Dryden Observer, 30 Sep 1927, p. 3

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x ges undersigned until MUNICIPALITY OF VAN HORNE. APPLICATIONS for the position of Tax Collector for the Municipality of Van Horne, will be received by the September 30th. Salary $100:00 and applicant must furnish bond. GEO. WICE, Clerk, Municipality of Van Horne. WANTED -- HONEST RELIABLE Man to represent the Fuller Brush Company in Dryden and surround- ing District. ed. DHE (UD (ED) EID END) EmD 04 RADIO ED GO GE (GS (EES OG [as =. - "THE DRYDEN oC en OBSERVER Ch Prize-W inners (Continued from page One) Kellberg, Agatha Binda, Katie Green, Waldhof, Class 57--Loaf Homemade Bread-- Robert Smith, Billy Aho, Lizzie Kell- berg, Henry Metzler, Agatha Binda, Elsie Beyer, Waldhof. Class 58-- Blueberry Pie-- Sadie Smith, Lizzie Kellberg, Waldhof, Class 59--Box Containing School Lunch--Lizzie Kellberg, Robt Smith, Waldhof; Agatha Binda, Dorothy Tay- lor, Vermiilion Bay, Class 60--Box Candy, girls ten and under--Lizzie Kellberg, Myrtle Smith Lizzie Kellberg, Waldhof. Married man preferr- Must have reference.--Apply FULLER BRUSH CO. 410 Boyd Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba. BARGAINS Class 61--Box of Candy, girls over ten--Annerose Perdus, Bringfreida Perduss, C Winfield, Waldhof; Dorothy Taylor, Vermilion Bay; Nina Winfield, Sadie Smith, Waldhof. Class 62--Sample of Cooking not in- ® 2-TUBE SET, with Complete equipment, will give Coast to g ® Coast Reception, only 4-TUBE SET, with all equipment--A practical powerful set, + Only WESTINGHOUSE REGENOFLEX, only 1 to offer, com- plete for DE-FORREST CROSLEY, 5-TUBE, Complete, only $105.00 And dozens of other Models at higher prices. THE FAMOUS VICTOR ORTHOPHONIC-- WE SELL THEM ON EASY PAYMENTS, as cheaply as the Mail Order House sells them for Cash, and we take your old ' Phonograph in part payment. From $115.00 to $775.00 PHONOGRAPHS-- © @) and see the Bargains we have to offer, easy monthly payments if desired. no interest to pay. » machine. WE ARE CONTINUALLY GETTING Handsome Cabinet Instruments in part payment on Orthophonics. SINGER SEWING MACHINES-- TEN CENTS A DAY BUYS A SINGER--a fair contract and Let me give you a price on your old cluded -- Annerose Perduss, Lizzie Kellberg, Mary Erzar, Robert Smith, Waldhof; Dorothy Taylor, Vermillion; Nina Winfield, Waldhof, Class 63--Pair Crocheted Bed-room Slippers--Annerose Perdus, Vermilion, Class 64--Guest Towel--B Perduss, A Perduss, L Kellberg, Waldhof; A. Binda, Vermilion; Mary Erzar, Wald- hof. Class 65--Fancy Work Bag, home- made--Dorothy Taylor, Vermillion; Brengfrieda Perduss, Lizzie Kellberg, Annerose Perduss, Waldhof; Agatha Binda, Vermilion, Class 66--XKnitted Wool Scarf--Nina Winfield, Waldhof, Class 67--Work Apron, factory cot- ton, with design-- Dorothy Taylor, Agatha Binda, Vermillion; Annerose Perduss, Sadie Smith, Bringfreida Per- duss, Lizzie Kellberg, Waldhof, Class 68--Suitable Decoration on Child's Bib, outline stitch, girls ten and under--Mary Erzar, Waldhof. Class 69--Hemstitched Dish Towel, girls ten and under--Myrtle Smith Waldhof; Dorothy Taylor, Vermilion; Katie Green, Waldhof, Class T0--Two Patches, 12x12 show- ing applique designs--Annerose Per- duss, Bringreida Perduss, Waldhof, Class 7T1--Decorated Cushion Top, using prize ribbons won in previous years--Sadie Smith, Annerose Perduss, Lizzie Kellberg, Waldhof; Agatha Binda, Vermilion. Class 72--Doll dressed as "Miss Can- ada"--Annerose Perduss, Vale Kell- berg, Hildegarde Kellberg, Waldhof. Class 73--Sample of sewing not in- cluded--Agatha Binda, Vermillion; $29.75 (© $62.20 $83.70 Come in Lizzie Kellberg, Sadie Smith, Lena Winfield Bringfrieda Perduss, Mary Erzar, Annie Kurz, Class 98--Summarized story of one of the Supplimentary Reading Books --Katherine Schoonenberg, Martha Beyer, Waldhof; Agatha Binda, Ver- milion. : Class 99--Winter Sports of Canada --Lizzie Kellberg, Annie Kurz, Mary Erzar, Lena Winfield, Alfred Allin. Class 100--"Wild Birds' or "My Favourite Pet"--Henry Metzler, Hanz Kellberg, Billy Aho, Albert Berg, Katie Green, Elsie Beyer, Class 101--"My School Fair Plot" or "My Pet"--Johnny Berg, David Kwin- en, Ruddy