Dryden Observer, 4 Feb 1927, p. 2

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER A NEW LINE OF Neck Wear Brighten Up Your Dark Dress NEW HOSIERY in all Shades and prices. A GOOD LINE of GINGHAMS, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS at li Ee Ey ime Cash Grocery XX XX XX Special for Saturday, Feb. 5 GLUE RIBBON-TEA, perib.. -.....caniu .60 MOLASSES, Small tin, pefitin ........... .10 PALM OLIVE -SOAP fourbarsior......- 29 ~ ORANGE MARMALADE, 4-1b tins, per tin .48 Frys COCOA K-ibrting cov. oo. 525 FIGS, perib . a nnn) fo rey .10 JAM-JAM BISCUITSgperdb.......... 0 [0 5-ib tins Blue Ribbon BAKING POWDER .99 249s FLOUR or oo. 8070 5 vee $1.19 LARD, perib, prints... =. ~ 0 6 CREAMERY BUTTER perth... ...... 47 id. Fronger Urge Removal of Sale Tax (Manitoba Free Press) WINNIPEG, Man., Jan. 29.--Removza! of the sales tax as it applies to build- ing materials was urged by the West- ern Retail Lumbermen's association, in a resolution passed at the closing busi- ness session of the 36th annual conven- tion, at the Fort Garry Hotei, The meeting also expressed itself in favor- grounds that it was deterring the in- vestment of capital in the development of the country's natural resources. Votes of thanks were passed to His Honor, the Lieutenant-Governor, T. A. Burrows; to the luncheon speakers, J. W_ Dafoe and Professor F. Kerr; to the retiring president, R. J.. Gour- ley; and to the Kiwanis club quartette, for contribution to the musical en- tertainment at the luncheon meetinga --_-- SY. ing reduction on the income tax, on the! ! city, while about 50 are engaged the j year round. Running on rollers from the time the plaster is spread on the asbestos paper, a distance of 200 feet, during which it undergoes its d'{ferent treatments, such as turning of the edges, ealing, and cutting automati- cally into the desired lengths, the manufacture of the product is most interesting. On entering the kiln the board is subjected to a temperature of 170 degrees for several hours, after which it is ready for the market. The repast was inaccurately describ- ed in the programme of the convention being termed a 'buifet luncheon," where as it was a real 'spread,' consisting of no less than a six-course meal. The catering was done by the Fort Garry hotel, in charge of the manager, H. J. Berry; the head waiter, E. Bouillet; and the chef and his assistants, to- gether with a dozen waitresses. The hote! shipped three carloads of equip- out to the mill during the night, in which were 25,000 pieees of neces- ment = luncheon tendered the delegates to the : Western Retail Lumkermen's assoc ar tion by the Manitoba Gypsum co. Itd. at their plant. William Martin, presi- dent of the company, welcomed the guests and William Armstrong, vice- president and managing director, in a brief address towards the close of tho luncheon, explained to the gathering the workings of the mill, stating that one piece of machinery, of which he was the inventor, had not a duplicate on the continent being what was known as a tippler, which after the plaste: wallboard was cut into the eighi-fcot lengths, was responsible for the load- ing of the trucks ready for the kilns. All the visitors evinced the keenest interest in the operating of the plant, seeing the raw material being mixed in its separate machines right through to its complete manufacture and its entry into the kiln to undergo its dry- ing process. It takes approximately fifteen minutes to manufacture the finished product; from start to fin'sh except for the drying, which takes from four to six hours. Any way the wall-board is ready for shipment eight hours after the mixing machine is started, The capacity of the mill of | from 65,000 to 70,000 feet in each ten- hour day, the company employing ~was expressed i * wrich hold the inse pion his collection. Since that time Mi fZvisor has been an ardent connoissuer > of fine china and his collection at the ime of his death numbered