Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 1 Apr 1932, page 1

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= 7 COVERING THE TERRITORY HOW THE NEWSPAPER SERVICE a iE mon OF THE DRYDEN DISTRICT AND KENORA. VOL. X. DRYDEN, ONTARIO, APRIL 1st, 1932. No, 14. : Ag SEE Fe iE LT ---- a | PR A iN APRIL FOOL SOCIAL ¥ ne Gonna Siseyinges ALE a 1 Be 5 1 gv HE 3 Loass nl NT by All Fool's Day a) now a Yosilig Ra ii Dat, What S Doing In Toronto ? S ¢ 8 Church Nefus § TREND AHEAD with" us once again, amd we | was the guest of her daughter, ? { EL Tr". 4 : might take the time to learn a Miss T.ocking, of the Pul Bite ® : (By Mente Correspondence) 1 UNITED CHURCH NEWS While the world does not _al- valuable lesson. School staff, f or 2 io Sri hk Be A a wii Ne -- as together put implicit faith in Be it known that every day curing the past week at the On Tuesday, March 15th the had visen at a rate approximate. | Enter & bi ; the weather man, it always ap- of he year is 'All Fool's Day' | home of Mrs. Con Anderson. aster Sunday has passed; bud for the erooks who prey on the unwary. People used to be sent for left handed monkey wrenches and hen's teeth, on April Ist, and furnished much amusement by their enquiries therefor. Such simple ruses have given place to more astute jokes as time ad vances, but still the spirit of "All Fool's Day' prevails on the first of April. The point that we wish to make is that good folk might take a course in being fooled at this season -of the year, so as to be proof against sellovs of fake stocks and countless other a of crookedness, that will likely stalk abroad in the land just as the local money market begins to loosen up a little more. Just ag the seaveher for handed monkey wrenches left- has gone out of vogue, the buyer of the hona-fide gold brick has ceased to exist. But this does not smean that the snares of the crooked are not spread with care, ; So he wise. Take your fill of being harm- lessly fooled on April 1st, but fooled on other It may prove heware of being days of the year. costly. THE ASS GOT HIS REPUTATION It seems the donkey had not shown his true colors when the world was young and was wide- ly esteemed ag a most gaoaciony beast. A famous sheik, exceed- ly pr] of his large herd, titer the Prophet himself to test their wisdom. Mahomet ad- dressed the asses: "Tet test your wisdom,' he.said. "Answer me this (ues. tion: What should an ass re- quire for a three days' journey? And they counseled among themselves and then made reply: "OQ Prophet, any ass should require six bundles of hay and three bags of dates." This answer was eminently wise hy company. The ed: "Wait," dressed the make a three I will not give 1s ' al considered the assembled Prophet answer- he ngnin ad- "1 have journey, but six bundles and ASSCS. days' you of hay and three bags of dates! for making it. Let him who will go for less stand forth." And behold, they all stood forth and began to talk at once Fach underbid the other until finally one especially long-cared agreed to go for one bundle f hay. Then spoke the Proph- Sind vou cannot even live three davs on one bundle of much less profit from the 1: for hay, journey. "True," quoth the long-eared one, "but I wanted the onder." And from that far-off day to this, asses have been known fis fools, and price entters have Leen asses.--ontributed by EW. Stansfield. Thanks (rls Auxiliary A.of St. Luke's church wish to express their than to all those who helped to make their tea and homecook- me sale a success. as The Senior and Junior W. ks : ee Jip INSURANCE see J. E. GIBSON, Agent EY Dennis Wright spent the wonk-] ES * end in Winnipeg. »* Ld % Mrs. A. Belanger is visit- ing friends in Winnipeg. * * 2% Miss Mona Morris of Regina. is visiting at her home in Diry- den. ho % 0% Miss Jean McDougall, of Tor ette, Man, is he guest of Mr, and Murs. T 5 Skil Jen. ' Russell Lott hag returned visiting her parents at Ont. Mrs after London, ES He Ernewein of Walkerton, Ont, and his daugh- ter, Mrs. Louis Flach and two children were the guests of Me Se Mrs. Jos. Frnewein for a few days this week, enroute to Onward, Sask # Mr. George Ed A Miss visitor Sunday. Contini lgnace on Annie Trom was Easter My. spent auest Prank Coyle of Winnipeg, Baster in Devden, the of Rev. R. (i, Belanger. Mrs. (. R. turned after in Winnipeg. TTamilton has re- spending a week * 0% i. Skillen and daughter have returned from Vovette, Man Mrs. JI infant home We Mrs. visitor Johnston to of Tenace, was Divden Sunday. 