--_--_ Earl of Oxford and Asquith Dies SUTTON COURTENAY, Eng. Feb, 15--The Earl of Oxford and Asquith, who as Herbert H, Asquith, served Great Britain as premier from 1908 to 1916, died today at the age of seventy five, Soon after his retirement from the leadership of the Liberal party in October, 1926, advancing age began to make inroads in his health. Last week he took to his bed, pulmonary compli- cations developed and Monday after- noon he lost consciousness, Hope for his recovery was soon ab nded and at 6:50 this morning the Earl died, Tributes to the departed statesman, the Earl of Oxford and Asquith be- gan pouring in with the an ounce- ment of his death. Many of them from Britons notable in public life and connected with the late Earl during his political career, Right Hon. Lloyd George, his Liber- al colleague for a long time, was deep- ly moved when informed that the Eari of Oxford was dead, "One cannot sever a long associa- tion without a great feeling of sadness Although he had retired from public life he was still a great factor in the political life of the country," Lloyd George said. He undoubtedly was one of the greatest parliamentarians of all times and his classic eloquence will be a model as long as the Engish language survives, Britians war prém- ier added, : Another tribute came from Ramsay McDonald, former Labour Premier, who said: "He was a great figure and to those of us who have been so long ~ with him in the Commons, his passing must cause a very keen pang." "A great man and a great gentle- man," was the tribute pid by Lord Reading, while Lord Derby, on hear- ing of the Earl's death, declared: "The nation as a whole has lost much by the death of a singularly simple and upright english gentleman. L The New Ford | The Winnipeg Branch of the Fora 2% | Motor Company of Canada Ltd, are 0} | receiving daily carloads of Canadian i] | built ears for distribution throughout =a | the west. These are the first all- 5 | Canadian built cars that have been re- US | ceived, and it is a significant sign tha: = | quantity production is well under way on the Canadian side of the river, Soecial 2 tins Sun Glow Pineapple Specials for Lent HALIBUT SALMON LAKE SUPERIOR HERRING WHITEFISH .. 1 tin Lombard Plums 1 tin Essex Pears 1 tin Del Monte Peaches \ GOLDEN LEAF CHEESE MONDAY AND TUESDAY DELIVERY FILLET HADDIE, 3-lbs .......c0vvivnnnnnsn 2 BRILLS, 4-1bs ...oovvnnniinnnniiiniiaaannn. : 5 All for $5.00 § Phene No.8, A. RATERSON, Pry This week, equipment and material are on the way to enable the Winni- peg Branch to start production in the near future, and to still further con- firm this, Mr Briggs, the plant super- intendent, and Mr W. Card, the Chas- sis Line foreman left for Ford, Ont. Saturday night to observe and changes in the methods of production before commencing operations in the Win- ipeg plant, Mr Bright the Winnipeg Branch manager, returned Friday from the motor show at Minneapolis and s.ate: that the new Fordor will be a revela- tion to the Western Canadian public, There is nothing on the market to equal it in beauty of lines and per- formance. To offset rumours which have been started om account of the indication that the new Ford car is going to sweep the country, the Ford Motor Co, Winnipeg branch, have annou ced that not one car has been recalled for de- fects of any kind, All demonstra- tions in dealers' hands have run under the most severe couditions from 3500 to 5000 miles and are operating just as efficiently and even a little more smoothly than when they first started out. Many of these demonstrations have covered a year's mileage in two months, There is not another car built that could give the performance under the same conditions that this car has given, Remember that the model 'A' is not a new model, but is an entirely new car in which is embodied engineering 1 tin Tip-Top Raspberries $1.39 Gough's Confectioney J. O. GOUGH, Proprietor. Agent For-- NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES, PUPPY TTY YY TVR VV H WARRNNNNININININININTTNTNTNTT KODAKS & SUPPLIES A SS ST Try Our Coals : NUT COAL WILDFIRE COAL KOPPERS COKE PRICES REASONABLE i --PROMPT DELIVERY Dryden Lumber Co. M:CORMICK-DEERING FCIRVINGTT 9 AND IMPLEMENTS The McCormick=-Desring Line of TTT TTRTTT HHT AL EL Ladies' House Dresses SPLENDID WASHING MATERIAL In plain colours principles that cannot be found in auy other car built today. No one can - appreciate what Mr Ford and his engi- i neers have done until they sit behind the wheel and handle the car them- selves, Ford is the only manufactur- er to produce a new car for 1928, It is true that other manufacturers have p-- SS ------ Classified FOR SALE--NEW LAID EGGS, 40¢ per dozen. Mrs H A. WILSON, Dryder, Farm Equipment is Complete Consisting of-- Tractor 10.20 and 15-30--Thresher, 22-38 and 28-46--Tractor, Plows, 2 and 3 bottom, 12 and 14 inch--Tractor Steel Brush Breaker-- Tractor Disks, 10-ft. tandem-- Tractor Cultiva- tors-- Tractor 10-ft. Grain Binders--Combination Harvester NOV NGH nd CHAMBRAYS NOY ELTY GINGHAMS 2nd C all sizes--Reapers, 5-ft.--Self Dump Rakes, 8-ft to 12-ft.