* THE DRYDEN OBSERVER tt em a---------- Durance BRS: Hardware 8 --SPECIALS-- WASHING MACHINES EE RE FE EER ET Ea Yin) COPPER BOILERS ..... coins ii no =308 GALVANIZED BOILERS o.oo 1.55 CUPS & SAUCERS, pair.» or cs ser vir vas I5 HANDLED AXES . vii vats sesnees 1.55 Special Hickory AXE HANDLES .............. -23 STAINLESS.KNIVES. 5 5... cao. tase 20 BORKS or i nis rae RTE iT .1I0 SPOONS i Bi ideas vn va nnn, 0 & 03 BROOMS :.....\...% .50 Large DISH PANS... .93 .ALARM CLOCKS . $1.25 ALABASTINE ..... 75 FLASH LIGHTS ... 1.35 POCKET KNIVES . 15 CAR BATTERIES $14.03 CONGOLEUM RUGS, LINOLEUMS, by the Yard SIMMON'S BED, SPRING & MATTRESS, All for $25.00 SEE OUR WINDOWS JUST IN--THE NEWEST Spring Halts ana Coats A CHOICE SELECTION AND PRICES ARE EXCEPTIONALLY REASONABLE. --- J. B. Gates D1) TSE) ) SED) SH -H) -S )-ED The Busy Store LADIES--You will be Us I feel sure, to know that when you buy ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR, you are buying the best FLOUR on the market, especially the Dryden Market. And when you bake with Royal Household Flour, you in turn know you - are using the best Flour for Bread, Pies, Pastry, and so forth. 'Messrs W. J. Peagram & Sons, 240 High Road, Leyton, England, were awarded the "Gold Medal" and 'Diploma of the Universal Cookery and Food Exhibition, held at Olympia, London, England, forexcellence and purity of their Cream: Buns, Eclairs Jam Tarts, and assorted 'Pastries (Thirty Exhibits) open to the United Kingdom. And it will be your delight to know that Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour which you use and we sell, was awarded 'the Gold Medal and Diploma, which was open to the United Kingdom against all other brands of Flour. Our Car of Premier POTATOES which are recomended for seed as well as a good eating variety have opened up a very select choice Potato and very early ripening variety EASTERN HAY--Still 5 ....0........ $28.00 per ton. 'D. W. SCOTT, Dryden re ---- oe | P ronger's : C ash WD (1S AD. 7 SD SD [DO Sy TE. tet 3 Sl Hl A Bl aa CA oa tas Ol > Oa--O ~~ U rocery Full line of---- FRESH GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY i FRUITS VEGETABLES FLOUR AND FEED BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN H. Pronger Kissing Th Them All The Wabigoon girl bows her stately head And fixes her pretty lips In a firm hard way, and lets 'em go And sips and sips and sips. The Dinorwic girl has a way of her own In a soulful clinging way And takes a kiss that's just as big As a wagon load of hay. s The Minnitaki girl, with a hungry look; And tightly fastened eyes, Snatches her kiss like éne closing a book, Then right about turn and flies. The Oxdrift girl, first looks at her toes Then shyly lifts her head And does her part in a fond embrace Before a word can be said. The Kenora girl gives a cute little wink Then presses her dainty lips Against the victim in such a way That he very rarely slips. The Britton girl, gets a grip on herself And carefully takes off her hat Then grabs the man in a frenzied way, Like a terrier shaking a rat. The Dryden girl, never says a word She's so gentle, timid and tame But she grabs the guy by the back of the neck Ard gets there just thé same. --M. R..S Mangles and Sugar Beet- Pulp Comp :red as Succulent Fees The desirability that a portion of the ration should be a succulent character is a principle generally recognized, especially in the feeding of dairy cows during the winter months On the larger farms this requirement is met by corn or other silage. In some locali- ties silage is partly or wholly replaced by farm roots, chiefly mangels. There are times and places when and where neither silage nor roots is available. It is on the farm so circumstanced that soaked "sugar beet-meal"'--the dried exhausted beet pulp of the beet sugar factory--may be used as a palatable, desirable succulent forage. To answer the enquiry frequently made respecting the comparative feed- ing value of mangels and soaked beet pulp, the following table has been pre- pared, assuming, for the purpose of comparison that both contain 89 per cent of water. The data presented are from analyses made by the Division of Chemistry, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Mangles Soaked Sugar- ~ Beet Meal Water 89.0 89.0 Dry matter 11.0 11.0 100.00 100.0 Crude portein | , 1.2 1.1 Carbohydrates 1.2 6. Fibre 0 On 35 Ash _ 1.2 4 As regards crude portein mangels & the soaked beet pulp (89 p.c. water) are practically of equal value. In re- Sat to carbohydrates, although the ¥ nangels must be considered the better food since there is no sugar in the "heet pulp and approximately half of "the dry matter of mangels is this valu- able nutrient. difference that the mangels-are rich in salts (soluble ash constituents) which contribute largely to the health and thrift of the animal. These are practic- ally absent from the soaked beet pulp. On the assumption here adopted, viz. &9 per cent water in the soaked bcet pulp, one pound of dried beet pulp as purchased is approximately the equival ent of one and a half pounds of mangels. Canadizn Radio Pioneer Abserbes U. S. Corporation Combinedd Resources Promise Great Stimulus to Industry. MAJOR-J. E. HAHN TORONTO, March 9.