I) he Dryden Observer --_ VOL. VIIL DRYDEN, Ontario, November 4th, 1927 ov. ea No. XXII lr IMPORTANT! Word having been received from our local Member, Mr J. F. Earngey, regarding the Provincail Land Tax Act, A Special Meeting of Ratepayers of Oxdrift and District will be held SATURDAY, November 5th, at Eight o'Clock, in the OXDRIFT COMMUNITY Hall A large turnout of settlers is urgently requested .to consider what action will be taken regard- ing this Act. F. T. BRIGNALL, Chairman. A. HENDERSON, Secretary. Annual Bazaar-- The St. Luke's W. A. Will hold their Annual Bazaar, on Thursday, November 24th. Central Hotel Comfortable Accomodation for Boarders or Transients. BATHS--Hot and Cold Water Service. Wash Rooms, Moderate Special Sunday Dinner--soc. SOUP--Cream of Tomato, Choice of Fish or Meat, Filet of Finnan Haddie, Cream . Sauce. ENTREES--Breaded Veal Cut- let, Straw Potatoes, Individual Beef Steak Pie. HOT ROASTS -- Roast Beef Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Leg of Pork--Apple Sauce, + Cold Ham, or Roast Veal Potato Saled, Mashed Potatoes Buttered Parsnips. Deep Dish, Apple Pie and Cream, Hot Mince Pie, Lemon Pie Stewed Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce. COFFEE. \ Rates. | MILK, ] CENTRAL CAFE SANDWICHES of all KINDS, LIGHT LUNCHES, Asparagras on Toast, Burried Shrimps on Toast, With Tea or Coffee--35c. Special --4-tb box Mixed Candies, fine quality--$1.50 After two weeks of work, the fruit appears tonight. # For Sale TWO GOOD LOTS NORTH of Track, $100.00 on easy pay- ments. THREE SMALL HOUSES, at very attractive prices For Rent SUITE OF ROOMS can QUEEN Street, opposite C:P:R: Depot $15:00 per month. GIVE YOUR INSURANCE TO the Local Agent, help build up the business in your own town --it pays. A. J. LOCK Hunting, Trappers and Radio License Issued. Office Phone, 20 R-2-- --House 20 R-3 Te R: E GIBSON, Aga, Dryden Hr EEE. julan of serving supper fn proved most. satisfactery. - The Masquerade IT was 2 gay carnival scene that met the eye as one entered the Masonic Hall on Monday night where the Hallowen Masquerade was in pro- gress, Witches, black cats, fancy oriental costumes, torreadors, Spanish ladies, ballet dancers and every sort of comic characters from Italian fruit vendors to performing clowns: togeth- er with the clever decoration scheme carried out in the hall made a happy picture. Fun and frolic reigned supreme and everyone of the two hundred people present agreed that it was the gayest and most enjoyable mask ball ever held in Dryden. The costumes were lovely, the originals were very good and some were fine examples of clever needie- work and 'bright ideas; the hired costumes were of course gorgeous and the comics were comic in the extreme ---can you imagine anything more funny than a slim six-foot man in a pair of child's rompers, or a gentleman dressed to represent a woman of the times when women were women and not seventy pound flappers. If must have been a tent that made his skirt and as for height, it was hard on the neck to take 2 look up at the hat he wore, Almost every country was rep- resented Canada, Italy, Holland, Scot- land, Ireland, 2 French maid and even old Nick himself was there in a flam- ing suit. The music supplied by the "Fresh- men" assisted by the Saxophone play- er, Art Christiansen from Keewatin, was all that could be desired, and was just as peppy whem the Home waltz was played 2s when the danc- ing began. There were several novelty prize dances, and in the prize waltz honours were divided between two couples, Mr and Mrs H Adair and Ralph Pronger and Miss Ella Anderson--Miss Olive Lewis won the spotlight dance, The catering in the hands of J. O, Gough was ably attended to and the another hall Wiig was well planned and the pro- gramme was carried out to the letter and much credit is due them members of the Freshmen orchestra-- Messrs Gammon, Green and Russell for the splendid function the Masquerade was, - Prize winners were as follows-- Original:-Ladies, 1 Mrs Williamson, 2 Mrs Bridgewater, 3 Mrs Morris, Gent's, 1 Mr Williamson, 2 A Bridge- water, 3 A. Tittze, Hired--Ladies, Miss McGregor, Miss Nysland, Miss A Anderson Gent's, H Hill, A Boyle, L Olsen, Comic--Ladies, Mrs Morison, Mrs Adair, Gent's Dr Morison, J. Heltref ticket which entitles Ber to 2 trip to Winnipeg. List of Costumes--Mrs M. Morris, Moth; Mrs M, F. Cook Egypii=n Lady; iss