Dryden Observer, 22 Apr 1927, p. 2

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"THE DRYDEN OBSERVER a emer tha, wer -- = os oi oe Durance BX°S: Hardware : --SPECIALS-- JUST A FEW AT THESE PRICES. SIMMON'S FELT MATTRESS, @ ........... $ 7.05 SIMMON'S GUARANTEED BED, SPRING Cand MATERESS fool oo D0 -25.00 SIMMON'S GUARANTEED BED SPRING ... 7.50 BOCKINGCHAIRS ..../...voiciviin cerns 2.95 HICH CHAIRS... i iranian 2.95 JuSt in-- PAINTS, VARNISH STAINS, ALABASTINE, WALL TINTS, Now on Display. WE SELL STEELE BRIGGS GARDEN SEEDS. CREAM SEPARATOR $25.00--BARGAIN. & - > The Calander Says: . New Clothes COATS, DRESSES, HATS, SHOES HOSE and GLOVES We Invite Your Inspection of Qur Values. -- TR - {------. J. B. Gates ED () SEED) ED) WD) ED (GES () ED () SD (RE ()- CRED (> The Busy Store DON'T FORGET DRYDEN'S BEST FLOUR-- Royal Household». cc... co ive se an $4.90 FEED OATS, three bushel sack ... ..... ....... .. 2.10 FELD OATS, hve bag'lote ..o. 0, oie iu iis 10.25 PREMIER POTATOES, perbus oi ..ov onions 1.15 Also recommen ded for seed purposes, ripens two weeks earlier. : 0 } i i S : ] : c : our Dry Goods Window For-- EASTER NOVELTIES For Your Wife, Mother or Sister. --also-- NEW PATTERNS AND STYLES in Window Curtains. oe Hi Se ¥ See our Crockery Window on Whyte Street, for-- GRANITEWEAR, CHINA, Etc. D. W. SCOTT, Dryden CED (SEED () DED (GIES () GED () GE (SE (CD () GEE () EE () GERD) Pronger' 3 Cash GC rocery FULL LINE OF--- 0 CEES () SEED (En ()-- () CRED (GRD () SED () GREED () GED () ERED () GEE () SE O66 ~ o ~ oc J ; ; QO FRESH GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY FRUITS VEGETABLES FLOUR and FEED BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN SA ANAAAAAN O, H. - Pronger 't dew warming. To The Editor WABIGOON, Ont Editor, Dryden Observer-- I've been watching your "column to see something more said about the Creamery, until I have become out of patience and although pen and ink are out of my line, I am inclined to say a few words to the best of my abiliy. In the first place I supported the Creamery as much as I was able to anc am sorry to say it wasn't much. 1 noticed last summer that some of my neighbours were still shipping to Win: peg, but why I do not know. Suiel: there must be something to cause it, or no reasonable man would ship cream all that distance. I know that I got better returns from Dryden, than from Winnipeg. What we want to find out is "hav we a dairy district or not ?" Mixec farming means just that. We are sur we have not a grain-growing soil, o. not just vet at least. Although have as good seed grain as ever bought, or that I grew last year for mj own use. Although I am not very we! informed on soils, I think we have : clay soil here that wil compare wel with any other clay soil in this little lum called "the earth." I have see grown here, both vegetables and grain that would compare with any I eve saw. Although I come from a plac | Where they pay five pounds an acre, o j about $24. in our money, rent per year that is 34 years ago, what rent de thes pay now? That land, however wa tile drained. We seem to have : stratiformed elay just below the sm face that I think was formed by th glacial action under enormous pressur: that neither water or air or farm 'ero; roots can penetrate through, so tha means we need under drains as muc! or more than any other place on thi globe and as we have a beautiful bec of moist and fertile clay just unde: that stratified clay, that means, i: drained we would have the dew worms working to help us drain our land an' get out of the way of frost, just th same as they used to at home. The; are a great help to the farmers, a lo more so than some people think. Un der drains would double our crop. I is not a speculation, it has always paid 'its way, and would help out