Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 18 Sep 1931, page 3

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geraniums, yellow begonias, LADIES DRESSES Portage la Prairie Seplember 18th, 1931, ~ = "THE DRYDEN OBSERVER pa ~ Page Thred C lassified ey Churches ANDERSON & HARRIS MEN'S SUITS & The TO RENT FOUR ROOMS with sereened in verandah and shed. Apply Mrs. H. Sanders, Dryden, Ont. 9125. ald Humphreys, The mr ------------ re FOR SALE -- 20 THOUSAND | 107 rings. plant of London pride and large plant of English ivy and | slips of ivy. Phone Mrs. Ger- Cabin, FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Sunday: 10 a.m. Holy Mass. 11 am. Catechism. feet of lumber, all kinds, 1 oN EN 7 p.m. Rosary and PHONE- $18.00 per thousand. W. De Lae i: Rae 3 bit : Benediction. | Day, 62 R 3 Night, 62 BR 4 Groot, Dyment, Ontario. 9[iS. FOR Ta Pra Father Belanger, P.I. ny COUNTER CHECK BOOKS--| Don't send out of town. Or- der them locally, just as cheap. Samples and prices on re- Pronger, Notary Public. FOR SALE_ONE COW, House, also small shack suit- able for Bachelor, apply R. H. a -- E. Lundin, North of Oxdrift. 918 ST. LUKE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Starting Sept. Ist. Mutual Insurance Company FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Cleaned & Pressed for $1.00 Also take orders for Dye Work. We can compete with any rate. G. C. MEGGISON DRYDEN, ONT. Sunday morning 10 o'clock-- WE ARE CHANGING OUR quest, The "Observer."' Sunday School. ? O GRANITE & MARBLE O| 11 o'clock--Mattins and Ser- FOR SALE--BAY HORSE, 50 MONUMENTS von POLICY TO STRICTLY years old, or will trade, apply | Oo GEO. NOBLB O!| 7.00-FEvensong and Sermon. CASH FOR REPAIRS itu n Does 0 Dryden, Ontario y Rev. W. M. Clarke, Minister : : AND ir \| THE BAPTIST CHURCH MERCHANDISE In the Store, Qut of the Rain, : On Wednesday. Dear folks -- The radio season is upon us again. Sets are coming in daily, opened up and tuned by John--shined by Carrie, displayed for a few hours on our floor and then whisked out the front door. Our neighbours will vouch for this. The music store never had a better line up with keen- er prices. Absolutely new electric sets to sell at as low as $50.00 and as high as $300.00. ; Our prices are the same as the Winnipeg Piano Co. or McLeans. We want your business and we know we can merit your confidence. Telepohne us--we shall be glad to consult you. Away to a big radio season, Yours very truly, Joe P.S.--Get your radio batteries tested. With a new set of these one of our faithful customers got California again! Ain't thet sum' thin? Exz--Our window is full of used radios to sell for whatever we can get for them. Pronger and Armstrong "Through Service We Grow" "No One Appreciates Your Business More Than We Do.' \ J) (Edgar Ferns, Pastor) 10 a.m.--Bible School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7.30 p.m.--'Justification" or "How Martin Luther was used to Liberate Thousands From the Roman Catholic Church" Third in series "Making The Great Bible Truths Plain."' Thursday 8 p.m.--Prayer and . Bible Study. Friday 8 pm.--B.Y.P.U. PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR CREDIT: -- ------ F. WILLARD Shoe and Harness Repairer THE UNITED CHURCH OF ae 1 Cream Separator, American, Large Size, new ...... $40.00 Oxdrift--1.30 Sunday School. 