Dryden Observer, 13 Jan 1928, p. 1

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rt Ee The Dryden Observer ¥ - VOL. VIIL DRYDEN, Ontario, January 13th, 1928 wor = Term Report of Dryden Continuation School. Average of 75% or over, First ClaSs Honours; 66-74 Second Class Honours; 60-65 Third Class Honours; 50-60 Credit; Those ungraded were absent for one or more examination FORM IIL.--Beth Robinson, 82; Grace Robinson, 80; Alma Lar son, 72; Lulu Hunter, 65; Grace Gough, 64; Ken. Wilson, 62; Bol Berrey, Wm. Koshon. FORM II.--Nona Reany, 87 Francis Foulis, 86; Lenore Mac Rae, 81; Edith Lewis, 74; Haze McGoggy, 72; Clara McGonegal 69; Edna Taylor, 66; Ronal Whiteley, 63; Elmer Silver, 62 Irma Milanese, 61; Grace Hardy 50; Winkie Edgar, 67; Evelyr Adair, 36; Duncan Mercer, 5i sladys Noble, 48; Hazel Wilson Eldon Wright, FORM I.--Alice Wilkinson, 82; Mildred Dean, Ro; (Elsie Hunter, 78; Minnie Reid, 78); (Arthur Doudiet, 765 Olive Lewis, 76): Kathleen Wilkinson, 73; (Elsie Moorehouse, 73; Patricia White, 73; Jeanette Reid, 73) ; Elmer Wice, 72; Lenore Stefanuick, 70; Frank Whiteley, 67; (Roma Spears, 66; Edwin Halderson, 66; Ray McTavish, 61; Gordon Mac key, 60; Ab Berrey, 58; Hugh Barber, 57; Charlie Gammon, 54: Julius Volkmar, 53; Pauline Pink- erton, 50; Ruby McTavish, Edna Buchanan. FS a ! Jour Best Friend ! in time of trouble Fire, Sickness, Acci- dent, Death, Hail, Windstorm, Bur- glary, Holdup, etc. You can get protection against loss from each or all of these 4 from A. J. LOCK, | DRYDEN, Ontario, REPRISENTING = TES CARLDIZN MT RSCSIARCE COEDARY WINKIPEG. CANADA 1 eR A ARN PR RY, en Whist Drive and Dance-- A Whist Drive and Old Time Dance will be held in the Town Hall, Wednesday, January 18th =-under the auspices of the L.O.L. ' and L.O.B.A. «+ INSURANCE "4 J. EBSON, agent, Dryden The Whiteley Orchestra will supply the music and lunch will be served. "A good time is promised, be sure and at tend. Prizes will be given fo: the Whist. Make it safe from financial loss with ~ from Institute Dryden Chapter of Order of Eastern Star. Delegations from Kenora and Thupder Bay Districts Attend Opening Ceremony. 4 from her experience she was cert- ain that in a very short time Dry- i den would learn of the benefits of such a society and be more than proud of Silver Star Chapter. Wor Bro. A. M. Taylor of Golden Star Lodge then spoke a few words, complimenting the visitors on the efficient way in which the work had been put on. The Worthy Patron of Winona Chapter, Bro. AN event notable in the history of Dryden was the inauguration on; Friday last of a Chapter of the! Order of the Eastern Star, an' organization already world-wide in its scope whose present stand- ing carries considerable prestige, and as it becomes more closely affiliated with other fraternities, nay one day become a powerful nfluence for civilization hardly nferior to that mighty Order to ~vhich it is akin. Among the visitors attracted to our town by the ceremonial were important delegations from Ken- ora and Keewatin, also from the' lake cities of Fort William and Port Arthur, who alternately took charge of the Institution and In- itiation of the Dryden Chapter. Among these were many ladies of considerable prominence in their respective communities whose standing is an index of the charact- er of the organization to which they belong. The Order of the Eastern Star offers no financial inducements to join, nor does it promise any social or business.preferment to those seeking initiation. It is purely a iraternity, admission to whose portals furnishes a desirable in- roduction to a loftier and more enlightened plane for those who are admitted to membership. With one impartial but significant restriction, membership is open to the eligible ladies of all ages in the community. The institution of Silver Star Chapter No. 177 in Dryden was performed by Sister Shaunbacker, of Port Arthur, Rt. Wor. Grana I'rustee, assisted by Sister Grant, Grand Secretary, Sister Hunter, Grand Marshall ; Sister Allen, Grand Chaplain; Sister Caurrthers Assistant Grand Matron, and Sister Robinson, Grand