5 a Miss attending College, Lenore MeRae, who is Manitoba Agricultural is spending the Baster| = vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McRae. "Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal, en- route from Montreal to Kenora, stopped off at Dryden for a few days to visit their daughter Miss to | A. M. Boitean. Lo Me WM Dr. and Mrs ¢. Dingwall were visitors to Winnipeg for ihe Easter weekend, T Ho % Miss Consy Kerney and her lcousin Miss Ellen Connell of i Winnipeg spent the. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerney LCE 3 3» Miss A. M. Boiteau is spend- ing this week Winnipeg. visiting friends in Ed * 3% Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Collis of Winnipeg EO BE. Elliott, of the Royal Bank h 1 i staff, spent the weekend at home in Neepawa, Man. Ed 5 5 Bill Spicer Kenora. spent the weekend in 3* Miss Maybelle Vermilion Bay, spent a few 'davs in town this week. Ed Franceg Cooper of the Winni- peg Tribune, was a business visitor to Dryden this week. Hans Kellhere, jr, of Wald: hot, has been spending the Fas. Lier vacation in Kenora with his Lizzie Kellheig. ES ® LJ of the Public spending the sister, Miss QO). McKinney School staff, is West. e holidays in the : Ps Mitchell, manager of 's Bakery has heen trans- ferred to Yorkton, Sask. Mr. Cross of Yorkton .is now in charge of Bryee's local branch. #* 2% * Hughie Bryce J 8S. Morirson, manager of the Dryden Creamery Co., was a business visitor to Winnipeg last week. Ed Bd * Miss Dorothy Schurg. teacher at the Pine Grove school, has been spending the Easter vaea- tion in Dryden. ES Mrs. Chas. Merril was a visit- or from Wabigoon Wednesday, Brie. and Frank Collis spent! the weekend with their parents. | MeDonald of | i i report of the Private Bills Com! received bills with amendments. Pow bills given first reading, two of them being amendments to the Insui- Act, the one introduced hy Price merely clarifying the mittee Tour was private minor were ance My. Act to permit a Mutual Benefit Loets ; dngofar as Government financing Socicty to prepave and file its annual statement as at the 30th day of September instead of the calendar year and to remove the restriction of a one year term for insuring mercantile and manufacturing rvisks and to add to the Act definitions for "" Auto tmobile and Automobile Insuran-! Act ce." The other Insurance introduced by Mr. Singer, onto St. Andrews, a penalty upon Insurance Com- Tor- panies who diseriminated again. ! st applicants on acount of relio. ion or nationality. The Honor: able Mr. Kennedy introduced an Act to assist Co-operative ciations to market agricultural produce. = The dehate on the budget wis rested by. Mr. Elliot, North Pouce. In the course of hig speech of one and one half hous he dealt with different phases of the Provincial finances and severely condemned several fea- tures of it. He conclusively showed that the method of jssu- ng the recent Provincial deans had cost the tax payers of fhe Province about one and ane. third million dollars by reason of the very rapid in prices following the his contention heineg that the interest rate was very muelh too high, Tis eriticism of the debt of the Province was an outstand. ing one, showing $hnt the debt! Issuing, for | was to place refurning 'boasted Yand Sr % . f appreciation | | i i surplus during some of the years 'doned. ing Forty Million Dollars a year mn (103 spite of the facet that the vernment ow reporting 19: 29 In the Government h of its financial policy respect to debt retirement in each of the last two budgets the dh retifement and vet in each of the last two bud. the debt retirement pis in, concerned had heen aban- In other words had the fiscal policy of the Government as announced in 1929 heen fol- lowed, the deficiit today would run into and not the paltry sum shown hy the Treasurer. One striking fieure shown that it cost Thirteen Thousand Dollars a day for interest alone for the increase in the public debt in- curred since 1923. Were these conditions to continue for even a limited length of time, the financial conditions of the Prov- ince would