well over a hundred pieces, The collection now being brought forward to Winnipeg in- cludes a cup and saucer, at one time the property of Lord Nelson; a cup and saucer part of a service made for an Indian Rajah and a plate from = service made for the Duke of Clarence. The collection after landing at Saint John will be transferred to the C.N.R. and conveyed to Winnipeg where, on arrival, it will be placed in ihe Carnegie Library for public 'nspection. Mr Evison was a loyal friend of Canada and took a keen delight in showing Canadian visitors to London the room in which the "Knights of ie Round Table" lLeld ther feasts. 'was one of th2 Lest Toved members i this distinguished order and oa his death recently the grief of the Knights a beautiful wreath 'We buve val mel" 4 Liue an! Dancing exercizes just about every- thing except discretion. ~ Another thing the christian world some 75 hands when working at capa- needs rather badly is christianity. ] Town of Dryden Tenders For Wood. i TENDERS will be received by the un- dersigned until January 31st, for thirty cords of sound dry Tamarac, 4 ft. wood to be delivered and piled at the Town Hall, Dryden. Delivery to com- mence by February 15th, 1927, and be completed not alter than March 15th, 19217. § The lowest or any tender not nece:- sarily accepted. f J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. Classified : § WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL; Housework.-- Apply Mrs Wood, Dryden. FOR SALE--WHITE WYNDOTTE COCKERELS, from R.C.P. Stock, and . same Brood as won First Prize at! Dryden Fair. $3.00 each; two for Spend THE WINTER Sightseeing on the Pacific Coast at-- VANCOUVER VICTORIA "Canada's Evergreen "Playground." Fine Motor Roads-- (Golf and other Outdoor Sports to enjoy. LOW Excursion FF RES 3 "As others see us," the sketch was aries for staging the banquet, even 10 $5.00. Act Now! put on in the afternoon by severallihe chairs, etc., an electric range sad} J. G. TAYLOR, Dryden. R. H- FLOUR g8Ibs, cui vin: Cash... i900 Tavis $4.65 {local lumbermen under the direction of | three steam tables to keep ihe- fo 3 gs FEED CATS, bus. sackr... 7 Tain sdihiiie. oon 2:00 Douglas McNicol, was a piece of clever [hot while being served. 'FOR SALE--I AM OFFLR NG MY CRUSHED OATS, 100008. 7 5 niits i inansasnsnnrs 2.25 jcomposition & kept the large aud ence Hearty cheers were given officials of PROPERTY ON DUKE ST FOR Sale. ! SHORES ITONIDS a coven ins 55 7 von mame Fees vous 1.43 jroaring with mirth from the time ti<ithe company for their hospitality and For further particulars, apply io BRANSTOO-IDS chivas ints i ata vee Sw inte 1.35 jcurtain went up. Appearing before¢|cn the appearance of each they pers] ROBT FOOTE, Dryden. RAL ED-OATS,; 2000S: consti sy cdismanvannansnssns 1.00 {Judge R. U. Guilty, Wood Subsitiute. | srected by the ever-popular refrain} SE BOLLED OATS, 84bs sls wines J idaides det avansnaa .30 }the Spirit of the Coast Manufacturer, "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." The FOP SAIE--GOOD BUILDING LOT, 3b pails, Pure LLARD .,. .38 | 10-1b pails Pure LARD ... 1.90{the Coast W ls Sl Lumber Sales- | guests were taken out to the plant on 1; acre, one block from Post Office.-- 5b pails, PURE L ARD. 8 20-tb pails Pure LARD ... 380!man, Winnipeg Retailer, and Country |; train supplied by the Canadian ; Apply 3b Lrick Domestic SHORTENING... nd tava 20 ealer, were one by one accused of { National Railways, which pulled out eof § 4, Princess St, Dryden. 3-ib is WL oR OE Re CLL rey Sh BERT -35 {such gress offences as being unneces-| ihe Union station shortly after 11.80, rE 10-1b »» »» i FET ha TL A a ee 1.20 jsary--in the case of the lumber sales- a.m., and were brought back to wo AN OPPORTUNITY 20-Ib IPE Rana we LT eg ee 3.70 |man--or of seliing lumber at a profit. }qity about 3.30 p.m. | FOR A"QUICK SALE I OFFER MY Smoekead B: ACON, Perl Bock sal dere teh .35 & .40 {Punishment was meted out as- the ' House, on River Street, at a Real OGILVILS PREMIUM PACKAGE, with Chine ........ 