Dryden Observer, 4 Feb 1927, p. 3

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nt THE DRYDEN OBSERVER = pe ---- as -------------------- -- - NEW ARRIVALS OF SPECIAL Interest This Week WOMEN'S OXFORDS, in the very latest spring style, the new tan shade, also elk, now so popular in New York. BILLIE PURKE DRESSES--New Designs and inspirations of the designers art, fashioned in twills and charmelene. TOM-BOY SKIRTS, ravishing colors in tweeds, & the rich black velvets, with contrasting belts to give that smart, youthful finish. : BOYISH BLOUSES, in many designs te wear with Tom-Boy Skirts. SILK BLOOMERETTES--A Pronger Value for ......... $1.75 Some FUR TRIMMED Children's C O A T S will be slaughterec this week. IT'S HERE The ELECTRICAL ORTHGPHONIC Call and inspect this latest wonder of the music world, no crank to wind, no springs to break--Just touch ihe leaver and its always ready, yes it automatically stops when the selection is through. ONLY $160.00 On Your own Terms! Ralph J. Pronger Bac iaitiaviial ava i S a tagei Tes RC SO Winterbottom Lumber Yard Tan ONO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS LUMBER, = SASH, DOQRS, PLARIER CEMENT AND BRICK, ROOFING of All KINDS CELOTEX INSULATION BUILDERS SUPPLIES and Quality Jas. Winterbottom, ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS [DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0 Service Dryden Ontario CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAS EARNINGS The gross earnings of the Canadian ~National Railways for the week end? ing, January 21st, 1927, were $4.623. 943.00 as compared with $4,335,868 2 ; NY for the same week of 1926, an increase CEIONE-- of $268.074.78, or sxe per ent, ilzy, 82 R 2 SR 2 Night, 62 R « maT = Dryden Lumber Company Builders and Contractors Full Stock of Lumber, Sash and Doors Shingles, * Wood Fibre Brick, Lime and Cement ESTIMATES FREE'Y GIVEN CE OEE EE EE D () €RR (TER) END OST (III OES O SEED 0 EES OED ue . C.J. WRIGHT ® - HEAD IETTUCE each .......... iv 20c. RIPE TOMATOES, perib:. ox 50% 30¢. BANANAS, per dozen. .-..........v50 0 +1008 CELERY perth... 2. Jes 15¢. APPEES perbox- tc wa. va alan $2.75 ORANGES; per dozen............ soc. & 6oc SLEMONS, peridozen....\.. ....- 0s 50¢- Br A TT = CHEESE =i Gorgonzola vod i 250, 70c. jRoqueford ................ Be ale Wana > English Stiltin .......e05% goe. Canadian Sitlein age : : Camenberbpkt. 0.000 2 r 20C. Chateau Cheese, box:....7.. 50C. Cri Se ees oa Ingersol Cream Cheese,..... 25c.1 Kraft Cheese ...... 25¢c. & 45¢ McLaren's Jars, Cream Cheese, ... 50c- & 75c. Norway Goat Milk Cheese, pkt. .......... 70C. ROBIN HOOD. "CHINA" OATS, Special, pkt.....35¢ id Phone C. James Wright 77 ny a - Write Cheerful Letters] Maybe you rever thought about it, but a cheerful letter is a fine tonic, and it is just as easy to write a cheer- ful letter as a gloomy one. Of course some of us are betttr writers than others, but there is no reason why the ordinary letter can not be cheerful, there is no good reason why the ordin- ary writer, or the poor writer can not sound a cheerful note when writing the ordinary letter. | writer of a business {and temperamentally. | business letter may { are cheerful, | feel good over Cheer .is a big thing. letter scientific meaning of the knows all The clever studies the word ; he about it--psychologically The bulk of a be purely matter- somewhere, the sound the cheerful of-fact in text, yet, clever writer will note that leaves a splendid taste in the wouth of the 1 d Yon are alw ters for some answer is that you know their letters t these writers have 1g things withomt the and--well, you just hearing from them, that's all. Again, there are some people who seemed determined to! look altogether on the dark side of everything and their views are invari- ably reflected in the letters they send out to their friends and their business correspondents. E A .cheerful letter is like a beacon Light to a weary traveller who has lost his way; it comes with all the refresh- ng sweetness of a Summer morn and the honeyed Sunshine of Spring, --News Chronicle. $Tount Ivy, N.Y., -- Two residents of this place confessed they blew up a house because the town needed publici- ; ty since there has been nothing about: lockland county in the New York" apers for a month. tha vay of tellin gloomy aspects, FF J] A STRUTT 5 Genera! Blacksmith and Woodworker Where work is done to suit your Purse. Dryden, Ontario Bring the Family. for a visit to Winnipeg onspiel Reduced = ES: From All Stations in Manitob= and Ontario (Port Arthur and west) DATES OF SALE EEBRUARY 1, Canadian Pacific Railway GOOD TO RETURN UNTIL Feb. 14, 1927 | Ask the Ticket Agent About Fares and Train Service 7, 8, 9 § Pacific | When Travelling Use | CANADIAN PACIFIC EXPRESS Travellers Checques Good the World Over. CE FERRETS : {ible grip but with no less certainty of The Interlocking World| Since the rapid development of mod- || ern methods of communication and transportation the world has shrunk so that, with the people of the earth continually. growing larger one nation, be it ever so small and apparently in- significant, cannot turn over, nor squirm, nor stretch, nor jounce out an elbow without jostling other nations. Indeed, the interlocking relationships have become such a mazy network that it is not merely the adjacent nations on all sides which- are affected by movement or movements of any given nation. But if one nation progresses, if