Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 18 Mar 1932, page 1

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tains In TL BL SRS THE NEWSPAPER SERVICE OF THE DRYDEN DISTRICT I RYD A COVERING THE TERRITORY BETWEEN FORT WILLIAM AND KENORA. to get. With subscription to or every one we will give beautif It's easy every new the Observer year renewal, one of these ful Champion pens absolutely FREE. Ask your family or your neighbour. Only one vear's subscription and it's yours. 1 ({ HE FRIEN DLIN ESS Or IGNACE w The writer was privileged GRR day. He then went. .on to disc the Georgian Bay Canal Chatter and its cffect upon the Hywro [| Blectiic Power Comanission of | | Ontario. The whole effect of "his speech was an attempt to transportation gnest of Superin- tendent J. i. Fraine to attend the Annual Banquet of the lg nace Y.M.C.A. When at Lunace, he was the guest of Ignace, Tt seems that once a year the Nocal board of the Y.M.C.A. at Tonace makes ils report, order to have everyone happy | puts on a meal, that for lavish profusion and good cooking is hard to beat. There must a I have been over a hundred that sat down, and one of the speakers said in truth and earnest, 'that out of scores of banguets, he had never been so goreed with turkey, ete, as on- March 15th, 1932, in the Y M.C.A. at Tenace. Depression has bumped Ignace of course, but it is hard to sce where. Everyone was happy, all were most delightfully friendly, each person well dressed, and ithe scene was well set for a splendid programme under a very able chairman. The field sceretary of the (ieneral Council of the Y.M.C.A,, there especially for the occasion, spoke at interesting length; one of the Western officials of the Railway, as chief speaker, gave an illustrated description of the Peace River, intensely animating and cspecially well done, and the guests from Kenora and Dryden, had a few words, remarks from the local officials, the whole concluded by the ef- ficient local manager, summaris. me RE (Good and well lead community singing, and vocal numbers, mix- or ed well with the speeches. And there it is. A thing well 71a 8 | done, thoroughly enjoved and a long to be remembered evening. LADIES' AUXILIARY MEETING The Tadies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Twegion, B.E.S.L., held its regular monthly meeting in the Agricultural office on Mon- dav evening. There was a splen- did attendance and the president, Mrs. D. Brownhill was in the chair. The forthcoming Cons vention of the Legion to he held at Deer Lodge, Man., the end of this month wag discussed and Mrs. Paterson is the choice of the Auxiliary to represent the local branch at the Convention. Much business was discussed after which dainty refreshments were served by the lunch coni- mittee under the convenership off Mrs. Mercer. my - AA RS 5 Vou oe AT ton neglect yo 4 pleasing | and to these were added' i | | i users. ovider paper were given by the 'Government, showing the dates connect Harry Sifton and fhe Georgian Bay Canal and United States power interests on the one hand, with those who are today eriticising Hydro on the other hand. The Government evidently have determined that | their policy shall be 'hands off { Hydro'? and will carry that to the extreme by denouncing any- one who in any way criticises t Hydro, Electric Couunission as 'being an enemy of public owner- ship and power developments fand distribution within the Pro- I vince. [Te was followed in debate by Dr. George MeQuibban, Liberal N.E. Wellington, who gave voice to virtually the same criti- cisms of the Commission in the | House that he has voiced in out- side meetings, his main conten- tion being that many of the power contracts let to Quebec interests were not economical and that it had increased the cost of power to the power users in Ontario, Ie particularly at- tacked the Gatineau deal as an illustration where the comnis- sion had agreed to pay not only 415.00 a hovse-power for power from outside the Province, but had agreed to pay in United States funds, which proceedure has cost the Commission mueh more in addition in recent pay- ments. He charged that power houses were closed at Niagara at the present time on account 'and took Mu, resume of the speech of the Hon. Charles MeCrae, taking him to task for various parts of it and contending that the Minister, although recognized as one of the ablest debators on the Tov. ernment. benches had safely skat- ed