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Several of the Wabhigoon boys employed in the camps returned to spend Christmas at their homes here. Myr. and Mrs. Mel Wright have returned from B. C. and are the guests of their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Wright. Christmas Service was held in St. John's church, Wabigoon, on Sunday afternoon. The church was suitably decorated for the occasion and Rev. (Geo. Plumer- idge conducted the service, dur- ing which he sang as a solo "Sec| amid the winter's snow,'"' Mrs. Jack Wright singing alto in the chorus. Attor the service there was a celebration of Holy Com- munion. The annual school concert and Christmas tree were held in the Community Hall on Friday night December 23rd, and the efforts of the young people were greatly | applauded by the large number of parents and friends who were present. The leading feature on the programme was a Christmas pageant by some of the older girls, followed by diologue, reci- tations and an old time dance. Before lunch was served, Santa Claus arrived on the scene and every child in the community received a gift from the large decorated tree. Ethel Colleen and Olga Olson, on behalf of the school, then presented Miss Tumsden with a token of love and esteem from her scholars. PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT (Continued from Page 1) Archibald; Doris Harris; George Morettin; Marilyn Wilson; Claire Ernewein. Jr.IV--Charlie Reany; Trrances Fraser; Margaret Rip- ley; Barbara Humphreys; Bryan Crawley; Evan Jones; John Brown; Christina Makuch; Jean Morettin; Mildred Wright. Teacher--M. McGonegal. Room 9 -- Arthur Edwards; Pert Kellar; Ralph Ruth Norge Reddy Adair; Gladys Buchanan; Norman Hardy; Jim Brown; Frank Olsen; Cordon Robingon® | Nellie Sfreddo*; Nora Bauer* Marjory Robertson; Myrtle ] Bar- | her; Gertrude Fleming ; Gordon Nymiark ; Frank Cullen ; Rhoda Davidson. Teacher--H. F. Froud, | Principal; Q. tant. an advantage tunities for shoeing, dog derbies, thoroughly enjoyed, ideal conditions. With the ex- ception of an occasional day during midwinter, ture is not too cold for pating 'in outdoor sports. 'While Across Canada there are many beautiful and attractive show- clad 'mountains, hills and valleys, offer exceptional oppor: skating, motor gE invigorating climate of a typical Canadian winter, now regarded as rather than a hardship, owing to the unusual variety of healthiul and appealing sports, is attracting increasing numbers to the Dominion. enjoying a wide variety of outdoor winter sports. The principal activities through- out the country are skiing, snow- tobogeaning, curling, hockey, bob-sledding and all of which may under the tempera- partici- travel is not general during the winter season, are many long stretches of ey which are kept con- ditionied throughout the winter months. "The traveller will al- taal i SPORT LAYGRO ATTRACTIONS { ways find train service a modern| Ontario. In the Muskoka and and lnxurious means of trans- Algonquin Park distriets, hotels portation. Hotels at many of| and cabins are open for the the leading summer resorts re-| accommodation of winter visi- main open the year round, pro-| tors. In Manitoba, the Winnipeg viding good accomodation for] honspiel, also the winter carnival those wishing to participate in| held at The Pas, "are annual local winter events. events of international interest. Wide Rance Of Sports In Every while Banff, situated in the " Province i | scenie Canadian Rockies in Al- : "| berta, is one of the most import- Bach province possesses WIN-| ant centres for winter sports. ter attractions more or 1658 | Record performances in ski-juni- peculiar fo 1s own particular ping have been witnessed at surroundings Practically all Revelstoke. The islands and forms of winter sport are avail- mainland of the southwestern able in the Maritime Provinces, part of British Columbia offer hut a preference is shown [fov) golf tennis and other summer hockey and curling. In the sports, for the winter visitor. province of Quebec the major} : yo it sport events centre in and Government Bureau Information | % around Montreal, Quebec City. Service Murray Bay and the Laurentian! Information concerning winter momntaing. Lovers of winter| sports in Canada may be obtain- sports w ill find vast territories|ed from the National dievelop- in Ontario which are ideal in| ment Bureau, Department of the location and in scenic beauty. | Interior, at ios. Those who Ottawa, the federal capital, is| desire such information should adjacent to some of the finest|state, if possible, the particular skiing country on the continenf,| district or districts in whieh while the best ice-yachting mav | they are interested, in order that Ie enjoyed in Toronto bay and|the most complete data may be along the waterfront of lake] supplied. Pronger; Addie Cole; Albert Ferguson: ; ate; Mildred Taylor; "Municipality of Van Horne PROCLAMATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will attend at the Town- ship Hall on Monday, December , 1932, between the hours of 1 id 2 o'clock, p.m., nominations between the hours of and 5 pm. at the same GEO. WICE, Clerk. Dated at Dryden, this 21st McKinney, Assis-|day of December 1932. 10D SAVE THE KING. to receive for Reeve and Coun- cillors for the year 1933. NOTICE is also should more candidates than are Irequired be nominated, will be held at Dryden on Mon- the 2nd day of January, given that a poll lH A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD The store of quality goods at low prices. 'Exclusive Dealer, Tip Top Tailors Ltd. Prompt attention given to mail orders. DRYDEN, ONT. x = rose: Ga 2 FS Mr. and Mrs. P. 4. Seolland LETTER OF THANKS of Dinorwic spent the weekend) 1g the Citizens of Dryden and in Dryden, the guests of Mr. The Empty Stocking Fund and Mrs. J. C. Armstrong. Committee. nn We wish to take this oppor- tunity of thanking vou, through the courtesy of the Dryden Observer for parcels which we reveived from you on Christmas Eve We can assure you they were much appreciated. = iratefully yours, Three Families. Fee OE RE PE EE anc Se CALENDA See our beautiful line of samples before ordering The auto may he putting a fow railroad trains out of busin- ess--hut not when they meet ot level crossings. (live a tourist enough rope and he will find something else to hang on his car. = id Fe EE Lovely artistic designs SRR your calendars for next year. { with a price range to suit every buyer and hundreds i to choose from. f We will be pleased to:call with samples or to show them at our office. 3 ol SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL DEALER The Dryden Obdsiver ¥Y DRYDEN ; ONTARIO CRASIRIET SRE RSET bd CRETE TIE TCE ETE TE TEE TERE B90 THE BAZAAR © 5c to $5.00 Store i oN *« AE A 12 Ed ARR CE SA PE FER AS PTR ERA FETE RR FAR RE PAR RE rie af WE WISH ALL OUR EEN ; on HL SESESERESESERES RESET -- A SRS SE WW E. THORSEN & SON SASSI 7 a 5 3 | 2 7 eo) 5 2 Sh Za so sacas mrs rr Et at iy 75 pes = sass ri ES 25 pez FL EARTHS Epa SEAT EEN = GREASY SEES LERALEE SATA SE RA SS A RRR ER RE TERRE A YEAR AGO We bought over half a ton of fine dinner ware from England at a very low price. We had forgotten % We want to sell this quickly. We want to ss to think we have it. Ded Bot EERE -------- 3 e had 'given up hope But it came a day 7 § of getting it. EES NARS It makes us er get it away. pro a TEE ETEL ve 7 3 RA Therefore, it is your opportunity. We shall have it and the Scott store. re ao both at our store 2 Too early as we write this, to get details. £s ral Tr But very low. we Zor XE i Sees LADIES HATS Just 30 left. On the tables @ £7 va EASE IEE Fl iy = FN CTE IEA TE IED ETE ok ge 5 on : En So OR Srp TEE a pa : Sn ethno A ot A x ; THE SCOTT STORE Will be conducted during January, and then wound a A a a BP iS PS TA TESTE TRIED: We are sorting, sizing, adding from our own place, to make shopping interesting. Now that what we call the rush is over, we hope to enumerate the stock in a circular. OUR OWN STORE A prevailing low price, during January will make it As an item for wonder, come in and sce Women's. Ee . 1 T } lod : Men's Sport and Leather Coats at 70c¢ on the dollar. Your chance. RERANERANE SSRIS TAS Sed ae | REESE AEST DRYDEN, ONT. BR