+ 3 Phone 4 foi The Dryden Observer VOLUME VII. DRYDEN, Ontario, JUNE 17th, 1927. Se Tinsmithing . Plumbing & Heating ra s give you an estimate r plumbing. We carry a full line of: BATHROOM FIXTURES, --Also-- PIPE AND PLUMBING FITTINGS. S. RYDER Box 2. Devan, Ont. FOR SALE-- House, 4 rooms, Pantry and Basement, Open Fire Place, Furnace, Good Well, Two Lots, Sandy Loam, Chicken House and Wire, Close to School Snap for quick sale; Cash or Terms. 4-Roomed House, full basement soft water cistern, furnace, good well, one acre of land. Cash or Terms. Hunting, Trappers and Radio License Issued. Office Phone, 20 R-2-- --House 20 R-3. NOW ON DISPLAY A Splendid Line of MEN'S WORK BOOTS, ! Solid Leather, A Good Heavy Shoe for Every- day Wear. A Complete Stock of HARNESS & ACCESSORIES Always on Hand. Harness Repaired-- Boots--and--Shoes REPAIRED x WILLARD, STAR POOL ROOM & BARBER SHOP. in the Freidman Building Highest Class Work. Ladies and' Childrcn-- --Special Attention. M. HUTZAL, Proprietor. Third Divisional Court HIS Honour Judge W, A. Dowler pre- sided over the sitting of the Third Divisional Court which was held in the Council Chambers on Wednesday morn- ing, beginning at ten o'clock. The cases up for consideration were not numerous, and were all dispensed with within an hour's time by his Honour in a manner most satisfactory to all concerned. The first case called was Dr's Ding- wall and Morison versus Mrs Annie Moore, In this instance the doctors were suing defendant for fees for pro- fessional services, but owing to the lack of evidence of Dr Morison, who is at present in Toronto attending -a medical convention, the case was ad- joured on application of the plantiif till a later date, His Honour handed down judgement to the plantiff in the case of Albert Lock versus Mike Stratulek, and a Dryden Paper Company garinshee. C. F. Jones versus J. H, Brown and Waldhof Farmers' Co-operative Club garinshee was the most lengthy case. Here the plantiff was suing Mr Brown for money he claimed was coming to him after a winter's partnership in the pulpwood business at Waldhof in the year 1924. Defendant disputed the claim and put in a counter claim for wages for the work he had done on Jones' homestead before the cutting of pulpwood began, After hearing the evidence of both sides, Judge Dowler gave judgment to the plantiff for the sum of $20.57, which was about fifteen dollars less than the original amount claimed by Mr Jones. Both parties appeared to be quite satisfied with the decision, TRAIN SERVICES-- By Arrangements with the CPR. No. 1 from the east on Friday, First of July, will stop at Dyment; No. 4 leaving Dryden 11:20 on Friday July irst will stop at Wabigoon, Dinorwic, and Dyment; No. 3 from Dryden, Sat- urday morning, July Second will stop at Eagle River and Vermillion Bay, Will Serve Lunch on Church Grounds-- The Ladies Aid of the United Church will serve lunch on the Church grounds from FOUR until SEVEN p.m, Fri- day, July FIRST. Reasonable prices. Ice Cream, Cakes and Hot Drinks-- Tke Junior Ladies of the United Church will serve Ice Cream, Cake and Cool Drings on the Church grounds on Friday, July 1st, during the afternoon. Do you believe in this kind of PROTECTION? The only Rea! Protection for your property and home is- INSURANCE. MUNICIPALITY of MACHIN Notice. WEED INSPECTOR WANTED FOR each of the Townships of Sanford Aubrey, Temple and Langton. J Applats to apply in pers e Ci une Meeting, Saturday, Fuze } msl. Eagle River 0 o'clock pm GEO. ECETE RL Clezk, Ezgle River, PUBLIC SCHOOL, DRYDEN TENDERS {\VITED Fo -% vI11ED Tor Ie interior of the Pobiic ! To include sizing, plaster cracks filled and two coats of at wall paint. s (lowest or any of which not necessarily accepted) to be sent in by Saturday, June 25th, 1927 to the Secretary-Treasurer, Any further information can be had from F. MADDER, Secy.