Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 16 Oct 1931, page 1

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al > a . This was agreeable to all. convenors were received. p= THE NEWSPAPER SERVICE OF THE DRYDEN DISTRICT i > DRYDEN OBSER VOL. IX. DRYDEN, ONTARIO, 7 COVERING THE TERRITORY BETWEEN FORT WILLIAM AND KENORA. OCTOBER 16th, 1931. E*) 2nd Day' W.I1. Convention (Continued From Last Week) Mrs. Hoard at the second day's session of the W.IL. convention presided, and Mrs. Hermon act- ed as vice chairman. Minutes of the previous day's session were read by Mrs. D. E. McRae, district secretary, and were app- roved. District reports were read by Mrs. Watson, of Big Fork, for Rainy River east; Mrs. Her- man, of Rainy River center; Mrs. A. D. Lucas of Stratton - for Rainy River west; Mrs. T. Daley of Fort William, for Thunder Bay; and Mrs. D. E. McRae, of Dryden for Kenora. These vari- ous reports were most interesi- ing and revealed a great amount of useful activity and countless good deeds. ; : Mrs. A. E. Walker led a dis- cussion on the selection of feder- al delegates whether or not they should he appointed according to area or population and the assembly agreed that Rainy Riv- er district should have the honor of representation on the federal board for two terms and Kenora for one; in other words Kenora district has one out of three. The delegation then adjourned for lunch. ; Afternoon Session Mrs. D. K. McGregor, of Rainy River, presided for the after- noon. session. Community sing- ing opened the meeting at whic there was an attendance of about one hundred and twenty five. Reports from the various In the absence .of Mrs. D. C. Garver, Fort William, convenor of agriculture for the convention area, her reports was read by Mrs. J. Garrity. One point, Mrs. Garver suggested was sending o & . cea gy 4 report. This report coverec countless records of relief work carried on during the past year. Clothing, food, medical attention had been supplied in many cases. Fire sufferers had been relieved in two districts and much health work had also been carried out. Dorothy Withrow, of Dryden, made her first public appearance = J. E. GIBSON, Agent Ss Session in this town favoring the gather- ing with a reeitation. : Miss BE. A. Atkinson, R.N., of Port Arthur, was called upon to explain the home nursing classes. Miss Atkinson handled Ler sub- ject in a capable fashion. Dryden public' school choir under the leadership of Q. Me- Kinney gave three numbers. This choir won the shield at the music festival at Kenora last spring and at the completion of its numbers, Mrs. McCoombs paid a fine tribute to the choir and the efforts of the local W.I. who made it possible for it to enter in Kenora. At this stage Mrs. McCoombs was asked to explain the musical festival which was put on under the auspices of the Kenora W.I. last spring ani which attained such remarkable suceess. Mrs. Daley then ex- plained that musical festivals had been held at the head of] the lakes for a number of years always with success. Mrs. Mercer, of Dryden, gave a brief explanation of the work- ings of the home economics eom- mittee, which looks after the mending at the local hospital. The session adjourned at & o'clock so that the delegates could be taken by motor on a sight seeing trip, through the compliments of Dryden town eouncil. Evening Session Mrs. J. McCoombs, of Kenor, presided at the last evening session. A discussion on reports as presented in entirety, was lead by Mrs. A. BE. Walker, of Barton- ville, and much helpful infor- mation was derived in her ef- ficient handling of the discus- sion. Mrs. Ross Hamilton then endered a delightful vocal selo. a0.) eer for the unemployed, by the pursuance of its program of building and development, and that to main- tain and foster the spirit of in- dustry and independence, an adequate amount of work be made available to needy young men over 18 years of age, that they may be able to earn their own food and clothing without being upon the charity of their immediate relatives or the gen- eral public. Kenora branch W.L --Passed. Whereas, many of the mem- bers of the women's institute are mothers of adolescent child- ren, and whereas our motto may be said to mean what we are, banded together to secure the highest standard of life and character for members of our homes and citizens of our count- ry, we deplore the effect upon the younger generation, of the sensational and suggestive nat- ure of many of the films dis- played upon moving picture screens and of similar character- istics in many of the plots of stories appearing in magazines and books which have a wide circulation in our country today. We would, therefore, earnestly beg that this matter be given a degree of attention due to its government take immediate act- ion to further curtail and sup- press the display and circula- tion of these pictures and stories which are having a pernicious influence upon our young people. Moved by Mrs. Carmichael, Ken- ora; seconded by Mrs. Young, w.I it having been brought to the attention of the members of the Thunder Bay district, that there are a number of specific cases in homes, where there are 2a number of specific cases in homes, where there are both adults and children whose men- tality is much below