he Dryden Observ cr ~~ VOL. VIIL cna Ree DRYDEN, Ontarie, ont 19th, 1928 No. XVI. v.71 --- - There were eighty-seven applications for the position of Town Constable, 'ten of which were local men and the : alance came all the way from British lumbia to as far east as Nipigon, ese were all conssidered at a Special ting of the Town Council, Which ~ was held on Wednesday evening, and : presided over by acting-Mayor Dr P, H, B. Wood, Councillors Wilson, ~ Clempson, McKay, Klose and Proud- foot were present, The application of Mr Thomas Cun- ~ ningham, former town policeman at Sioux Lookout appeared to be the most favourable, His recommendations from other police officers and magist- 'rates. were of a high order and in every respect, and he appeared to ~ be entirely satisfactory, Before the appointment was made, Councillor T. Produfoot, seconded by Councillor J. McKay made a motion to the effect that the meeting adjourn till more in- ~ formation on Mr Cunningham could be obtained from the Liquor Control Board, 3 The other Councillors were not of the same opinion and Councillor Klose seconded by Councillor Clempson;*mov- ed an amendment to the effect that the matter be settled immediately. This amendment was carried and the follow ing motion by Councillors Klose and Clempson was also carried: "That the application for Town Constable as sub- mitted by Thomas Cunningham be ac- cepted provided he agrees to perform all duties as embodied in the contract, It is understood that he is to receive a salary of $125 per month together. with one uniform a year approved by _-- "TOURISTS HOMES AND CAMPS WANTED: Parties wishing to rent rooming accommodation to the tourists for the season 1929, on or near Provin- cial and Country highways, can earn good money in their own home, meals « att 'Special Meeting Appoints Policeman Thomas Cunningham, Sioux Lookout Gets Appointment the Council, and an annual holiday of two weeks with pay" Another matter which was dealt with at this meeting, was the letting of the barn on the town property which was let to Wm. A_ Wilson at a rental of $10 a month, providing he be ready to move out by March 1st, 1929, The auditors, Messrs Dechert and Righey were instructed to proceed with the auditing of the school books as soon as possible, The meeting then adjourned. SEE ARCHER--MOLINE-- At Winnipeg, Man, on October 8th, 1928, by the Rev Visit Gold Rock Dr Morison and Mr Alfred Pitt went down to Gold Rock Mining Syndicate claims at the Manitou with Mr Chas, Colleen, on Tuesday morning. They stayed overnight at the mine and were not only over-charmed with the hospitality of the mining people and the workers at the mine, as they were at the progress done, This company owns a large acreage in the Manitou, already some nine claims and they have two prospectors doing noth- ing else but looking over the country while the main work of the mine is going along. Mr Myles Walker is in charge and seems to have wonderful success in getting work out of men, Not by Bruce Thornton, Elsie, second daught- er of Mr and Mrs Peter Moline, of Dryden and Roderick D. G. Archer of Winnipeg, Mr and Mrs Archer will reside in Winnipeg. --= Manager Bailey announces that the Strand will be open six nights during the week for the season, Make it safe from Bnancial loss wih 'optional. For particulars write now, to the Associated Tourist Service,' Limited, Bank of Toronto Chambers, * London" INSURANCE from 1 E G6'RSON. agent. Dryden } _ thirteen driving but by leadership The camps are 2 marvel of efficiency and cleanliness. Every thing seems to be of 2 permanent nature. Itis a wonderful sight to look out from the 'head shaft of the mine and see the 'miles of blue water, the autumn tints Automobile Ass'n. Convention. Mr Alfred Pitt who always seems to be determined. to try and get the link of the trans-Canada highway com- pleted to the benefit of Dryden, was in Winnipeg last week, accompanied by some six or seven delegates from Kenora and spoke for half an hour to the meeting of theCanadian Automob- ile Association. The Canadian Automobile Associa-- tion was holding its annual convention this year at Winnipeg and delegates were at the meeting from all Canada, from Halifax to Vancouver, Dr, Doolittle, who spoke once in Dryden, was re-elected President of}; the Association for the eighth consecu- tive year and is devoting his life to the cause of the trans-Canada high- way. At the meeting, a resolution was passed asking for the Federal Govern- nent fo spend 50 million dollars on a of the trees, and to feel that some day this may be one of the best mining camps of Canada The scenery and the atmosphere bring youth to old men Dr Morisor will be more physically fit than he "has been for some years Years would make no difference to Mr Pitt Both the gentlemen got lost in the fog and Dr Morison had to walk some or fourteen miles, and Mr Pitt had to carry him to the boat. Notwithstanding the vicissitudes of jhe trip both sre E019 slightly Lmp- ing, as we write this article, But joking apart outside of little | things like this both Dr Morison and Mr Pitt sre very enthusiastic about the beauties of the Manitou and the tremendous mining possibilities We are too prone in this town to be pessamis- rans-Canada Highway, but Mr Pitt seems to think that this is too long :0 wait, and urges both Ontario and Manitoba Governments to spend the aeeded two million dollars to link Ft. William, Port Arthur, Dryden and Kenora and Winnipeg, making a high- way that would be immediately bene- ficial to this section of the country, Whether he succeeds or not we can at least give Mr Pitt the credit for spend- ing his time and money upon the scheme Don't forget the Masquerade, October 3ist in the Masonic Hall - £40.00 in cash prizes for: Best Hired