v THE DRYDEN OBSERVER PAGE FOUR CL. FOR SALE--YOUNG PIGS, 6 weeks old, $6.00 a pair, apply M. Jones, Oxdrift, Ont. FOR SALE -- BAILED HAY, Apply R. H. Pronger, Notary Puble. FRATERNAL NOTICES GOLDEN STAR LODGE AF & AM, No. 484, GRC. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dry- den, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors cordially invited. MAY THE TWELFTH (Continued from Page 1) showing the same enthusiasm and devotion to their work among those who are suffering. During the. year from Septem- ber 30th, 1930, to October 1st, 1931, which is the financial year of the Society, the Hospital re- t= Births -: SFREDDO ---- At 3 Cross Hospital on Mon., gl 2nd, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. | Count Sfreddo, a daughter. A 'SCHULTZ -- At Dryden Red|¥ Cross Hospital on Tuesday, May 3rd, 1932, to Mr. and Dryden Red, ! Always Interesting and SE (EER (SED (EER Worth Reading 'We have procured some of the old fashioned molas- ses, put it up in glass gallon jars, at a very low price. ceived 262 patients, there were 71 major operations performed and 128 minor, 67 babies were born in the Hospital and 135 Out Patients were attended to, and the total cost of keeping the Hospital open for the year H. Morison, W.M, ; A. FE. BERREY, See'y. [0.1 DRYDEN LODGE, No. stele 1694 Meets the Iirst and Third Wednesday of each 4 ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT, Also 3 Roomed Suite, apply Mrs. 'W. E. Spears. PUREBRED HOLSTEIN BULL (Yearling) for sale, apply C. Hospitel on Wednesday, May 4th, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. W./| K. Edye, a daughter. id l.. Drummond, Oxdrift. month, at eight pm, in thej "i960 64 much of this or a We sell it at 70c per gallon or 5 gallons for $3.25. ET fermen repre eres 3 Povey Fall, Visiting Lrethzen -- Lp pe = 14 ! 4 ol Ty JUNIOR RED CROSS Nits i . Ho : FOR RENT -- BLACK 10AM | cordially invited, el hi 2 Es ale dn ee Ip ee Lots MeKell ar : (rovernment Grants, and such (Continued from Page 1) Gardin ge WM. BOYLE, W.M. But the prio 9 dow, SE) GRE) Gy {CS OEE) ed pi oh di that it is possible to use it for Farm, apply Ralph Pronger. like, but still the receipts are a ; B. RB. SMITH, Ree.-Bec'y. not up to the expend.tures| making a scrap book asa Christ- | stock. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION which meant that the parent|mas gift to the Hospital and] You stock feeders naturally know the benefits of LODGE, No. to the Observer NOW, while] L.O.O.F, DRYDEN society in Toronto had to make | assisting in making the Yuletide | molasses. 417, meets in the Town Hall, a happy time for two ncedy the generous premium offer : i up the dificit. Appy - SLA lasls: Dryden every Monday evening At this time last year the! families in the district. brethren at 8 pm. Visiting cordially invited. Jas. TURNBULL, N.G. F. WHITELEY, Ree. Sec. The health report showed 83 pupils in the 'Health 79 have clean teeth in the morn- ing, 68 clean finger nails, 78% have morning drink of water, | ole district was ecireularised in an endeavour to bring before the people the need of the Hos- pital and requesting that per- song subscribe" a sum of $1.00 FOR SALE-CLOVER HULLER, may be seen at my farm, Arvid Johnson, Lot 9, Con 6, Eton, Oxdrift Post Office. Jame." Mrs. Bernard Schultz a'g daughter. : EDYE--At Dryden Red Cross SEEDS: A i Prema --- ee : : ! Thi is send to ie ; 1 ; EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM and become a member of the|83 wash each morning before 19.5e ead, UG wie aly well prepared. Bulk sceds 8. O. White Leghorns lars Society. In comparison to the| coming to school, 79 comb their of all kinds at lowest prices. If you send away, you Pavey Strata Beuvy luyors, r of letters sent out the| hair before coming to school, 75 lose time, pay postage, and worst of all lose money. S00 Thr 15 HE eturns were not as good as one drink milk, 58 do net drink fea. % " : : $1.00 for 15, apply George ens were not as geod as o ; Our Se package is half usual price, and we do better Keatley, sr. would desire, it was very en-| or coffee, 69 have the regular 4 1 «+111 'het wv 987 arpa] vg A ts couraging however to get around | 10 hours of sleep. Most of the |g still, when you buy 25 packets for $1.00. 