Dryden Observer, 7 Jan 1927, p. 3

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CT ec THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Rp ------ - ------ ER -- Ferguson Reviews Ontario Progress. TORONTO, January 3.--The Mail and Empire's financial review published includes an article by Premier H. G Ferguson, of Ontario, reviewing the progress made by the province since confederation, mentioning the increase in population, the development of mineral resources, the improvement in communications and the great in- Winter Has Haif Went RING LARDNER IS A OPTIMIST AND SO AM I! NOW we have the most enor mous conglameration of spring goods coming that will make last vear's stock look about like the last of our Xmas Turkey did in Friday' s Stew. So as $1.00 goods very special at g8c seem to be the order of the day we are going--One better--as usual. CHILDS FLEECE COMBINATIONS, $1.35 for +........ .03 [crease in manufacturing. Double Size BED BLLANKETS; reg. $2.50 for ...... EES The review also includes articles AUSTRELENE, 4-ply WOOL, 1-oz balls, regular two for by various prominent business men ond 35.- Clearing at two for... ... ono oni. .25 | legislators. Sir Henry Thornton, SILVER-FLOS5--Silk ond Wool, 1-0oz balls, reg. 35¢c. Now .25 |president of the Canadian National SCOTCH FINGERING, 4-ib hands, regi 35c., Price... . .27 |railways, and E. W. Beotty, president WHITE TERRY TOWELS, large size, colored horders, on of the Canadian Pacific railways, both : Sale, PEEADAIF .... oh 4 iad dn es .05 |express the opinions that Conada has CHILDS COTTON "HOSE, 28c. value, per pair ..... 1. .... .1¢; | just finished a year of solid and sus- Al IES COTTON HOSE, 35¢ value, per pair. .,..cc uo .27 |tained progress and that an increase 'LU RTAIN MATERIALS--Rose colored scrim, blue bird {in population is necessary for the design, for over Curtains, reduced to ............... 2gc. yd |future developmet of the country. Imtz; reg. 30€. for il ie a Sel en 20c. yard. | at p Scrim--How many--at ....... ...i0eiiancans 19c per yard? i" lerdown, for dressing gowns, reg. 6oc. value, now ST OLD FARMER GREY. Bdone in" at J... Sn Le Ne 42c per yard . | Prof. John Duxbury, the distinguished hilds Wool Mitts, reg..50¢; ont they go at i... 0... i. .30 |reciter, has been telling some of his pmen's Gauntlet "Gloves, reg. S125; n0wW. 0... oi ola. .8g | unusual experiences, of which the fol- "hildren's Sweaters, one--quarter off--the price. lowing is one. Prof. Duxbury says: Women's Overshoes. $305. for... ovum dal iain, $2.75 |"I get so accustomed to my pieces that' and $3.50 value for oh pian aE 2.50 | the characters in them become particu- Women's Fleece Bloomers, gsc. value, only ....... 00.0... .0G |lar friends of mine, but you will be [ surprised to know that once I barely escaped being charged the price of a railway ticket for one of them! I was returning from an engagement at 'Whaley Bridge, and had settled down We have already got our anchor on board for this big Sail--- mean SALE---so the quicker you drop this paper and get around to our place the more choice you will find. The terms are spot-cash and its all off on January 15th. Women's ail-wool ribbed hose, all colors, reg. 8oc., Sale ...... .59 [in a corner of a railway compartment or Silk & Wool, reg. 1.15 fOr. tii ain RE es La 79 |on my way to Manchester. Being the Childs all, wool Hose, all colors, reg. 70c.,0nly ............. 49 | orly occupant, and having nothing to Childs Navy, Fleeced Bloomers, redul¥d fo, 0c... 0.00 00 .20 |read, I hegan 'to repeat 'Old Farmer] Women's Fleeced Vests, long sleeves, red. 1.00, going for .... .06G | Grey'--a piece in which I try to imit- ate an old man. When we arrived at Longsight I heard the usual 'Tickets, slease!" and the collector opened the door, and 1 passed him my ticket. "When he had closed the door, I saw that he was talking to the guard, whose van happened to be next to my comportmentfi and I heard him say: 'I don't see anyone!" The funny situa- tion struck me at once, and I couldn't help laughing out; this brought the two men to the door, and the guard looked under the seats and even on the racks. I soid: 'What's wrong; lost anything ?' 