Dryden Observer, 4 Nov 1927, p. 2

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% i For Thanksgiving; 'CHOICE LINE OF CHICKENS, 1URKEYS & DUCKS, il Phone so. 6 A. BATERSON, Prep RR A A A ARR RR CER es ols * BUILD A HOME FR Get Pa PRICES on BUILDING MATERIAL of all Kinds. SASH -- DOOKS -- BRICK -- LIME -- PLASTER ROOFING PAPER -- BUILDING PAPER PLASTER BOARD and WALL BOARD SCREEN DOORS & WINDOWS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE --CEMENT -- Screen Wire Cioth, --14 mesh---Black & Galvanized' Lumber -- Lath -- Shingles. Call or Write for Plans and Estimates BAF Dryden Lumber Ca. . | FOR SALE--HOUSE ON FOR SALE--BALED HAY, 2|a ton. = Houses for rent or sale; one large and Classified QUEEN Street. Lot well treed, Bargain for quick sale-- M. S. CAMPBELL, Dryden, Ont. 314 00 Farm to rent on shares, Two one small.--Apply R. HL PRONGER, Dryden, Ont. iS a2 {FOR SALE--SEVEN HENS AND one Rcoster, White Leghorns --Apply DRYDEN OBSERVER, i = ATTA GUARD YOUR HEALTH WITH COMFORTABLE UNDERWEAR, YOU will need WARMER UNDERWEAR for the colder 'days and our big purchase from Penman's Watson and Turn- bull's Mills prepares us for practically any requirement in Women's, Girls, Garments. A Special Line is our Women's CREAM RIBBED 7 COTTON UNDERWEAR, in a good cosy weight that has a soft inside finish, will wash and wear satisfactory, VESTS and BLOOMERS, in sizés. 36 to 42: Per r Garment--7se. and gsc. / Men's and Boys Bree and Combination 3. Sates LLL EC TL TTT CLL TTL QIRITHEHEIN RHE PTI I RH EE I EE £00 SD 0 D6 0) GD) 0) a Cm | Just Around H] As You Please the Corner i a ; yi / --help yourself wom hs i le g --Ask the Clerk Bverywhere ioe --Tclephicne CHAIN SIOoRES: O: H: PRONGER, Proprictor These Plices are Good Until Saturday, November 12. Truth is the only value advertising delivers. Unless the goods measure up to the description, disappointment is created. Red and White stores have enough confidence in their goods to guarantee their wares and invite you to challenge their values. EBaldwin Apples 200d dor ........ 0 2 Lin "EL .50 ~Secdless. Resins, sad hag +. cvs. sve samssvs eins ena 26 "Seedless Raisins, 2-1b TE EL Te 28 "Dates, choice Hallowi pitted, pkts. ..........0ovvnnen.. 20 "Orange Manmade, £50 tins... oo i Ge .55 "Chateau Cheese, %-ib 1 RE So Re ena a 22 E Blue Ribbon Tea, tHEPRIS, ....crne-vivrarareenrerrs 63 - Serv-us Peas, 2-1b tins, 4-Ib sieve, two for So eie an .35 ~Serv-us Tomat toes, 2%-Ib Lins, WG HOT ~u. coin vu ner wun 35 'Serv-us Rice, choice quality, 2 2b BATE ov. ives ieee .25 "Peaches, Silver Bar, 1's, two for ELBERT ae .35 Coffee, Golden Rio, whole or freshly ground, per th Fie . 28 Serv-us Corn Flakes, reg. .I1 pke., hivefor ilu. ii... .50 Cocon, Frys, BD HIBS, cr a ies renin iis 27 'P & G White N aptha Soap, sbarsfor ovine nui 25 YO BAS HOB =. citer: sana rniiin ss 48 "So BAS I0r es arr tains 95 Matches, largeiboxes, three for ... ivoire diss .23 Ee GE) E00 GET STD) TT) Sw CRIP O CIRO CUTIE BCE REED 0 4 SED SO) STEED) GHD-) SEED GRAD) SID-()- GHC GR GHD CHAD Oa (<--> S-) ED ) GEED {13 FOR SALE--VEAVY TEAM OF Horses; House north of Town; three- | {room suite for rent.--Apply O. H. PRONGER, Dryden. ---- SS FOR SALE--SQUARE PIANO in good playing order, only $:0.00 and on easy payments.-- Aply at RALPH PRONGER'S Music Store, Dryden, or JOHN COLLEEN, WwW abigoon. FOR SALE_CHATHAM- INCUBAT- or, 120 egg capacity. In perfect con- dition and will cell cheap for cash, Reason for selling, in-talling sectional Mammoth --Apply to W. J. PARSLOW, Dryden, Ontario at, FOR SALE---FOUR ROOMED COT- tage, good basement and good well on Florence Street, Price $2000.00. $1000.00 cash, balance monthly pay- ments.--Apply : T.MORRETTIN, 21|10[27 Dryden, Ont. SCRIBBLING 'PADS FOR SALE AT the OBSERVER OFFICE. WANTED--GIRL FOR eral Housework modern conveniences.