1 Electric Washer ...... $35.00 2.30 Divine Worship. |1 Motor Driven Washer, snap Special music by the Choir. Everybody is welcome. John W. Howes, Minister. Paints and Oil going on sale. Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes MUNICIPALITY OF DMACHIN Py virtue of a warrant under the hands of the Reeve of the Municipality of Machin, in the Dis- trict of Kenora, dated the 25th day of July, 1951, commanding me ter described, for arrears of taxes respectively due thereof, togethe give notice, that pursuant to the Assessment Act, T shall on Saturday, the 5th of December, 1931, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Cascade Hotel, Eagle River, District of Kenora, pro- ceed to sell by Public Auction, so much of the raid lands as may General Hardware Dryden -- Ontario to levy upon the lands, herein af- r with the costs incurred, I hereby CE ()- EEE ERED () GID () SER () EH (a T have secured the agency for WINDSOR be necessary for the payment of the said arrears and charges there-on, unless such arrears and charges shall have been sooner paid. NAME Acres Commiss Adam Dickson Estate, clo F. T. Hall, Cobourg, Ont. N72 10 Con. 1 Sanford 160 $3.70 Dr. D. W. Doyle, Windsor, Ont. ; S72 2 Con. 6 Sanford 160 $5.90 Dr. D. W. Doyle, Windsor, Ont. NS S72 3 Con. 6 Sanford 169 $5.90 Russel Timber Co., : Port' Arthur, Ont. : - 872 8 Con. 4 Sanford 160 $1.57 A. Noble, Stratton, Ont. he Nz 10 Con. 5 Sanford 160 $2.72 A. Noble, Stratton, Ont. S72, 10 Con. 6 Sanford 160 $2.70 N. Caporale, Port Arthur, Ont. Lots 15 to 24, block II, Langton 34 $3.45 R. J. Lyle, Minnitaki, Ont. S72 14 Con. 5 Aubrey 160 ~~ $2.30 Dated at the Clerk's office, Minnitaki, August 31st, 1931, GEO. RUETE Treas. ion Advertising Taxes 'Total CLOTHES bei 4 for Boys. 46.95 $148.64 $15859| The best and cheapest boys 4 clothing in Canada. 2 9 In the store we have 12 model | & oo $236.68 © $248.83 suits and 72 samples to choose ; 7 from. Prices range from $8.00 $625 $236.68 | $248.53 | UPWards A You may select any pattern ta {made in any style you desire. $6.25 $63.64 { $7146} Workmanship and quality the 4 B very best. $6.25 $69.57 fi $78.54] The best opportunity ever of- Ti: fered in Dryden. We will be 2 | pleased to have you call and he- $6.25 © $68.02 | $76.97] come acquainted with this new > 3 system. or ee Hh 5 $6.25 SESE EY T. PROUDFOOT Te "The Dryden Tailor" $6.25 $92.88 1 © $101.43 Sheriff's Sale of Lands for arre School Section No. 1, Township of Mutrie, District of Kenora ' EF) ars of Taxes and Statute Labour By virtue of a Warrant under the hands of the Chairman and Sec.-Treas. of S. S. 1 of Township of Mutrie and Road Commis- sioners, District of Kenora, dated the 6th July, 1931, commanding of taxes respectively due thereon, together with the costs incurred, I hereby give notice that pursuant to the Assessment Act, T shall |} on Monday the 16th Day of November, 1931, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon at the Sheriff's Offiice, Town of Kenora District of Kenora, proceed to sell by Public Auction so much of the said lands as may be nce arrears and charges thereon, unless such arrears and charges shall have been sooner paid. the Sheriff to levy upon the lands hereinafter described for arrears essary for the payment of the said \ Name of Owner SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK |% Dryden---11 o'c. Church School. 1% ge Why MOO olor plied ES fn ei $20.00 7 o'c: Divine Worship} Scythe Stone ............. 