G. McFadyen, Artist; Miss I. Pronger, French Maid; R. J. Pronger, Ike; Mr Boyle, Torreador; Miss Nysland Spanish Lady; iss Thorpe, Doug. Fairbanks; Dr and Mrs Morison, Little Boy and Girl; Mrs Reid, Red Cross Nurse; Miss Parslow, Dancer; Gladys Nymark, Dancer; Mr Titze, Mystletoe; Mrs Titze, Mermaid; Mrs Petch, Mistletoe; Mrs Bauer, Canada; Mrs Hutzal, Canada; Mrs Hambly, "Yes We Have No Bananas; Mrs Wilson, French Maid; Evelyn Spicer, Ballet Dancer; Louise Monty, Fairy, Alice Berrey, Egyptian Lady; Grace Gough, Ballet Dancer; Mrs Payne, Hallowe'en; Mr and Mrs Bridgewater, Chinaman and Chinese Lady; Mr and Mrs Williamson, Torreador; and Spanish Lady; Astrid Edgren, Patches; Cora Ponton, Jock- ey; Bert Berrey, Jockey; H. Humph- ries, Clown; Jack Pitt, Old Lady; Miss Fell, Queen of Clubs; I. J. McPherson, King of Clubs; Mrs Smith Queen Marie; Miss McGregor, Lampshade; Miss S, Thorpe, Handkerchief; F, Willard, Chinese; Egan Ray, Gypsy; Ethel Davidson, Carnival Belle; Doug McKay, Wolfe; W. Hambleton, Pierotte; Mrs Wheeler, Irish Colleen; Mrs Euler, Gypsy; Mrs Edgar, Indian Princess; Mrs E. Robinson, Dutch Girl; T. C. R. Crawley, Clown; Mr Brownhill, Schubert; Bessie Harris Peasant Girl; Mrs Adair, Pierrette; B. Gardiner, Sailor; Mrs H. Prong- er, Irish Lass; Mrs Campbell, Pierette; the matter myself, this new f poorer people very hard. and farms, without any more tion or we misunderstand the I suggest a general meet get reconsideration, if the fa people will know where they Relative to Taxation of Unorganized Territory. FROM what I can gather, without knowing any too much of orm of Taxation, is hitting our It is difficult enought to make a living on our homesteads incubus or onus. I think the Government either misunderstands the situa- Government. Nothing is gained by individual indignation. ing of those interested. This meeting should be sometime next week, while we can still get around in the cars, and our member, Mr J. P. Earngey, should be asked to the meeting, and immediate united effort made to cts are as I am- led to believe. A meeting will at least get at the bottom of things, and the stand. ALFRED PITT. To Organize Branch of Eastern Star Lodge An effort is being made to organize a branch of the Eastern Star Lodge in Dryden and for this purpose a meeting in the Masonic Temple was called on Saturday evening. About 25 were pres- ent and Mesdames Berrey and Cook presented a list of over 20 who wished to become members. H. Wilde, W M., of Golden Star Lodge, A.F, and AM, was present and addressed the ladies and assured them of the co-operation of Golden Star Lodge. It was decided to organize and a resolution to this effect is being forwarded to headquart- ers in the east Temporary officers elected were: Worthy Patron, Right Wor. Bro. A. M_ Taylor, P:D:D:G:M:; Worthy Matron, Mrs Hall; assistant worthy matron, Mrs A. E Berrey. Badminton; Mrs Cooper, Powder Puff; | C. Swanson, Pirate; E. Spears, Cigar- ette; Miss Mosher, Last Rose of Sum mer; M. Gardiner, Old Lady; May led Bartlett, Pierette; Nellie Chaschowy, Black Bottom; E. Anderson, Spanish) Dancer; Miss Signal; Miss Pilkey, Santa Claus; Dora Pitt, Dutch Lady; M. Tayler, Pierrette; Miss Roach, Chinese Lady; Mr Miss Schoonenberg Queen of Hearts; Mr Wheeler, Sinbad; Mrs Chipman, Gypsy; Mr Patterson, Pierrotte; D. Thorpe, Dutch Boy; J. Crooks, Clown; Mrs Gammon, Old Fashioned Lady; E. Anderson, Pierrette; M. McGonegal Hallowe'en; V. Smith, Tea Rose; L. Mackie Love Pirate; H. Wright, Royal Mail; L Olsen, Duick Boy; Mr Pidg- eon, Clar Bow; § George III; Fashioned Girl; T. Foote, N. Wilde H_ Adair, W. Koshon, G. Reid, V. Campbell, L. Weare, F. Colliss, J. Holtrof, J. Davidson, J. Cole, J. Marks Clowns. You will be there of course at the Town Hall, Tonight, The BAMBOLA--Fox-trot--3595 BLUE HEAVEN--Fox-trot CORNFED--Fox-trot DON'T PLAY "ALOHA-OF' THE HULA BLUES 0. H. Pronger, Scotchman; Velma ichardson. Highland Lass; Olige Lew- , Turkish lagei M. C Mics McDonald, Princess; A, | Mattson Clown; Miss Hawke, Danger Armstrong, Full Dress; Miss) Titze, Clown; Miss Fischer, Dancer;| Bartlett, King! M. Gabricison, Old} ------ District News HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL AT BEDWORTH SCHOOL school was a great success. It was held on Friday evening and everyone present seemed to enjoy themselves. The school was suitably decorated with Jack O'Laterns, streamers