5 WANTED -- MEDIUM SIZ, 100 who paid sufficient to be| members are keeping the health Heavy Canvas Wall Tent, enrolled as members and others | rules but a few black sheep had = must be in good condition and cheap for cash, apply Box 06 Dryden, Ontario. FOR SALE -- AXMINSTER Seamless Rug, also Dominion Organ, six octave, cheap for sash, apply Box 21, Dryden Observer. ONTARIO POULTRY BREED- ing Station. Barred Rocks. Baby chicks $12.00 per hun dred. Hatching eggs 40c¢ per dozen. T. J. Latimer, Oxdrift. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Don't send out of town. Or- der them locally, just as cheap, Samples and prices on quest, The "Observer." rs FOR SALE--120 ACRES LAND nearly all workable, plenty water and wood, fenced, 1 mile north of Dryden on igh- way, apply A. G. Ripley, Dry- den, Ontario. CERTIFIED RED CLOVER Seed, No. 1, $10.00 per bushel. Certified No. 1 Alsike Seed, $8.50 per bushel. Certified No. 2 Alsike Seed, $7.50 per bushel, "apply ~ Con Snider, Oxdrift, Ontario. FOR SALE--A QUANTITY OF (food Potatoes, 10 bus. lo's @ 40¢ per bus.; b bus. lots (@ 45¢ per bus.; bc per single bus.; also a few tons of hay, $14.00 per ton at barn, $15.00- per ton delivered in town. John Norris, Dryden. Pathfinder Tread Tire (Size 29x 4.40) «© that's about what you paid for an inner tube back in 1925. »» "An Economy Year 1s a year for Goodyear Tires!" Durance Bros. & Co. Dryden Ontario who did not find it convenient to eomtribute so much but gava what they could, several very kind and helpful letters were received and some friends gave ten times the price of a member ship, altogether the labour was not in vain, In order that all may have ¢ part in remembering the 12th of given for vou to subscribe to. wards helping the local Red (Cross Society in carrying on the work among the sick and suffer- ing of the distriet, none of the money is sent away, it is all work, and who knows but that you, who are reading this article, may at sometime be glad to take advantage of the opportunities alforded by this institution. During the past Winter much work has heen done for the men who were sick or injured in the Highway Camps, for this pur pose the Red Cross at once tool steps to increase the accomoda- tion of the Hospital, as a conse- quence we now have an annex which will accomodate 16 pat- tents. Whilst it will not always be used for gick men from High- way camps, it will always be of invaluable service for emergen- cies, isolation cases, and such Flike and this distriet is well off to be equipped with such hospi- tal accomodation and at practi- tically no cost to the community which it will save. There is considerable wear and tear and it is to the repairs May another opportunity will be to be reprimanded. Two playlets were well carr: ied out, the first 'The Wont,"' depicting the fate of those who say 'I won't,"" each feeble and disabled as against those happy health children who cheerfully say "1 will." The second play, "At The End Of) The Long Red Lane,"" was about | the hoy who ale too much pie and peanuts and would not give his stomach a chance, the gas- nsed in connection with the local tric juices tried to work but { Were overcome with poison. Both i plays had an excellent morni they were well received by the audience. Two dances, a Duteh Roll and an Irish Jigg both received en- cores, twa piano duets, various choruses, recitations and reading made up the programme. Great credit is due to the Juniors for the splendid manner in every detail was carried out, they kept their audience enter- tained for ome hour and a half without a dull moment. The en- tertainment however is only a side line, the real factor in their lives is the great health game by which they are making them- selves and others happy, healthy, helpful Canadians. The proceeds of the entertain- ment amounting to $18.00 will be sent to the Hospital for sick children. To the two teachers, Miss Wanda Weeks and Miss Mildred MeGonegal, the thanks of all concerned are due for taking so much interest in the | 13th & A ---------- MEN'S FELT AND STRAW HATS: We now have a complete new and large stock. We specialize in medium priced felts. I! I CASH COUPONS: You are probably missing a chance of $101.00 ov $50.00 or $25.00. There is not the slightest suspicion of gamble attach- ed to our offer. You spend fifty cents and you get a ticket. spend $5.00, you get ten tickets. If you One of these tickets may be a duplicate of a number sealed. That number may win you a hundred dollars or it might win you fifty dollars, or twenty-five dollars. Someone is going to WIN, WALLPAPER: As a second wind, we are expecting another arrival of bedroom, bathroom, and dining room paper. HARVEST QUEEN FLOUR: Is not a third grade flour. It