tn, THE DRYDEN OBSERVER a -- msi | stam a, Be ps. 05 = ro RADIO If You Could See Inside Your Radio If you could look through every part of a DC Radio with X-Ray eyes, you would be amazed to ob- serve how precision, strength and Seven Models $4 00 S165 00 "fine adjustment enter into even th2 smallest detail of construction. Like the smooth and dependabie action of a good watch, DC accuracy assures you lasting satisfaction. Free Demonstration Let us demonstrate any of the your home--no Royal Series in obligation--call or phone. Ralph J. Pronger Winterbottom Lumber Yard LUMBER, COAL and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES DRUMHELLER LUMP COAL HARD COAL KOPPERS COKE BLACKSMITH COAL Service -- and -- Quality. Ll] DRYDEN Jas. Winterbottom, Ontario For Thanksgiving- ERE SS, Der Ib creas vancsiasst vain asinngss 45 BOCES, PEF ID... isis nransnnsasanussvrriidiss -30 CHICKEN, vet 15 o.oo env rtennnsanvaiion. ven: gE CRANBERRIES. two 158 OF +cecnensnesvsasnsesnyns 25 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES - NUTS -- ALL KINDS SWEET POTATOES, four Ibs for 235 CHERRIES GUACE per 1b o.oo ice iiinnanneese .60 CRYSTALIZED PINFAPPLE per ib .75 FRESH WALNUTS & ALMONDS, perth .......... .60 CURRANTS, SULTANAS. RAISINS--BLEACHED FOR SALE--Two Teams HORSES, Heavy, One Set SLEIGHS. C. James Wright Phone 49 @ I Dryden Public School Report Room Teacher No, Enrolled. 9 M. E. Lucas 37 3 E. J, Gardiner 38 7 M Wyville 34 6 S. Thorpe 34 5 M. Campbell 45 4 - M_Gardiner 39 3 Mrs Heard 41 2 M. Adams 40 1 J. Miller 41 349 Room 9--S8r, IV.--Honours--James Rigbey, Margot Cole, Orville Adair, James Smith, Phil Wright, Pass--William Moline, Alice Hal- derson, Fred Yaworski, Phyllis Hawke, Vada Robinson, Edward McMonagle, David Mercer, Florence Zentil, How- ard Wilson. Jr. IV, "A"--Pass--Dick Cole, Eunice Gough, Hilda Olsen, Katie Steiner, Jessie Munroe, Vera Bailey, Lloyd Brisson, Phyllis Barber, Evelyn Strut, Patty Wright Ernest Curley, Evelyn Pinkerton, May Bartlett, Absent for one or more exams.-- Vada Robinson, Bella Blake, Katie Steiner; Alice Vankougnett, Room 8--Sr. III, "A"--Honours--- Mamie Reany, Kathleen Millroy. Pass--Mary Dzioba, Beth Mercer, Alymer Wilson, Vendla Moline, Dolly Polan, Margaret Hunter, Ruby Reid, Winnie Boomhower, Betty Swanson, Barbara. Jones, Jean Wilson, Mona Proudfoot, Philip Moline, Rose Yawor- ski, Thos, Turnbull, James Ferguson, Yola Sfreddo, Margaret Anderson, Ella Munroe, Nellie Hardie, Lloyd Wigle, Cyril Wright Lola Dean, Jim Vankoughnett, Pupils who missed one or more ex-} aminations-- Richard Bauer, Ivan" Klose, Robt Vankougnett, Billie Bak- er, Gweneth Jones. Room 7--Sr, III, Mary Livingson. Pass--Mary Blake, Ines Sfreddo. Jr. III. "A"--Honours--Bruno Zen- til, Vivian Wice, Annie Yaworshuk. Pass -- Frances Enerwien, Jean Dempster, Esther Mercer, Henry Sfreddo, Oscar Nymark, Geneva Aur- en, Hazel Adair, Allen Moore Bill Wigle, Lila Buchanan, Marion Beck, Ray Hatch, Aubrey Pinkerton, Lena McMaster, Bonnie Kentner, Neil Campbell, Andy Volkmar, Room 6--Jr. III, "B"--Honours -- Dorothy Ankney, Esether Lindquist, Hilda Davies, Pass--Gladys Vankoughnett, Lester Pronger, Jean Hutchison, Jessie Cole, Clifford McGuire, Mack Boomhower, Monty Robertson, James McMonagle, Brian Barber, Dunc Reid, Duncan Turner, Alex Collette, Alma Brisson, Wilfred Moore. Absent for