-Treas J. E.6'BSON, Agent, Dryden TheLogical Choice Two-Car Family: History with its Fisher-built Body--its Duco color--its hosts of mechanical refinements in- cluding oil filter, air cleaner and many others --is selling at new, low prices, the lowest far T EERE are many reasons for the choice of fH in the two-car home -- its de- pendability in all weathers and under all con- ditions--its quick response, ease in handling, and its irresistible beauty appealing to the The many improvements first in- troduced in low-priced cars by Chevrolet and the striking beauty of design and color make it a car worthy of service to those who also own the costliest of cars. More and more the own- ers of big cars are now turning to Chevrolet finer tastes. for a second car. The Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet Imperial Landen Sedan 1-Ton Truck Chassis CF-5118 3 + n which Chevrolet has ever been sold in Canada. Roadster - - - $655 Touring - - - - $655 Sport Roadster $730 Coupe - - = - - 780 Coach - - = - - 760 Sedan - = - - - 863 Cabriolet - - - $890 Landau Sedan $930 9753 Roadster Delivery $655 Com'rc'l Chassis Je 645 Prices at Factory, Oshawa--Government Taxes Extra Locals. Chief Colliss with Mrs Colliss left Monday morning for Vancouver where he will attend the police convention, which is now being held in the city. Mrs S. Jackson, Oxdrift, was a visit- or to Dryden, Wednesday Mr and Mrs D. Baker, of Osaquan, have gone to Poplar Point Manitoba, where they will reside. M. J. Crosier, of Oxdrift, left Satur- day night on 2 trip to Toronto, Dr H, Morison is away attending the: convention of Medical Health Officers in Toronto this week. Miss Marion Freeborne has returned to her home in Dryden, after visiting in the west for-the past few months. Mrs Boyd, Oxdrift, paid a visit to Dryden, Wednesday. Wm. Martin was down from Winni- peg to spend the week-end in Dryden. Mrs M, S. Campbell was the guest of Mr and Mrs Wilton at Kenora, for a couple of days this week. Mrs M. D. Hambly and Dorothy re- turned from Toronto Friday afternoon, Mrs W. F, Warren and son, of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, are the guests of her mother, Mrs Quirk. His Honour Judge Dowler returned to Kenora, Wednesday afternoon. Albert Webber, Winnipeg, was a visitor to Dryden for several days this week. Miss Margaret Vangel, Ignace visit- ed Dryden, Wednesday, Thornton Browning has returned from Toronto to his home in Oxdrift, J. 0. Gough was a visitor to Kenora this week. Mrs Geo. N, Dechert, and daughter Helen, are away on a visit to Toronto and other eastern points, Farewell Party-- Mrs H, Humphries and Mrs Edgar were joint hostesses at a farewell party in honour of Mr and Mrs K. S. LeBaron at the Humphries' summer home at Wabigoon, on Tuesday even- ing. The party motored to and from Wabigoon and a most delightful even- ing was spent, Depart for the East-- A large number of friends were at the depot Wednesday aftercon to bid farewell to Mr and Mrs K. S. LeBaron and two children, who departed for the east. Before going to their new home in St. John's, New Brunswick, they will visit for a time in Quebec. Presentation-- On Thursday evening of this week, the teachers and officers of the United Church Sunday School gathered at the church and from thence went to at | the home of Mrs H. G. Barnes. Both Mr aod Mrs Barnes were completely taken by surprise and opened thelr homme to the wading goests. The evening was spent In games, everyuDe baving 2 very enjoyable time After refrecsments , Mr Rivers, on beha'f of the Sunday School expressed their of Mrs Bars ready and sistzmwre 25 2 teacher the Scokol and 2s one ever ready any work for special occasioms. presented her with 2 hat wnshing ber 2 safe voyage and success in their pew Sek Lad Mrs Barnes then replied that she found great joy in working with the youmz The members of the Sunday School soon departed after giving Mr and Mrs Barnes their very best wishes, = a . | popular Help the Red Cross The Canadian Red Cross Society is undertaking a nation-wide appeal for funds, and the committee to act for Dryden and the surrounding district has