2S ~inson, Beth Robinson, Alma Lar- ~~ er- Hazel McGoggy. ~ son, Elsie Hunter, Roma Spears ~ te Reid, Ray * 1 cme -- \ The Dryden Observer VOL. VIII March 16th, 1928 Ee ne liv A ---- DRYDEN, Ontario, No XXXVII Swanson's Annual Ball SWANSON'S Second Annual Ball held at Dinorwic, Friday night is an event that will go down in the history of that town as the greatest of all celebrations, More than half a hundred from, Dryden attended, and these added to the hundreds of bushmen, resi- dents of Dinorwic, and visitors from Wabigoon and other points made a record crowd for Dinorwic Those who attended from Dry- den left here on the four o'clock | train Friday afternoon. Arriving at Dinorwic the party was met and welcorsed by Mr Swanson and then escorted to the main camp. Here dinner was served--- and such a dinner! Sid Waring is still blushing over the compli- ments that were piled on him for his excellent culinary abilities, After dinner the party adjourn- ed to the Dinorwic Social Club Hall, where an eager crowd was already awaiting for the music to| start. The Whiteley Orchestra from Dryden supplied the music and it was excellent too. Every- thing from the old-time squares to the Charleston and Black Bot- tom were danced and the hall was filled to capacity all the time with merry dancers. During the interval for lunch, - which was also a delicious repast. Mr T. Foote, of Dryden, moved 'a vote of thanks to Mr Swanson for his generosity in providing such a splendid time for all and three hearty cheers were given the host. Mr Swanson replied in a few words, stating that the happy crowd well repaid him for any effort he might have made to pro- vide that evening's fun. The party broke up just before the arrival of train number Three on which the visitors returned tc Drvden. Before the Ball, one of the boys was heard to remark "When Swan Swanson gives a party you can bank on it, it will be a real one." And it was. Dryden Continuation School-- Form I--Physics--Grace Rob- as soon as Mr Zentil is locat: his family will foliow. | ens as Mr Zentil depart. foo ther years ago lived on great deal in Dryden. the brick and cement work of th done by him, as well as installation of work is indeed a contractor as well as the town. This week, Mr Zentil sold hi farm at Bedworth to Mr J. Mii anese and his reason for leaving for contracting business, On Monday about thirty peopl gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Zentil to bid farewell to their departing friend. A pleasant evening was spent and as a tc ken of their esteem, the guests pre- sented Mr Zentil with a handsome gold watch chain, and fob and a solid leather club bag. Mr Zentil thanked the party for their gener- ous gifts and told them that he was indeed sorry to leave Dryden and the friends he valued so much. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH, Dryden 23rd Anniversary On Sunday next, March 18th, the congregation of St. Luke's Church will hold their twenty- third Anniversary of the consecra- tion of their church. St Luke's was built by the late Venerable Archdeacon Cooper, and was con secrated by the Right Reverend Bishop Lofthouse, D. D., first Bishop of Keewatin. The services on Sunday will be of a special character of praise and thanks. giving. There will be a celebra- tion of the Holy Communion at the Eleven o'clock service. when it is expected that there will be a real good congregation. + We ex- tend to all a real invitation to come and join with us next Sun- day morning and evening. Holy Communion at 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon with Holy Communion at 11 a.m The Rector will preach on "The Call and Prepmation of the Ministers." Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:00 pm. The Rector will preach on "A Workman that needeth not to be ashamed" son, Lulu Hunter. Form II--Arithmetic-- Ronald Whiteley, Hazel Wilson, Nona 'Reany, Francis Foulis, Lenore 'McRae, Edith Lewis, Evelyn Ad- air, Winkie Edgar, Duncan Merc- Form I--Latin--Alice Wilkin- Mildred Dean, Edith Lewis, Min- nie Reid Lenore Stefanuik, Arthur Doudiet, Clara McGonegal, Eddie Halderson, Frank W hiteley, Elsie Moorehouse, Elmer Wice, Jeanet- McTavish, Gladys Noble, TOWN OF DRYDEN TENDERS for scavenger and general teamwork for the Town of Dryden will be received by the undersigned J April 2nd, 1928, Work to com- HOME COOKING AND FOOD VALUES CCURSE M. Zentil Honored Dryden Receivership May Be Lifted Marino Zentil, who has resided | here for nineteen years, left Tues-} day night for Fort Willam. He! will spend about two weeks there! and then journey to Windsor and Detroit, with the intention of re-| siding in one of these cities and It is with : regret that Dryden sees such citiz- wa The Zentil family until a few engaged in construction work a 7 oh prom ha Most of | Deen gai --¢ inrougn the final con-§ Bedworth, but Mr Zentil has beer important buildings in town was de all the cement sidewalks there are. In 1924 he had the contract for the the waterworks|of System here and the result o" his iv credit to the Dryden is to find a larger field ave over three times inter Juirements on notes and debent-{ as ures. | A source of further profit ha 1 he recess the West expands, and the uses 4p<r ior cement conta ners ther purposes increase." article taken Paper Magaz- ontreal is vs to the th he district! Bigger & Setter Chevrolet Py me - Locals past few months in | Town, Monday. in- | for a few days last week. _| @ visitor to Dryden, Monday. | G. Dingwall, returned "jhome in WA innipeg, Monday. '} Paper Sales Co., 2 VIS sit to Dryden £1. S this week. Dryden, Monday. visitor to Dryden this week. ana A. McQuarrie, local kids lost 6.2. It od game though. NOTE THE Low PRICES AT DRYDEN Ontario The above course being put on e April 15 and contiue for a by the Women's Institute is to od of six months, Tenders to he rr em ee --.. $747:00 ROADSTER Et. YL .747 :00 ROADSTER Delivery uit id oho held 747 :00 CARRIO hei. Tl is ny 0 969:00 QOUPE wo vramindibabin... Iaido 0) hs 870:05 CUADH vb a i 870:00 BEDAN ha 969:co IMPERIAL SEDAN a a 1025 :00 COMMERCIAL CHASSIS | i ities 570:00 HEAVY TRUCK CHASSIS... a. hoi s 740:00 The heavy T < Chassis is suitable for p ow: od etc., or ther loa Ca ¢ will explain II af Ie New 4 Special Gear New Show-Room | ow Open mit igi renee CO. | commence April gth, and for ten names to the President or Secret-|! ly accepted. ary. % J E GIBSON, Clerk, | "NUFF" SAID 1 Mr and Mrs G. J. Kellar wish to thank the Britton reporter: for his kindness in reporting the birth of their daughter which occurred | last week. I wish that the report- er had of registered it and saved me the trouble. And by all re- ports I have had triplets this winter, one on the 27th of Decem- ber, one on the 27th of January, CCSD Eo i SE For fo i cm oth, to 24th Fill Your Medecine Chest Now Aked "Tenders for Scavenger, ete, consecutive days. Those who] , ~ Full particulars regarding contract gave their names kindly note. 3 % ~ can be obtaiued from Councillor Me- "Chere is also room for two or y a Kay, three more, if they will give their { Fan \ §'é E e Lowest or any tender not necessari- SAVE--ACHES, PAINS, LIFE A Few Necessities and one on the 27th of February, |] soit is no wonder that I have three reporters watching me. And their names start with T., W. and E. If you want any more news knock at my door and I'll let you in--~Wainwright News. S-- Ril, 5 ane ge. NOTICE TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up till March 28, for Assessor for S.S. No. 1, : Wainwright. Lowest or any from Tender not necessarily accepted. SSE 5 Re FAT TT Sec'y.- Treas. WRI Gauze Jodine Absorbent Cotton Bandages First Aid Kit Peroxide Burn Salve, Ete. Adhesive Tape oo 1 'The DRYDEN PHARMACY YOUR LOCAL FIRST AID STATION i i GIBSON, agent, Dryden. on, ™ ™2L0NTOY: {and Better Chevrolets" , advantage. {walls are i suspended from the white ceiling 3 | fixtures, which add greatly to the| ! appearance. of three o'clock in the afternoon ' Fisher's Livery | the sale. -- Boys' Summer Camp-- Don't forget the meeting on Tuesday, March zoth, at 8:00 p.m e Council Chambers. in the Be present. LONSCME? Are you lonesome--Buy a new Ford. Since M F Cook has J been sporting around in the ad- vance model of the new car, he's the most popular guy in town. but seriously, everyone who has enjoyed a ride in the new car is Miss K. Osborne, Public Health Nurse has returned after accom- paying a patient from Bedworth to the sanitarium at Gravenhurs Mr Peter Reid who speiit the, Toronto, re- turned home to Dryden, Tuesday. » Mrs R, Skene, Oxdrift was in tL booked i Mrs