is an old established brand, and for bread baking, is really better than its illustrious brother, 'Five Roses.' eo ----ae EDGER GEES OER a -- ---- So sre oo So and maintenance that the local y welfare of the pupils. rE _ T= i=nG a TR a E = a EE EEE RM RR ER SR me ar 1 1 ~ J a ! pS ; a J = : ~ ' PS : a : a | pS i ~ { a : 3 =] which | ps i 2 i 5 § a ! = : : | ~ i : a J s i a i 4 : 2 : a =) = Te TYTN rr { == 5 : \ It sells jus wi 5 at $2.05 for a 98-1b sack, or i we | Red Cross gives most of its at-| = li ii 4) S Jum now with us at $2.05 for a 98-b sack, or |} firs fu tention and it is to create al] fore send us a donation this 3 sacks for $6.00. : =i fis fund to meet these expenses] year? We would like to double LA fife that we appeal to the people of | the number of members, it is . La il the district for their aid. While | your opportunity to show that i BA | the hospital is loeated in Dry-| that you appreciate the work we i i L i = > ra Lo | den it is by no means a Drydenjare trying to do and even if JOHN BULL MALT: i= WHY DEAL OUT OF TOWN, WHEN 5 organization it is to serve the 0 2 not Be to id the 9 : He : ik 0 Wily : Ce Pry AR FR | tint somd Wot 4 neh | Hospital yourself you will have some of our friends have complained that they ha Te FANET A 27 1 ern A DEE Arg ue | district rot about to a much] N : : plaine hey id YOU CAN BUY GOODS HEAT ER AT ml | greater degree, it is for those! in a small way you have done to send away for this superior English product. Eli] HRS who are not near to the Doctor| something for the other fellow. Tr RE id . fir DAITERS. and who need care and atten.| As on previous occasions there # ¥% have it in stock, and at the Winnipeg, price of = ; : tion, the records prove alse that] will be a collector in your loc. + $1.10. 5 EIR We I AN EA i ; ir tion, the records prove algo that] Wi yo bl Men's Work Pants, a big assortment fo choose fi om, y the large majority of patients] ality or you may send direct 'to a I ARE Se Ee sk OY eid ah $1.45 come from the. outdde ' aren) the Secretary," Albert' J. Tock g 2 Hi he re t Jed makes Dryden, Ontario, any subscrip- : is th oh : at therefore the Society makes noi Dryden, Untario, aly subscrip-/ ol Men's Werk Shirts, all sizes and in different shades, ; apology for asking stance' tions either large or small will i ai I Ey i Ei och. 80a, Boalt De nT $1430 from the residents outside the be thankfully received "and will SHELLED NUTS: {IE oT ie Ur ble =] es : Town of Dryden. Will you there- be acknowledged. ; 3 lcs MEN'S AND BOY'S UNDERWEAR I wy : i | A new arrival that we would not announce ordinarily, Uo Men's Balbriggan Combimationd™. JL. 0. 0 00 0.. She Hy SITE Se = = except that this is rather complete, It consists of wal- I= Shirts or Drawers; eqeli 0, . 0. nil viii outa de. BK f of 2 nuts, almonds, brazils and pecans. = Yor a 12 i oral er, HE ¥ "4 i oy ; ® £1 Boy's Balbriggan Combinations ................. > P00 il » E B A A A RR : The brazils and pecans are goods 11ot usually carried. I ; Lar] & = iL BASEBALL CAPS : [L a 5c to $5.00 Store They would keep with yor in sealers. HE Daseball Caps, new shipment, all sizes at low prices, fies rt] = BBM i pr i RR re ae 30c and 39¢ fia Tu iE edi] Fs oe, = be 2 ES L Cl ; a / I SHOE LACES fh SAVE MONEY rina itd i 36-inch, black or brown, per dozen ............... 20¢ Si MAPLE PROD UC%S: ri 1 18 RB i THIS SPECIAL FOR ONE WEE L -- : 1 LADIES BLOOMERS [Les § } ONE WEEK ONLY Arrived freshly from the bush, a consignment of i Ladies Silk Bloomers, medium sizes only, mauve, i a a oo 3 y | Canada's pride. fit green yellow and pink, clearing price .......... 25¢ Reversible Dust and Oil Mop with Handle to serew | ! Se : a1] * i : Maple Syrup in 16-07. hotties | ii 40¢ Lar on, size of mop 10 x 12 inches. BR Te el RL TM PULLS ht Rt arin eae 5 SECONDHAND SL Zr (EHEC TT BR08, Botley, Land ET The =I] ' 0 fo Tn 1 Electric Radio at a Snap 5-th. tins | Kod Sugar at o.oo Tl 30e¢ per Ib PIE TE TLR Sr Sra Sr Tey Flectric Washing Machine ; ; P=] : 3 1 Electric Washing Machine : oF COMPLETE FOR 60¢ HEAVY COTTON MOP CLOTH 4A 1 NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE fr Fits any spring mop stick. man -- 0 -GERD EEO ES E-O 5-0-0 SEDO GN ERD GH EE) VD SEO y k=} | ] : H 73¢ 52-07. bottles LI ! | fs} | ; I= 7 on : ; ol EACH 15¢ oy GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD il a il Exclusive Dealer, Tip Top Tailors Lid. 1 / DRYDEN NT [, DRYDEN, ONT. 0 W. E. THORSEN & SON ho RRR RLS AL RRR RAR REAR | rrr ra ------ ?