selected July 1st next as the most logical day to appeal to its citizens, The Society's war services are well known, and since that time it has rendered a series of practical services f Canada. of untold value to the people of Having establi ished a hos den, as well 2s an out-post at Quibel! to us all. That the Society nn tinue its efforts to improve cur health and welfare, iis ex treasury must be replenished local committee are confidently | to you for the response which worthy cause so justly merits Who Said Camp 2|: that "] say Jack, have you heard strange noise near Mackay's old store. |? Do you know what it is? No. There ain't a cow in that stable, nor a calf either. Why it's Sonny Adair, play- ing on the bugle. He's tryin' to g=t his lips in trim for those bugle calls | :orison You know he used to call us at the camp last summer. Oh, you weren't there, I forgot, Well we are goi again in a couple of weeks. Sure yoai can come. Yes the Anglican boys are} coming as well this year, and Mr Wat . bn kins is bringing his boys from Eagie : as well, Say, we sure had a swe in time last year. Didn't we Elmer, and | we had great eats, Jack Robinson of Wabigoon ate everyone away from | the table and I nearly bust myself. We had baseball there--sure, the soft ball that's best for us kids. We won! the baseball championship last year, ! Ges, we had a great time, Lefty Camp- bell says he would sooner go to camp than any old Kenora or Fort William. You can have more real fun one day in camp than a whole week in those slow, old towns, Can you sing? Oh you! don't know till you try those songs.f Weren't they great at the camp fire. Do} you like Ham and Eggs? I like mire fried nice and brown, That's how it}, starts the yon yonson, Do you know it? Well for crying out loud, if thers aint Jim Ferguson comin' to camp Scottie, Sure, oh, I know you were coming, I forgot. There is going to be at least fifty there so Mr Rivers szid. Ah come on Bob, you know i isnt far away now, July 5th, and] we're going to have some hot weather then an' who wants to stay in stuffy old berg then, Not for me I'n going to Eagle Lake anyway, Td Ii: to spend 2 month in camp so I wo this wo "Al A Mistake™-- C.Y P.C. will present their play, "28 A Mistake™ at the Commun 7i! EzB Quidell, op Thursday, Jt : The Freshmen Orchestrz will provie music for 2 dance after the play and' proceeds of the affair go to the R Cress Aster Band practice on Monday ni the members of Dryden District Band gathered together and presented the leader of the Dryden Band | LeBaron, with a handsome wallet containing a sum of money, appreciztion of the generous assi istance be had given the Band during his resi- demee im Dryden Presented with Wallet-- i 3 3 | Mr KE S DURANCE BROS & CO. Dryden and Kenora | | Farewell Party A number representing every depar:- men: of the United Chuich, gathered at the church on Friday evening last, and then proceeded to the home of Mt and Mrs K. S. LeBaron to bid them goodbye, Previously it had been ar- ranged to have Mr and Mrs LeBaron away from their home early in the evening, so that when they returned it was a complete surprise to them to find their home full of guests who were making themselves feel at home. belA very enjoyable evening was spent, with the members of the choir giving numbers and Mr LeBaron also us one last opportunity of hear- 2 on his violin, : luncheon was served; Dr H. Morison, on behalf of the board of stewards, Ladies Aid, Sunday School, and choir expressed in very appropriate heir deep appreciation to Mr LeBaron for their able and services during their tay here. sta2'ed that we, as a united church body, ware glad to see them advance, at were very sorry to see them leav- had the very best the church, and it was hoped 1 wouls Ink up with sbme where they were going nd be of assistance there, Iso they other church n presented Mr & Mrs LeBaron urse of gold. Mr LeBaron ; replied stating that the; lv enjoyed any work in which ey had been able to help, After few more musical numbers 2 ae bid Mr and Mrs LeBaron ibye and went their way homeward i good ng ng that the church had suffered 2 i very great loss, as Mrs LeBaron was organist of the church and Mr Le Baron was a steward, a teacher in the Sunday School, and a very faithfu member of the choir. { Golder Star Lodge Pays Fraternal Visit-- A party of about twenty members {of Golden Star Lodge, Dryden paid : i fraternal visit to the Sioux Lookou! 