become nearly hope- was was less. My. Clifford Case, North York followed My. Ly in de- bate and lauded the Government | for the amount of assistance oiven the unemploved. Mr. Ni O. Hipel, South Waterloo, who had seconded Mr Tliot's mot- ion to condemn the Government for the alarming increase in Provincial debt and its peiiey of its financial condition before the people, fol- placing unfairly lowed to add his condemnation of the financial methods of the present Government. The debate was carried on until 11.40 with some ten speakers. On Wednesday nine hills were introduced and read LADIES' AUXILIARY SECOND ANNUAL 3 ANNIVERSARY The Town: Hall Tuesday even ing, the 22nd, was the scene of a merry gathering, when the Ladies'. Auxiliary to the Cana- dian Legion, BE.S.1., cclebrat- ed their Sceond Annual Anniver- sary. The lady members, with their hushands and friends gath ered to honour the occasion. A game of capds, cach group playing what they desired com- prised the first part of the even- ing. ; A musieal proeramme follow. ed. Miss Boitean and Mr. Me- Kinney, hy request, rendered some of their popular selections and piano duets. Humour always plavs an portant part in any gathering, and the comedy on this occasion me; was supplied in the one-act play presented by Yola Streddo, May | Quirk and James Righey. Mrs. EB. Mercer gave a fine reading, after which a dainty lunch was served, under the ex. cellent eonvenor ship of the com- mittee in charge 7 Dancing and community sino- ing was the next order of the evening, and continued until the wee sma' hours, when everyone went home happy. Special Meeting An important meeting of the Tieeion will be held Hall, 830 p.m. Sunday, April 3rd. A full representation of members is requested and all ex- service men are welcome J. Winterbottom, Pres. | Miss Freda Bolte is spend- ing home in Waldhof. *® 8 @ Mike Lontitt spent the week- end in Winnipeg. * Mrs. A. Paterson is in Winni- peg attending the convention of the Canadian Legion, BE.S.I., representing Dryden Branch of | the Ladies' Legion. Auxiliary to the *® © @ M. Davidson is' represent- ing a Branch of the Can- adian Legion, BES.L , at the convention being held in Winni. peg this week, in the Town I { watch the Faster holidays at her: the first time. Four private (Continued on Pane 4) GE I: { Announcements i TT TN en ETT Don't forget the eurling mect- ing tonight, Town Hall at 7.30 p.m. *% t=] &* The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Leyion, BE.S.L., will hold -an. Empire Day Tea on matuiday, May 21st, in the Pulp Mill Hall, % on The Canadian Legion, BE.8.1., Dryden Branch, will hold a Vimy Ridge Celebration in the Pulp Mill Hall on Friday, Apel! 8th. Whist and Danee prizes and refreshments. Russell's Ramblers will play. Admission only 47¢ anid 3e tax. There will also be a Lucky Door Prize. Ed iw B CWI. at On & The and. & will hold a Tea the home of Mrs. April 21st. bs Eel #H Hale Ernewein Faster Lily Rebekah Lodge, No. 123, will hold their Annual Whist Drive and Dance on Fri- inlay, April 22nd. in the Pulp Mill Hall. Proceeds will he in aid of the Dryden Red Cro S58 : Hospital. PLAY AT OXDRIFT Young People's to announce that present their "Yimmy Yohunson's Yob," Oxdrift, Friday, April 15th, The district will well remem- ber their play of last year aud I the young people feel this play will have the same enthusiastic response this vear. ? Oxdrift's Society wish they will at Arrangements are under way to take the play to Dryden, so for posters. The cast is as follows: Director Perey Dickens The question of the moment: feShall now od got i ovaow 223 1 ~~ thr Wg ¢ gtart 12-cloaning LEE) ny private | play, not without leaving imperishable memorieg for the members and { adherents of the United Church. and - Clommuiion Ceommunicants as reported | fps miilions 3 "was the largest Communion Mr. Kent -- C. TL. Drummond Mrs. Kent oF Mabel Kin Yimmy {Bop ~Newton Brignall Belle 3 Mabel Skene | Sylvia Edna Jackson i] Frank -- Thornton Browning! Kittie -- Evelyn Reid Pal (The detective) Gerrie Anos Peg (The cook) -- Anna Mathe- son Mickey - Jack Adams At the Chureh cof the Life, School pictures Death and Resarree- ion of Jesus were shown on tiie screen, followed by Divine Worship. The church was beautifully decorated with lilies daffodils. The Worship was