Dryden Observer, 25 Nov 1927, p. 3

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f£ diaphragm being lower, responds instantly with full depth in ~ #HE DRYDEN OBSERVER TRADE IN Your Olid Tinney Loud Speaker for a Victor Nortira Cone Reproducer We will make you an allowance on your poor or defective Speaker and you can purchase on easy payments a Victor Northern Cone, with the assurance that you will be able to enjoy the finest reception it is possible to get. Perfect audience reception from any good make of Radio Set--Please note in this Cone the natural frequencies of the the bass at the same time the flexibility of this diaphragm ensures the high notes being brought out with exact fidelity, imparting a rich round fullness of natural tone unusually perfect Fi inished in Rustic Bronze and Tastefully Decorated, 18 inches in diameter, only $27.50 Ralph J. Pronger Musical InStruments, Radios, Phonographs, Books, Stationery, Dry Goods, Ready-To-Wear. DRYDEN Phone 35 ONTARIO 8) Er Police Court Saturday evening, Prov. Constable Hall and Chief Colliss entered the home of Wm. Kuke with a warrant to search the prefises. Something which the police believed to be a mash was cook- ing on the stove, but before they had a chance to ascertain what it was Mr Kuke dumped the contents of the ket- tle out in the snow, while Mrs Kuke assisted in diverting the officers with jthe aid of a broom, Mr Kuke attemp- ted to prevent the officers from getting ieven a sample of what the kettle had contained and became so abusive that the officers were forced to handcuff and remove him to the jail where he spent the week-end. On Monday morning he appeared be- 'for Magistrate Pronger charged with obstructing peace officers in the per- formance of their duty and was found guilty and fined one hundred dollars and costs. Classified FOR SALE -- PIANO IN FIRST class condition.--Apply Miss ELLA RUSSELL, Dryden, Ont. 2511/27 FOR SALE--GOATS, THREE FOR $25.00--Apply A, GUMMESON, Wabigoon, Ont. 18[11/27. FOR SALE -- QUEBEC HEATER, Electric Washing Machine.--Apply at OBSERVER OFFICE. FOR SALE-TAPESTRY UP- holstered Chesterfield --Apply OBSERVER OFFICE, $2000.00 BUYS FOUR - ROOMED Cottagas, furnished. Good Well and basement, Terms to Suitable party, 2 " & Winterbottom Lumber Yard LUMBER, COAL and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES DRUMHELLER LUMP COAL HARD COAL KOPPERS COKE BLACKSMITH COAL Service -- and -- Quality. DRYDEN Jas. Winterbottom, Ontario T. MORRETTIN, Dryden, Ontario. FOR SALE -- CHILD'S Ww HITE Enamel Cot.--Apply OBSERVER OFFICE, THE TRAPPING AND HUNT- ING SEASON IS DRAWING NEAR Come Here for your Supplies. We have a complete Stock of-- AMMUNITION, RIFLES and GUNS, TRAPS, of all kinds, BLANKETS, PACK SACKS & COOKING UTENSILS. HEATERS and STOVES, We have a good stock to choose from at all prices. We also have a good supply of Wood Cutters Outfits. Dainty White--a wonderful aid for washing, per bottle 33c. E. A, KLOSE DRYDEN, LIVERY AND DRAY PROMPT SERVICE AT ALL HOURS A. WEAVER, Phone 56 Dryden, Ontario HARNESS and* SHOE REPAIRING For the past three years I have been in Dryden, I have given satisfaction in Shoe Repairing, and intend doing some in the Harness line. PRICES VERY MODERATE Childrens Boots Repaired After School Hours. New Fall (foods Suits and vercoats The line of Scotch and Irish Tweeds for this season are the best that have evere been seen. Come in and Look Them Over. ¥. PROUDEOOT "The Dryden Tailor.' -- THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Published at DRYDEN, Ontario Every Friday Morning Largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Kemora District, Subscription, $1.50 per year. ---- "J. A. STRUTT, "& General Blacksmith and Woodworker Where work is done to suit your Purse. Dryden, Ontario oe --_-- | DRYDEN LODGE, Ne LO.OF 417 masts at the Towa Hall, every Monday night. INITIATORY DEGREE MONDAY NIGHT H. MORISON, N.G. Bro F. WHITELEY, Rec, -Sec, EE ------ ep ear ae oy LO.L. DRYDEN LODGE Ko. 1684 meets the first and third Wednesday of each month, at eight pm., in the Town Hall, Visiting brethren cordially invited. J. D. NICHOLSON, W:M. BADEN SMITH, Sec'y, Golden Star Lodse AF. & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each menth, Visiters Cordially invited. H, WINDE, W.M.. A. E. BERRY, Secretary W. A. WEARE Qeneral Merchant AMINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JOHN DEERF PLOW CO. Caere is John Deere Equipment . for Every Farm Use. Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged » Suit Purchasers. a AHHH rnin iiss nn nm L. GREENHILL NEXT TO POST OFFICE JFOR SALE--BALED HAY, $14, 00 a ton. Farm to rent on shares, Two { Houses for rent or sale; one large and lone small.--Apply R. H, PRONGER, 2/11)27. Dryden, Ont. FOR RENT--5- ROOM BUNGALOW, RRR ARRAS AREAS 1125/11/27 RRREERER Oxy=Acetyiene Welding Gramophones, Bicycles, Sewing Machines Repaired. Skates Sharpened C.C.M. Skates, Boots, Hockey Sticks Durance Bros. & Co. =L good basement, stable and chicken house; good big garden.