and witches and the curtains were whites, so altogether the effect was rather] spooky. The first part of the evening was| spent listening to the programme by the children, who performed in their usual talented manner. Then the children enjoyed themselves at games while their parents visited together, By the time lunch was ready every- one was hungry and ready to do full justice to the delicious cakes, pies and sandwices prepared by the women of the district. A silver collection was taken up and proceeds amounted to $1475 and = ater expenses were paid there remain- $0.25, | The latter part of the evening was spent in dancing. Altogether the evening was a really great success and practically everyone in the com- | munity had turned out, The success | of the evening was made greater by | the kindness of the following--Mr C. Wright, who donated sugar and vanilla for the taffy; Mr and Mrs Pilkey who lent their Oil Stove; Mr and Mrs P. Bicknell, for their organ; Mr O'Leary for the candy treat, and Mr F. David-| son for chocolate bars. We wish to | thank one and all for their help and | kindness in helping out the evening's programme, | WABIGOON--A strongly represents- itive meeting of portions of the dist- irict east of Dryden to Dimorwic was *| held Wednesday evening in the Wabi- goon Community Hall, to consider the | Land Tax recently imposed by the gov-| ernment. After a lengthy discussion, a motion was adopted that a resolu- tion be framed protesting this seeming- ly unjust tax and that this resolu- tion be presented to the expected] Latest Brunswick Records, MEAN DOG BLUES--Fox-trot--3397 DEW-DEW-DEWY DAY--Fox-trot--3610 OH, DORIS! WHERE DO YOU LIVE?--Fox-trot-- CHEERIE-BEERIE-BE--Waltz--3634 I COULD WALTZ ON FOREVER--Waltz mE em i 75¢. Er ye 75C. 75¢. Sines ie 75¢. * WHEN I GO--Hawaian --Instrumental 75¢. COME IN AND HEAR THEM at The DRYDEN PHARMACY The Hallowe'en Social at. Bedworth | Locals er the good time of tonight, Mrs Whitehouse and daughter Jean McFadyen for a few days this week. Dryden Smith, Superintendent business visitor to Kenora this week, trip west. Mrs Keswyk, of Eagle River, was in town Monday. G. R. Hamilton spent a few days in Winnipeg this week. Mr and Mrs D. Kennedy spent the week-end in Dryden, J. S. Wilson has returned from Chicago. Mr and Mrs Wilton, of Kenora, were the week-end guests of Mr and Mrs M. S. Campbell, Douglas Hail is the new Provincial Police in charge of this District. Mr and Mrs Hall are now at the Dryden Hotel, | The Kelley Entertainers will be at ithe Strand Theatre, on November 14. Free Groceries-- | The local manager offers novel con- test next week. Get in on it and | bring home the Bacon, a bag of flour, canned goods, Many valuable prizes will be given. Starting Monday, Nov, ' 7, the management of the Strand will igive away 320.00 worth of Groceries, During the week prizes will be given out every night, the final drawing {will be held Saturday, November 12, | One special prize will be a two week's | pass to every show. 3 {| Friendship is life's best asset. Demonstrate it tonight, > mee ing to be held in Dryden to sup- port any action decided then. Also a copy of this resclution be sent to the local ML A. at Kenora. I DYMENT--The Annual Hallowe'en party and dance was held in the school on Monday evening, October 31st, at which practically the whole settlement was present, The usual ducking for apples, fori- | through, {as chairman for the evening announc- wi there would be'a short programme given by the school children Tie chorus owe'en" was then very well rendered, Miss Scott (the teacher) playing the accompaniment. The song "Mary had a Little Lamb" 'was also very sweetly sung, after which the acting of "Jack and Jill" went up the Hill" was performed and sung to the entire satisfaction of every lone present. The part of Jack being] (taken by Master Arthur Nelson, and {Jill by Miss Marie Keurvorst, The witches song and dance was the next Seven girls in fancy dress with their 'broomsticks, looking as witch-like as possible gave a delightful performance which was certainly much enjoyed, This being the last item, the chair- man, commending on the careful train- |ing and trouble it had required to put forward such a good performance | (as had been given) wished a hearty vote of thanks to be given to Miss | Scott, which was very heartily done. | The silver cup won by Miss Esther