Costume; Best Homemade Costume; Best Hal- lowe'en Costume; Best Representa- tive Costume. Tickets, 95¢, tax 05c Gammon Orchestra, 4 SE NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF tic. Some day we may awaken to the richness of the country around our own doors, -- ! Remember October 28--Special Harv-1 est Home and Ny ays lithe Sheriff's Salé of Lands due Special music and special speaker, Drig.,..) Board of School Section No Cromie, Superintendent of Missions, Chrysler efter month, reached a Usually a month when tire history of Chrysler. i 3 » = fe -- Spectacular ember. .. Greatest Month in all Chrysler History mouth models, in fact, exceeded every- thing in Chrysler experience and re sare even more than the vasdy in- New Record for B.. demand for Chrysler after creating new sales recor and spectacular climax in September. duction declines, September for the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited, was not only the month of largest production throughout 1928, but the largest also throughout the en- The demand for new Chrysler and Ply- creased facilities of the Windsor plant to cope with the flood-tide of ier Chrysler is gratified by such an overwhelming expression of public confidence --and appreciative of the op- ty it offers to extend production need still further in order to satisfy the demand which is ever widening. Sales products month wos: significant In the months and years to come, Chry- sler is firmly resolved to continue true to the Chrysler ideals of leadership--in pioneering the new and important im- provements in motor car design; ia developing new ways of ress in scientific engineering and precision manufacture; in discovering new methods of raising quality and thereby constantly increasing the purchasing power of the automobile dollar. 1 automotive pro- Ont CHRYSLER SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES [NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT |g the on iEton and Rugby Townships, District of Kenora, advertised to take placeat the Sheriff's Office, Kenora, on Septem- ber 29th, 1923, and for want of bidders was postponed until Tuesday, the 16th day of October 1928 notice of which postponement appeared in the "Dryden Observer" on October 5th, 1928, stands further postponed until TUESDAY, October 30th, 1928 at the same hour and place. Dated zat the Sheriff's Office, Kenora this 16th day of October, 1928 JOEN W HUMBLE, Sheriff of Kenora. TENDERS FOR TAX COLLECTOR. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to and including Saturday November 3rd, 1928, for a Tax Collector for SS. No. 2, d, Lowest or any Tender not necessar- ily accepled. W_ WHITE, Sec -Treas. -- WANTED AGENTS, SPARE OR whole time to sell our line of personal Christmas Greeting Cards, Beautiful sample book supplied free, High com- Write to THOMPSON & COMPANY _ Fort William, Ont. mission BRING THE CAR to us for Inspection and repair. Our rates are reason- able and our work is guaranteed. We will willingly give you an estimate on any work that you want done. If you want your Motor Overhauled this Winter, it will Pay YOU TO : SEE US. Dingwall Motors KENORA ONTARIO saci Special Offering This Week LADIES AFTERNOON FROCKS--Pretty Styles, @ 10 to 15 per cent discount. FUR TRIMMED COATS--all sizes--....... $11.95 FLANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS--Special .95 FLANNELETTE PAJAMAS--per pair ...... $1.50 Hd eR a ee a i 1.95 LADIES & CHIL. DREN'S HATS. .....:..... $1.95 up BERNARD'S LIMITED DAVINA A ro OR ATS YEARS AHEAD! Marconi Batteryless Radio Offers Advancements Never Before Achieved. Masterpiece of Marconi Radio Engineering. NEW and finer selectivity achieved through the usc of Four Condensers in line. Operated by One Central Knob. Assuring a standard of operative simplicity and certainty that is new to One Dial Radio. Backed by a living "pres- ence" of reception that revoluntionizes all previ- ous Fine Tone Standaid:. A new and thrilling rea! ism made possible by fresh power tube develop- ments, & by the wonder- ful Temple Air-Chroms= Speaker--a builtin feature of the New Secason's Marconi Radio. Designed For Canadian Reception. TWO SUPREME BATTERYLESS MODELS-- A 6 Tube Receiver, operating from any light socket without batteties, charger or accessories: And' the new Therm-ion-tc- Phonograph and Radio, the wonderful combination instrument offering the 7-Tube Batteryless Radio with Electrical Reproduction of Recorded Music. Hear the New Marconi Receivers. Operate them. Realize now what Marconi research and engineering has accomplished in the development of Radio that is years ahead. --PFeatures-- --Six Tube including Power Radiotion. Scientifically Shielded Circut. --Tlluminated Indicator showing Station wavelengths in metres and kilocycles. --Four Straight Line Frequency Condensers tuning all circuts --assuring vastly finer selectivity. --Scientifically constructed Audio Transformers giving finer tonal realism. --Built-in Temple Air- Chrome Speaker reproducing all audi- ble frequencies with living vivid "presence. ~--Output Choke removing D. C. from the Speaker, and vastly improving the tone quality. Protects the Speaker windings. -- Practically uniform amplification on all wavelengths. --~Cabinet by McLagan. Specially designed for use with the Genuine Marconi R. V. C. Radiotrons--Five U. X. 201 A Tubes and One UX 171 A Power Radiotron A. G. RIPLEY Authorized Dealer ONTARIO One Dial Control. Sagi DRYDEN ORDER NOW, YOUR y Personal (Greeting dards You will need them early for Old Country Mailing. See our book of Beautiful Samples at the Store or phone No. 3, and we will send it for your Inspection. THE PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE $2.00 a Dozen and up. --X--X--X--X--X-- XX ER Dryden Pharmacy Limited