around many of the points raised by the erities of Hydro. He contended that the amend- ment to the amendment moved by the Government really con- tradicted the position assumed by the Government in the fol- lowing manner: Government motion stated 'The adherence of this House to the principle of the development, acquisition and distribution of electric power at cost: by Hydro Power Cominis. Tileetrie sion and its organization whose yecord of integrity efficiency and administrative capacity long has has been a source of pride and material advantage to the Province, '"that they had also appointed a Royal Conuuission to enquire into two very pro. nent deals made by the same Hyilro Commission and thereby threw some doubt at least upon the correct wordi of the amendment." In other words if the "integrity cificiency and administrative capacity' of Hy. dro was all that they elaimed for it. then the Government had been wrong in appointing a conmission to investigate it, Hon, Mr, Nixon, Progressive Leader, followed Mr. Sinelair Henry for a ride on account of his connection with Dairy Companies and In- surance Companies as a director. He pointed ont that it had long 3 of lack of consumption but that| been recognized that eabinet the flow of power from Quebee,' ministers shovli nat retain of- although in mueh smaller volume | fices and nanied Mr. Bennet as than had been contracted for,!an examvle when he had resign- would have to be paid foried all his directorates when whether used or not at the maxi- assuming hig office as Premier mum amounts, There seemed no! af Canada. He said that Mw doubt that contracts for power: Henry would likely be afforded from Quebec companies have an opportunity otf explaining also been let in large blocks "his position in respect ta the following the stock market North American Life Insurance crash of OCetober 1929 and at 4 Co. before the committee of time when it was very cvident banking and Insurance at. Ott. ihat the present depression inevitable. Honorable My, Challies, Prov- inecial Secretary continuing the debate from the Government, side made no attempt to answer the criticisms of the former speaker hut he did try to show the henefits aceruing to power in Eastern Ontario from the purchases of power from! Quebec interests, Mr. F. Oliver, U.F.0., South Grey, strongly criticised the. Government for lack of interest shown in agricultural industry and advocated the use of Pro- vineial banks in advancing Gov- ernment. loans rather than the policy pursued hy the Govern- ment in issuing bonds for Gov- ernment loans at a high rate of interest, claiming there wonld be a substantial saving to the Government and provide safe investment for the man of small means. The debate was adjonr- ned after midnight by Mp, Sia- clair, Leader - of the Leen} group. St On We Ph ay the first rop- lies to questions placed on the was for various Hydro contracts and the appointment of th Cormnis- sion and their salavies, nanies of the various muni palitics and the amount orants paid to each in respect to the unemployment relief Act were also shown, It was shown that the Chairman and Seere- tary of the Hydweo Electric Power Commission, Mp, , A, MeGrath and W. W. Pope, res- pectively, were the individuals who signed the contract with Beauharnois Power Company. 10 Bills were given second reading and Bill No. 78, an Act to amend the Insurance Act respecting Automobile Insurance, was put of through the committee of the whole. Like action was also {akon on Np, 89 an Act to amend the Steam Boilers a awa, as that commitiec has heen instructed hy. the Dominion parliament to conduct an-inves- tigation into the Sun Life and North Ameviean Life Tnsuranee Companies, : "The Premier in «loging con- oratulated his {two Ministers who had taken part in the de- "bate and In respeet to Mr. Nixon, stated that he would he elad to answer any questions in respect I to hig official positions outside the Government at any time He used very strong lanouage in reply to Dr, MeQuibban and | read from an extraet prepared by the Hwdro Electric Power Commission to refute statements made by the member for N. E. Wellington, This was involved teehnical data and it did not seem, to the ceasuval observer, to very effectively answer some of the points. He called upon the loyal supporters of the CGoveru- ment to vote for the amendment to the amendment and at the conclusion of his remarks, ihe House divided, the