--Apply to GEN RC Mrs A. A. J. DONALD, Sioux Lookout, Ont. WANTED TO BUY--A COW due to freshen soon. Leave par- ticulars at OBSERVER OFFICE. WANTED--HEAR FROM OWNER good farm for sale, Cash price, particulars. : D. F BUSH, i Minneapolis, Minn, HOUSE TO RENT--TO BE vacant November iy North of C.P.R. Track: --App C id SIGHT. Dryden, Ont. TO RENT--1- 'ROOMED HOUSE, ON Albert Street,--Apply to : CON ANDERSON, Dryden, Ont, 30/927 EARN - $25.00 WEEKLY AT home addressing envelopes. - Ne canvassing. Tvery ching furnished. i "Particulars | Spare or full time. far stamp. { £ al MAILING SERVICE, Box 9, Sydney, Nova Scotia. A Real Game of Patience Have you ever played a game called "Patience"? It whiles away an idle hour very pleasantly and, of course, you can throw down the cards an quit any time you please. There is a place, however, where they play another kind of "Patience," and they can't leave off when they wish. George is at it--he is an inmate of the Toronto Hospiial for Consump- tives at Weston--has been there for three years now. For a chap who used to lead an active outdoor life this is hard. A few months ago, his wife and her mother died leaving his little five-year-old son to the care of relatives. How George does wish he could get his health back quicker so that he can look after his boy! It has heen a long fight, but he believes he will win--and so do the kindly nurses and | doctors who are helping him. Wouldn't you like to help in this kind of work through your subscrip- tion to the Hospital? Contributions may be sent to Hon. W. A. Charlton, President, 223 College Street, Toronto 2, Ontario. M. J. CROSIER General Merchant OXDRIFT ONTARIO --Dealer in-- BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES --Agent for-- LIFE INSURANCE FROST AND "WOOD and COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS in home with| HARDWARE & FARM PRODUCE: s Weekly Report of Dryden Continuation Scheel son, Beth Robinson, Alma Larson. Foulis, Lenore McRae, Nona Reany, Edna Taylor, Hazel Wilson, Ronald Whiteley), Hazel McGogy, Winkie Edgar, Irma Milanese, Hardy, Evelyn Adair. Minnie Reid, Spears, Klsie Moorehouse, White, Pauline Pinkerton, Lenore Elmer Wice, Whiteley, Edna Buchanan, Barber. Bowling Last Week's Games-- Sand Pit vs. Pitt's-- ren, 439; 417--1918, Pitt's--J. Hardie, 445; R. McMonagle, F. Foulis (2 games), 310; Jers, 180; D. Wright 466 --1872, Sand al Bank vs. Town-- J. Harris, 439; 1471; Roy { Royal Bank--M_Z D, Hambly, 467; | Davidson, 500; F. Cox 536; D. Mec- Rae, 528 --2040, | Town--T. Miles, 485; S. Wright, 422; {9- Riddell, 467; A. McDonald, 435. -- 1509, Paper-Makers vs. Lancets-- | Paper-Makers--B. Smith, 495; | Sfreddo, 455; M. Upton, 516; 'Foote, 498. --1964, | Lancet s--J. E. Gibson, 477; G. KR. amilton, 527; Dr Morison, 414; C, J, ~ | Wright, 217; Dr Wood, (one game) 186.--1875. C. P. R. vs. Hawks-- |C:P:R:--A. Payne, 435; M. S, Camp- | bell, 508; E. Green, 408; J, Skillen | (two games), 300; B. Berry (1 game), | 166.--1817, Hawks--H, Humphreys, 415; T. C, R: Crawley, 444; G N Dechert, 421; A J Clempson, 437.--1753, Previous week's play--- Sand Pit vs. Town-- Sand Pit--D Anderson, 553; D, War- ren 470; J Harris 474; H Hill,398.-- 1895, Town-- T Miles, 450; J Riddell, 491; S Wright, 417; D W Scott, 449,--1861. Royal Bank vs, Pitt's-- Royal Bank--M D Hambly, 498; J * Davidson, 423; D Vokes, 480; J Cox, 455.--1856, Pitt's--J Hardie, 415; F Foulis, 450; iJ Pitt, 486; H Sanders, 534. -- 1885, C:P:R: vs. Paper-Makers-- iC.P.R--J A Payne, 622; B Berrer, 438; M S Campbell, 456; J Skillen, 448.--1964. Paper-Makers--C Sfreddo, Beddome, 492; M Upton, Lewis, 438 --1887. Hawks vs. Lancets-- Hawks--H Humphreys, 4566; A Clempson, 430; L Whiting, 429; A 5 Clempson, 399.