Warden. The ceremony took up most of Friday afternoon and after the election of officers had taken place, the ladies adjourned to the Central Hotel where supper was enjoyed. At seven-thirty they again as- sembled at the Masonic Hall where the beautiful ceremony of initiation was exemlified by the members of Winona Chapter, Kenora. Visitors were then admitted and the Sisters from the Twin Cities then proceeded to in- stall the officers of Silver Star. Sister Shaunbacker presided and was assisted by Sister Hunter, Grand Marshall. The following officers were installed for Silver Star Chapter for the ensuing year: Worthy Patron, Bro. A. Leish- nan of Golden Star Lodge A.F., X AM.; Worthy Matron, Sister Hall; Associate Worthy Matron, Elsie Treas- Sister Collison ; A. Beck; Sister rer, Associate Conductress, Sister H. Foulis ; Chaplain, Sister B. Foote; Marshall, Sister Halderson ; Organist, Sister G. Berrey; Adah Sister Alice Berrey; Ruth, Sister L. Sweeney; Esther, Sister Ella Russell; Martha, Sister Cooper; Electa, Sister Cullen; Warden, Sister Grace Russell. Sentinel, Bro. M. F. Cook. Trustees-- Sisters Taylor, Wigle, and Baker. Auditors--Sisters Winterbottom, Harris and Anderson. Speeches were then called for. On behalf of the newly instituted Chapter, the worthy matron, Sister Hall, expressed much grati- tude to the visiting Chapters for the service they had rendered in journeying to Dryden to institute the new Chapter and assured them that the occasion would always be a memorable one. Sister Shunabacker, Worthy Grand Matron was then called on for a few words. Sister Shaun- backer is a gifted speaker and her address though brief was delight- ful to hear. She spoke in com- Sister Agnes Cook; Secretary- . Con-}i luctress, Sister M. Clempson SL Robert Mack, also gave a short address. = His words were most encouraging to the new Chanter}: 'and promised the utmost co-opera- tion from Kenora organized society. Lunch was then served to this newly and dancing to music furnished by the! Freshmen Orchestra ended a de- lightful evening. The visitors from the Head of the Iakes were: Sister Shaun- backer, Sister Grant, Sister Allen, Sister Hunter and Sister Robin. son Members from Winona Chapter, Kenora, were: Mack, Sisters Carruthers, E. Whitaker, Mable Schooly, Edith Neel, K. Baker, E. McConnachie A. Mack, L. Allerton, ' A. Mc- en, K. Homes, T. Jackson, M N. Squire, W. F. Aftlick. Sherrington and SE ---- Pupil's Recital-- The Pupil's of Mrs V. Cooper will give a Recital in the Town Hall, Saturday afternoon, Janu- ary 14th, at 3:00 p.m. An invita- ticn 1s extended to parents and friends of pupil's and others who are interested. ~-Y- St. Luke's Annual! Congregational Meeting-- Bro. R.! Mannus, C. Sherrington, D. Hold-! i : : oh -i meeting was lengthy, lasting till! Nickerson, M. Baker, M. Moore, | g gehy g i First Meeting of New Council, MONDAY, January oth, the Town Council met in the Council Chamber at 11:00 a.m. to inaugur- ate the new members for 1928. Mayor Dingwall and Councillors Clempson, Proudfoot, Klose and Wood were present. After tak- ing the declaration of office it was moved by Councillor Wood and nded by Councillor Clempson that the meeting adjourn till 7:30 on Monday evening. -- The adjourned meeting was held the same evening and there were present, Mayor Dingwall and Councillors Wood, M'Kay, Clemp- son, Klose and Proudfoot. Coun- cillor McKay not having attend- cd the statutory meeting in the morning had to take the declara- tion of office before taking his seat. Mr J. E. Gibson, the Clerk, then proceeded to read the was read a third time and passed. Proudfoot-Clempson--That the Town grant the Hockey Club the use of light and water for one night's hockey match.--Carried. Klose-Proudfoot--That Mr J. E Gibson be appointed a member of the Library Board for the term of three years.--Carried. Clempson-Klose--That By-law No. 212 to cover waterworks debentures be read a first and second time. On the motion of Councillors Wood and McKay the same by-law was read a third time and was passed. Wood-McKay--That in view of the letter from Messrs Morris and Babe, re R. H. Pronger, that Mr Pronger be tendered payment of $25.63 his salary in full.