40 }juadge saw fit. Fale ENGLISHMAN LOVED CANADA "Bargain Price and Reasonable Pay- GRANULATED SUGAR; 100db bag... ..- 2... 8.25 | Those participating in the perform- LEAVES VALUABLE CHINA _ po. Ly the pound SBA Bales ia a ne + we AT ex x Wy 09 lance were: J. Garnett, H. Turnbull, : S. CAMPBELL, Dryden. 2145-tb tin Full Pack TOMATOES caval wach 20 G. Tompte, A. K. Leslie, F. Chapman, MONTREAL, January 24.--There is Sn BIB LNe CORN i east rr RE Ra 1772 A, Jleore, and Mr Stannard. now on the Atlantic bound for Saint For Sale--TEAM OF SHETLAND 2b ting PEAS to fuvit co svc ni ilies Sc 172} B. G. Roberts of the Monarch Lumb 15," orwards! to be transhipped 4c PONIES, HARNESS, CUTTER and zp tins BEANS. .....coiinindinaaiacaenens Teens 22 jer company, Wintigeg, was the wa ly, op.0's valuabie collection of sai0 BUGGY. all for One Hundred. & Fifty Carnation or St. Charle's MILK, Tall... 08. oon. 14 }animous choice of president of thil ia the Sift of an Englishman whe Dollars ($150.00), Cosh Apply 2-ibatins PURE JAM Co oi cdr cain Slide on Bo | Western Retail Lonbermen's pasels- Sone = hud home. In Catan. vad JAS. W. CORNELIUS, 2D tins MIXED JAM -.. concn leva vie BBy crisis #11351 tion When officers andditestory for illic, oy endeath) desired. as a sonvepls ajzer. Noith Dryden. EZibtins PEUM FAM... cosmos nn 30nd cons 58 coming year were elected. of Hs residence in the Dominion ito 4-1b tins ORANGE MARMALADE ...... ov. ons 65 {| The convention which opened Wed- donate some of his prized possessions. FOR SALE--SET HEAVY LOGGING s-Ibitins GOLDEN SYRUP ..........cc. oval .50 nesday morning, and concluded With « frank Evison, at one time Steward at SLEIGH.--Apply to 10-lb tins GOLDEN SYRUP ..........c.ooviviinenn 300 Gace, was attended by fore thon Cs che Manitoba Country Club and water J. A. STRUTT, Dryden, Ont. Bi tm CRISCO cor sid a th he orn SB atin 28 ; retail lumbermen from the pra he at Manitoba Hall, in Winnipeg, recent- = : 3-ib tins CRISCO PEW POR SR CE OE i OR Ml CR EE Le RLY 85 provinces many of wha have Feen the ly died in London at the age of 70, and WANTED -- WORK, SPLITTING Evaporated APPLES per db. oi. voiinn nian ninira, .16 country develop from the wild end, 5; of his collection which fe now coming: WOOD or COOKING in Camp.--Apply Lvaperated APRICOTS, per 1b .....oooiviiiiiinnnnnn. -39 woslly Wes ing ° the world's bread: to Canada. The China is on board the CHAS, SILVER, Dryden, Ont. Evaporated PEACHES: per {1 Rr RST EL SP PR id sae .28 basket. : Especial interest centered in Canadian Mariner, of the Canadian PRUNES. perdi ifr ovia svcd anit: 12; 14; 518° fheopening session when the lumber: 'orl, Lone Merhont Marine service FIGS, perib.. voeviiins EASE BR ge a 2 ms ii ea * 'from Swansed tnd Cardiff to St- John. Insurance, Real Estate RAISINS; Seedless, perdb:. .. ivi iii cise Sus vnntinnhs .16 - peg by J ; ? * To ensure its safe arrival, each piece : i CURRANTS per Wiauainii-cirriiatss os ir tinsstnriss 17 in the person of Lieut.-Governor, T. A. yp "poo oF ved in wood and Accounting RICE best grade, Per ID ose riorhaniviavirsssiia nase: 12 - Burraws, himself one of the oldest) .° 4" "iii cardboard box. RICE, perilbiviti i vn. rin iidiin oi valida abies 09 veterans in the lumber trade in westerr the whole shipment going forward in FOR RENT Cuart Jars; PICKLES Sour or Sweet, oh vs Luilins iw .60 Canada and a charter member of the |, = NR iy 6 Roomed House, N. Princess St Gallon Jars, PICKLES, Sour or Sweet ........«uc\uv0 ss 1.65 Western Retail Lumbermen's associa-| par vears Mr Evison was associa- 7 Roomed House, N. Albert St. CORN FLAKES--any kind, two for ... ....oviiniiinns os .25 tion. Only two other charter member: ted with the world famous Simpson's 4 Roomed House, N. Princess St CARTON-BEGGS, peradozen:.. iv. 0in no avi tiv md ins 50 are still living today--Mr Patrick, of |; the Strand, a spot well remembered F'rejd House on S. Princess St * ia by dhe caselie ii i ov ada cna na ai .48 Souris, and Mr Estlin, of Melita. |by every canadian who was overseas. --everal Houses for Sale at moder Choice CREAMERY BUTTER, 1-1b prints .............. 