Dryden Observer, 9 Dec 1927, p. 1

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#2 VOL. VIIL 2 DRYDEN , Ontario, December oth, 1927. a Measles. By Nurse Osborne HE N the term "Inculation" is used speaking about a communicable ase it means the time between tak- ing the infection and the development i the disease. It is really the time when the germs are "hatching in the and varies in diferent diseaszes.'by the Clerk, Mr J, E. Gibson, incubation terms in measles varies from one to three weeks, Council Meets regular monthly meeting of the Town! Council which was held in the Council Chamber, Tuesday evening, with Coun- Sh Clempson, Bailey, Wilsah, BMec- Kay and Wood present. ter the! a meeting's minutes were read) id had been adopied, on the motion of} j Councillors Wood and Wilson, ac- Measles is a dangerous and one of counts to the amount of $7040.71 'were most communicable diseases of childhood. Nearly everyone is suscept- le to it. Among the first signs are eezing, running at the Nose & a C slight cough, The eyes look red aa: watery and the light hurts them. Ir he heginning there is usually Ltt ver. The child may appear to haw y a cold, Then red spots begin ic ppear on the forehead and face, an on spread over the entire body. > What To De Keep the child out of school, indoors, nd away from other children. "Call the Doctor, : eep the light out Sof the childs es. 'Be sure to keep the child's eyes, cars outh. and nostrils perfectly clean. The charges from the nose, throat, and Do not let the child get up unt | the tor says it is safe. This wil bc r the temperature has returred fo The § merving care is put the child na , well ventilated, darkened room, ; a light diet. Warm drinks and hot bath will help to hasten the ap- : e of the rash. Keep the bowls Keep in bed until after the tem- ature has returned to normal. 'Be particularly careful of the child it is recovering from measles. is a dangerous time. The after- ects are often very: sericus. The d's future health will depend large- alll en Installed During = Winter = Months, on the Deferred Payment Plan. % in for Price & Terns . RYDER . Heating D o. Box 2 of Track, $100.00 on easy pay- ments. very attractive prices For Rent ITE OF ROOMS on 3 QUEEN the Local Agent, help build up 'the business in your own town --it pays. A. J. LOCK nting, Trappers and Radio . License Issued. Office Phone, hi: --House 20 R3 Make it safe from financial loss with INSURANCE from BOBSON, agent, Dryden ol | Engineer furnish such plans and re- -- iated ("World Wide Evangelizaticn 'lis carried on entirely by faith. Ime to make for Him." tFerm L . {Edith Lewis, Kathleen Wilkinson, Mil- | 4 1 dred Dean, Clara McGonegal, Arthur. g ssed for payment. Other motion An were: iT Bailey-Cleripson--That the School; w of the Women's Institute b pa | ed a refund of thireen dollars; oid for rent of Town Hall EicKay-Clempson--1ihat F. Coozer; se given a plumbers license in tke; Town of Dryden. _Bailey-Clempson--That Mrs Violet Sooper be granted the use of the Towa dall for a recital, Wood-McKay--=That the Engineers be and are hereby instructed to make application to the Provincial Board of Health for a mandatory order in the interests of public health for certain waterworks extensions, including a chlorinator, water mains and services at a total cost of $26800. and that the Te nictee ports to the 'Beard of Health. as re- quired. : Wood-Wilson--That the Red Cross Hospital be granted a refund for light, water and 'phone for the months of August, September gad October amounting to $193 84. In the absence of Sag nefllor Wilde Councillor McKay made the moticn of adjournment which was seconded by Councillor Bailey. Ignace to Visit Drydep-- How about making a good start for winter Hockey. Wednesday night Ignace will do their best, ro what must our Millionaire Mi dgets do? Rem:emb- er the date, December 13th, Dryden will have threz téams this winter, so fans can expect some good games. The manager says the iee 1s in good shape and that skating is good and it is not cold. Come down and try it out: for yourself, THisirated Address he Rev, N. Coit The Baptist Church was filled to capacity on Wednesday evening, when ih Mr Norman Grubb, returned miss'on- ary from Central Africa, gave an illustrated address of his woik ameng {ihe Indians of that part. It world be hard