normal, and that such are not receiving the proper care and attention which are due to all humans and are also a menace to the well 'being of their different communities in which they re- side; this annual conference of the combined districts of Kenora Rainy River and Thunder Bay now being held at Dryden, through resolutions presented by the Thunder Bay district, that some definite arrangement ba made at an early date, for the proper care of such cases, by the establishment of a home in this district for the mentally derang- ed. Whereas in his part of the province there are a large num- ber of tuberculosis patients, who are unable to secure admittance into an eastern institution through lack of accommodation, finances or inelination, and that the number of patients is great- ly on the increase providing a menace to the health of the community. And in view of the fact that there exists also a large number of unemployed in this district, be it resolved that the government be petitioned to ex- "act as soon as possible a. tuber- culosis sanitarium, consisting of one hundred beds or more, in an earnest endeavor to alleviate tions, as it is to best interest for public health. We, the women's institute in the 12th annual convention at Dryden desire to express our sincere appresiation to Colonel the Hon. Mr. Kennedy and Sup- erintendent G. A. Putnam and his assistants for their unfailing help and interest in this conven- tion. We also desire to express our deep appreciation to Mrs. A. E. Walker, president of fed- erated women's institutes of Oun- tario for her visit at this time and for her valuable assistance which presence has given to our meeting. We, the women's institute in 12th annual convention desire to erous hospitality extended to delegates and visitors. Convenors Appointed tion area were then appointed: Convenor Walker, for Rainy River east. Agriculture -- Convenor, Wigle for Kenora district. River. Convenor of legislation--Mrs John Manning for Thunder Bay vities--Mrs. McCoombs for Ken ora district. -- Mrs. McTaggart for Rainy Riv er. River W. Immigration--Convenor, east. Convenor Qullivan for Rainy River east. Fort William in the distriet o Thunder Bay were chosen as th places of next year's convention, the invitation being extended by Mrs. Garrity, of Fort William. The convention closed with a few fine remarks by Mrs. Me- Coombs, and the meeting closed, every delegate leaving with a feeling of general satisfaction and that the gathering just end- ed had indeed been successful. Picardy Special for this week. Delicious, tempting peanut britt- great importance, and that the le 25¢ 1b. 2t the Dryden Phar- macy. i la Board of Trade Notes Good progress is being made with the formation of the Board Redditt.--Passed. Kenora branch both of these distressing eondi-| express our sincere appreciation and thanks to the members of the Dryden branch for its gen- The following standing com- mittee convenors for the conven- of health -- Mrs. Mes, Hahn for Thunder Bay district. Convenor of relief--Mrs. R. G. (Convenor of home economics--- Mrs. McGregor for West Rainy Convenor of community acti- Convenor of historical research Convenor of Canadian indus- tries--Mrs. Bayhnham: for Rainy Mrs. Geo. Locking for Rainy River of education--Mrs. The cities of Port Arthur and of Trade. At the meeting held on the 9th inst. over thirty at- tended. Draft of By-Laws was submitted by the organization committee and approved. Ceiti- ficate of formaticn has gone for- ward at Ottawa bearing forty names, representative of all lines the district. Charter should be received shortly. A Meclntyre was elected see- retary of the board. Other offti- cers will he elected after the Charter is received. A meeting of the executive of the North-Western Ontario Asso- ciated Chamber of Commerce and Boards of Trade will be held in Dryden on Thursday. October 29th, at 4.30 in the af- ternoon. Representatives from east and west will be present. he local organization is ar- ranging for a complimentary banquet to the visitors. Keep this date open. The Department of National Defence has written, pointing out that Dryden is the logical landing place for aireraft on wheels, flying between Winnipeg and Fort William and have for- warded information relative to the development of airports. THANKS The Red Cross Hospital ack- nowledges with thanks donations of vegetables from the Health Seekers Branch, St. Luke's Har- vess Festival and the United Church Harvest Festival. he W. I. Convention Commi- ttee wish to thank everyone who assisted in any way and so con- tributed to the success of the re- cent convention in Dryden. Mrs. D. E. McRae, Secretary. Teachers Attending Convention The teaching staff of the local public school and of all schools in this distriet left Wednesday for Kenora to attend the annual convention of the Teacher's In- stitute being held there this week. Successful Party The second annual whist drive and dance of the Boy's Orches- tra held at the Pulp Mill Hall on Monday was a very enjoy- able affair. The crowd wag small but all had a real good time. The Boys want to express their thanks to the following for their very generous donations for the dance: Swift Canadian Co., Harris Abbatoir Co., Burns and Co, Sterling Fruit Co., Cran, Mowat and Drever, Ogilvie Flour Mills, of Winnipeg, Dryden Clover Belt Creamery, Dryden Jobbing Co., D. W. Scott, Bryces Bakery, Home Bakery, of Dryden, Jobin Marrin Co., Cresent Creamery, i Winnipeg, and Russell Barker of Oxdrift. To those who helped with the lunch the boys also wish fo thank and lastly to those who attended and helped in their way to make the venture =a pleasant one. : Financial statement of | dance will be published next week. ; follows: Ticket Draw--Barrel McGonagle. Camera, Miss P Hawke. 