White from Osaquan, was € guest o° Lier daughter and son- j in-law, Mr and Mrs Jos. Wilson, Mrs A. Henderson, Oxdrift, was Mr and Mrs C. S, Gunn, who "| Were the guests of Dr and Mrs D. to their J. Niblock, of the Provincial Winnipeg. paid S. Corner, Oxdrift, was gt. Hake of the Provincial ice, from Port Arthur, was a ssts J Cox, G. Turner, J. ac- the local Millionaires 1 to Kenora Saturday. he above mentioned gents >d to be the mascot. have been a hoo-dos Magic and Mystery "Manager Bailey of the Strand displayed a real stroke of genius In pleasing hig public when he the Bert Johnston Enter- tainers. The four performances ly well received by Dryden auidences. Each showing brought out more people. For two nights the Theatre was taxed to capacity and at the final performance Sat- urday evening crowds had to be turned away as the house was full. When it comes to magic, and mystery, the Johnston Company have it. The can keep an audi- ence guessing from start to finish and should they ever return to Dryden they will be assured the same enthusiastic reception that they received last week. = KENORA MIDGETS SCORE 6-2 WIN OVER DRYDEN Saturday last the Kenora Midg- ets scored a well-earned victory over the Dryden Midgets, retiring winners by 6-2, after a clean, fast game, that drew a good attend- ance of spectators. Dryden team--Sherwood, Col- liss, Wright, McMaster, Silver, FNymark, Smith and Louttit, Kenora--Carson, Carlton, G. Proudlock, Carson, Kerr, Savage, McMillan and McLaughlin, Attentio Ladies! We now have on our Staff a Gentleman who is an expert hairdresser, Marcelling and Finger Weaving a specialty, high in praise of the comfort i: affords and the ease with which | it travels. The appearance is | handsome and Henry can truth- | fully say that the new models. To Buy Aireoplane? Charlie Wright, local merchant soon, that is if reports that he | is going to buy an aireoplane are true. Mr Wright neither denies Ror confirms the report, but he'had | an awful big grin on him whe asked about it. As long as the rice tickets on the groceries den' New Automabile Show-room-- automolile show-room this weck Siv.ated at the rear of the Hard- ware stere. the room is large enough to properly display a whole carload of cars. The lighting facilities are the best and show the models of the "Bigger to good] The cream coloured nicely stencilled and are several handsome dome light] Itis a splendid show h Durance Bros. have cvery reason to be extremely 1 - (») ro IN MEMORIAM IN LOVING MEMORY OF our dearly beloved father and husband, FREDERICK ROD- TKA, who departed this life, March 15th, 1924. Four years have passed since that sad day, \When one we loved was called away. Haircutting--The latest Cuts D. REID . REI BARBER, BILLIARDS & BOWLING will be getting up in the air pretty | em Bedworth School Report-- Class IV--L.ila Clausen, Laura Davidson, Greta Hoffstrom, Mar- saret Trist, Willie Evans, Sr ITT--Lillian Wilkinson, Jes- ic Monty, Garde Rutter, Richard 0 up too, it will be alright. | A TIS, Jr IIT--Alice Bowman, Margar- a > hers') €8 White, Walter Evans, Elvira \'c visited Durance Brothers Hoffstrom, Willie Rutter, Katheor- ine Evans, Fred Besselt, Willie MacMillan James Anderson, Class II.--Ada Mascetti, Alfred Trist Henry Besselt, Roddy Parr, Arnold Clauson, Edward Petch. > Class I--Gladys Evans, Arthur MacMillan, Walter Besselt, Grace Monty, Petch. Mary Evans, Charlotte Primer -- Hughie Bowman, Gwen Evans, Willje Trist, David Evans, nT iVl. M'ARTHUR. Teasher Ged took him home; it was his will: ; Butin our hearts he liveth still. --Inserted by Wife & Family. . =e NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEL that under the provisions of the Railway Act, R.C.SS., 1027 Chapter 170, on the instructions of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, there will be sold by Public Auction at Fisher's Livery Barn, Dryden, Ontario, on Satur-| day, March 17th, 1928 at the he vr ii ONE WHITE TEAM | The horses may be seen at Barn, Dryden, J: V.JOUNSTON. Auctioneer in time of trouble i Fire, Sickness, Aecl- | dent, Death, Bad, Windstorse, Bag. glary, Holdup, ete You can get: protection agmims? loss from each or ali of ¢hess from A. J LOCK, DRYDEN, Cntario. RIPRESENTING = & 3 g TRE CB NRDIAN Fins RLUCE COMPARY they put on last week were certain'