'Lodge this week. The party left here Sunday afternoon, motoring to Quibell where they took the afternon train tc Sioux Loolout, On arrival they were met by their hosts and billited to th homes of various brethren, on Monda; afternoon the visitors enjoyed a de lightful boat trip to Pelican Lake with a visit to the Indian School which wa most ictercsting. Mo 7 night the members of Golden Star aded the Lodge meeting anc exemplifed the Third Degree of Masonry. The brethren who returned early Tuesday morning, zll report a mes P nt trip and are high in thei of the hospitality of i as one brother remarked vy awaiting the time when connects these two neighbour- i such visits as this can; ft, Ont., on Wednes- , to Mr and Mrs Then Drjis Sioux ; re Fie Celebration Program The programme covering the three- day Celebration is rounding into shape rapidly. Large Posters covering the main features are now being printed and will be on display in"the very near future, while the smaller bills giving detailed information will be printed within the next few days, Great interest in the parade is being manifested by the country points, In- dications are that the greater portion of the seventeen district schools will have their Pupils take part, as definite information has been reesived "from several points, The Indians are already putting on almostly nightly rehearsals in order that the "Pow-wow" may prove as in- teresting as many anticipate. It is also understood that the Indians will take part in the parade as well which will add very greatly to its attractive 'zatures. Several casese of radio equipment, including amplifiers, ete. arrived at the Canadian Pacific Express Office, Thursday, Engineers are enroute to install the equipment and make' the necessary tests, ete., and it is expected that the people of Dryden will be en- abled to take in the radio concert which to be broadcasted from Ottawa on July 1st. This programme will in- ~lude certain numbers from the famous Carillon Bells now being installed in 'he Parliament Buildings. No less than seven District Baseball teams have entered for the elimination contest-- namely, Quibell, Waldhof, Eagle River, Oxdrift, Minnitaki, Wabi- =oon, also the Dinorwic Indians, These wll be seven inning games and should orove very interesting. No team from Dryden will be entered. == District News UINNITAKI--The Eagle River Ball eam played a return game here last Tuesday evening, and we are proud to say that they did not "white-wash" us at this game, though they beat us. Next game is going to see a victory for us. All the players werein geod f. rin on both sides. We regret our capiain could not play in this game, owing to having a finger injured at a game with Oxdrift previously. The finger is doing nicely we hear, One of the 'unior boys played in the place of o enior and he played a very good game. The juniors are playing the Eagle River Junior at Eagle and we wish them luck. Mrs Patterson, Mrs Launder, Mrs Crossberndt were shopping in Dryden Wednesday. The dance at Pinegroove was enjoy- ed by visitors from Wabigoon, Dryden and Oxdrift. {June 21st, OXDRIFT--The Oxdrift Baseball Club 'is calling a meeting to be held in the ! Community Hall, next Tuesday night, at 8:30 p.m., for the purpose of forming a baseball league in the Dryden District, They would like to see representatives from Dryden, Wabi- (Continued on page four) WARM FEET ANTISEPTIC TEETH A GOOD SHAVE A SMOOTH THROAT A- LETTER A SWEET PERFUME A GOOD SMOKE SOMETHING TO READ DELICIOUS CANDY The Dryden Pharmacy WILL SUPPLY YOU.