'Excuse me, sir," said the guard, 'but hadn't you an old man here with vou?' Poor old Farmer Grey! They were looking for him, and I hastened to txploin that I alone was to blame, and should be pleased to pay the old man's fare if it was required. i ry A better compliment was never paid to } den umber & Om all Y | roe in my life; but if you have to pay o |raiway fare for all the characters, I conjure up in my piece, I'm afraid | shall find it rather expensive!" and Contractors --- THIN RED LINE HOLDS AGAINST CHINESE HORDE Women's Winter COATS-- We are not broadcasting the reduc- tion to the wide world, but if you are interested, come and sec fcel and ask. The saving will fairly » knock your eye out, as we say at home. DRESS LENGTHS--DBeautiful frocks can be made from these silk crepes, and moraccain crepes, up to 6.00 values. All one price CRS STL i LE SE CE SE Sa. Ir Se I ST Se ld SR $3.95 PLEASE NOTE--No Chesb Me: this sale. You are offered o of the price knocked off. Ralph J. BAN ANT ae Ta a r. SONATE 0TH 'chandise has been purchased for or high grade stock with over 1/3 Pronger Builders Full Stock of Lumber, Sash and Doors : 3 HANKOW, Jan. 3rd.--A handful of Shingles, Wood Fibre British fighting men, without firing a o 3 shot, held in check an infuriated mob |e Brick, Lime and Cement several thousand Chinese coolies A : r T that attempted to charge into the ESTIMATES FREELY" GIV EN British concession district of the city interior China. i 1 by anti-British speeches ot a C. J. WRIGHT the sorlc of ; against the in their path were men and they stood their ground when stoned. Twenty sailors of British warships lin the Yangtze poined the policemen. They fixed bayonets to their rifles and they used their rifles as clubs in exchanging blows with the charging irob, but they did not fire. Marines, CTO ED O CED OGRE OTE ATED OGIO SES OCI (OER OEE (OE Oa 0 Full Stock of-- FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS hastly landed, reinforced the little | British party. | Three of the British defending the concession were wounded and taken to hospitals. Twenty coolies bore down cn one sailor, wrested his rifie from him and bayoneted him. Using long poles the Chinese badly beat two othe sailors. J British line held, protecting their civilians, men, women and children kinfolk. Then, at nightfall, came be- lated relief. From the native section of Hankow, or from WuChang, across the river where the Cantonese Gov- ernment has its headquarters, arrived Chinese soldiers who dispersed the mob. MAYOR CARTER OF BRANDON I= OUT. BRANDON, Man, Jan. 4.--Harry Cater, Mayor-elect of Brandon, has been disqualified from kheldimg she of- fice through a judgment hemded down {by Judge Barrett, of Portage L- Phone Prairie. Another civie election will No. 49 be necessary to fill the mayorality chair for 1927. CURED MEATS FLOUR & FEED MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION C. James Wright T-I-M-E Arnola Bennet, in his brochure "How to live on 24 Hours a Day," wrote: "You wake up hours of the manufactured tissue of the universe of your life. Waste your infinitely precious commodity as much 2s you will, and the supply will never be withhela from you. You cannot! draw on the future. It is impossible to get into debt. You can only waste the passing moment." On Time Emerson said, "Give me health, and 2 day, and I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous," and Franklin sagely wrote "If thou wouldst lay hold on life, save time, for time is the stuff that life is made ef." s the most precious of human possessions and it is tP only thing given mn equal amount to all men, whether "rich man, poor man, beggar | man, thief. The day belongs to all humanity, costs nothing and defies rejection. And man does not underestimate the value of time, although there are in his vocabulary such tell-tale weeds and ex- pressions as "killing time," and "pas- in the morning and]! '| your purse is magically filled with 2- |, time." The word "pastime" has lost its original meaning of something used to pass the time away. It is now that