two or more exams -- Tessie Chipman, Leila Foulis Olga Steiner. Room 5--Jr, II. "B""--Honours--Kitty Hooker, Muriel Bailey, May Howarth, Mike Semak George Ernewein, Ruby McGuire, Ethel Fido, Nellie Sfreddo, Helen Johnson, Eddie Alexander, Anne Smith , Hubert Bartlett, Dorothy Stratton, Pass--Eileen Wigle, Gladys Buchan- jan Mickey Pronger, Florence Dagg, | Grant Buchanan, Adele Foulis, Gordon {| Robinson, Bobby Foote, Edna Martiu- son, Charles Robinson, Harry Martin- son, Norntan Hardy, Aubrey Moore, Arthur Rhodes," Minerva -McMonagle, Room 4--Sr. I.--Honours--Vernon Pronger, Frankie Brisson, Pass--Beatrice Dagg, Reddie Adair, Edith Wannacott, Sherwood Robinson, James Brown, Ethel Beck, Jr. II. "A"--Honours--DMildred Rip- ley, Bert Boomhower, Gordon Field, Bobbie McCallum Myrtle Barber, Berthil Moline, Jimmy Reid, Pass--Howard Raney, Annie Chas- chowy, Agnes Blake, Zellmund Fyst- rom, Bert Keller, Eddie Wright, Leonard Shirfield, Eileen Cooper, Gor- don Nymark, George Morettin, James Louttit, Pat Halderson, Addie Cole, Room 3--Jr. I "A"--Honours--Tom- my Cooper, Claire Ernewein, Margery Robertson, Venice Morettin, Doris Harris, Audrey Tew, Miriam Living- ston, Bernice Bailey, Freda Box, Iva- dalle Bowes, Albert Ferguson Emma Fleming, Ralph Smith, Jean Noble, John Livingston, Jimmy Tew, Frank Cullen. Pass--Mary Liese, Daisy Dempster, Frank Olsen, Nina Proudfoot, Fred Clinker, Margaret Ray, Roy Evans, Helen Gough, Rubena Wice, Mary Wood, Sr, Pr.,--Pass--Annie Palon, Jack Heard, Opal Pinkerton, Caroline Fys- trom. Class I. "B"'-- Honours-- Albert Milanese, Earl Tew, Stella Leise, Dol- ly Neill, Winnie Cole, Rhoda David- son. Pass -- Bernice Sailsbury, "B"--Honours -- Verna § Average Attend. Aggregate attend, 35.57 676 35.00 665 31,67 600 32.47 617 42,00 789 36.15 678 39.73 754 37.27 708 37.47 712 327.43 6217 Hutchison, Hjalmer Moline, Mary Archibalds, Adelaide Pilkey, Ross Hambly, Mary Yarorski, Marilyn Wil- son, Gertrude Flemming, Mike Cook, Marjorie Boomhower, Stanley Lock, absent for examina- tions. Room 2-- Primary "A"-- Gladys Auren, Myrtle Ankney, Lillian Kellar, Orville Ankney, Hazel Brisson, Aaron Robinson, Clarence Lindquist, Jack Norris, George Barber, Henry John- son, Olga Stratulak, Delwin Skeene, Marjorie Sherwood, Mildred Wright, Charlie Klose, Edmund Herman Walt- er Davis, Carl Swanson, Paul Cook, Charlie Smith, Mary Martinson, Room 1--Primary "B"--Elsie Yaw- orski, Evan Jones, Margaret Ripley, Margaret Collis, Charlie Reany Gert- rude Hutchison, Charlie Sherwood, Carl Whitehead, Gordon Brampton Arthur McGuire, John Vankoughnett, Mildred Livingston, Frances Reid Gladys 'Olsen, Barbara Humphreys, Joyce Winterbottom. B--Harold Reany, Ethel Boomhow- er, Betty Brown, Ida Pilkey, Isabel Archibald, Mae Dempster, Jean Morret- tin, Fred Bowes, Roy Herman, Mervyn Miller, George McMonagle, Thomas Murray. C--Annie Swanson, Thelma Daiter, Agnes Robinson, Nancy Sherwood, Bert French, Donald Daiter, Margaret Chaschowy, Douglas Anderson, Vietor Moline, Max Pietch, Roger Dagg, t Gordon Schell. New Fali Goods Suits and jvercoats The line of Scotch and Irish Tweeds for this season are the best that have evere been seen. Come in and Look Them Over. T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor.' Office Pesttions -- Plentiful in Winnipeg It will pay you again and again to train in Winnipeg