THE DRYDEN vs OBSERVER Hic Sane Sale ET A 7 PRICE SLASHING EVENT §. SEASON | We have $10,000.00 worth of Women's and Children's Ready-to- Wear, which we offer yeu at prices regardiess of cost, until July 31st, our oniy conditions are Cash and no Approvals. ed OL EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE OF DRY- GOODS, FOOTWEAR READY-TO-WEAR IN THE STORE WILL BE REDUCED, IN MOST CASES BELOW OUR COST PRICE. ES NY AW, Gome and see our original prices and note the big reduction we are offering. Children's Cotton Knit Bloomers, various cel urs, 39¢. vaiue ro ch arene ten em' nS IA TE IE I EOT] for - i rr in = 29c. '@ id 25c value for _ rn 19e. ie i i 2! White and Colored Dimity, 30c. value for _________ 99¢c, yard. 9 27.-n, Good Weight Flannelette, Orly per yard... __.__. - 14« [> 2 Women's Cotton Stockings, in nude, peach, black, etc, regular 5 30c for _ --- ]18¢. pair 1% B¥ Cheesecloth, six yards for ns 25¢. x Fug Silk, 5c, value for only - G4 yard. Children's Rubber Pants, 25¢, value for 16 | Men's Broadcloth Shirts, $2.25 value for __.__ __ __ ____ $159 White Cross Bar Marquisette Curtain Material, per yard 12= Child's gilt edge Writing Paper and Envelopes in Lox. Sale ge Our stock of Silk Hose at 60c,, 50c., and 45¢. will be sacrificed for Ik ey pi SNS Je pair No special Merchandise has been brought in for this Sale, only our regular high grade stock will be cffered and should not be compared with the Sale Merchandise made chezp, to sell cheap, offered by the Mail Order Houses. Ralph J. Pronger AW! ROT AOA OJ AL LS ZIT 5 BUILD A HOME FIRST Get our PRICES on BUILDING MATERIAL of all Kinds. SASH -- DOORS -- BRICK -- LIME -- PLASTER ROOFING PAPER -- BUILDING PAPER PLASTER BOARD and WALL BOARD SCREEN DQCORS & WINDOWS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE Screen Wire Cloth, --14 mesh--Black & Galvanized Lumber -- Lath -- Shingles, Call or Write for Plans and Estimates Dryden Lumber Co. C. J. WRIGHT SALE CONTINUED FOR THIS WEEK Can Green Peas, standard .._.._. Bor ..o.. ie eu $1.00 Can Corn, Fer SAA A LS sy Bor: oc... ns Si.00 Hh fo Si. Boz, Pkis. Currants .....%..... Per Pkt x... 00. cl. 200 'Dill Pickles, g|11 count ......... 2°0ms for oF iiiinil.uen 33¢. | Kellogg's Corn Flakes .......... OPkisfor oo ollie Soo Shredded Wheat ............:.. RPkisfor. =F... .0r. $1.00 uf fed lice... a i es La RS 16¢ Elfed Wheat ~~, 0. x i ian 15C. Cherries for preserving TT gle .ouuusivovnesveronsnns ahs $2.23 English Large Gooseberries, 11 gts for ~......... 0. fan $2.23 Dryden Strawberries, two baskets fOr ...................... 43¢ HC DErS, three for Mi vee. Se ii i ar 25¢. Green Peas, two for ....... Sn SA SE BL 35¢€, Beaches, perdozef®. i... ........ nao A eR 50¢ § Plums, perdb .............. 250. per O'lb-basket .. ui... $1.25 WM naspberries, pint basket .... 00... 0 A ne 30c¢. 'Bananas, per dozen ...... soc|| New Potatoes, 4-tbs for .... 25¢c New Carrots, 3-tbs for . . 25¢.|]| New Onions, per tb ....... 10¢C. Old Potatoes, sound and solid, Gibson es 25¢ elery, BC. perib ii... 1 scl New Cabbage, per ib ..... 10c. Ra atches, three boxes i dnpkt ol Re 25¢ Creamettes, 3 pkts ....... 25 Sugarazdbsfor........ $1.00 Sliced Pineapple; s tins for . 00. oo sivas ia $1.00 Red Pitted Cherries, atins for... ..... ia jp tn $1.00 Old Snappy Cheese (1926), perib... .L............. 00 25¢. ard adh a 22¢. Er A ESE LE RRB G5c. Brivis eis ieinde nix vse sate a a Bh a eee Re $1.03 nce eT DHE RRA a 2 $2.00 Bt Tae be hs dL a 6oc., 65c: and 70c el Sree SRG a es dada 25c. RL SOL Se Ea ab 95c. slate re sons Lalit a $1.00 Fm SAVE MONEY & BUY FOR CASH £s : Phone c. i Wright No. 49 --- | BLUE SERGES, '{Con. 1 Township of Aubrey. Classified WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework.--Apply to Mrs A. DURANCE, Dryden, WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework.--Apply to Mrs P. H. B. WOOD, Dryden, NOTICE--Builders, Contractors-- FOR SALE--A GOOD 25-TON JACK, Can be seen at PRONGER'S Grocery. FOR SALE--4-ROOM HOUSE, Well finished with pantry and concrete base- ment.--Apply D. MAUNSELL, Dryden, FOR SALE--NORTH HALF LOT 4, For particulars, apply W. K. EDYE, Dryden, or THE ROYAL TRUST CO., Belmont House, Victoria, B.C. FOR SALE -- "CANADA PRIDE " Steel Range; New Quebec Heater; Large China Cabinet, bevelled glass sides; Drop head Toronto Couch. Apply-- Mrs HUGH, ROBINSON, Dryden, Ont. North Road. FOR SALE--120 ACRE FARM, 215 miles west of Dryden.