it retrogrades, if it trembles with a Sonvulsias, or expands with an effort development of any kind, all other |§ nations, nearby and remote--even to the uttermost parts of the earth--are affected. If one country were the sole produc- r source of one necessary commedi- iy and some digaster should reduce that production to nothing or wipe out tha source, when the distributed supply i other lands should become exhausted the world would be affected in bus ness and in living conditions by the famine in that one commodity. And the same principle applies t nearly all articles of trade: drought in areas in Asia has its effect on American business; a strike in England has its effects upon business in South America; legislation touching certain lines in America will mean ,much to Australia. The nations cannot live unto themselves--even in business And through other interests the same principle holds with perhaps less tang- the fact. This is a world of people of one race of humanity--an evers shir king world as measured by natural 'or invisible ties that bind the tribes of men together. The trouble seems to be too much! petting before marriage & not enough afterwards, Oxdrift Trading Co OXDRIFT, ONTARIO GENERAL MERCHANTS re. FLOUR AND "FEED "RRESH EGGS, and BUTTER; Daily. ; "BEEF AND PORK Prices Sent Upon Request. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO CXDRIFT TRADING CO. CARE OF LIBRARY BOOKS. While bocks cost much more. than they did ten years ago, people treat them no better when they were cheap- er. Books are returned dog-eared, with whole pages folded down, iad often with their backs broken. But of all things which surprise the the librarian, the most astonishing is the variely of articles used as book- hi in re left inside returned |.. POO 5) Choice Line of FRESH and CURED MEATS --FISH-- HAMBURG STEAK --and-- SAUSAGES Fresh Daily JAS JAS/ AS NAS ING/1\0) 1). JAWS FMcCormick = Deering CREAM SEPARATOR PRIMROSE Lifetime. We sold a No. 2 'Primrose to a prominent farmer last summer and told him that it would get all the cream, but as he came from Mis- sourt, he had to be showed, and took a sample of the skimmed milk to the Dryden Creamery for test. Result--one half pound of butter fat in ten thousand pounds of Milk Made in Five Different Sizes. 'SOLD EITHER FOR CASH OR TERMS Get our Prices and Literature--IT PAYS J. S. CORNER Oxdrift : Ontario Ager For INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Em dT OF CANABA, Ltd SERA ER Machin & Popham Barristers, Solicitors, etc. LO.O.F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town very Monday night. The commonest are letters, ad not always meer business letters,' it times love-letters and othe: private communications are left be- tween the pages and forgotten, Carelessness of this kind has some- times serious results. A married wo- man wrote an indiscreet letter to a man friend and left it in a library book, which was issued again a few days later. The person who found the letter sent it anonymously to the woman's husband, and the result was a suit for divorce. On another occasion a man in a high position left in a book a sheet of paper on which he had scribbled the rough draft of an important and secret letter. Next day he came te the library in a tere state of mind to find to his 'ease relief, that ore of the librariars had found and kept the paper. He made her a handsome present. Next to, letters, hair-pins are the most usual form of book-marks. A- "mong other curiosities are a woman's Canadian | blve silk garter and a strip of human skin mounted on cardboard. Another ! was a slee of thin bread and butter. More than once notes have been 'ound used as book-marks. Most of them were comparatively valueless Ore librarian found a signed and . crossed cheque made out for a con- siderable sum. Canadian National Railway Earnings: The gross earnings of the Canadian . National Railways for the week ended January 7th, 1927 were 24,298.515.00 as compared willy €4,107.075.82 for the same week of 1988, aa Increase of' $191,439.18, or five per cent. H. A. C.. MACHIN EARLE C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANE BUILDING Visitors Cordially Invited F. G. CRR, Noble Grand. LJ. MACPHERSON, Rec. Sec F.C). DRYDEN LODGE No 162 KENORA, ONTARIO meets the first Waanesaay af each --opth, at eight p.m., mn the Town £ Visiting Brethren eer- J. D O ! N E | i iL dially invited. Barrist, Solicitor, Etc. D ANDERON. VN. CARMICHAEL. BLOCK BADEN SMITH, Secy Golden Star Lodre AF. & AM, No. 4%4, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month Visitears Cordially invited. GEO. H. WICE, WM. a 8 TNBREY, Secy. GRENORAY ONTARIO ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith LGENTS FOR-- Massey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Here are all SEMI-READY SUITS At a Saving from $7.00 to $17.00 per Suit. Acetylene Burning $28.00 Suits Now ........ $21.00 - : 3 30.00 -, > 23.50 x 35.00 » : mT Ra 26.50 Ww. A. Ww E A 24 E 40.00 ,, 3 series, 31.00 Zieneral] Merchant Gk EE Aa Oy 35-00{ AJINNITAKI. ONTARIO 50.00 ,, on en 39.00 ely 60.00 " Bg." weary 43.00 Aggat Fob. All made to your Individual Measure in Ten Days time. T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor. HN DEEFR PLOW CO. "Vhéfe is Jonn Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Cet QUARITY and SERV {2 TIME PAYMENT13 Aironged ia Suit Purchasers. 3

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