to decide which was the most interesting of the many experiences re- lated by the speaker and the marve'ocs way in which God uses the ot life by blessing the individual and those among whom he is priviledged to work. One interesting story was of 2 Pigmy who travelled ~ many miles through thicx jungle to ask Mr Grubb to go in and tell 'his people about Jesus, Mr Grubb went back and as soon as the} Pigmies saw a white man they all 71 ut on the assurance of tke lezder that} this sirange being was a friend the gathered around and Hstened to the oid_ old story. Weird stories of wi ch cra't, canibzlism, and the danger of the country kept the Listeners in rapt attention and they were serry when he time came te go. = During the morning Mr Grubb visit- ed both schools, giving the scholars some inside information about Africa and many of the heathen customs. The mission with which he is assoe- Ted Crusade" whose Canadian Headquart- ers are 33 St Clair Garden, Torento), No appeal is made for funds, the mission- same food such as White Ants, Rice, sometimes some Leopard meat, Man- goes, ete, The motto of the Crusaders is: "If Jesus Christ be God and d'ed for me, then no secrifice can be too great for DRYDEN CONTINUATION SCHOOL WEEKLY REPORT i iDoudiet, Elsie Moorhouse, Frank Whiteley, (Edwin. Halderson Elsie Hunter, Edna Buchanan). Form II, & IIL.--Briish History i Frances Foulis, Grace Robinson, Elmer} Silver, Alma Larcon, Lenore McRae, Nee "Reany, Beth Robins son, MAYOR DINGWALL presided at the | $4 aries live with the natives, and eat the | § Algebra--Alice Wilkinson, | € Eldon i ¥ i | Mill Employees Social Evening ONCE more the old Pulp Mill Hall' vibrated with the popular old songs,' {when some 175 employees of the Dry- den Paper Company, Limited, met at the invitation of the management for a social evening. : Commencing with cards at eight o'clock the party: was called to orcer! around nine p.m., when a nicely ar-F anged programme was presented. hose taking part in the "program: cre as follows: -- The: Whiteley Lewis, Gammon, Crooks bouts between C. "Boy le and Jo Yaroshuk, Ted Curley Scotty | Foote--Mr J S Wilsen acting as De - keeper for both bouts. Joe Jaroshuk' Orchestra, ing and also gave a splendid exhibition of weight lifting. Just before lunch was seroed Mr, Harry Davidson (the Chairman) called upon Mr J S Wilson, General Manag- er, of the Company to say a few words. : : In opening his brief remarks, Wilson Mr did co-operation during the past year and added that the Mill had turned; out 2000 tons more of pulp in 1927" than any of the previous years thst the Company had been in operation. He alco outlined to those present a: new insurance called 'Group Insurance' in which all employees of the Company. who had completed a year's service were eligible to enroll for a very minimum charge per m month, the Comp- any paying part of the premium--and in which no medical examination was" necessary. The Principle of this in- surance was $500.00 perman, with the possibility of this amount being' enlarged upon if the thing worked out: satisfactory, Needless to say the suggestion met with practically a un-! animous result, over 99 per cent of eligible-men being enrolled. - He hop- 3 ed 'this concert and social gatherng would only be one of many to come, and in concludi ng, thanked the artists who had provided the enterta'mment and the ona ee who had worked on it. Lunch was Gordon of the a Ze committee w ill, Gammon and Whiteley. The Tr was carried out afier cluded with the National twelve o'clock, ar emainder of Annual Sale of Work-- The Eagle River W, A. will hold | heir Annual Sale of Work in the Scheel on Saturday, December 10th, at cight o'clock p.m. Dryden Police Courti-- Bafore Magis nora, Sa Pa'vio La. IC Seetion 8, "fined alternative one month in CIiLn Messrsia , Six eddo, Box-, said he wished to thank the! men of all deparigments for their splen-t of Ke! Johnson=Moline A very pretty wedding was sclemniz- in the Travellers Hall, Winuni- reg, "when Martha Wilhelmina, daught- er of Mr and Mrs P. Moline and Enock Johnson, formerly of Winnipeg, 'were united in marriage, Rev. H. Olcen 'pm. be. of the Luthern church officiating. The bride, who was given in mar- iriage by her father, was handsomely 'aitived in a ivory French crepe frock, heavily beaded and embroidered. She wore the regulation viel fastened wich dainty wreath of - crange blossoms and long white kid gloves and s'lver brocade slippers completed the ccsture. {She carried a bouquct of bridal roscs § Lily-ct- ~the-valley and fern, I Miss Ruth Limberg, of attended the bride ard she dainty poudrebiue dress t {metalic lace and black satin carried a pouquet of pink fern. Mrs C. H. Neilson 'matron of honour. 