--Side il $1.00 -- $1.50 Delivery Rakes and Tedders--Grain Drills, single and Double Disks, from 13 disk up to the wide Tractor Drill--Harrows--- Harrow Carts--Scufflers--Cultivators--Vessot as well as the McCormick-Deering Grain Grinder--Oat Crusher--Hay Load- - ers--Potato Planters and Potato Diggers--Cream Separators, from 350 lbs capacity up to 1100 Ibs--Ensilage Cutters, all sizes-- Hay Presses, both horse and power engines from 13 to 10 horse power--Sulkey Plows--Gang Plows--Walking Plows --Breaker Plows--McCormick-Deering Wagons--Chatham Wagons--Climax Trucks--Steel Wheel Trucks--Sleighs-- Binder Twine--Knife Grinders, or any Machine used around the farm, as well as The INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK, wh ich is in a class by itself, if you do not believe this just order one and find out. FOR SALE -- CHILD'S WHITE. Enamel Cot, also White Enamel High Chair.--Apply at OBSERVER OFFICE FOR SALE--ATTACHABLE ELEC- tric Motor for Sewing Machine, in good order, Price $15.00. Electric Stove, two Elements and Oven. Price $10.00.--Apply DRYDEN OBSERVER FARM FOR SALE--CONSIST- ing of 160 acres, with 30 under cultivation, 14 acres fall plowed; comfortable hause, cement base- ment, good well ; log stable. One half mile from school, two miles from Oxdrift station. Price Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. Will sell, rent or exchange for house in town. : done a certain amount of re-vamping and improving, but in no case has an entirely new car--five years in ad- vance of any other model--has been produced by anyone but Ford. Mr Ford was determined that he . would not go into volume pr duction 'until his immense staff of workmen $1 { were so thoroughly trained as to guar- "ys 'antee that the inbuilt quality of this .car will only be equalled in factories , Where. few cars are turned out each 'year and where they are sold in the ! excessively high-priced market, The "public must realize that this delay n J. B. Gates | 'production is to guarantee that the JLT LEE UPL + car will be 100% perfect when it is de- ro to them, gu a Children's Sweaters CHILDREN'S SILK AND WOOL SWEATERS * with Short Sleeves Colours--BLUE, BROWN FAWN, GREEN TEINS EROEADR IR ISNRARORTRRRRRRRARINIRELANRIREREN ORIENT NY 'ca Prices and Literature on any of the above will be sent on application. "Good Equipment Makes A Good Farmer Better." Demonstrators ore being shipped dai- ly to Western Canadian dealers and Sayama ----Agent for-- International Harvester Company of Canada, Limited Hamilton N Canada. aged Woman as working housekeeper or General help. --Apply P.O, BOX 178 Dryden, Ont. fant Award agg * As You Please 'every dealer in the three Prairie Pav: B. BRIGNALL, sr, . pss S80 a help yourself inces wll have a demonstrator on hand|,l;1,8 Oxdrift, Ont. J S C 0 d ! ny Red & White ily the Clerk +by the end of February, Retail de- 27)1| id : ® orner, X rit Braryvhers --Telephone liveries will commence in March and | WANTED--POSITION BY MIDDLE production will be speeded up so that peak deliveries can be taken care of in May and June, It is impossible, of _eourse, for any company to produce the number of ears that are going to be de- manded of Ford this year, but Ford dealers will be able to satisfactorily "CHAIN STORES O: H: PRONGER, Proprietor 2jaj2s. WANTED--GIRL ABOUT 15 FROM WES EE 3 SET: = RER FET Re 1 to 5.30 o'clock each afternoon -- J AAW 9,9 9: 8 \W WY Spot Cash Specials ECONOMY PRICES, A T. (DAD) ROWLAND HUGHIE HILL, Mg : Prin ithin THE CABIN, | swe neh thelr customers wi a 17 2| 28 Dryden, Ontario i ; WANTED TO RENT_ONE SINGLE 2 SC NOT GIVEN ON EODH ' Horse and One Working Team, good 2 A.J.GARDINEIL ar 3 Sask walkers desired. Will receive |S Genera! Morchaat, A : est of Attention, For further in- 3 EAGLE RIVER 2 O N TEA, Red and White, perl ........oveinmuiiinnnnnn 73 : formation Hae wile, om 5 fe i] WwW nN ers A uate a EE ize} Disorwc, Ont 3 Fret & Weed MPLEMENTS. § y ; : J om alent S COCKSHUTT PLOW COV- 3 See Us For MATCHES, R: W:, three boXes .....ccoevrreneansson.s 22 a er M J CROSIER ] du ! COLD WEATHER NEEDS PORK, by taking whole side, per Ib ..........ovieees 14% I . . ZS Sharple's Cream Separaters. ALC 7.t Fours. Y = -- OHOL, : Weight 50 to 70 Ibs. i General Merchant E fav BOUGHT a soLp. | WINTER COVERS One Cert atta Tor soli : OXDRIFT, ONTARIO, TR CELLULOID -- for SIDE - BACON, by the side, per Ib coc. onenninainnannne Io | i ee I a a Te 'BUTTER, Creamery, No. I, perlb ......cocviiinnnnnn.n 43 " MANY CHANGES HAVE ) CURTAINS. ~~ Not more than five pounds of Butter for each order. i oli IN OUR WATKIN S P RODUCTS _ | TOMATOES, Maple Leaf, per tin sa er ees ae 13 hy Eig SPICES, EXTRACTS, Ete. Book Your Orders for Winter + PORK & BEANS, Libby's, per finn ....r itn rrererss wo 12 56 STOCK & POULTRY TONIC|Overhaul Now. We have pur- ORANGES, three dozen for ............ Ait iieisy 95 ST OFFICE. PIE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS, | chased lin o RAH) ; a Cylinder Hone and can ; Size 324 to the case. . ---- TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH| .. riect Sob ; y is gg : Come in and Look Them Over. HOLDER e a pertect job. Z _ GOOD VALUES BUY EARLY i Ob: New Vor eB, : LINIMENT, --_-- : 2 ; : ur New Year's Resolutions were COUGH MEDICINES, . Good for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, ' QUALITY, GOODS LAXATIVES, SALVES, D r d 8 1 Mo tors : THREE DAY SALE : QUICK SERVICE, MEDICINES, y y