arthur, Ont. . S72 8 Con. 4 Sanford 160 $1.57 $6.25 $63.64 $71.46 A. Noble, Stratton, Ont. =i N72 10 Con. 5 Sanford 160 $2.72 $6.25 $69.57 $78.54 A. Noble, Stratton, Ont. 872 10 Con. 6 Sanford 160 $2.70 $6.25 $68.02 $76.97 N. Caporale, Port Arthur, Ont. : Lots 15 to 24, block II, Langton 34 $3.45 $6.25 $138.12 $147.82 R. J. Lyle, Minnitaki, Ont. - S72 14 Con. 5 Aubrey 160 $2.30 $6.25 Dated at the Clerk's office, Minnitaki, August 31st, 1931, GEO. RUETE Treas. $92.88 $101.43 base. Freddy Davis pulled one of his spectacular one-handed catches in the third at centre field, nailing Whiting's healthy fly. Freddy had to run hard and stretch out far to make his catch. i Upton at third base for Dry- den made a most spectacular play in the third inning, when he hela a terrific liner from Carey at third, and with a per- fect peg caught Chyistianson trying to return to first base. Kenora loaded the bases in the fourth, when Percy Robert- son made his second hit. Galla- i gher reached first on an error. Johnson hit to third and reach- ed first safely, but Percy Rob- ertson was caught trying filling the bases, but F. Davis' fly to infield was caught, and Cee. Robertson was struck out. € Classified FOR SALE -- 20 THOUSAND feet of lumber, all kinds, $18.00 per thousand. W. De Groot, Dyment, Ontario. 9]iS. A series of sermons] FOR RENT OR SALE--SIX roomed house, conveniently located, new heating system, available September 15th, app- ly M. F. Cook, Box A, New Liskeard, Ontario. 9il COUNTER CHECK BOOKS--|€ Or- | € Don't send out of town. der them locally, just as cheap. Samples and prices on quest, The "Observer."' WANTED--SRIPS OF OLEAN- der, salmon pink and scarlet geraniums, yellow begonias, plant of London pride and large plant of English ivy and slips of ivy. Phone Mrs. Ger- & 1] ald Humphreys, 107, ring 3. FOR RENT--9 ROOMED | € House, suitable for Boarding | 4 House, also small shack. suit- able for Bachelor, apply R. H. Pronger, Notary Public. fom cm oe FOR SALE_BAY HORSE, 514 years old, or will trade, apply A. Paterson, Dryden. FOR SALE_ONE COW, E. Lundin, North of Oxdrift. 9/18 FOR SALE--24 ROOMED HOT- el and 14 acres of land. Cheap ) to cash buyer, O. H. Pronger, Dryden. O GRANITE & MARBLE O MONUMENTS 0 GEO. NOBLE 0 Dryden, Ontario 0 RD -- OS ---- L 0 L DRYDEN LODGE, No. eUelie 1694 Meets and Third Wednesday of each month, at eight pm. in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. PERCY MOORE, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Rec.-Rec'y. GOLDEN STAR LODGE AF. & AM; No. 484 @QRC. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dry- den, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors cordially invited. H. Morison, W.M. A. E. BERREY, Sec'y. 0 0 0 Percy Robertson, Joe Johnson| bers of both teams were guests and Barber for Dryden had two hits each. Teams: Dryden--Clempson, 1b.; TUp- ton, 3b.; Adair, c.f.; Anderson, ¢.; C. Sfreddo, ss.; Elliott, 2b.; Barber, p.; Whiting, rf; L. Sfreddo, 1.1. Keewatin--C. Robertson, s.s.; R. Roberston, p. and r.f.; Christ- ianson, c.; Carey, 1b.; P. Robert- son, r.f.; Gallagher, 3b.; John- son, 2b.; Perron Lf. and p.; Davis, ef. Following the game the mem- of the Keewatin Athletic Asso- ciation at a delightful banquet held in the Millers' Lodge, and this happy informal gathering was presided over by Mr. H. Cornish, president of the Ath- letic Association. A. W. Riddell, H. Adair, of Dryden, J. C. Scott and T. J. Cherry spoke briefly on the game and the pleasant associa- tions that were established in those friendly encounters and community singing was also cn- joved. to | B make third. Perron was walked |S re- | £& the First S A Careful Lomparison is the only way you can convince yourself of the supremacy of PRONGER'S VALUES It is easy for a merchant ao say, 'I can sell you, for gers can."' the store that is leading the example a military flannel work shirt as cheap as Pron- Then you. compare weights of cloth, body room, sleeve