3 Mr Edwin Nystrom, supported the groom, Immediately after the ceremony the guests who numbered one hundred and fifty sat down to a sumptuous dinner, served in the dining hall. The tables were arranged in horseshoe shape and prettily decorated with z golden chrysanthimums and long goiden color lcandles. Toasts to 3 ihe bridz= andi, groom was proposed, Mr C H Nel ison acting as master r of cercmonies, and following the dinner danci g was 'enjoyed, { The ushers we #Gustav Lindberg. Mrs Moline, mother of the bride wore 'a beige silk crepe dress and carried 2 "bouquet of pink roses, i After a honeymcon in Win- nipeg, Mr and Mrs Johnson returned ito Dryden where they will reside. § = -~ 23 Winnipeg wore 2a of 'Winnipeg, ere Chas. Lindberg an g and short 'New Phone Directory-- has just been issued by the Obcerver. A free directory is given cach subs:r'b-; er, copies may be had at the office of Iir J. E. Gibson. Be sure and call and gel yours. "i Veterinary Surgeon At Dryden-- a rs B-own-! Dr Watt, Govérnment Veleriiary} urgeon arrived from the east to bz} fom irdicates Agriculture izes the importance of this Dist. | rict as a dairy and stock raising c:ntre. i i 0x | The School Committee of the Wo- Jmen's Institute wish to thank all those who so ably assisted with the Whist [Drive and Dance on Friday evening, | especially the Whiteley Orchestra who gave their services graiis nee in the Town Hall Tonight-- ed on Monday, November 28th, at 8.30] An--up-to-date 'Telephone Directory i Whist anda "rive and L. the Town ail, Friday evcnn School Committee of the Wome. stitutz was a decided success, splendid crowd turned out to pla, Whist, which was the first half of the evening's entertainment. Following luncheon, which was serv- ed about ten-thirty, dancing began. The Whiteley Orchestra furnished the excellent music and the hall was well filled with dancers, After the expenses have been paid the net proceeds will amount to about eighty-five dollars all of which goes to provide hot lunches for the School Cheldren. gnmittee of which Mrs Dan is convenor, econsisis eof s Foulis, Cook and Edye, and ladies who were assisted by ident, Mrs H. Morison, much s due for the splendid Tesults of iy affair in aid of so worthy 2 cause, TWENTY-ONE FACE DEATH IN STEAMER WRECKED ON LAKE HURON OWEN SOUND, Dec. 8.--Twenty-one men, comprising the crew of the grain steamer, Agawa, are facing d:ath this afternoon as their ship is being powng- i izces onthe rocks near 3 | in Island, where she the terrific stormy whi ake Huron yes'erday, Wireless Crippled : ying a message, which the reless operator stated thati na bulkheads en ch n during in mn had give 7, flocding «the engineroom the ships ¢ynam of the ill- £atAd vessel. It is believed however, that with the dynamos shut off there wili be no other sovres of generating electricity for the ship's wireless set other than an auxiliary "battery which cannot be used very long. Ships Helpless to Aid The ship is being battered by.a a Slash ing south-west gale, which is Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, ges stated that both the engine room od Previ- p> vere ds and t for assistance to Midland been unans swered, because o boat in kh ur is large enough iattering ¢° the waves. BUFFALD, NY. of a gale that lashed ike Lake Erie waterfront, and Lrought a blizzard to wes.ern New York, four freighters & a passenger steamer were torn from their moorings in the Buffalo harbour. The vessels became wedged in the sntrance to a slip, but the extent of 'he damage had not been learned.i4 Thirty other vessels dragged anchors while the gale raged, but = were not ttorn loose, Don't t forget the Millionaire Midget} m Dance in the - Town Hall | ¥), cor W Whiteley Tea Li rida i he $153 Six have SN HHH EHH EHH HHT HTH HH HEHE EN GIFTS HEHE HHT HHH HAH EH EE » Ee In the Dryden Pharmacy you will perhaps, find more practical gifts, at popular prices, Most any ©oth:r Shop. prompt service, less