where employ- ment & at its best and where you ean attend the Success Business College, whose graduates are given preference by thousands of employ- ers. The Success Business College, Winnipeg, = a strong, reliable school--its superior service has re- sulied in f= aonual enrollment greatly diag the Bis nd yearly attendance of all other Busi. Colleges in the whole provinces Ul of Manitoba--it is now Canada's largest and most influential Busi- ness College. Open sll the year. Earcll at any time. Write for free prospeactua. ~~ BUSINESS COLLEGE Limited Cer. Portage Ave. and Edmonton St. Winnipeg, Not connected with (Buccess) College in other ada. THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Member of Canadian Weekly 'Newspapers Association. Published at DRYDEN, Ontario Every Friday Morning Largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Kenora District. Subscription, $1.60 per year. -- & J. A. STRUTT & Genera! Blacksmith and Woodworker | Where work is done to suit your Purse. Dryden, Ontario m---- ee] L.O. 0. F DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town Hall, every Monday night. SECOND DEGREE MONDAY NIGHT H. MORISON, N.G, Bro F. WHITELEY, Rec, -Sec, Sd L.O. i. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1684 meets the first and third Wednoaday of each month, at eight p.m, in the Town Hall,® Visiting - brethren cordially -invited. - -- J. D, NICHOLSON, W:M. BADEN SMITH, Sec'y, ---- . m------ Golden Star Lodse AF & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month, Visiters Cordially invited. H, WILDE, W.M. A. E. BERRY, Secretary W. A, WEARE General PFierchant AIINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JOHN DEERF PLOW CO. sere is John Deere Equipment for Evety Farm Use. Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Airanged 9 Suit Purrhazers. Better theManwith | HisEyeto the Sky thantheManwith HisEarto#-( round LASALLE GENERAL M of CANAI Home Office and Factories 5 A realized. clei It has seen a great industry grow up in Canada to supply the Canadian family with a means of trans- portation to meet its needs and resources, to answer the desire for style, dependability, luxury. It has seen, in the Canadian perpetuation of Canadian ideals of craftsmanship. It has seen, in the General atories, the development of refinements on which much of modern motoring Coml~ fort depends. It has seen, on the General Motors Proving Grounds, the proof of principles which are now accepted factors in automobile design and construction. It has seen the triumph of and manufacturing methods with economies to be shared with the buyers of General Motors .cars. And the eyes of General Motors are still to the still seeking new ways to improve General Motors cars and to place the cars within reach of ever-widening circles of Canadian buyers. horizon CHEVROLET PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE OAKLAND MCLAUGHLIN-BUICK GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK CADILLAC L through its long, successful history, General Motors of Canada has had its eye to the horizon . listening not for what followed, but looking always toward the thing ahead. And General Motors has seen many ot its visions Oshawa, Ontario Fisher Body plants, the Motors Research laboi- countless advances and co-operative purchasing their resultant GH-428B