lengths, ete., and you realize ours is truly way in real value. The manufacturers know when they are supplying a chain of forty of Canada's large dry goods stores that the merchandise must be right. © buying chain. This store has the honor to be one of that powerful One year ago we aspired to meet mail order catalog- ue competition. Today our customers repeatedly tell us, 'in many cases our values are better.' to reduce prices. . The more you trade with us, the more will we be abie Here are a few of our new fall goods and a compari- -son of values with a new mail order catalogue. Zi: i Ladies Real Canton Crepe Dress 1-pr. Girls Fleeced Combinations, size 8 i 2 = I & Our Men's Black Horshide Breeches Faney Cotton Flannel Work Shirt | 10-yds. 27-inch White Flannelette o-yds. Rosebud Pat. 36-in. Flannelette $1.45 Their Price $11.50 $1.50 $1.35 $1.45 $7.95 4 Price . $325 98 $1.25 Page 175 129 223 225 20 70 $6.95 .88 i $19.73 es & We save you exactly $5.17 and you spend your money at home, thereby giving the opportunity to make Dry- den District a more prosperous place for each of us to live. bE ow Ralph J. Pronger We pay the delivery charges in l= The store that will not be undersold ~ !¥1 °F 10.0.F, DRYDEN LODGE, No. | ge 417, meets in the Town Hall, Dryden every Monday evening at 8 p.m. Bl F. RUSSELL, N.G, F. WHITELEY, Rec. Sec. 3 Sheriff's Sale of Lands for arrears of Taxes and Statute Labour | School Section No. 1, Township of Mutrie, District of Kenora By virtue of a Warrant under the hands of the Chairman and Sec¢.-Treas. of 8. S. 1 of Township of Mutrie and Road Commis- sioners, District of Kenora, dated the 6th July, 1931, commanding the Sheriff to levy upon the lands. hereinafter described for arrears of taxes respectively due thereon, together with the costs incurred, I hereb on Monday the 16th Day of November, 1931, at the hour of Eleven o'clo y give notice that pursuant to the Assessment Act, T shall ck in the forenoon at the Sheriff's Offiice, Town of Kenora District of Kenora, proceed to sell by Public Auction so much-of the said lands as may be necessary for the payment of the said arrears and charges thereon, unless such arrears and charges shall have been sooner paid. Name of Owner No. No. Rate No. Amt. No. No. Statute' Total Amt. Total Pat. and of of of each of Labour of Rate Owing of Amount or " . Address Lot Con acres Year Yrs. Yrs. Costs Owing Unpat Wm. Moeser Esta. N46 4 160 $25.08 3 = -- $75.24 $7524 $11.58 $86.82 Unpat Wm. Moeser Esta. E15 of S146 4 80 $12.55 3 = i' $37.65 $37.65 $ 9.32 $46.97 Unpat Wm. Moeser Esta. NI411 5 167. $26.98 3 --_-- _ $80.94 $80.94 $1251 $93.45 Unpat. P. H. Hambly, : : Belleville, Ont. SieT 2 160 $25.08 3 -- -- $7524 $7524 $11.58. $86.82 Patn'd Geo. H. Wheatly, Birtle Man. S156 1 160 $25.08 3 $7.50 3 $97.74 $97.74 $12.94 $110.68 Patn'd. i. C. Thos. Barnett, 66 AE Th tein ER - Eastwogd Ave., Water- gt a "bury, Conn, USA. N152 2 160 $7.50 8 $60.00 $60.00 $10.66 $70.66 Patn'd Thos. Barnett, International CL i Silver Co., Waterbury, Oh hs sa i Conn, USA N42 2.1480 $7.50 8 $60.00 $60.00 $10.66 $70.66 Patn'd. E. 1. Bartlett, Foronto, Ont. S167 6 160 $7.50 . 8 $60.00 $60.00 $10.66 $70.66 Patn'd. E. F. Bartlett, 345 Bloor | : St., W., Toronto Ont. $1412 6 160 $7.50 8 $60.00 $60.00 $10.66 $70.66 Patn't. ¥ The adjourned Sale, if any, will be held at the same hour and place two weeks later. issues of July 18, 25, August 1 and 8. ; Dated at the Sheriff's Office, Kenora, Ont., July 30th, 1821, ERNE a Published in the Ontario Gaszette in its O. PARTINGTON, Acting Sheriff of District of Kenora, Ene Em = = USED EEE EEE EEE EEE EL EEL BARGAIN DAYS ES CARS 1929 Fordor . 1929 Lt. Delivery $325 1927 Touring . 1926 Fordor . . $100 ; Star Touring, DeLuxe $100 Ford Touring $55 . $375 $100 DRYDEN, Ont. Rf CEE CE SHEER Bal § 1 Dingwall Motors Lid. ; Sales and Service ll * oe | Tolima) / Ch et et i we BRA § KENORA, Ont.

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