delay in your package wrapped, more needs. THE DRYDEN PHARMAC the Appropriate Gifts for Imported and Domestic = Perfumes, and Toilet Waters. § To Solve t Auto-strap $1.00 to $5.0 Gillettes, $1 00 to $6.50 Safety Razors Lady Picardy Chocolates, and Candies. cenvenient for your selection, than in Here, there is less crowding, more waiting for change or to have attention to your individual Y IS OPEN EVENINGS French Ivory and Pearl -Tone Toilet Articles, the Man's Problem-- Cameras, $2.c0 to $30.00 Pens and Pencilsy Cigars, «Cigarettes. The LRYDEN PHARMAGY PORT ARTHUR, Dec. 8--No boats entered Port Arthur or Fort Harbdurs for thirty-six hours. appeares at this hour-to-bej moderating but the temperature . is still ten below with no apparent pros- pects of any immediate improvement in this respect. S00 DOCK BURNS SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont, Dec, 8 The Sault Ste. Marie Michigan ferry doclz of the International Transit com- par, which operates a ferry service between the two towns, was destroyed by fire, No estimate of the damage is vet available. The fire stated to have started from an overheated stove in the United States customs office on 12 Central Hote! Dryden Ontario > SUNDAY SPECIAL ESKIMO PIES, CUPIE CUPS; Six for 25c. i #3 --CHOCOLATES-- FANCY BOXES, From 25¢ = to $2.00 MIXED CHOCOLATES, per pound 35° Assortment of C(.a'ic Dec. 8--In the teeth! 5 and}S H forcing the engineers to cut down theja new and "Better 'Cle" names, nothing has been beard will be fough? all over again and Old Marie. daught- 7 from Ke- has been re. , weeks, - Oxdrift, visted in Ma er ai. nora, w. lieving for Mrs J. Cor. Dryden, Wednescu.y, Wm. Higgins, Dyment, was a visit 7 : or to town this week. Mr and Mrs George Ruete, Minnitaki visitors to Dryden, Wednesday Walter Kenora this week. Irs Mela? Eagle Rives, town, Wednesday. Prov. visit to Kenora early in the week, George Gough, Dyment, was in Diy- den, Tuesday. Alfred Pitt spent the week-end i wee in Dryden, returning to Kenora Bondar x A. Henderson, Oxdriit, was a Dbusi- ness visitor to Drrden, Wedcesday. Mrs Taylor, Vermilion Bay, paid visit to Dryden this week. Wm, Kerney was a business visitor to Kenora last week. Jack Pitt spent a day in week. Kenora last During his stay in Dryden, Rev. N. Grubb, was the guest of Mr and Mrs : Alb ert J. Lock. Old Bill himself reiurns to the The war Bl will keep youu roaring all along the Witte roat. i Don't forget the Home Cooking' and Fancy Work Sale, to be held by the C. W. L tomorrow (Zaturday) at the hore of Mrs Klementick, next to' je; Royal Bank mien Bowling Notes Royal Bank--M D Hambley, 528; J 1 Harrison, 504; J Cox, 525; D ki Mc Rae, 451.--2008. Hawks--H Humphreys, 410; L Whit ing, 410; G N Dechert 470; A H Clempson, 427 --1717. Town versus Sand Pit-- Town--T J Riddell, 485; D W Scott, 450.--1850. Sand Pit--D Anderson, 428; D Wa:- ren, 454; J Harris, 431; H Hill, 501,-- : 1814. C:P;R: versus Doctor"s-- C:P:R:--A Payne, 443; 433; H Beddome, 456; T Miles, 272, --1856, bh: Doctor's-- Dr Dingwall, 495; Morison, 444; Dr Wood, 471; Glbson, 433.--1843. Dr JB I Pitt's Store vs, Paper-Makers-- | Pitt's Store -- idardee, 426; F Foulis 1498; R McMonagle, 550; A EL Berrey, 494.--2004. : Yaper-rlakers--M Upton, 462; J Nicholson, 509; C Sfreddo, 459; 'yw Lewis, 517 147, LI -- oo Next Week's Gorin Tuesday--Royal Bank vs. Sand Pit. Wednesday--EHawks vs Town Thursday--C:P:R: vs. Paper-Makers Friday--Doctor's vs. Pitt's Store. hy Hospitals fez C onsumptives, ust Seals, fone the barred Cross, ca message hope to those who are afflicted 15 consumption. Every dollar ree bal thicugh their sale is used for maintenance of patients, The National Sanitarium Associes tion is in nced of funds to carry ea the work of its hospitals at Mus and at Weston. Why not buy Seals in lieu of others? will vou get good value in ret i 3 --for it will go to help someone ta distress. ha Look for the double barred Rel Cross on every packet. None othcrs are genuine, 32 For sale by school children erg banks, or direct from the Xmas Department, Gage Institute, 2, Ontavige ; Const, Hall paid an a official : Strand, next Friday and Sa'urday in Miles, 468; S Wright, 477; your money will serve a greater bo if Hardie spent a few doys i LYS M Upton, - nes nv Rodis A

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