the Cream ery more than anything else that w ~could do.. The Governments just now are falling over one another trying t do something for the farmer. The; have found out that all riches com from the ground and water now, a: they always have done and that th farmer is trying his hardest to hel; draw and distribute those riches fron his part of it. Mr Ferguson says that his govern ment is going to help the farmer. Wh: not use some of our share to do a littl draining. Someone else say some thing to help the thing along. I fo my part, do not like to sit down an. be as little use to my country as a pai of stilts would be to a laying duck out I know the edito would like to see this question thrashed out, and if it is, I think I will live tc see the Dryden district one of the richest farming districts in Canada. --H. WRIGHT. --- Dryden Motors Successors to DRYDEN DISTRICT MOTORs Solicit Your Patronage O STAR, DURANT AND NASH CARS. reer Ores Guaranteed Service and Repairs on all makes. ---- SEVERAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. O Dryden Motors, JFOR SALE-- TENT STAND AND Has No Regret Thomas H. Watson, who it is stated murdered his wife near their home on Robert St., Fort William, by clubbing her to death, was remanded for eight days by Magistrate O'Brien to the goal and will come up before the mag strate "or his preliminary hearing on the | afternoon of April 26. Watson is now coafined in the goal. | To those with whom he has conversed te has expressed no contrition for his | deed. "I am willing to take my med:- | Fa SEE a apy SHEE ine," he said. "I hope they hang me, ! nc are quick about it." | While Watson appears callous and | «dierent, those in close touch with ! -m believe that he is beginning to i -ealize the seriousness of his posi- lon. - CONTROL OF THE MOSQUITO Lourists in the Canadian Rockies will Je interested in knowing that a vigor-! ous fight is being maintained agains; -ne persistent mosquito, The Entomo- TH i FAMOUS FL SY tins o2 C.CM. BI . PREMIER OR rm Equipment MACHINER DUNLOP TIRES BATTERIES URY PLOWS CYCLES GLOBELITE ogical Branch at Ottawa reports that mce 1922 in addition to oiling the | ~aters containing the wrigglers much ontrol work of a permanent nature, | uch as ditching, dyking and trail cut- ng has been accomplished. Miles of | arrow trails have been cut through! ence willow growth to permit of the! iling of otherwise inaccessible places. | idverse criticism of the district around i Banff, says the officer having the work! n charge, has been silenced. In addition to the foregoing mosqu to nvestigation is being carried on in the astern provinces, "ANADIAN NATIONAL | RAILWAYS EARNINGS! The gross earnings of the Cancd2a 'ational Ra for the week endad \pril 7, 7 e $4,888,957.00, as| ompared with $4,708,604.39 for the ame week of 1926, an increase of $130- | 52.61 or four per cent. Classified AOCAL BALED TIMOTHY HAY, 228. per ton. In two ton lots $26. A0USES and FARMS FOR SALE or XENT--Apply R. H. PRONGER, Dryden, Ontario. Jor Sale-- SEVERAL FIRST CLASS NORK HORSES, in gcod condition; so Brood SOWS. and Seed BARLEY. : See H. A. WILSON, or! SWAN SWANSON § --_----l-- "or Sale--OVERLAND TOURING SPECIAL. In good running order, | "heap for cash.--Apply F. WHITELEY, ; 3||5/27p. Dryden, Ont. i for Sale--BARRED ROCK HATCH- NG EGGS. $1.50 for fifteen. Apply to GENE McMONAGLE, Dryden, Ontario FOR SALE-- CERTIFIED IRISH JOBBLER SEED POTATOES. Extra No. 1, Government Inspected. $2.00 ser bushel. Reduction in price for ifteen bushel lots.--Apply CON. SNIDER, Oxdrift, Ontario. "OR SALE 50 Bushels of POTATOES (5¢. per bus.--Apply _ E. LESHEID, Waldhof, :2/4|27p. Ontario. ¥ POR SALE--1 TESTED HOLSTEIN SOW, will calve about the middle of May. For further particulars see A. MASCETTI, Bedworth. TENT & FLY, almost new, Cheap Zor cash.