--Apply C. J. WRIGHT, Dryden, Ont. WANTED TO BUY--ONE WORK Horse, about 1200-1bs, black preferred; also Set Sleighs.--Apply OBSERVER OFFICE, Ford Car for Horse and Harness, Horse should weigh 1500 Ibs or over. Write at once. Good Bargain. L M, ALA, Vermillion Bay, Ontario. WANTED--COMPETENT HOUSE- keeper, good wages to experienced pariy.-- RALPH PRONGER, Dryden, -| WANTED--HEAR FROM OWNER good farm for sale, Cash price, particulars. D. F BUSH, Minneapolis, Minn, I BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT ALL MY CHRISTMAS FRUITS and NUTS HAVE ARRIVED California Sun Maid Raisins, seedless, per PR m2 2D) Sun Maid Seeded Raisins, 2 pkt. for 45 5 Bulk Seedless Raisins, per I eee = __ 15 From Greece--DBulk Currants, 16-07. 2D Australian Re-cleaned Bulk Currants, Wo lbs ei BD From France and Spain--Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, per lb. .50 Italian Citron Peel, per Ib a - 50 England Orange and Lemon Peel, per Ib 35 Mesopotania New Dates, 2 lbs, for 25 From Turkey -- New Figs, cooking, two Ibs for meme - 52D Italian Glassy Cherries, per 1b. -- .60 Canadian Icing Sugar, two lbs for --...__. = 25 Canadian Castor Sugar, two lbs for Ee = 25 California Bleached Raisins, per 1b. 25 Smyria Sultanas, per 1b 25 Spanish Valencin Raisins, per lb. 25 Jamicia and Zanzibar--All kinds of Spices, perean eee. 15 Spanish Fresh, Sweet Ground Almonds, %-b, vee. 3 Canadian Almond Paste, %1b 5 5 Almond Paste, 1-1b tins _ 60 Canadian Rohin Hood Flour - 98, .49. $2.45 Make a National Cake and Pudding. > Dee I 15¢. Grapes, 20c. . Froch Tomatoes 25¢: Grape Fruit, large, 15c: Bananas, doz 50e. ALL KINDS of APPLES and NUTS, New Laid Eggs, dozen 65c. Storage First Eggs, doz. .50c, olf Canadian Cheese, 1b 3be, New Canadian . Cheese, 1b 800, ib 30c. C. James Wright _ Phone 49 Oranges, 50, 60c., T0¢c - TO LET-- FURNISHED APART- ment on Whyte Street--Apply Mrs C. SMITH, Dryden. ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS { DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE-- Dey, 62 R 2: Car Owners Night, 82 B ¢ -- See Us For COLD WEATHER NEEDS ALCOHOL, "WINTER COVERS, CELLULOID -- for SIDE CURTAINS. Book Your Orders for Winter Overhaul Now. We have pur- chased a Cylinder Hone and can make a perfect job. Dryden Motors, WANTED TO TRADE--1923 MODEL | HUGHIE HILL, oii Winter Overhaul i REN RRTRRHI aan WATKIN'S PRODUCTS SPICES, EXTRACTS, Ete. STOCK & POULTRY TONIC PIE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS, TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH HOLDER LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES,. MEDICINES, BE. T. (DAD) ROWLAND OUR SHOP WILL BE ALL WORK GUARANTEED THE MOTORING SEASON IS OVER FOR 1927. Now is the time to have your car put in shape for 1928 BATTERIES STORED and CHARGED. OPEN ALL WINTER PRICES RIGHT DRYDEN = a is DING WALL MOTORS HU ER ONTARIO LLUTHAE BHA HELTER REL ULL garage. traffic officer. Obey the law. making application now. After November 30th you will not be able to get a 10TOR VEHICLE OPERATOR'S LICENSE without examination After November 30th every applicant for a Motor Vehicle Operator's License will be required to pass an examination of fitness and ability before an inspector of the Department of Highways. This examination will take some time and will cost a fee of $1.00. It will be assumed after the above date that every experienced and capable driver will have heeded the law and secured a license. If you have been careless in not applying for your Motor Vehicle Opera- tor's License, you will save yourself inconvenience, time and money, by An application form can be secured at any Licenses are now issued without examination to those who have driven a car at least six months and for at least 500 miles, and also have no physical or mental disability which may interfere with the operation of a motor car. The fee for a license is $1.00 and licenses now issued will be good until December 31st, 1928. Licenses must be carried by drivers at all times. infraction of The Highway Traffic Act, drivers without Motor Vehicle Operator's Licenses cannot be considered as experienced and competent. $1000 Fine Without a Motor Vehicle Operator's License you have no authority to drive a car in Ontario. the Driver's License may be demanded at any time by any policeman or The penalty is a fine of $10.00. If you have not yet secured your license you are subject to fine at any time, and if you wait till after November 30th to apply you will have to undergo and pass the driver's examination. Save yoursel. time, inconvenience getting your Motor Vehicle Operator's License without delay. MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH Ontario Department of Highways The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister: In case of accident or Production of and expense by %

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