Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 8 Jan 1932, page 3

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~ LOST -- MOTTLEIL 7 .. January 8th, 1932. pee eR ~ THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Classified FOR RENT--FOUR . ROOM#&D suite, $10.00 per month. Tv room shack, $5.00 per mont, apply R. H. Pronger, Notary Public. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS-- Don't send out of town. Or- der them locally, just as cheap. Samples and prices on re- quest, The "Observer.*® "LOST -- CANADIAN LEGION Ladies' Auxiliary Badge. Please return to "Observer."' GREEN Munroe Fountain Pen. Reward if returned to Observer Office. FOR SALE--TAMARAC WOOD at $6.00 per cord, also good sound first growth Jack Pino (not black) at 5.00 per cord. Apply Fred Boomhower. EXCHANGE FOR (RAIN -- Two purebred Holstein bulls, two year old and one year old. Edye's Dairy, Box. 261, Dry. den. > WANTED -- ELECTRIC RE- frigerator franchise available for Dryden. Old established Company. Popular prices. This is an exceptional opportunity. Responsible, capable man only need apply. Box Ne. 5, Dry- Advis Ob py oT 1115 den Observer. 115. FOR SALE--SET OF BOOKS| hooks) | of Knowledge (20 Cheap. Apply Dryden Obser- ver. HAVE YOU OVERLOOKED consulting J. L. SKILLEN about the renewal of your Fire Insurance Policy. He can save you 20c on every deglar you spend on insurance pre- miums. FRATERNAL NOTICES GOLDEN STAR LODGE AF. & AM, No. 484, GRC. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dry- den, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors cordially invited. H. Morison, W.M. A. E. BERREY, Sce'y. LO.L DRYDEN LODGE, No. oVelie 1694 Meets the First and Third Wednesday of each month, at eight pm. in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. WM. BOYLE, W.M. B. R. SMITH, Rec.-Sec'y. " o. pees | 1.0.0.F.,, DRYDEN LODGE. No. 417, meets in the Town Hull, Dryden every Monday evening at 8 p.m. . M. SPICER, N.G. FF. WHITELEY, Ree. Sec. GRANITE & MARBLE MONUMENTS GEO. NOBLE Dryden, Ontario = | | -- See L. BAUER Princess St., Dryden --Ffor-- Wood Sawing Prompt Service -- CASH Progressive Shoe Hospital FIRST CLASS MACHINERY, WORKMANSHIP & MATERIAL MODERATE PRICES Jobs a Specialty Done While You Wait." 'ull Line of: 7 SHOE POLISH & LACES Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. P.O Box 240 Dryden. Ont. L. GREENEILL Phone 4 Ep | ) Promt attention given to all | orders for wood sawing. A. J. PILKEY Pru i Phone 141 -- Ring 2 =, (F= ia OR, a "Anderson & Harris I Funeral Directors Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended To. Night, 62 R 4 a --: PHONE Day, 62 R 3 { TT re ; Ma WC ROYAL BANK OF i CANADA ISSUES STRONG REPORT | Profits at $5,448,327 fully cover regular dividends and usual appropriation -- Tot2l assets stand at over $825,000,000-- Liquid position well maintain- ed, quickly available assets totalling $348,630,551. Further striking evidence of the unusual strength of the Can- adian banking system and the rapidity with which it has been possible for leading Canadian banks to meet the changed con- ditions is afforded by the annual i statement of The Royal Bank of Canada. The report, which is now going forward to share- holders, is for the fiscal year ending November 30th. With the large resources at its disposal, the Bank has been able to readily adjust itself to the new conditions and at the same time maintain its characteristi- cally strong laquid position. With the less active trade con- ditions, the general business of the Bank, as represented by. commercial leans, was on a smaller scale, but shareholders i will be gratified in finding that profits were more than sufficient to permit of payment of the regular dividend at the rate ot 1Z per cent and, in addition, to take care of all the usual ap- propriations, including $660,000 set aside for Doininion Govern- ment taxes. Assets Well Maintained The general staismens of assets and liabilities shows tot! assets in excess of $825.000 (50, a re- duction of only about 7 per cent | as compared with the previous year. In the light of lower com- modity prices and gencral siaedi- ening of activity, the mainten-: ance of total assets at such a high level should be regarded as' a remarkably good showing. in keeping with its policy, the Bank's liquid position, as usual, is a strong one, liquid assets tot- alling $348,630,651, or over 48 per cent of liabilities to the puh- lie. The principal accounts in- cluded among them are cash! Churches . ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Te Father Belanger, P.P. Sunday: 10 a.m. Holy Mass. 11 a.m. Catechism. 7 p.m. Rosary and Benediction. ST. LUKE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10.00 o'clock--Sunday School. 11.00 o'clock--Mattins and Sermon. 7.00 o'clock--Evensong and Sermon. Rev. W. M. Clarke Minister, THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Dryden Ontario Oxdrift--1.30 Sunday School. 2.30 Divine Worship, Dryden--11.00 Church School. 7.00 Divine Worship. The forthcoming Sunday being "Disarmament" Sunday, the minister will speak on--Our Word Of Honour."' What we owe to our ten million dead and to the millions yet un-! born? The Scouts and Guides will parade to church. You are welcome. John W. Howes, Minister, ro-- THE BAPTIST CHURCH (Edgar Ferns, Pastor) Rev. Bob Munro, well-known Scottish Evangelist will preach i from January 3 to January 14. Here is his tentative programme : } Friday, Jan. 8th, 8 pm-- "Why I Am Not An Infidel." i Sunday, Jan, 10th 11 am.--- "The Second Coming Of Christ 13 And The Modern Apostasy." 3 pm--"After Death What!" tT pm--"Not Far From Kingdom." Monday, Jan. 11th, 8 p.m.-- tures!"' Tuesday, Jan, 12th, 8 pm "Heaven And How To Get There." Wednesday, Jan. 13th, 8 p.m. -- 'Exciting Scenes In a Prison House."' Thursday, Jan.® 14th--'The | Only Sin That God Will Not Forgive--The Unpardonable Sin. t forward to credit of profit and items of $150,286,891; Dominion ' (= and Provincial Governmnt sec- urities of $85,473,058 and (sna- dian municipal and British, for-' eign and colonial public securi-- tiesof $24,641,816. (Call loans total $76,293,380 and naturally ! represent a substantial reduction for the year, those in Canada | C] [1] Edye's Dairy The home of good milk. Babies Milk a Specialty. The only accredited herd in the district. If in want, drop us a card BOX 261, DRYDEN being down $18,847,955 or 33 per i cent, and those abroad over &7.- 000,000. (Corn, The generally lessened business! activity is further reflected in commercial loans, which are $419,345,043, as compared with $444,815,877 a year ago. Letters of credit also show a reduction | | -- nearly $10,000,000--obviously | {| due to curtailed international trade. Bt Total deposits stand at $647, | 303,075, as against $695,589,060 | L. HADLEY -- PHONE 65 DRAY Trucking accomodation ut moderate prices. When in need of a dray call us. =|] ------ oT A, i at the end of the 1930 year. The = decline, as is well known, has; been principally in deposits else- where than in Canada, those in: the Dominion being down only $7,160,200, and now amount to $479,165,064, as against $486 - 325,264. Satisfactory Profits The many shareholders of the Bank will be particularly in- terested in the profit and loss account, and the showing made should be regarded as very sat Dry fire killed pine for sale Cut this winter, not old pulpwood, not black, nor dirty to handle. PRICE PER CORD $5.00 For immediate delivery. PHONE 15 isfactory. Profits for the year amounted to $5448.327, and | Swa n Swa son these added to the amount {ll EI brought forward from the pre- ceding year brought the total available for distribution up to $9,555,105. Payment of the usual 12 per cent divident absorbed $4,200,000; a contribution of; $200,000 was made to Officers'! Pension Fund; the usual amount | of $400,00 was appropriated for bank premises and $600,000 was {mE WHY NOT CUT YOUR CVERHEAD EXPENCE BY INSURING WITH THE WAWANESE MUTUAL allotted for Dominion Govern- INS. CO. ment taxes. After meeting all these charges the substantial 2 amount of $4,155,105 was carried J. L. SKILLEN Agent for all Lines of Insurance. loss into the next fiscal year. The report will be submitted to shareholders at the annual meeting to be held at the Head {t Office of the Bank on Thursday, REA 3] DRY PINE | ~-- Dn January Clearing Sale Wait for our announcement next week. Rig reductions on coats and dresses as well as store wide reductions on all other lines. HEAVY GREY WHIPCORD BREECHES Side laced and leather knee patch. POR BIEN te sr a $2.29 MEN'S SIZES ........ swells A a $2.99 HEAVY ALL WOOL MACKINAW BREECHES Laced knee. New stock just in. BOYS BIBS oA a $2.29 MEN'S SIZES Ralph J. Pronger We pay the delivery charges. The store that will not be undersold, = Winterbottom Lumber Yard Builder @. Contractor. Lumber, Ceal and Builders' Supplies EVERYTHING FOR A BUILDER Quality -- and -- Service Dryden JAS. WINTERBOTTOM Ontario January 14th. i | IN MEMORIAM | COMPLETE STOCK OF + i HARNESS, In loving memory of Regimental Sergeant Major Walter Davis, HORSE COLLARS, D.C. by late RM.A., attached AND HORSE BLANKETS. South African Heavy Artillery who died at Toronto, January 10th, 1927, ever and only re- membered by hiz wife Esther and two children, Phyllis and Walter, MIZPAH Thanks I wish to take this opportunity to thank my friends for the sup- port accorded me at the election Best Quality Mitts and Gloves. err F. WILLARD Expert Shoe and Harness Repairs. = Monday. T. A. MILES. § : 4 The | "Hell----What Saith The serip-! You are cordially invited. 7 PESSiIS-- High Grade Men's Who makes Furnishings at the inspyance Rates? Lowest Prices "9 Suits & O'Coats Made-to-Measure Finest Selection of styles and samples to choose from at the most economical prices. LOOK THEM OVER The Insuring Public! How? By the amount of care used in reducing fire waste. Fates are de'ermined by the loss record of the various types of buildings over a period of years. Help reduce rates by keeping down the losses. K. G. AUSTIN AGENT DRYDEN 7 J T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor" HUMIDITY IS IMPORTANT Everyone realizes how important the question of humidity in the home, store or office actually is and 'nearly everyone will admit that sufficient humidity is not being obtained. Filling by hand the ordinary water pan of a furnace is cumbersome and invariably this duty is overlooked but you may now attach to your present hot air fur- nace, no matter what make -- A Pease Foundry Automatic Humidifier This will at all times, without any further attention from you, positively assure you a continuous supply of invisible moisture reaching every room just as long as the furnace is being operated. We offer this at a special price of $16.00, plus cost of installing if ordered in January, 1932. Olaf A. Isakson DRYDEN CNTARIO i THE BUSY JTORE Ogilvies Royal Household Flour, 98 ib : Montcalm Flour, 98 ib Shorts, 100 ib Bran, 100 1b : Ogilvies Crushed Oats, 100 1b $1.60 Ogilvies Pood Oats, Shughels ......... J.81 45 B.C. Apples, per box 4-Ib tin Wagstaff's Strawherry Jam Ground Rice, per pkg. Rice Flour, per pkg. 13¢ Potato Flour, per pkg. 15¢ Puckley's Mixture, for coughs and colds, large size 50e¢ Davis and Lawrence Cough Syrup, white pine and tar, with terpin hydrate and extract of cod liver oil, large size 50¢ sreen Syrup for coughs and colds, orighal and genuine 0... 50: Davis and Lawrence tasteless preparation of extract of Cod Liver Oil, with one 10¢ cake Toilet Soap Free, all for $1.00 We also have Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery ; Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription: Scott's Emulsion ; Pure Cod Liver Oil; Phillip's Milk of Megnesia, Eno Salts; Kruschen Salts and hundreds of other medical articles--LOOK US OVER. D. W. SCOTT SPOT CASH SPECIALS Ga $2.60 $2.35 et EN Introducing TO THE PEOPLE OF DRYDEN AND DISTRICT 1932 Ford Supreme An absolutely new model, which will amaze the buying public for its Style--Performance--Value Nothing like it has ever been seen before. STAND BY FOR FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS Dingwall Motors Lid, Sales and Service] DRYDEN, Ont. KENORA, Ont.

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