vote heing 76 for the amendment and 19 against with three Government members paired with threo op- position members, The House adjourned at 6.55, On Friday, Mon, Mr. Finlay- son gave the frst report of the select committee appointed at the last session to consider amendments to the Municipal Act. Tn his introductory remarks he stated that this was not an opportune time to make exten sive ehanges in municipal law. It has heen he ia decided to curtail of the Mh ialifies ul rious gents actual ily ture. The law "heretofore, has permitted current borrowings up to 90% of estimated revenue. The Per Diem fees for represen- tatives attending municipal meetings have heen reduced to $8.00 in Counties, $5.00 in cities less than £100,000 in population, (Ce timed on Pagn 4) Vimy present, COMING -- April TIME DANCE in the Mill Hall--See Posters. Full particulars will be published in the Observer next week. * Rt. Wor. Bro. Yorke C. Tos ham, D.D.G.M. of Kenora, will visit Golden Star Lodge, AF. & AM. on Tuesday evening, March 22nd. Visiting brethren cor- dially invited. The Ladies' Canadian hold an Se ardor, Mill Hall Auxiliary to the Leyvion, BE.S.L., will Empire Day Tea on May 21st, in the Pulp = LEE Ta 'anadian Legion, BE.S.1.. Branch, will 'hold =a The? Dryden Pulp Mill Tall on Friday, April 8th. Whist and Danee prizes and refreshments. Russells Ramblers will play. Admission only 47¢ and 3e tax. There will also be a Tueky Door Prize. e @ @ The Canadian Legion, B.1.S. 1, and the Dadics' Auxiliary will hold a social evening in the Town Hall on Tuesday. March 22nd, at 8.30 pm. All members both of MEMORIAL DISCUSSED The twmout at the public meeting called last Friday cven- ing to consider the question of a Memorial was sufficiently en-| couraging to warrent further! action, chairman Mayor and Legion in the majority. After some discussion moved by J. E. onded by J. Winterbottom that every Lodge, Church and organ- ization in town of any type be written to and asked to send two representatives to a meeting to be held early in April when the question will be gone into thoroughly. The general feel ing seems to be in favour of gome sort of a Memorial to those Pitt acted about 25 members as were heing it was who fell in the Great War fron this town, so everyone is reques- ted to attend this niecting and ladies are especially invited. CELEBRATES SILVER WEDDING Mr. and Mrs, Boomhower were pleasently surprised on Saturday evening when a number of Tiends gathered at their home in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary. A pleasant time was spent with musie, cards and games, and during the evening Mr. Mrs Boomhower were presented with a lovely sandwich plate, and a dainty lunch brought to a close a pleasant time. W.IL Members Please Note Since the last Friday in March Good Friday, the is Thursday, March 24th, the Town Hall at 3 p.m. Agricultur- al Committee is in charge, un- der convenorship of Mrs. IL An is being arrvang welcome, Davidson. ora, hody mteresting ed, pro- Every- BL Town of Dryden Tenders for scavenger Town of Dryden by the unde 2nd, 1932. i SE (HELE for , will be reeeive:t wee until April Work to commence April 15th and to continue until November 1st, 1932. Tenders to be marked ""Tanders for Seaven- ger. 3) all particulars regarding con- traet ean be obtained from Coun- cillor Frank Willard. Lowest or anv tender toprily accepted. not nec- THO a. 0. 0IDanA Merk, Ty ia) Praden, Ont 3 Ist -- OLD | Pulp! tidge Celebration in the organizations are invited. | Harris and sce-! anc | ! reawlar monthly meeting will be held on" day : preceeding Good Friday, at the! La price locally as they had been buying only cuts, Boston Butts and Hams and had been paving 8c th for the former and Tloe ib for the latter, delivered at Kenora or Fort William. The contractors had been re- ticent in making an offer of $5.20 per cewt. for for they felt the offer misunderstood. might think they take advantage to the weak However situation, might be Local = farmers were trying of them market. to help the local Crawley & MeCracken {0 will take from 100 to 200 hogs locally, weighing up to 130 Ibs. @ $5.25 per ewt., over this : weight op per ewt., excluding boars and subject to their in. spection, om p------------ SOCIAL Rouse spent the weel- Winnipeg. ; Etherington and Mrs. visitors from Harry end in Mrs. Duncan nace Saturday. red Bonner from Camp 1173, oJ Ta- were at Edison, was a visitor to town Wednesday. Chas. Collen was a business visitor {rom Wabigoon Wednes- day. Miss Eva Pity returned Sat- urday after spending a few days in Kenora. The skating rink closed Wed- nesday night. Ero 1 IN MEMORIAM jE $ In loving memory of Frederick Rodtka, who passed away on March 15th, 1924, in Dryden. Ontario. Sad and sudden was the call, So dearly loved by one and all. His memory is as sweet today. As in the hour he passed away. Inserted by wife and family. 