45 The eloction'of officers was the-only | i, "yo years previous to the out-y<te prices and easy terms. Choice CREAMERY BUTTER, 7-tb boxes ............... df slusinesy asthe morning session, and} eal of thewar Mr Evicon was a resi-} Orders taken for good sound You had better stock up on Butter, as today's prices hy esBalched win Te enable dent in Winnipeg and while there he} Tamarack Wood. : should be .55. Se Spates ® Rot yeny or Sona came to love the city and its peopley Hunting Trapping and Radi BCAPPTES Box thismonth o.. 4 0 0.00 705004 2.90 SE oman 2 yp beens pf that fection he bequeathed} | .icenses Issued. CRANPERBIES fer db, i a or vith imines 1g ye tn hy | to the Prairie City his most prized ORANGES, per re Ldn Senn Sef es ahaa dis 45 & 765 Ee Ea possession. ; ; { EMONS. per dozen .............. 5 Dore se oven While at Simpsons in London, M A J LOCK ARNBDIES per Ib ot iu ns oe JI5. 30; 40 Sta. umbormens re jon Yor Evison was appointed Buttler to tho MIXED C ANDIES, per ib : 15; 23 the coming year will consist of: Viger "Koni a Office phone 20 R-2; Res, 20 R-3 MIXED SWEET BISCUITS perib ............0.\. 23510 .5% srdstdont, W. E. Kirsch, Moode Jae : "Knights of the Round Table," one o: DRYDEN - ONTARIO "All Prices, Cash With Order Girdotors, Coo. Bowker aad FW. Ene yt the most exclusive luncheon Clubs in SE 3 > 7 aig . 4 1 the world and was himself created a EASTERN HAY ON ARRIVAL, per ton ....ooviiess $28.00 | yepresenting Alberta; L. J. Brezziel "Rulght" by the| Order. 'It was whilst Fi t Cl : Smaller:quantities, per-fon.. «cv von 30.00 and W. Thorne, representing Sask; Te ving in that capacity that Mr Evison Irs ass D.. MeNieal aud WI, Colvin, vepres- g first became interested in the collection SHOE REPAIRING enting Manitoba. F. W. Ritter con- of china. A fine bowl bought spedially D. Li len kinves as secrelary-treasurer. ifor a gala meeting of the "Knights" NEVER TOO LATE" MEND "ally 300 persons attended the} ny vears ago formed the nevdlus of | There is nothing so To. MEND as an OLD FAIR OF SHOES. 1 can make them look as good as new. Don't throw away your Shoes just because you think they are too far gone. Let me have a look at them, and I will estim- ate the cost to repair them. I am sure you will be satisfied, and will also save money while gett- ing a foot comfort that no new Boot can give. Childrens Boots Repaired After Seton] Hours. L. GREENHILL NEXT TO POST OFFICE M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIG Tickets on Sale Jan. 11,713: 18. 20, 25 Feb. 1 and 8. Return Limit April 15th, 1927 A Choice of Two Daily Trains. Have the Ticket Agent tell you more' about this : Wonder Winter Trip. He ot? CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY A.].GARDINET General Merchant, UAGLE RIVER Agent for Frost & Woed IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTT PLOW (OY. Skarple's Cream Sepaiators. RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. WATKIN'S PRODUCTS SPICES, EXTRACTS, Etc. STOCK & POULTRY TONIC YE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS, "TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH HOLDER LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, TEA AND COCOA E. T (DAD) POWLANT. Dryden, Ontario Paul Aug. Hutter Photographer, t.mateur Finishing, Enlarging, etc., etc. ; WALDHOF, P.O., Ontario PORTRAITS, GROUPS, CHILDREN, etc, taken at your home. Daylight --Dealer in-- BOOTS AND SHOES DRY GOODS, GROCERIES i HARDWARE & FARM PRODUCE --Agent For-- LIFE INSURANCE FROST AND WOOD and or Flashlight Exposures. All Work Guaranteed by Long Experience. Highest Grade Amateur Finishing Kindly leave your films for developing and printing with The Dryden Phatnuey.

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