Miller, Chrissie Winfield, Hans Green, Class 102--An Original Story-- Lizzie Kellberg, Martha Beyer, Kath- erine Schoonenberg, Annie Kurz, Mary Erzar, Alfred Allin. Class 104--Collection of Pressed Leaves--Lena Winfield Agatha Binda, Robert Smith. Class 105--Collection of Weed Seeds --Rbert Smith, Class 106--Collection of Weed Plants --Robert Smith Class 107--Collection Woods--Robert Smith. Class 109-- Best 3-minute Speech --Dorothy Taylor, Mary Erzar, Agatha Binda, Lizzie Kellberg Frieda Perdus, Henry Kurz. of Native ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE-~-- Day, 62 B 2; Night, 62 3 ¢ Oxdrift Trading Co OXDRIFT, ONTARIO GENERAL MERCHANTS F1.OUR AND FEED . FRESH EGGS, and BUTTER Daily. . BEEF AND PORK ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO Ia a a ara an VV V PV VV VV VY LIVERY AND DRAY PROMPT SERVICE AT ALL HOURS A. WEAVER, Phone 56 Dryden, Ontario NIN AAS PAPO POSS { ¢ DENTAL SERVICE EXPERT WILL VISIT KENORA, ONT. aaa KENORA, Ont, 28--Dr Fred J Conboy, director of dental services for the Province of Ont- ario, accompanied by E Jones, technician, will visit Kenora, Oct. 6th, in connection with the gov- ernment department health cam- paign and will give illustrated lecture in the court house at eight o'clock. Dr Conboy local dentists the schools. The itinerary is Dryden, October 5; Kenora, Octo- ber 6; Winnipeg, Man., October 7; Rainy River, October 10; Fort Frances, October 11; Fort Wil- liam, October 12; Port Arthur, October 13; Sault Ste. Marie, October 17; Sudbury, October 19; and North Bay, October zo. ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith SEPL. will also meet the nd will likely visit as follows: --- WATKIN'S PRODUCTS SPICES, EXTRACTS, Etc. STOCK & POULTRY TONIC PIE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS, TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH HOLDER LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND New Fall Goods Suits and Overcoats The line of Scotch and Irish THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Published at DRYDEN, Ontario Every Friday Morning Largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Kemera District. Subscription, $1.50 per year. =z --_-- i=. ]. A STRUTT & Genera! Blacksmith and Woodworker Where work is done to suit your Purse. Dryden, Ontario rm------ DRYDEN LODGE, Ne LO.OF 417 meets at the Town Hall, every Monday night. FIRST DEGREE MONDAY NIGHT Bro. D. MORISON, N.G. Bro F. WHITELEY, Rec. -Sec, : DRYDEN LODGE No. 168 LO.L. meets the first and third Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m, in the Town Hall, Visiting brethren cordially invited. J.D NICHOLSON, W:M. BADEN SMITH, Sec'y, --_ - aii Golden Star Lodse AF & AM, . No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden the Second Tuesday of each month -- Visiters Cordially invited. : H WILDE, W.M, A. E. BERRY, Secretary HIGHEST GRADE AMATEUR FINISHING PORTRAITS, GROUPS, CHILDREN, etc. taken at your home. Daylight or Flashlight Exposures. All Work Guaranteed by Leong Experience. Mail your Tilms, other work or requests direct to Paul Aug. Hutter Photographer, t.mateur Finishing, Enlarging, etc., ete. WALDEOF, P.O. Ontario REASONABLE PRICE. W. A. WEARE Tweeds for this season are the best that have evere been Martha Beyer, C Winfield, Mary erzar, Ralph J. Pronger Nina Winfield Guessie Smith, Waldhof Class 76--Towel Holder-- Henry Paradis. Class 77--Baseball Bat--H Metzler, Ruddy Miller, Waldhof Class 783--Wooden Spoon, 15" long --Hans Kellberg Ruddy Miller, Hans Green, Waldhof. Class 79-- Picture Frame-- Ruddy PRAAAAAAAAARARNANRS /6\9 Miller, Waldhof. EN We Now Have in Stock Drumhelir and DRYDEN Winterbottom Lumber Yard LEAVE US YOUR ORDERS NOW Also Hard Coal. Jas. Winterbottom, C) anid Class 80--Sample of Wood Carving --Henry Metzler, Class 84--Figues, one to ten, Premier and First Book--Hans Green, David Kwinen, Elizabeth Brake Ruddy Mil- ler, Vale Kellberg, Peter Schoonenberg Waldhof, Class 85--"September,, Second Read- er--Katie Green, Henry Metzler, Elsie Beyer, Hans Kellberg, Billy Aho, Waldhof. Class 86--"Bugle Song" Third Read- er-- Mary Erzar, Lizzie Kelilberg, Annie Kurz, Lina