8 CUCUMBERS, MUNICIPALITY OF VAN HORNE. APPLICATIONS for the position of Tax Collector for the Municipality of Van Horne, will be received by the undersigned until September 80th. ~ Salary $100:00 and applicant must furnish bond. GEO. WICE, Clerk, Municipality of Van Horne. Ey (GD () GE OEE (EEE O GED |, GED WANTED -- HONEST RELIABLE Man to represent the Fuller Brush Company in Dryden and surround- ing District. Married man preferr- ed. Must have reference.--Apply FULLER BRUSH CO. 410 Boyd Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba, OED Oa 04) EE OOO ED 04 Victor Orthophonics : THE DRYDEN RealShowComing Cooper Bros. trained animal shows, and combined wild west will visit Dry- den, on Tuesday, September 20th, for two performances. This is the only big show that will visit this territory this season, and this and surrounding] - communities will have the opportunity of seeing the above show in its entirety, on the above date. Cooper Bros. shows are not only well received everywhere they go, but have played so many re- turn dates in the last few years that they are rated at the top as far as tented amusements are concerned. One is surprized at the vast array of talent that has been assembled to make this one of the premier amusement enter- prises of all times. Here one will see wonders from every country and every clime, gathered together to amuse the public. Here is a fairy wonderland brought to your very door, one trip through the menagerie, is asssembl- ed pratically every known animal, it is worth coming many miles to see, to- gether with a small army of the world's greatest and most daring peir- formers, whose death-defying and start ling stunts keep you in high tension, and the performance will live long in your memory, after the show has fad- ed into forgetfulness. In addition te the super-performance, Cooper Bros. have added for full measure, a real wild west performance, put on by the West's greatest riders, ropers, bull- doggers, etc. In fact a triple show for the coming season. The public is invited to bring in their bucking horses and our cowboys will ride them at every performance. A big free street parade daily, so come early, bring all the children and see it all. Two performances given daily, after- noon, 2:00 p.m., night, 8:00 p.m., at the Agricultural Exhibition Grounds. Arrest Meanest Thief in Years. KENORA, Sept. 13--Kenora's meanest thief in the police records for some years back is now in the district jail awaiting sentence for an offence com- $ $200.00 Ralph J £4 mitted last week, when given an op- purtunity to make himself useful and earn a few dollars honestly. Clarance O'Hara, the man in ques- tion, was given a job to watch a sick man in hospital, and he readily agreed to handle the job. A few hours only had elapsed, however, before O'Hara was reported missing, and with him tthe sick man's watch and chain and 2 sum of money. Chief Gordon and the locsl police searched the district without success, znd bad spent hours umsuocessfully OBSERVER Classified WANTED--YOUNG GIRL ABOUT 15 or over for General Housework.-- Apply Upstairs at the CABIN. -- Dryden, WANTED--RED PINE, per 100-Tbs, $7:00; $1:00 bonus for large well filled Cones. White Pine, 100-Ibs $4:00; f.0.b. Dryden All those thinking of picking Cones this fall will please communicate with us as soon as pos- sible, stating the amount and kind that they are prepared to collect, EDYE DE HURST & SONS, 26/8/27-5t. Dryedn, Ontario FOR SALE--SHEEP, A FEW GOOD Ewes; also Oxford Ram and a few Mileh Goats.--Apply to 3t. FOR 'SALE-- PEDIGREED CHIN- chilla Rabbits, fine dark anin nals from two to six months old, at reasonable Dryden, Ontario. prices Sold Single, in pairs or in trios, For further information write or see ARTHUR TITZE, 2/9/27 Waldhof Ont. FOR SALE--IMPERIAL WALKING Gang Plow, 12" with 4 shares.--Apply J. A, STRUTT, 26/8)27 Dryden, Ont. FOR SALE--BALED HAY, Standing HAY (in town); Two Small Houses for rent; One nine-roomed House for sale or rent, also Two Farms --Apply R. H. PRONGER, Dryden, New Fall oods Suits and Bvercoats The line of Scotch and Irish Tweeds for this season are the best that have evere been seen. Come in and Look Them FRANK VANKOUGHNETT,| = Over. T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor. ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE- Day, 63 B 2; Night, 63 B 4 ee -------- THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Published at DRYDEN, Ontario Every Friday Morning Largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Kenora District. Subscription, $1.50 per year. W. A. WEARE General Merchant MINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- _JUHN DEERE PLOW CO. viere is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged ") Suit Purchasers. Oxdrift Trading Co OXDRIFT, ONTARIO GENERAL MERCHANTS FIOUR AND FEED FRESH EGGS, and BUTTER Daily. BEEF AND PORK ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO LIVERY AND DRAY PROMPT SERVICE AT ALL HOURS A. WEAVER, Phone 56 Dryden, Ontario PAA, PAPAANAAINAN _-- -- i] A STRUTT & General Blacksmith and Woodworker Where work is done to suit your Purse Dryden, Ontario -- LLO.O.F DRYDEN LODGE, XN. 417 meets at the Tow: = Hall, every Monday night. FIRST DEGREE MONDAY NIGHT Bro. D. MORISON, N.G. Bro F. WHITELEY, Rec -Sec, L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE No 1d meets the first and thir~ Wednesday of each month, at eigh p.m. in the Town Hall. Visiti : brethren cordially invited. J. D, NICHOLSON, W:}4 BADEN SMITH, Sec'y, a] Golden Star Lodre AF. & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Drees, the Second Tuesday of each mont Visiters Cordially invited. H. WILDE, W.M, A. E. BERRY, Secretary - | HIGHEST GRADE AMATEUR FINISHING PORTRAITS, GROUPS, CHILDREN, etc. taken WATKIN'S PRODUCTS SPICES, EXTRACTS, Ftc. STOCK & POULTRY TONIC PIE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS, TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH HOLDER LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, TEA AND COCOA at your home. Daylight or Flashlight Exposures. All Work Guaranteed by Long Experience. Mail your Films, other work or requests direct to Paul Aug. Hutter Photographer, t.mateur Finishing, Enlarging, etc., etc. BE T. (DAD) ROWLAND | WALDHOF, P.O, Ontario RTASONABLF PRICE. -- - | LINDBERGH RECEIVES GOLD RAILWAY PASS | | Pronger BRICK AND BUILDERS' Winterbottom Lumber Yard WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, PLASTER CELOTEX INSULATION Jas. Winterbottom, DRYDEN ' until they mansged to pick wp the trail, and O'Hara was arrested at Igmace, Ont Wher be sppesred before Magistrate Kinney, eon Wednesday last OHar pleaded "guilty™ but the chief asked) for 2 remand, so that the record of the accused could be obtained ! Basic Slag. | Basic Slag, s by-prodort I» the mamm- | fartare of steel, is of value asa fertilx er by reason of its phosphoric acid con- CEMENT SUPPLIES Fresh ORANGLY, per dozen CANTALOUPE, Large GRAPES, per Ih. 5 hemes 12 "OMA 1 OES, per basket 2-ibs for . PICKLING CUCUMBERS, . GIRKENS, CELERY, perth PICKLING ONIONS, per ib RED PEPPERS, per ib. CABBAGE, per bm. BANANAS, per dozen PEARS, per dozen PEACHES, per dozen Cr a I eR DR DI Due Sometim ---- en ----. 20m rn mm Se -- Size .. CAULIFIL.OWERS, Large and White, Ses e susan CAR OF EASTERN FRUIT Please Leave us your Orders to save disappointment, -as Friut is scarce in the East. Fruits Er a a Tr aa 30 lye RE SR. 25 20 Ae tA Se Market Price. PER ten I fg Market Price. Market Price. test sss starsat annnninna Fh tar tse st tts ass aa nannnn 23a sess st rss sess cannnnana e Next Week. C. James Wright Phone 49 » | poplar generally .s iness of eighty or over. Em expacted ronghont a» aversgs crop relation. | hile not so widely used or =| 2s super-phosphais | |--a readily soluble form of phosphoric | |acid--basic slag has been found to be} ian effective and profitable pho sphoric | fertilizer in many partis of the Domin- It has proved of special value i a} the imporvement of heavy clay loams| i with humps as! from dressings of manare. As a rule 'much soils and soils deficient in lime Ny {both of which types are apt to be ac i respond to applications of basic slag 2) | the response no doubt being due in par | = | wi in the alkaline character of this fer- | conducted experiments have shown tha: = {basic slag gives good resulis when ap-| | plied to grass lands, bringing in the | finer grasses and encouraging the : {growth of clover, and in this way in- |creasing the nutritive value of the | herbage of old pastures. In Eastern | Canada--chiefly in the Maritime Prov- inces and on the Pacific Coast, experi- ! ments conducted on the Dominion Ex- | perimental Farms have shown that basic slag is valuable for clover and timothy hay, turnips, mangels, and corn--crops for the most part with a long season of growth. There are several types of slag on the Canadian market. These will vary as td total phosphoric acid content and ilability. The better grades will con- tain from sixteen to eighteen per cent total phosphoric acid and have a fine- Wie Col. Charles A. Lindbergh visited Ottawa on the occasion of Canada's celebration of the Dia- mond Jubilee of Confederation he was tendered an enthusiastic wel- come by the thousands of Canadians whe crowded the flying field jester: } Li for Se celebrati mo: oe Ee ¥ ot Bh Lois fn wh made his wonderful flight Sess the Py the in' airman wi gosted at the field by Sir a Thornton, K.BE., n and President of the Canadian National Railways, and was presented with a lines in Canada. This pass is handsomely engraved ieee andcomas navel life pass, good ou Cazadian National Si Ty Ta SS Te CY ATT So dian sol, mined in Canada. : The photographs show: Top, Csl. Lindbergh beside his monoplane as he ived at "Lindbergh Field," Ottawa; Lower, left, The gold ted to