--Apply TOM FOOTE, Dryden. FOR SALE--TEAM of HORSES and JARNESS; fast walkers, weight approximately 28000-1bs,--See GRAHAM or PORTER, Dryden, Ont FOR SALE--One 10 H.P. MARINE ENGINE, corplett. First-class condi- tion.--see GRAHAM por PORTER, Dryden, Ont FOR SALE--40 ACRES, ONE MILE from Dryden--aA Bargain. Two Cows, six years old, fresh. White Leghorne! Hens. Also good Seed Potatoes, Tic. per bushel--Apply DAN KEATLEY, 29]4|27p. Dryden, Ont modern barn; 45 acres under cultiva-| | tion, good well, splendid road right to farm. Will sell cheap for cash or terms may be arranged. --Apply Mrs ADA J. WILSON, 13]5/27 Box 119, Dryden, Ont. Acetylene Burning For Sale--FARM, 1 MILE WEST OF | = Dryden, good frome house and large |i; FARM FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-- IE Oxdrift . Agent for-- International Harverst = PE BE Tent Ae LER Ra NEW SPRING Suits and QOvercoats Come in and Pick Yours Out New Assortment of HATS AND CAPS. The Latest in FOOT-WEAR And Everything for SPRING WEAR, T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor.' M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIU --Dealer in-- BOOTS AND SHOES DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE & FARM PRODUCE. --Agent For-- LIFE INSURANCE FROST AND WOOD 3. S. C er Compan ORNER Ontario y of Canada, Limited RT Sa AEE REY THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Published at DRYDEN, Ontario Every Friday Morning Largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Kenora District. Subscription, $1.50 per year. § DOAANANRAAAAAAAAAARAAD Oxdrift Trading Co OXDRIFT, ONTARIO GENERAL MERCHANTS FLOUR AND FEED FRESH EGGS, and BUTTER Daily. BEEF AND PORK Prices Sent Upen Request. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO W. A. WEARE {eneral Merchant "JINNITAKI, ONTARIO A sent For-- sUHN DEERFR PLOW CO. iuere is Jonn Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. and COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS. v) i WATKIN'S PRODUCTS SPICES, EXTRACTS, Etc. STOCK & POULTRY TONIC. PIE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS, TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH HOLDER i LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, TEA "AND COCOA E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND SAC en i Hi # Dryden, Ontario ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith v £GUNTS FOR-- dassey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Aircnged 2 Suit Purchasers. HARNESS and SHOE REPAIRING For the past three years I have been in Dryden, I have given satisfaction in Shoe Repairing, and intend doing some in the Harness line. PRICES VERY MODERATE Childrens Boots Repaired After School Hours, L. GREENHILL | NEXT TO POST OFFICE. ! A.J. GARDINER General Merchant, WAGLE RIVER iv Agent for || Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. COGKSHUTT PLOW (OY TT kx 2 ; Sharple's Cream Separators. 8 RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. COTTAGE ROLLS, per It PICNIC HAMS ........ South half, Let 19, Con. 7, twp. Zea- HUGHIE HILL, Mgr. - | ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS i PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE- ¥ Dey, 63 B 2; Night, 63 B 4 some pulpwood, good buildings, House | Stable, Hayshed, and Chicken House. For further particulars apply to land, 166 acres more or less, 25 under cultivation, balance bush and pasture; 16x24, story and half, Good Furnace : ! E. WALLIN, Box 220, Dryden. Ontario. | For Dressmaking and all kinds of Embroidery Work, see Mrs WHITEHEAD, Princess St. Dryden, Ont. J 2 g HOME RENDERED LARD ............5...... 20 2 WHITE FISH, HALIBUT SALMON, 5 KIPPERS, FRESH FILLETS, E SMOKED FILLETS. # Phone No. § A. PATERSON, P

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