Winfield, Sadie Smith, Bringfrieda Perduss, Waldhof. Galt Coal Ontario Class 87--"My Native Land"-- 4th Book, page 227--Katherine Schoonen- F res ORANGES, per dozen CANTALOUPE, Large size GRAPES, per 1b TOMATOES, per basket 2-ibs, for CELERY, per tb PICKLING ONIONS, per tb RED PEPPERS, per ib CABBAGE, per 1b BANANAS, per dozen PEARS, per dozen. ..... PEACHES, per dozen -- i ---- ne -- h Fruits BT I TEE EE Pr SSP PSE SPR I SFOS A SR Tr SS Se EE TE ET TE EL INE SR Sr CUCUMBERS... cv aes Market Price. PICKLING CUCUMBERS... . sevens: Market Price. GIR ENS, vt oe a seal a Market Price. CAULIFLOWERS, Large and White, each LE SS BS A ES Se IT SA Ta tras a ssn ssn mtr teases tes e enn CAR OF EASTERN FRUIT Due Sometime Next W/eek. Please Leave us your Orders to save disappointment, « as Friut is scarce in the East. berg,, Agatha Binda, Martha Beyer, Ughb Binda, Dorothy Taylor, Class 88--Free Hand Exercises, 3rd & 4th Bock--Mary Erzar, Katherine 'Schoonenberg, Annie Kurz, Agatha Binda, Ugho Binda, Dorothy Taylor, Class 89--= Suitable Design in Water Colors 4th Book--Martha Beyer, Kath- erine Schoonenberg, Ugho Binda, Dorothy Taylor, Agatha Binda. Class 90--Calendar fr September-- Annie Kurz Alfred Allen, Lizzie Kel- berg, Mary Erzar, Sadie Smith, Bring- frieda Perduss. Class 92--Best Selection of work-- Hans Kellberg Henry Metzler, 25 ST ATE .30 Kwinen, Class 93 -- (Premier) Four Samples of Basketry--Harold Berg, Elizabeth E Brake, Alphonse Favell, Maitle Hil- stien, mrirdfrrrxr vyEpBhkh hl h--Furte z Class 95--Product Map of Kenora District--Agatha Binda, Ugho Binda, Vermilion. : Class 96--Collection of Robert Smith, Hans Kellberg. Class 97a--Cartoon, Illustrating one Snaps-- c James Wright | of the Rules of Health Game--Lizzie Kellberg. Agatha Binda, Mary Erzar, Ugho Binda, Martha Beyer, Dorothy Phone 49 vi fr Snbududubod < h i Katie | Green, Billy Aho, Robert Smith, David | LGENTS FOR-- ! . {dassey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetylene Burning secn. Come in and Look Them Over. T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor.' General Merchant AJINNITAKI, ONTARIO : Agent For-- §OFN DEERE PLOW CO. 'Vaere is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged 9 Suit Purrhasers. OLD TIME DRIVER AGAIN AT THROTTLE ment to take the throttle of for the event. Together eration" ' | Class 97b--Any Article in Art-- - A --- or Les at Wie "The Confederation," the largest locomotive, not only in Canada, but in the British Empire, left the Canadian National Railways terminal at Toronto, to take part in the "Pageant of the Iron Horse," at Baltimore, Maryland, John Ryburn McIntyre, a pensioned engineer, who commenced *his railway career 62 years ago, emerged fromy his petire- "The Trevithick," the oldest wood burner in the Dominion, which was also brought from honorable retirement I 1 the two 'Densioners" escorted "The Confed- ut of the yards to take the | rails for its trip to the big pageant which is intended to depict the evol- ution of rail transportation. "The first locomotives I fired weighed 2214 tons," Mr. McIntyre | remarked, as he looked over the old |timer and compared it with the modern "anadian preduct, "and when I retired on pension the Grand Trunk system was putting in ser- vice locomotives weighing 2.7% tons." By comparison, "The Con- federation" type weighs 329 tons. Again, Mr. McIntyre noted that when he commenced his railroad carcer some of the freight cars had a capacity of eight tons. To-day many of the cars in service have a capacity of 40 tons. Mr. McIntyre was born in Kilmar- nock, Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1852, The family, like many oifier Soot- tish families, was attracted to Can- ada to share in the railway building of 'that period, and in December, 1868, at the age of 13 years, Mr. Me. Intyre began service with the Grand Trunk as a cleaner at Sarnia, con- tinuing, except for a short interval, until he retired at the age of 65 years. Mr. McIntyre became fire- man and then driver and saw some service with the militia ring the second Yenian Raid.--Camadian Nas tional Railways Photographs, ie

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