15¢ This is the Dryden Church Anni-§ Hay Pork von. vides $1.5 versary. Hay Fork Rope 3 The minister will preach on----] Bicycle Tires ............ $110|° "What Is Right With The} Auto Tires ....... $500 and up Church?' TUDES cue nnnnn $1.10 and up OGD (SED OSH (ARE ()-C- () GS-48 | 4 ORES EE (GE (SE () CED () eX 8 Whyte St. Laundry Vs, Wh Ladies' and Misses' Jersey Frocks at's New at Pronger's Ladies' Celanese Crepe Frocks, in half sizes also 387s ERR EL A EO PR A a ee $4.95 Girl's Flannel School Frocks, all wool, smart s'yles, BOOT vr ava i tain Toda a] (08 10 22.90encly Child's Hose, pure llama wool, reinforced with cotton All AIRE on he REE La TE nh a Se a CORSETS, CORSELETTES, GIRDLES & BRASSIERES A large shipment just received at new lower prices. Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves, new gauntlet styles from 35¢ to $1.25 pair. 200 pairs to choose from. Scotch Fingering Yarn, best grade, four ply, all col- ors new in, very special, pound MEN'S OVERCOATS Our first shipment of winter coats just received and the value we offer in these high grade coats i3 sur- 15.00 and up. prising Ask to see our beaver fur fabric satin lined coat, with the large storm collar at a. vaso ania mien as $39.00 New goods include Stansfield's Underwear and Haun- son's socks. Ralph J. Pronger We pay the delivery charges The store that will not be undersold (GEE (GED (ERS () SID) ERED () GED | & 4 85-10 RB. B-Plour, cash .... iain ones we 98-1p Montcalm Flour, cash 100-1b Bag Ogilvie Shorts 100-ib Bag Ogilvie Bran 100-1 Bag Feed Wheat ...............ccoovnn.. : If charged at our charge prices VERY SPECIAL Shiriff's Seville Orange Marmalade, 40-0z. glass jar, Sheriff's Pineapple Preserve, 40-0z. glass jar, each 63c Sheriff 's Seville Orange Marmalade, 4-1b pail, each 80¢c Wagstayf's Seville Orange Marmalade, 34-1 pail 49c BARGAIN SPECIALS 1939 1} Ton Truck. almost new, cost $1050 $590 1920 Half Ton Truck, only 8,000 miles - $305 1926 Chevrolet Touring, new Radiator and new Top $150 - -- Dingwall Motors Ltd, Sales and Service No. No. No. Rate No. Statute No. Total 'Amt. Amt. Total Pat. and of of of each of Labour of Rate O\wing of Amount or Address Lot Con acres Year Yrs. Yrs. ; ; Costs Owing Unpat. Woo Mossp Bln, RUB cds 00 Som 02 - 47524 $524 $1158 $8682 Unpat. Wm. Moeser Esta. E15 of S166 4 80 $12.55 3 Si = $37.65 $87.65 $ 9.32 $46.97 Unpat. | ® Wm. Moeser Esta. N1511 5 167 $26.98 3 oe TE $80.94 $80.94 $12.51 $9345 Unpat. |% P. H. Hambly, : % Bellville, Out. Li eed Se SRR LO -- -- I $7524 | $7524 $1158 $8682 Patn'd Geo. H. Wheatly, 3 [5 Birtle Man. San 7316. TAs es 47.50 3 - $1294 $110.68 Patn'd. J. C. Thos. Barnett, 66 Eastwood Ave., Water- af bury, Conn, U.S.A. N152 2 160 £7.50 8 $10.66 $70.66 Patn'd Thos. Barnett, International Silver Co., Waterbury, o , ry Conn, BEA B20 100 $7.50 8 $60.00 $1066 $70.66 Patn'd E. T. Bartlett, ali i Toronto, Ont. S147 6 160 epi ho $7.50 8 $60.00 $10.66 $70.66 Patn'd. E. F. Bartlett, 345 Bloor bar HE $t, W., Toronto Ont. 81512 6 160 Eas ag & $60.00 = $60.00 $10.66 $70.66 Patn't, The adjourned Sale, if any, will be held issues of July 18, 25, August 1 and 8. Dated at the Sheriff's Office, Kenora, Ont., July 30th, 1831, at the same hour and place two weeks later. Published in the Ontario Gazette in its . [3 \ DRYDEN, Ont. : EENORA, Ont. .~ 0. PARTINGT ON, Acting Sheriff of District of Kenora.

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