conducted by the minister who spoke on "The" Meaning of Waster 2'. A reception of members and Holy followed, and eight "and cone member were received. This in by transfer the United Churche's history. Amid the solemn hush of the Holy presence, vows were taken and est uses. Truly a rising time of hope and courage. The Evening W orship was the form of Sacred Music. a Tall c¢hureh, the choir through in To carried their Taster programme, For weeks, under the able lead. ership of Mrs. Hamilton with t Mr. Gammon at the organ, the choir has faithfully prepared { itself. Altogether the event was a triumph for Chorus and Solo- ists. The cantata "Gethsemane to Calvary" was rendered in three parts and the program was as follows: PART I--GETHSEMANE 1 Instrumental Introduction Me. FH. Gammon. 2 Cherus--Go to dark Geth- semane. 3 Recit---Then Jesus eame-- rev. J. W. Howes. 4 Chorug--"Tis midnight. 5 Recit--Then came Judas-- Mr. I. Whiteley. 6 Recit. -- Then they took Him away--Mrs. S. Bartlett, 7 Air--0 Lord of al S. Bartlett. 8 Quartet and Chorus--He was despised -- Mesdames W. Dempster, S. Bartlett, Messrs. J. Turnbull, J. M. Woodie 9 -Recit--And Pilate said-- Mrs. Chipman. 10 Chorus--Crueify Him. PART IT--CRUCIFIXION 11 Instrumental -- March Calvary--Mr. H. Gammon. 12 Chorus--Then they put on Him. 13 Mrs. Ts. to Solos--0O Sacred HHead-- 'S. Bartlett, Miss BE. Adair, Messrs J. M. Hardie, J. Turnbull, 14 Recit--And Jesus when He had eried--Mr. J. M. Hardie. 15 Chorus and Solos--O come and mourn--Misses V. Bailey, J. Reid, Messrs. J. M. Hardie, F. Whiteley, 16 Recit.--And hehold the veil was rent--Rev. J. W. Howes. 17 Chorus -- Truly this was the Son of God. PART ITT--RESURRECTION 18 Recit--And the first day of the week--Mrs. J. W. Howes 19 Alr--Your Lord is risen--- Mrs. G. R. Hamilton. 20 Chorus--He is risen: preciates his promise of the kind of weather it wants. When, after a long spell of bitter col he prophesies that tomorrow will be "bright with slightly raising temperature," it is felt that the weather man has his good points. In the same way, the latest announcement of Roger W. Bab- son falls on appreciative ears. The man who foretold the dep- ression, now states quite defin- "itely that the depression is in "times Lives dedicated to the high- retreat. He does not, it is true; prophesy an immediate return to prosperity, but be asserts that the present year will see an irre- gular movement to higher levels, and that fundamentally Betton are now definitely assured. = The robin's song and the flow- ers that bloom in the spring are not more welcome that = Mr, Babson's brief message. He is the dove bringing the green leaves of hope to a world that has heen marooned on the flood of depression. Notice Of Change Of Date The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Town Hall on Monday, April 11th. Full announcement aext week, Division Court Change His honour Judge W. A. Dow- ler advises that the Calendar of the Division Court Sittings in the District has been amended hy changing the date of the June Sittings to TUESDAY. the 28th Day of June, instead of Thursday; the 30th. ANNOYING EXPERIENCE OF MAIL ORDER PATRON The story is being told that a lady had a mortifying experien- ce with a mail order house a short time ago. She ordered an evening gown, but as they were out of that garment, they sent her a nightgown instead. Okanagan fruit growers urge national campaign to make public more = "fruit con- scious.""" No special ballyhoo is needed however, to get grape. fruit in the public eve. a the Meat prices continue to fall lower. One of these days, the manufacturers may find it profit. able to put more pork than beans in the can. An optimist says the world is getting better every day. But what of the nights!!' 21 Quartet and Solos -- The Head once crowned. with thorns --Megdames Hamilton, Bartlett, Messrs. J. W. Howes, J. M. Hardie, TF. Whiteley. : 29 Chorus--In the Cross of Christ 'T glory. rrr -------- hie eNotes _THE ERE IS NO SUE NN A Tet us show eae ee em ne STIT TUTE TOR EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE ADDED TO pe EXPERIENCE INAT( ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR AT LOW COST you the advanced features of the Kelvinator. a aaa = a a ' HAS PRODUCED --

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