Dryden Observer, 21 Sep 1928, p. 1

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on Tuesday evening, The acting-mayor as a hose truck for the winter months, 'nora, on or before the 15th day of ~ ceived notice, shall be given regard, Lens spat, Dryden DRYDEN ryden Observer VOL. VIIL DRYDEN, Ontarie, September 21st, 1928 a Special Council ; Community Chantauqua Meeting. = THE Community Chautauqua begins at the Strand Theatre on Monday | afternoon and there will be two per- formances a day until Wednesday An excellent program has been ai- ranger for presentation, The first afternoon there will be several de- lightful musical selections, besides the lecture by Miss Agnes McPhail, MP. Don't fail to hear this, Monday evening there will be a grand concert A Special Meeting of the Town Coun. cil was held in the Council Chamber Dr P. H. B, Wood presided and there were present Councillors Wilson, Mec- Kay, Clempson, Klose and Proudfoot. Dr Wood stated his desire to with- draw from the Dryden delegation to the Good Roads Convention, which is being held in Regina next week and asked that some other gentleman be appointed in his stead, His resigna- tion was accepted and on the motion of Councillors Wilson and McKay, M. F. Cock was appointed to take Dr Wood's place in the delegation, It was also decided at this meet- ing to accept the offer of the Dryden Paper Company truck for a {ry-out by four of Canada's leading musicians Tuesday afternoon the Verne Slout Players will present a drama "Wheels of Justice" and in the evening, a comedy "Applesauce" which is a very successful play. The Bessie Larcher Orchestra pres. ent a delightful programme for Wed- nesday afterncon, as well as a lecture "The Fiddler and the Fire" by Judge Fred G. Bale. The final performance on Wednes- day will be a musical entertainment by the Bessie Larcher Orchestra, and a lecture "The Fourth Line of De. There heing no other business the meeting then adjourned, YE Fe] TENDERS WANTED Death of Clara B. Smith. ON Tuesday thai the very sad news of the death of Miss Clara B, Smith, daughter of Mr and Mrs Dry. den Smith, reached Dryden, The previous evening a change for ia In order to encourage exhibits of worse was noted in her condition, and Dryden relatives were immediately notified. Mr Smith left that night for Belleville, where his daughter was in the hospital, but before his journey was half completed, she passed away, The late Clara Smith is one of Dryden's own daughters, She was known and beloved by all. Practically all of her girlhood days were spent here until she left for Port Arthur, to train in the General Hospital there, Clara Smith was an ideal nurse and she made a splendid success of her chosen profession. During the war she was rejected for overseas duty, but she served in the Military Hospital at Fort Snelly, Minn, for some time. She has SEALED Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed on the envelope "Tenders for Indian Residen- tial School near Kenora, Ont," will be received up to noon of the 1st day of October, 1928, for the erection of the above mentioned building. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Post Office at Keewatin and Dryden, at the Office of the Indian Agent, Kenora, and the Inspector of Indian Agencies at Winnipeg, also the Department of Indian Affairs, at'guest of Mr and Mrs H. Humphreys, Ottawa, Alfred Pitt and James Gordon spent Each tender must be accompanied the weekend on ihe Lakeof the Woods. by an accepted cheque on a chartered{ Mrs W, A. Ray and Miss Valerie bank of Canada for ten per cent of {Ray returned from the west Sunday. the amount of the tender, payable to Hal Dingwall of Kenora, spent a} the order of the undersigned, (War! day in town this wezk. Bonds of the Dominion or Canadian -S. Shannen, Public School Inspector, National Railway Bonds will also be{ from Kenora, was a visitor to Dryden accepted as security or Bonds and; this week, cheques if required to make up an odd] Mrs Myles and children have return- amount) which amount will be for-§ed to their home in Kenora after visit- feited if the person or persons tender.{ing in. Dryden, the guests of Mr and. ing decline to enter into a contract}Mrs F. Pinkerton, when called upon to.do so, or fail toj Chas, Taylor has returned to his complete the work contracted for, home in the west after visiting here The lowest or any tender not neces-; for the past few weeks the guest of sarily accepted, Mr and Mrs Ben Blair, DUNCAN C, SCOTT, Mr and Mrs W_ Sutton, and Nancy, Deputy Superintendent General. have returned after spending a holiday Department of Indian Affairs, in Detroit and other American Cities, ber 11, 1928, . Otfev Seno W. BR, CLIMENSON, Pianoforte Tuner is in Town, Leave your orders with Ralph Pronger, fence," by Judge Bale. This is a splendid lecture, The price of admission is $2.60 ard, tax for the season tickets, or 73¢ and tax for each single evening perfor mance; 50c. and tax for each after. noon show, Local News Mrs Cecil Gunne of Winnipeg is the ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of JAMES LEITH DUNCAN, Late of the Township of Zealand, in the District of Kenora, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all parties having claims agains the Estate of