-- Carried. Wood-McKay--That the ac- count of Messrs Morris & Babe for $5.00 be paid.--Carried. The necessary motions author- izing Mayor Dingwall and J. E. Gibson, Treasurer to transact all the financial affairs of the Town with the Royal Bank were also ! minutes of the previous meeting {of the Council held in December {and these were adopted. The well after many points midnight and from of view highly in- | teresting. Accounts to the amount ; of $1,211.28 were passed for pay- ment on the motion of Councillors Wood and McKay. The Ac- count of the Nelson River Con- struction Company for $4,485.51 was also passed for payment on the motion of Councillors Wood and McKay. Other motions were: Proudfoot-Klose--That all per- sons who are securing free electricity shall' henceforth be cut off and charged at the same rate as other users and that meters The Annual Meeting of St. Luke's Church was held in the Parish Hall, Wednes- day evening. The balance sheet was read and passed, and the re- ports from the various organiza- tions of the church were read and found to be most satisfactory. The following officers were elec- ted for the coming year: -- Rector's Warden, C. J. Wright; People's Warden, Dr Watt; Envelope Secretary, R. J. Prong- er; Vestry Clerk, S. Wright Vestrymen, Messrs J E Gibson, G N Dechert, D Wright, T Alex- ander, J Parr and W Cole. ey el TOWN OF DRYDEN Tenders for Wood TENDERS will be received by the undersigned untill January 23, 1928, for forty (40) cords of sound dry Tamarack, four foot wood, to Ue deliveed and piled at the Town Hall, Dryden. Delivery to com- mence on acceptance of tender. and to be completed not later than March 31st, 1928. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Congregational ; be installed in all places where they are not already in as soon as posssible--Councillors Proud- foot and Klose in favor, no une voted against. Klose-Proudfoot--That Mr G. N. Dechert and Mr S. V. Rigbey be - appointed Auditors for 1928 for the town of Dryden, at: the some of $55.00 each. Wood-McKay--That the item of $32.50 on the account of the Town against the Nelson River Construction Company for electric current be stroked off.--Carried. Clempson-Wood--That tenders be advertised for in the.Observer for forty cords of sound tamarack wood to be delivered not later than March 31st, at the Town Hall. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in by January 25th, 1928-- Carried. Wood-McKay-----That the estim- ates for the Workmen's Compen- sation Board be as follows: -- Telephone $1500., Electric Light $4000., Fire Department $500. Wood-Proudfoot--That By-law Health be read a first and second time. On the motion of Couns. Wood and Clempson, this By-law J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. FANCY A A DISCOUNT OF FROM PER CENT WILL BUY NOW FOR GOODS T =LESS., = TWENTY-FIVE TO FIFTY BE GIVEN OFF ALL FANCY GOODS PURCHASED DURING JANUARY. NEXT CHRISTMAS And Save. plimentary terms of the new Chapter and told the ladies that The DRYDEN PHARMACY Rt No. 211 to appoint a Board of; ; .affairs were arranged. passed. The meeting then adjourned on motion of Councillors Proudfoot 'and Klose. rr -- N i wy] Hockey Meeting At a meeting of Dryden Hock- ey fans, for the purpose of form- ing a Club to take over the skat- ing for the remainder of the sea- son, the following officers were clected by ballot: President, T. Foote, Sec.-Treas., J. Skillen, Executive Committee, E. R. Green, J. Foote, A. Clemp- son, jr. Moved by J Foote, seconded by E Ray That L. Sfreddo be ap- pointed rink manager.--Carried. Moved by E R Green, second- ed by F. Kerney That season tickets be sold to Public School children at $1.00 and High School pupils at $2.00.