Nelson at the recent School Fair here, iwas on view (by request) and was much admired. Apples and candy having been hand- ed 'round, dancing was commenced, Supper over, Miss Rustin favoured the audience by dancing the Charleston, Excellent music was provided during the evening on the Banjo, by Mr Mil- ton Wagar, and on the Violin by Mrs Wagar and the Messrs Robinson and Ramsay presided at the organ. A collection taken up to go towards a few extra requirements of the school amounted to over thirteen dol- lars, which was considered very gener- ous indeed. Miss Maggie Higgins acted as the angry mother in the acting of "Jack and Jill" -- Oe PLEASE NOTE OXDRIFT--P. ase note, mnavoidable circumstances have obliged the Oxdrift Ladies Aid to postpone their Sals of Work and Sccial Evening, until Eri- day evening, November 11th - - How- ever, 'we would like - to 'see a good number present. The Social Com- mittee have prepared a good program. The articles to be sald are sure to meet your requirements, When winter comes, we shall rememb- were the guests of Mr and Mrs James of Bonamza United Mines, Ltd, was a Mrs Alfred Pitt has returned from a Come and see, | Tonight is the night of all Hain W. I. Regular Meeting The W. I, held their regular busi- ness meeting last Friday with 30 members present and a good turnout of visitors from the Oxdrift and Wabigoon Institutes who were our guests, The meeting was a very in- teresting one. After the usual busi- ness was gone through Dr H, Mori- son gave an explanation of the Sick and Dic Test, which should prove beneficial, and a hearty vote of thanks was extended the Doctor. It was decided again to continue the practice of serving hot soup and chocolate to the school children, who have to carry a lunch during the wint- er months, also to supply the hospital with flowers this winter as before, The next on the program was a vocal solo "Annie Laurie" by Alma Larson ac- companied by Mrs Cooper, which was sweetly rendered by Alma. Mrs A, J Lock then gave us a very interest- ing and full report on the recent con- vention held in Kenora, giving several intimate sidelights to those members who were not able to travel to Kenora, A splendid paper on the "Work of the Red Cross Society in Canada" was given by Mrs J, S. Wilson, which certainly opened our eyes to the really wonderful work carried on by this organization and made us feel proud to put our e¢Torts to so worthy a cause, Bob Berrey next treated us to a pianoforte solo "Romance" and Irene Henderson also gave us "Butterfly" and Prelude Number twenty, which were heartily encored, Community singing was interspered with the business, greatly helping along the social side of the meeting, the last number "Get Acquainted" being most appropriate and a credit to our worthy president whose efforts along these lines are much appreciated and to Mrs J. E, Gibson at the piano. The annual shower for the hospital was held at this meeting and a splendid response to our appeal for fruit and vegetables was made. We would like to thank everyone who 'ndly donated towards this event, une-telling, ete. having been etal; perticalarly the stores and non-membhb- Mr 'McCracken, who acted tls, also the members of our Public Health Committee who did so much to make this meeting a success and served delicious refreshments at the social half hour. Thanks are also extended to the teachers of the Public and High School and the parents of the children sending gifts, The next meeting will be held in the Town Hali at 3:00 p.m, Friday, November 25th. POPPY DAY-- The members of the W, I are again undertaking the sale of Poppies to commemorate Armistice Day. The Town will be canvassed by young girls on Saturday 12th, who will sell Poppies for ten cents each. The whole of the proceeds will go to re- lieve our disabled soldiers--Canadian Legion of the British Empire League, co that your sympathy and practical help are asked for this great national event, - ---- N-o-t-i-c-e To HOUSEHOLDERS OF DRYDEN. On MONDAY NE NOVEMBER Nr A Long felt want will be fulfilled. The W. G. S. WAGON Will Deliver FRESH BREAD From the Ovens, --and-- BUTTER FRESH From the Churn Daily. Our Motto is: "We Give Service" And would appreciate your patronage. RL Further Information from: j JAMES OLIPHANT | ; E DRYDEN, Ont. | 1} ae TOD 5 0 0 CHED (SE (CID ) -CHED () Er (SIS (C55 OGD (CD AR () ED (I () am (am (1)