--A surprise a- waited the radio industry today, when it became known that Major J. E. Hahn D.S.0., M.C., pioneer radio manufactur- er, and his brilliant group of associates had taken over the Amrad Corporation of Medford Hillside, Boston, Mass. " Few romances hold the intense inter- est 'of Major Hahn's extraordnary radio career. Heading the DéForset Radio Corporation of Canada in 1923 in less than four years he has brought this company from comparative ob- security to the leading position it holds ! (Acetylene Burning ie today in the industry. The Deforest Radio Corporation is said to be the largest manufacturer of radio sets in the British Empire. With the acquisition of the Amrad Corpora- tion, Major Hahn now becomes an in- herited figure holding the presidency of both Amrad and the Canadian De- Forest Radio Corporation. { In view of the tremendous engineer- ing and research resources commanded iby the Amrad Corporation, as well as valnable patent right, a great stimulus will undoubtedly be given to the Cana- dian radio industry within the coming year. ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE-- are comparatively close the Day, 62 R 2; Night, 62 BR «4 Chevrolet I. ; the the tory EY ox There is this further NY merely to provide an econo- hd the aim in the making of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet--but to pro- duce a car, at low price, which would satisfy the motorists' finer tastes. True distinction is evident in every line of the Fisher-Built Bodies of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet His- tory. Refinement and good taste are reflected in the new Duco colorings-- in the rich, luxurious upholsteries--in fine-quality hardware--in the complete- NEW SPRING Suits and QOvercoats Come in and Pick Yours Out New Assortment of HATS AND CAPS. The Latest in FOOT-WEAR And Everything for SPRING WEAR, at T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor." M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIU --Dealer in-- Oxdrift Trading Co A JP -- -- ---------- THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Published at DRYDEN, Ontario Every Friday Morning Largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Kenora District. Subscription, $1.50 per year. $5" ]. A. STRUTT, =} Genera! Blacksmith and Woodworker . Where work is done to suit your Purse. Dryden, Ontario OXDRIFT, ONTARIO GENERAL MERCHANTS FLOUR AND FEED BOOTS AND SHOES DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE & FARM PRODUCE --Agent For-- LIFE INSURANCE FROST AND WOOD and COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS. WATKIN'S PRODUCTS SPICES, EXTRACTS, Ete. STOCK :& POULTRY TONIC PIE'FHLLERS, FRUIT SALTS: TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH HOLDER | $ LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, TEA AND COCOA E. T (DAD) ROWLAND Dryden, Ontario ROBT. SWEENEY Gerieral Blacksmith "GLINTS FOR-- Foinalion? Implements AXBOUN REMOVED FROM CYLINDER | : LO. 0. F DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town" Jevery Monde: night. SECOND DEGREE, Monday, March 28th, 1927. M. F. COOK, Noble Grand. Ld. . MACPHERSON, Rec. Sec: L.0. Xi "DRYDEN LODGE No 168 meets the first Weaanessa) if each month, at eight p.m., in the 'own Hall. Visiting Brethren cer dally invited. D. ANDERSON, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Sec; Golden Star Lodse AF. & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden the Second Tuesday of each month' Visitors Cordially invited. GEO. H. WICE, W.M. v d¥ #0 WFBREY, Seed' ". NEXT TO POST "OFFICE. True Distinc As there is the quality of the thorough. N%a means of transportation has bred gine ( rofet handsome new radiator design--in massive full-crown fenders--in the PRICES Commercial Chassis, $490.00 and LOWER PRICES--the lowest for which Chevrolet has ever been sold in t FRESH EGGS, and BUTTER i Daily. BEEF AND PORK Prices Sent Upon Request. 'ALL MAIL ORDERS § PROMTLY ATTENDED TO [ --- HIGHEST GRADE AMATEUR FINISHING "PORTRAITS, GROUPS, CHILDREN, etc. taken at your home. Daylight or Flashlight Exposures. All Work Guaranteed by Long i Experience. Se) BIT Mail your Films, other work or "requests direct to - Hutter Paul Aug. I Photographer, t.mateur Finishing, Enlarging, etc., etc. WALDHOF, P.O. Ontario REASONABLE PRICE. W. A. WEARE General Merchant "JINNITAKI, ONTARIO Az2ent For-- +UHN DEERF. PLOW CO. vere is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Uet QUALITY and SERVICE | TIME PAYMENTS Airtnged 9 Suit Purchasers. | = HARNESS SHOE REPAIRING 37 I am Installing "HARNESS MACHINERY in my store For the past three years I have been in Dryden, I have given _satisfaction in Shoe Repairing, and intend doing some in the ,Harness line. PRICES VERY MODERATE Childrens Boots Repaired After School Hours. L. GREENHILL nea 2h ion in the appearance of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet His- tory, so there is the same quality in its performance. to .the smooth, powerful Chevrolet en- New refinements, added ihe New A C Air Cleaner and Oil Filter, for example) offer definite assur- ante of longer life, better operation and greater economy. The Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chev- History is now selling at NEW ness of appointments. Canada. Roadster, $655.00 Touring, $655. 00 Coupe, $780.00 : ; NEW Coach, $760.00 Sedan, $865.00 Landau Sedan, $930.00 3 TEeVIEro e LOWER Cabriolet, $890.00 b- Roadster Delivery, $655.00 Utility Express Chassis, $645.00 Prices at Factory, Oshawa--Government Taxes Extra Durance Bros. DRYDEN ONTARIO 3 & Co