--Carried. tion lists. = Show them we are be- hind them. TOWN OF DRYDEN It is requested that every consumer using outside or =X A SS SS No. XXVIII. Locals Mrs P. T. Hake and daughter Lois left for their home in Port Arthur yesterday afternoon. Alfred Pitt spent a couple of days in Kenora this week. Mrs D Klementic has returned after visiting her mother in Kee- watin, Mrs Ponton, Wabigoon spent a couple of days in Dryden this week. Dan O'Shea has left for Richan. Jack Rhodes, Ignace, spent a few days in Town this week. Mrs Solberg and Children, of den. this week. Mr and Mrs L Taylor, Dyment paid a visit to Dryden, Tuesday. _ Mrs F. Kennedy, Dyment, was in town yesterday, Mrs Shepherd from Fort Francis has been visiting Mr and Mrs Herman Saunders. Mrs Wm. Parnell and son have returned to Winnipeg, after visit- ing her parents Mr and Mrs Pon- ton at Wabigoon. Mr and Mrs Hector McKay Fort Francis have been the guests of Mr and Mrs J. McKay. G. A. Crane, business visitor to Dryden week. Mr White has returned to Osaquan after visiting Mr and Mrs J. S. Wilson. i Norman Parker, Ignace, paid a visit to Dryden this week. Kenora, was a this Mrs H. A. Thomson has return- ed to Ignace after visiting her sister, Mrs L. R. Mackey for a few days. a ere Dryden Defeats Sioux Lookout. The boys are out with subscrip-* The Dryden Millionaires, now bankrupt journeyed to Sioux window light keep them turn- off during daylight, other- wise they will be charged double rates. - Chairman of Committee. Council Appoints Comr:ittees for Coming Year $3000., Waterworks $2000., Roads {AT the first regular meeting of the new Town Council on Mon- day the Committees for the vari- ous departments of the Town's They are as follows--the first named in each case being the Chairman. Electric Light and Telephone--- Councillors Thos. Proudfoot, J. S. i Wilson and P. H. B. Wood. ! Roads and Bridges--Council- lors E. A. Klose, Jno. McKay and A. J. Clempson. { Police, Sanitation and Licenses *--Councillors J. McKay, E. A. Klose and P. H. B. Wood. ! Fire, Waterworks and Sewers '--Councillors J. S. Wilson, A. J. iClempson and Thos. Proudfoot. Property-- Councillors A. .]J. Clempson, Thos. Proudfoot, and E. A. Klose. ' Finance and Publicity--Coun- :cillors P. H. B. Wood, J. S. Wil- ison and J. McKay. May Hutchison has returned to business school, Kenora, after spending the vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs J. Hutchison, LOST-- GOLD EVERSHARP Pen and Pencil & sum of money. Please return pen and pencil Kenora, Ont. RM A A Ae A B. T. Wiles, a son. to K. BAKER, Box 582 BORN--At Dryden, Ont., Friday January 6th, 1928, to Mr and Mrs Tookout last Saturday and de- iteated the Sioux crack team to the tune of 3-1. The game was fast and furious and played be- fore a crowd of nearly two hund- red. It being handled by Referee Collidge of Fort William. The goals for Dryden were tal- lied by Mike Louttit, the flashy right-winger and F. Colliss, the fast defence man. Rorke scored the only point for Sioux in the third period. The first period opened with both teams feeling for weak spots. Colliss went through with a great burst of speed and beat Falconer, the goalie, but after- wards the play was ruled off-side. The second period started up with boath teams raring to go. Louttit, with fast skating and quick stick handling went through and scored first blood. Colliss later repeated his fast work and registered another. There were two minor penalties in this period. The third was easily the best. Rorke, the burly Sioux defense man, made a beautiful rush thru' the Dryden defense and put the rubber past Sherwood in real pro. fashion. Louttit again scoring in this period. Only one penalty was given in this period. The Sioux Team, under the management of D. Potts, are endeavouring to invade Dryden for return game, and if this is possible the Millionaires are ask- ing the people of the Town to help give the visitors the same excellent treatment and entertain ment they received on their visit to Sioux Lookout. The Line-up-- : Sioux Lookout--Goal, Faulcon- er; Defence, Campbell, & Rorke; Forwards, Williams, Pullar, Mec- Gimmis, Pullar and Wright. Dryden--Goal, Sherwood; De- fence, Colliss' and Wright; For- wards, McMaster, Gough, Lout- tit, Smith, Silver, and Nymark. Referee--Collidge, Fort William. Eagle River were visitors to Dry- Eke

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