--Apply D. MAUNSELL, Dryden. FOR SALE--BALED HAY, Standing! HAY (in town); Two Small Houses for rent; One nine-roomed House for sale or rent, also Two Farms --Apply R. H. PRONGER, Dryden. WANTED TO BUY--YOUNG COW, freshened during the last moth--T.B. tested--dehorned, Durham or Jersey preferred, Will also buy Calf, State price for cash.--Apply CHAS COLLEN, Wabigoon, Ont. FOR SALE-- NAVY 'BLUE, ROUND - | $20.00; pr ry # STOVE with oven, $15.00, both in good 1 Acetylene Burning Oxdrift Trading Co reed (sidway) BABY CARRIAGE, also 3-Burner perfection OIL condition --Apply to Mrs J, SALISBURY, Dryden, Ont. Cream Pool? WALDHOF, Ont. The Editress-- The Observer, Dryden, Ont. Dear Editress--Who ever heard of a woman being an editor. Oh well that shows that a woman can do any man's work and just as well, and we must give them credit when credit is due, However, this is not the theme I in- tended to write about, anyway I could not refrain from mentioning the fact. Madam; I wish to be allowed the privilage of saying a few words to the Dairymen of the district through the medium of your press and at the same time I would ask you to copy the en- closed clipping, (Ed. Note--Clipping appears below), The greatest success awaits the dairymen who grasp the opportunity at hand and becomes a member of the Dryden Clover Belt Producers Association, now Leing form- ed. Doubtless you have read of the success of the Wheat Pool so why not rally round this venture and lend all the support we can. Perhaps you are not aware of mm fact that the farmers of Whitemouth, are putting us to shame as far as quantity of cream shipped to Dryden, however such is a fact. You may ask, why do they ship to Dryden when they are closer to Winnipeg? The answer is this, since it came to their knowledge that we were organizing a Cream Pool among that dairyment they recogniz- ed that this was to their interest and that they would be benefited by such an undertaking. There are men who think that the mangger gets a rake- off. What if he did get one, we will get a rake-off too and a better ome then when it was a private undertak- ing. There are quite a few in this district who have been shipping cream under former management to Dryden and were not satisfied with the returns and then shipped somewhere else in- stead of making their greviance known to the management, To these I would say "Try the Cream Pooling Association in Dryden, under the new management and if you do not get satisfaction, well you are hard to please." At any rate try it and if you are satisfied do not hesitate a moment to ask the secretary Mr W. W. Edye, for a contract form to be signed by you, 1 have a feeling that you will never regret being a member of the Dryden Clover Belt Producers Association. Specials IN times past we have offered you some remarkable Clothing values --but the newest book surpasses them all. We can confidently state that never in our history have we grouped together a collec- tion of Suitings, offering such out- standing buying opportunities. from $19.00 up. GREY WORSTED, from $24.50 up | And many other HIGH CLASS |W ORSTED, and TWEEDS T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor.' ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith LGENTS FOR-- Zassey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by OXDRIFT. ONTARIO GENERAL MERCHANTS FI.OUR AND FEED FRESH EGGS, and BUTTER Daily. BEEF AND PORK ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO W. A. WEARE General Merchant *JINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JUHN DEERR. PLOW CO. viuere is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. { Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS { Arranged ¥) Suit Purchasers. | co-operative. They Together we stand--Alone we fall." E. G, SPRENG. WITH CHAUTAUQUA At Dryden. CHAUTAUQUA LECTURER, Wal- ter Millard. An exceptionally intere esting and forceful speaker. LIVERY AND LRAY PROMPT SERVICE, AT ALL HOURS Ra A. WEAVER, Phone 56 Dryden, Ontario SPICES, EXTRACTS, Etc. STOCK & POULTRY TONIC PIE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS, TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH HOLDER LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, TEA AND COCOA E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND £5 1. A. STRUTT "Ei Genera! Blacksmith and Woodworker Where work is done to suit your Purse. Dryden, Ontario WATKIN'S PRODUCTS sen _ -- . uid THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. . Published at DRYDEN, Ontario Every Friday Morning Largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Kenora District. Subscription, $1.50 per year. ---- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS EARNINGS, For the week ending July 7, 1927, the jearnings of the Canadian National J Nailways were $4 812,964. During the same week of 1926 the earnings were $5,226,002.48, a decrease of $4183,- 038. 48 or eight per cent, Ae Vy LO. O. I) DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town every Monday night. INITIATORY DEGREE MONDAY NIGHT Bro. D. MORISON, N.G. Bro F. WHITE LEY, Ree -Sec, L.O. L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1684 meets the first Wednesasy of exch month, at eight p.m., .n the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren cor- dinlly invited. D. ANDERSON, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Foy Golden Star Lodse AF. & AM. No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masenic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visiters Cordially invited. GEQ. H. WICE, W.M. a 0. BERBRY, Scey. HIGHEST GRADE AMATEUR FINISHING PORTRAITS, GROUPS, CHILDREN, etc, taken at your home, Daylight or F lashlight Exposures. All Work Guaranteed by Long Experience. Mail your Films, other work or requests direct to Hutter Paul Aug. Photographer, t.mateur Finishing, Enlarging, etc., etc. WALDHOF, P.O. Ontario REASONABLE PRICE CENTRAL ALBERTA DAIRY POOL At the recent annual meeting of the Central Alberta Dairy Producers As- sociation more commonly known as the Alix Pool, the following me weve | elected to the directorate: Marryatt, Alix; J. D. i Ferintosh; A. C. Johnstone, Clive; O.! C. Thubron, Gilby; A. F. Wright, Ard- | ley; A. Scott, Gadsby; E. A. Booth, Fleet, Albert Scott is the president ! for the coming year; J. D. Joa vcie-President, E. J, secretary is association of i i J Gt ki { § { i independent z some years an a up with the Alberta Pool. The report of the secretary shows that during 1926 there were received 814 071 lbs of butterfat, for which was paid $255,755 initial advance price, or an average price of 31.24 cents per Ib butterfat Dune the twelve months $16,281.42 #as paid in cash dividends to members, at the rate of two cents per Ib butter- fat. There was $5,140.71 hel? back reserve, for which the members seived participation certificates, at rate of one cen per Ib butterfzat, Various balances were carried for- ward amounting to a quarter of a cent per 10 butter making a total of 3167 cents per Ib butterfat for 1926. The manufacturing expenses per: pound of butter, including express charges on cream and interest on plant was approximately 5% cents per pound. The depreciation was re-inves-; ted in the plant, Increase in volume of cream to the full capacity of the plant, would en- able a reduction in the manufacturing expensese of at least another cent per pound butter. A.J.GARDINER § General Merchant, : EAGLE RIVER Agent for h Frost & Woed IMPLEMENTS. # COCKSHUTT PLOW (QV. ® & x = Sharple's Cream Separators. RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. § er as an for Te- the. e iat, m---; (VEER) €SS0-() IED (CED () CRE () BED ) TER (ODD ee SR a, SOM Sd RE Wert SE Mt CR SN BUILDERS' DRYDEN D-H CHE BED C.-C Ca OCS 0 EES SED OSD OED SED (SST) SID OGD OIE OG OCP t I Bin Side Delivery Rak SATISFACTION Prices Jas. Winterbottom with a new-- McCORMICK--DEERING der, Mower Rake Tedder e, or Hay Loader eee a Risterhotions Lumber Yarg! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, PLASTER BRICK AND CEMENT CELOTEX INSULATION SUPPLIES Ontario tl 228 OEE (TENE (FFD (EE OEE O DOSED (SE OES OGRE GED SED (QE (GED OGIO Celebrate GUARANTEED Right J..'S. CORNER, Agent, --Agent for-- INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Oxdrift ETE OCD OC CED TER OER (EEO 05 0 TE 05 GROG ORO a (05 3 HAMILTON of Canada, Ltd. CANADA DIED 0 EEE (GED (CD) © TS (GO-GO TEED OG WEP CID