James Leith Duncan, late of the Township of Zealand, in the District of Kenora, in the Province of Ontario, who died on or about the 21st day of June, 1928, are required to deliver their claims and full par- ticulars of such claims to Mrs MARY DAVIDSON DUNCAN, of the Town- ship of Zealand, in the District of Ke- Pom Delightful Evening's Entertainment-- Mr and Mrs G. Ferguson entertain- ed most enjoyably last Saturday even- ing in honor of Mr and Mrs William Ferguson, of Boston, who are visitors to Dryden, A delightful evening was spent In cards, dancing and music and delicious refreshments were served about midnight. There were about forty guests present. JUST ARRIVED A fresh shipment of Picardy candies direct from the factory. Weekend Special per box 25e. (A Generous Assortment) at the DRYDEN PHARMACY, October, 1928, And that after the said 15th day of October, 1928, only those claims of which I shall have rz- LTD, KENORA DISTRICT PROCLAIMED QUARANTINED AREA OTTAWA, Sept. 18 --The district of Kenora has, by proclamation, been con- stituted a restricted area or quaran- tine district for the purpose of eradi- , {cating bovine tuberculosis. The action is taken at the request of the minister of agriculture for Ontario, The area is bounded on the north by the district of Patricia, the west by the province of Manitoba, the svuth by the district of Rainy River, and on the east by the district of Thunder Bay --DManiftoba Free-Press. Dated at Dryden this 14th day of September, 1928, MARY DAVIDSON DUNCAN, Dryden, P.O. Administratrix, = Have you entered the LoTus [awn WORD CONTEST Yeti? Lotus Lawn is the finest quality of linen finished Stationery pro- curable at Popular Prices. For particulers and entry blanks enquire of ;nursed in British Columbia and Sask, and before joining the Red Cross, she was supervisor of the Nurses' at the ! Kenora General Hospital Since associating herself with the Red "Cross, she has been at Horne- paine, Dryden, Quibell and Nakina and was superintendent at the Red Cross Hospital at Coechill, when she was taken ill shis month. Her death has cast a deep gloom over the whole community, and the deepest sympathy is extended to her bereaved parents, her brother Baden, and sisters Mrs George Fraser, of . California, and Mrs Lorne Robinson, .of Dryden, Funeral service will be held from the United Church, Dryden on Satur- day, September 22nd at 2:30 o'clock p.m, and interment will take place in Dryden Cemetery. CANADIAN LEGION, Dryden Branch-- A meeting of the Canadian Legion, Dryden Branch, will be held in the Town Hall, at 8:00 p.m., Tomorrow, Satur- day, September 22nd. Ap- pications for Membership will be received. BIRTHS--At the Dryden Red Cross 3 Hospital, en Sunday, September 16, 1928 to Mr and Mrs Wolfgang Eul. er, Waldhof, a son. At the Dryden Red CrossHospital on Tuesday, September 11, 1928, to Mr and Mrs LJ. Taylor, Dyment, a son, At Wabigoon, on Wednesday Saptem- ber 12, 1829, to Mr and Mrs H W_§ Wright. twin daughters. AT Winnipeg, Man, on Sunday, Sept. 16th 1928, to Mr and Mrs Enock: Johnston, 161 Renfrew St, River Heights, a daughter. Mrs Sneddon of Winnipeg was the guest of her sisters, Mrs Jewett and 'year will be the winners next, because Miss Aldra Smith for a short while this week, Open to girls as mentioned The Fall Fair. CONSIDERABLE business was atten. ded to by the Directors at their meet. ing on Wednesday night and hopes run high for a wonderful showing on the 26th and 27th, stock, further prizes were offered as follows: -- $10.00--For the best general exhibit of Hogs, (This prize is donated by Hon, Peter Heenan, $10.00--For. the best general exhibit of sheep, 810.00--For the best general exhibit of cattle, $10.00--For the best general exhibit of horses, Further prizes donated by the Dry- den Women's Institute for the girlsiJ Who were attending the demonstration . in making lemon pie at the recent | domestic science course, First $3.00, Second $2.00 for the best lemon pie, Don't forget that there is to be = bang-up supper on the second night. Hi. Monty has this in charge and he says that he will make you feel so good afterwards that you will want to eat at his restaurant all the time. What will friend wife have to say? , Fred Brignall is to exhibit a carload of fat beef cattle, real western stuff We have to build a regular stocade to keep them in, don't miss seeing these beasts as you will not have the chanes any more for they will be on their way across the Atlantic to feed the hungry Englishmen, they must be good beef. Fred Brignall is the boy to supply it. If any of you "Cockneys" have friends around Smithfield Market, tell them to lookout for the "Oxdrift Beef" Come zlong on the first night of the Fair and hear the school children] do their singing, always interesting, but this year it will be more so, other local talent, besides various speakers that you will not want to miss will be there, Our membership is growing, we are up to the hundred and a quarter mark but should not be satisfied with less than two hundred, Are you a mem- ber, if not, why not? { might be on hand to pull those ropes. O. G. S Will be At SELF'S HOTEL, DRYDEN, VisionisLife's TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES-- HAVE THEM EXAMINED EVERY YEAR