'Whist Game--CQents, 1st prize Ham ; Miss O. Reany; 2nd prize Tie, Mr. McKinney; Consolation & of business and all sections of this The prize winners were as Flour, -{J. Volkner; Box Apples, Miss Whist Game--DLadies, 1st prize Sack flour, Mrs. E. J. Warren; 2nd prize, box apples Mrs. F. Russell ; Consolation, 5 1b. butter Miss Wanda Weeks; Girl's prize £110 bs. Shortening, Aylmer Wil- son; Boy's prize, Pen and Pencil Art Taylor. side bacon. vote was won by Miss: Ella An winners: Anderson, 5 1b. box Chocolates Special Hidden Number prize was won by Clayton Bailey, 1 Best Lady Dancer by popular : : . a derson, a 5 1b. box of Chocolates. Know your Druggest better Twe spot dances during the program of dancing awarded as Miss Vera Bailey, 5 1b. box Chocolates; Mr. Gordon Reid, 125 Cigarettes; Miss Marg Mr. Hugh Mitchell, 125 Clgar- 7 ettes. 2 No 42. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Oxdrift Women's Instit- ute will hold their open meeting Friday evening, October 23rd, in the Community Hall, come and have a good time. Songs, de- bates, spelling match and con- tests also cards. Don't forget the night and everybody wel- come. I A tea In aid of St. Mathew's chureh will be held at the home of Mrs. A. J. Gardiner, Hagle 2 invitation is extended to every- one. @ ® @® The regular meeting of the AYPA. will be held October 21st in the form of a Masquer- ade. Admission 10c. Membes please bring their friends. New members will be initiated in the new form of initiation. : + 2 ® Drama "That's One On Bill' by ithe C.Y.P.C. *® ® © t The Hallowe'en Masquerade heing arranged by Silver Star Chapter, No. 177, O.E.S., will be 'held in the Pulp Mill Hall, not the Masenie Hall as was pre- viously announced. The proceeds will be in aid of the Red Cross Hospital. The date is Friday, October 30th and Russell's Ram- blers are supplying the musie. Posters announcing the various prizes will be out next week. ! oe ® day, October 27th, from 7 to 10 p.m., under the management of the 1st and 2nd Dryden Rangers, C.0.G. There will be all kinds of games and contests, good prizes and a hearty supper. Admission 16e. Remember the River on the afternoon of Thurs-! : : ply "5-1 one of the most eloque anc day, October 22nd. A cordial' oquent and Coming QCetober 22nd, Comedy , good time you had at the party last year boys and girls and come again. The District Deputy Visits The Dryden Masonic Lodge Mr. Farle C. Popham of Ken- ora, newly appointed D.D.G.M. of the western district of Masons accompanied by Messrs Richards, Parrott and Levinson, all also from Kenora, made an official visit to Golden Star Lodge last Tuesday. There was a very large attend- ance of members. We under- stand that Mr. Popham made illuminating addresses upon the symbols of Masonry, ever given to the local Masonic Lodge. The Lodge being closed, the brethren spent the remaining hours until the arrival of num- ber three, in feast, speech and story. Wor. Bro. H. Humphreys presiding at the request of the Master, Dr. Harold Mopison. rE OES Pa j W. I. Meeting The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Town Hall on Friday, October 30th, at 3 pm. This meeting is in charge of the Home Lceonomics Committee, and its chief feature will be a travel: ogue by Mrs. A. J. Locke. There will also be an acecunt of the Convention recently held in Dry- den, for the benefit of those who were unable to attend all sessions. Members are asked to remem- ber the shower of preserves and fruit, ete. for the hospital and Hallowe'en -- A Children's, bring their donation with them. Fancy Dress Party will be heid | in the Pulp Mill Hall on Tues- come visitors and new members. We shall be pleased to wel- Forthcoming Events Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L, Dryden Branch Poppy Day Nov. Tth. 'Whist Drive and Dance Nov. 11. Ex-Service Men's Banquet Nov. 14th. Armistice Service Nov. 15th. ir 'Optical $5.0 white lenses. No Extra Charge For Examination. LENSES Ground according to eye test in single vision Wonderful selection of frames. You are invited to come to us for advice about your eyes. Will be in Dryden one day only, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31st Make you appointment early with Mr. Self of the Dryden House. Eye-Sight Specialist, Fort William. \, I Special (ilasses Complete He is a member of a learn- ed profession--exacting in its requirements. Your physician relies on him to compound prescriptions. There must be no mistake. . You call on him for many . services--often when other ; places are closed. For his many services in promoting public health, he deserves your good will and hearty support. Lm --r---- b) -0 dntidedit---- 3 mia v Lid omnes Dryden y= Pharmac AT TT me ed) - rt cr mn ir tur F1 WEe Ee T : .

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