--1714, Lancets--Dr Morison, 468; CJ Wright 486; J E Gibson, 505; Dr Wood, 475. --1934, EESTI ERTS Do you require any visiting or rt ness cards? We print them on good quality stock, $1.00 for fifty cards at the OBSERVER OFFICE. HARNESS and SHOE 'REPAIRING For the past % thie 3 years I have been in Dryden, I have given satisfaction in Shoe Repairing, and intend doing some in the Harness line. PRICES VERY MODERATE Childrens Boots Repaired After School Hours. L. GREENHILL NEXT TO POST OFFICE - A.J.GARDINE General Merchant, EAGLE RIVER Agent for Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTT PLOW (OV 2 8% Sharple's Cream Sepaiators. RAY FURS BOUGHT & Soh] T 1 Ww 433; 524; } EEE i i IN Honan FORM III --Physics--Grace Robin- | FORM II.--Physiography--Frances Ee Edith | {§ Lewis, Eldon Wright, (Elmer Silver |} Grace | FORM I --French--Mildred Dean |i Jeanette Reid, Rorail Alice Wilkinson, Edith Lewis ' Clara McGonegal, |g Ruby McTavish, Arthur Doudiet, Ray !§ M'Tavish, Kathleen Wilkinson, Patricia: i Stefaniuk, Olive Lewis, Julius Volk- & mar, Elsie Hunter, Edwin Halderson, | Albert Berrey, Frank g Hugh (| Sand Pit--D, Anderson 537; D, War-| H. Adair, [§ H|% 7. 5 | For This Week-= WINTER Pacific Coast TICKETS ON . SALE Dec. 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20; 22, 27, 29 Jan. 8, 5, 10,12, 17, 19; 24 Feb, 2 and 7 Return Limit, April 15th, 1928, Castern Canada TICKETS ON SALE December 1st to January 5 from stations Manitoba (Winnipeg and West) Saskatchewan and Alberta Return Limit Three Months. French Excursions SPECIAL TRAIN From Winnipeg 3:00 P,M. December 17th H i $i pS = for Ottawa Montreal Quebec Sherbrooke Shawinigan Falls For Detail Information J : % A. PAY N E, Ade the Ticket Agent Ticket Agent Dryden, Ong: Cana nadian Pacific NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES in plegs. +. onion 50c. up Choice Line of-- FRESH FRUIT FOR THANKSGIVING also CELERY, LETTUCE, and TOMATOES. Owing to the Public demand FOR BREAD JAMES OLIPHANT willl CALL ON YOU DAILY. Gough's Confectioney J. O. GOUGH, Proprietor. Agent For-- NEILSON'S CHOCOLATLS, a KODAKS & SUPPLIES RL i a np a ee i en PP. NANA WNIT RT INIT Ca ara aa a a 0 a McCORMICK - DEERING PRIMROSE THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT IN CREAM SEPARATOR CONSTRUCTION For over ninety years the history of the Harvester Company has been a history of consistent progress in the improvement and development of modern farm operating equipment. To- day this world-wide organization stands as a symbol of service in agriculture. Along with a modern and progressive program of quality construction, the McCormick-Deering ball- bearing cream separator has received its share of attention. Improv ements and refinements have been made until today the McCormick-Deering--WITH BALL BEARIN GS--is the last word in cream separator construction. When selecting a cream separator be sure the machine you buy will recover the greatest amount of butter-fat. This the McCormick-Deering will do twice each day for a long period of years. The compact, sanitary and practical design of the Mec- Cormick-Deering combined with qualities such as easy turning, positive and automatic lubrication, must be considered when you desire a serviceable, longlife machine. The McCormick-Deering is pleasing in appearance. . It is of practical height and can be conveniently placed in the kitchen, milkhouse or barn, as it requires very little space for its operation. Regardless of the size of your herd, there is a McCormick-Deering-- built in five sizes-- to meet your individual needs. J. S. Corner, Oxdrirt Agent fou a International Harvester Company of Canada, Limited Hamilton Canada. NO ASW AOI) 4 ERP NONE,

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