If You Need Glasses Procure Them and Wear Them. Eye Specialist of Kenora Perfect Gift NYDER SATURDAY September 28. -- Tent Man, will be down here on Tues.' day afternoon to superintend putting up the tent, all the boys who know! just how to lace it right can be on the | grounds to help and men that are looking to make heroes of themselves your assistance will be appreciated, The slow horse race and the motor car race will be humdingers, the school drills and the decorated bicyeles races will surpass zll records. Waldh- of says Bedworth will not get it this year if they can put it over, as they intend to, and it is rumoured that Dry- den is looking forward to annexing the $15.00 first this time, Horseshoe Throwers will be in evid- ence 2ll the time and some very clever ducks who make ringers all the time will have 2 trip to the Queen City to see some real Horseshoe Pitching, maybe though they will have them all beat and bring the trophy to the North west for once. Here's hopin', BOCST the Fair, be 2 member, and make {he 26th and 27th "Days of Real Si IS Oxdrift Ladies' Aid Meets-- . OXDRIFT--A very enjoyable after- noon was spent at the home of Mrs S. Stevenson on September 6th, when members of the Oxdrift Ladies Aid met and held the regular mesting, Owing to the busy season, the atten. dance was not so large as usual, Nine members answered to roll ¢all, The afternoon was spent in making ar- rangements for our Sele of Work. Mrs W_ McTavish invited us (0 her home for the next meeting, which will held on October 5th, A cordial invi- tation is extended to all, The Oxdrift Ladies' Aid will have a Social Evening and Sale of Work in the Community Hall, on the evering of October 12th. A large assortment of useful artic- les, candy, fancy-work, will be sold, A splendid opportunity to buy Christ- mas gifts, Note the date, MARRIED--ALt the Baptist Parsonage at Dryden, Ont, by the Rev. Regin- ald Bennett on Wednesday, Septem- ber 12, James Walter Morten and Greta Adela Buchenan, both of Sport " Ma The Judges of the Gardens handed in their reports last night, they said they would like to give a prize to all the contestants, but three prizes will not go around the bunch. Some gardens looked like taking first prize at the time of the first judging, fell back sadly in the later visits, On the whole the gardens showed care and hard work, and the three who were judged worthy are--First, Arthur Tew, he gets the $1500; Second, James Curley, who takes the ten spot, and third to Mrs Alex Hunter, five bucks. Well, that's a try-out for this year, perhaps the prizes will be more and i greater next year and the loosers this !loek at the experience they have had. Harry Chapman, our Chautauqua a Johnson & Johnson INTRODUCE MODESS The New Hygienic Convenience for Women. DESIGNED BY WOMEN--IT EMBODIES ENTIRELY NEW FEATURES OF COMFORT CONVENIENCE AND PROTECTION. More than 3000 women helped to make First they told Johnson & Johnson MODESS. of the need for a better sanitary towel co-operated in designing improvement after im- provement, until finally Modess was ready. One Dozen to the Box--65c¢. --X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X-- Dryden Pharmacy Limited PHARMACY, LTD. Then they charger or accessories. And the Recorded Music, Fe . | >» Power Radiotron. A DRYDEN metres and kilocycles. tonal realism. --Built-in Temple Air-Chrome Speaker reproducing all aud:- ble frequencies with living, vivid "presence." --Output Choke, removing D. improving the tone quality. Protects the Speaker Windings. p- --Practically uniform amplification an all wavelengths. y --Cabinet by McLagan. Specially designed for use w Radiotrons--Five U. X. 201 A Tubes and one U. X. 171 A! G: LX J Years Ahead! Marconi Batteryless Radio Offers Advancements never before Ashieved. sterpiece of Marconi Radio Engineering. DESIGNED FOR CANADIAN TWO SUPREME BATTERYLESS MODELS--A 6 Tube 2 Receiver, operating from any light socket without batteries, and Radio, the wonderful combination instrument offering the 7-Tube Batteryless Radio with Electrical Reproduction of Hear the new Marconi Receivers. now what Marconi research and engineering has accomplished & in the development of Radio that is years ahead. --FEATURES-- --Six Tube including Power Radiotion. Scientifically Shielded Circut. ps --Illuminated Indicator showi ing Station wavelengths in $ --Four Straight Line Frequency Condensers tuning all cir- 3 cuits--assuring vastly finer selectivity. --Scientifically constructed Audio Transformers giving finer Authorized Dealer Dryden, NEW and finer selectivity achieved through the use of Four Condensers in line. Operated by One Central Knob. Assuring a standard of operative simplicity and certainty that is new to Gne Dial Radio. Backed by a living 'presence' of reception that revolun- § tionizes all previous Fine { Tone Standards. A new and thrilling realism made pos- sible by fresh Power Tube developments, and by the 2 wonderful Temple Air-'$9 Chrome Speaker--a built-in § feature of she New Season's § Marconi Radio. RECEPTION New Therm-ion-ic Phonograph > Operate them. Realize One Dial Cont. ci. p.. C. from the Speaker and vastly 3 ith genuine Marconi R. V. C. RIPLEY ONTARIO

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