1 1 i li t i | IN MEMORIAM t + In loving memory of a dear de- parted wife and mother, Mrs. Joan Hardie, who died March 18th, 1928. When days are dark and friends are few Dear mother how we think of ! YOU. t Let friends be friends if they be true We ne our best friend when el To You a hob Your fail to do your part heart was true and ten- der. ; You did your loved is something to remem- her. Fver remembered by Hushand 1 That owing | a aressed hogs! Lojed-leiodel H Fl hest for those you | ad eit - DRYDEN, ONTARIO, MARCH 18th, 1932. o VOL. X. ' No. 12 ge -- ===) igh Ce pr Ee E Pre === WILL PURCH ASE Re ee AB y : BOYS and GIRLS i hat' S Doin In Toronto ? i Announcements i LOCAL HOGS a ; Would you Tike a hand- J ] a The secretary of the Agrieul | S 000s Free om : JUMBO Daa. mell-gii (By Special Correspondence) f! The Senior Girl's Auxiliary of 4 Sodicle 0) bw th a is fie Bl RR ph ABE erro me marr tne mp na br lee te Clveively will Told on Crawley & MoCracken tanning] Porc w Hetod fie ons FOUNT AIN PEN Tuesday, March 1st Hon. Mr.| The House then adjowrned of Sernoon Ths on ely the purchase of hogs in this | ihe Observer is eivine a i McCrae resumed the debate on| 4.12 which was quite a contrast | 123: a So on z Se District. Hime \LF DOZEN : = lt with i Seated GOLD the speech ch from the Some and' Hit preceeding day. hs LA ah I i Te He has now asked us to pub- ol dbo late q SPOONS nih FREE? spent the greater part of an hn resuming the debate ony Stal lish the reply whieh was to the EJ ! pai Lye hour in covering the same' Thursday, Mr. Sinclair, Liberal Rw effect that they, Crawley & with. every two year new PADS gy ground that he had on Thurs-! Leader, gave a very humorous | MeCracken had refused to offer or renewal. subseription. Come in today and take aclrantage of this oppor- vanity while the supply of these very fine snoons lasts. OGUOGHRGaGON0 coonsc Ryas0e & Church Neus § TNOHOS IDTTNN COORD sasaon UNITED CHURCH NEWS Sam Martin, Chap- Trans-Canada High- way camps in the area visits Dryden this weekend, preaching on Sunday and giving his illus- trated lecture on" Churehbill and the North Country 7? on Monday night at 8 0 selock in the church. : : Mr, Martin followed thd steel into Churchill and has delivered his lecture over 300 times across Canada. Eighty slides will be The Rev, lain to the shown, all made from pictures taken by Mr. Martin. Kindly keep in mind the Passion Week Services on Thurs- day 7.30 and Friday 8.00 pam. in the United and Anglican Churches. Easter Sunday is a full day--- Church School at 10 a.m.--Ioly. Communion at 11 a.m. Cantata "Gethsemane to Calvary' at 7. o'cloek by the choir. Make this a festival of joy and thanks- giving. JW. H. UNITY BETWEEN CHURCHES Tt is gratifying to know that the United Church and - the Anglican Church will join han in Holy Week. On Thursday night the service will be at the United . Church, commencing at 7.30 and the Rev. W. M. Clarks will preach. The choir also will assist the singing. On Good Friday evening the service will dy FAR bé in the Anglican Church. There will be a full choir fo lead with "The Story of the Cross" and the hymns will - the well-known. The preach: on this occasion will be the Rev: J. W. Howes to whom the church extends a very warn in- vitation. The service will eom: mence at 8 o'clock. "Both minist- ers with their elders extend a welcome to everyone irrespee- tive of ereed to attend, since it. is to say the least, humanity's obligation to Almighty God. Anglican Vestryman.. The Bridge and Whist Party advertised by St. Luke's Guild has been changed and the party will now be held in the Parish 0 31st. "and Family. Hall on Thursday, March rm ase rp pointe EIT ---- LT = ramet EL Flowers for Easter LEAVE A Stock Presh Flowers will he on Hand for the | Taster Season. : DAFFODILS : | | CARNATIONS Eis : VIOLETS LILLIES SNAPDRAGONS TULIPS, ETC. YOUR ORDER EARLY { SSRN ivy Ym i re a A Ya i sto Wilk = Bue ES at SE wie, a

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