which utiiizes time for necessary recreation. Taken literally the expressions "time flies" and "killing time" are inept. Time neither moves nor changes and is eternal. Only man's artdial divisions of time "fly" and can be wasted. BARGAIN SALE THIS is our first Sle at this Store, and! i CEE EER ne For more than four hours the th'n}'® rather than keep these WINTER i GOODS in stock. we aim to clear them | off at REDUCED PRICES. These Goods are our regular stoves gmd arc the BEST GF QUALITY. #8 ¥ you are looking for any of these goods, call in carly and secure these Bargains, a they will not he on our counters long at these prices The goods include the following. CAPS, regular $1.25 Sale Coons wi 8 98 SHIRTS. regular $2.20 & $1.50 Sale... .....$3165& 110 SWEATERS, regular $4.95, and $6.45. Sale. is 4.20 & 5.40 LUMBERMEN'S SOCKS, regular 1.45 and $1.25. Sale... 125 & 1.00 NOOL SOCKS, regularr .70 and .62. Sale ots 58 & HORSEHIDE MOCCASINS -- a zes, regular £2.15 FEA RE BUCK ASIy MOCCASINS all sizes id 1i1ar < 1.85 icizes, 3 Rand rKGH iedKsnriceen BOY S BUCKSKIN MOCCASINS -- geiar $1.90 & 1.40. - a -------------- 1.45 & 1.1: BOYS HORSEHIDE MOCCASINS izes, regular $1.25 Sale ee 1.0 WOOL SOCKS, regular .70 & .60 Sale' _--< . _.. _288 & MOCCASIN RUBBERS, regular $1.65 and 2176 Sala'. 155 & 1.55 BOYS WOO! MITTS, regular .45 Sale hin ROYS' LINED M ITTS, regular .5f STIS a wae SRE MEN'S WOOL MITTS, regular .60 95 & 70. Sale 2: __._ 80,5, MEN'S PULLOVER MITTS, : 2 110. 2 on LINED PULLOVER MITTEE - = =e 5 3% ow a wn gu 1.55 Sale ye CL vide ei j hl TN'S MULESKIN MITTS, reg on. & 70. Sale': o.ooiiii.80:-& 50 MIIN'S LINED MITTS, regular 1.46 Sale 1.18 MEN'S BUCKSKIN PULLOVERS, reguiar 31.20. Sale a ak OR BOYS' PULLOVERS, Sh .90. Sale s.r nono Th CHILDREN'S MOCCASINS, reg. 95. Sale ii EL a TS L. I, SORONEN jp:vden Co - Ontario Of All FRESH AND CURED MEATS Kinds. FRESH SAUSAGE AND HAMBURG STEAK Daily. McCormick - Deering PRIMROSE CREAM We sold a No. 2 told him that it would get all the SEPARATOR Turns Easy Skims Clean Lasts a Lifetime. Primgose to a prominent farmer last summer and cream, but as he came from Mis- souri, he had te be showed, and took a sample of the skimmed milk to the Dryden Creamery for test. fat in ten pounds of milk. Result--one half pound of butter Made in Five Different Sizes. SOLD EITHER FOR CASH OR TERMS Get our Prices and Literature---IT PAYS J. S. ® Ager Fu CORNER Oxdrift . Ontario INTETIHATIONAL HARVISH ES COMPANY OF CANABA, Ltd FRE PN BERING YOUR LAUNDRY Mrs C. Smith, V_hite Utreet Laundry Dryden - 7 A. WEARE Zeneral Merchant ~INNITAKI, ONTARIO Ontario v A rent For-- ,'")HN DEERE PLOW CO. \ seve is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. 'et QUALITY and SERVICER TIME PAYMENTS Aircnged + Suit Purchasese. i Wil [es I Beverly Linden NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT General Practice Documents of all descriptions skilfully and carefully prepaicd for Ontario and all Western Preginces at reasonable charges. Expert Accounsancy, Book- Keeping and Auditing, Statements Prepared. Office of THE EQUITABLE MERCANTILE AGENCY All departments of the Efficient lercmnitile Agency Service, and Protection to the Retail Trade. DEBT COLLECTION AND DJOSTMENT SPECIALISTS. or ondents to all principal ial in Canada, England, 2nd . Members New York St. Louis Mercantile Exchange. ffice :-- 2 Daiters Pool Hall Bldg. RYDEN, Ontario. pr ---- Sa PE 5| FLOATS TWO DAYS AND WERE! NIGHTS ON ICE RAFT, TWO MEN AND PONY SAFE FROM LAKE SUPHRIOR. SAULT STE MARIE, Jan. 4.--Adfer having drifted on a huge raft of eight inch ice in Whitefish Bay for two days and three nights, Alex McLean and C. R. Draper, Round Island fisher- meme gue a broncho pony, were swept up es Mle Parisien last Thursday and bro#@M back to land by the light- house meecper. During their long stay a #he ice, the men's only food was Whzen heming, while the pony was willie fool of any sort. McLean and Drapey, wese taking in their herring nets Thesday when a huge floe of ice broke away and carried them with their peny and a cart out into the bay.

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