Dryden Observer, 20 Dec 1929, p. 1

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Fe RR rs BE ee La | = : = 5 . = 5. Tin $ i] Y i od = DRYDEN, Ontario, December 20th, 1929 | | sna =m Piano Recital Saturday afternoon, the pup- Mrs V. Cooper gathered to- ér in' the Town Hall for cheir Recital. The Hall was filled pacity with parents and friends e pupils; also many admirers take an interest in the musi rain ng of cur young people. on after 2.30 p.m, Mrs Coop omed her guests and Adoli erson commenced the recital, I followed by Lila Foulis, Ji: ker, Lilian Davis, Isabelle Norg , Cyril Wrght, Mona Proudfoot | Vivian Wice. Much applaus: eted each and every player until the stage was set feo rythm band to give the rhyme Mother Goose in costume an: ical numbers. Hilda Olsen, ad ably acted the part of Moths 3, supported by fifteen memt 'of the band, Marylin Wilson, an a" Proudfoof, as Jack and Jil n Wigle, as Queen of Hearts nice Salisbury, as Little J7 ner; Adele Foulis, as Little ! Mary Wood, as Little ffett; Hazel Adair; 2s Lro~ e Contrary; Tommy Coo;er, ¥ the Piper's Son; Mrs Coop the Old Woman Who Lived in e, and her six children, Edi Wright, Bernice Baile, et D i Rubena Wice. ack s@ children playe: P.. it a dclightful manner at ¢ne conclusion the ensembl e two numbers by the rhynmu | The third part of the programm: contributed by the Senior pup- including Margery Crawley, F111 rgate, Hazel Adair, Laura David- . Effie Taylor, Vera Bailey, H ld: ,. Jeanette Reid, Lil'an Bick- Elmer Wice, Charlie Gammoon, and Boh Berrey. fruits of the year's work shown by.the presentation of ificates won at the June Exam- fons, which were presented _by "R. Wigle, who, in. a few well Christmas MANY people have written about Christmas. Shakespeare had a lot to say a- beut it, one way and another, although Dickens popularised it perhaps more than any other Erglish speaking writer. One always warms up over a J.ckens Christmas, and no one ants to be an unconverted Scrooge. ! SUC "Princess Chrysanthemum." En- thusiastiCally Received by an Appreciative Audience ar.stmas, its traditions, and its fol- lowers. Hated kindness and dis- iked sentiment. But just before 2 certain Christmas, although Dick- 'ns does not say so, Scrooge must ive eaten a spoiled lobster, and cank two or thres quarts of sour eer, and had a bad dream. After his dream he becme a changed man. Far from to me advocate sour seer, to you, hard-hearied reader, ut if you find yourself getting mean v the lobster. Anyhow, getting back to Scrooge; | rom this time on, he was much!, i : TR "the School Bozid, spoke bricfly be- nore conversational, and less in- Dek fore the curtain rose. wi Ce a Seen ~, ' The operetta centered around the fie went around cver afterwards, Princess. Chrysanthermum's coming ving Little oF Ai na is sant 5 his ie --~ le pe ih a ,0f age and her betrothal, with two WE 1 : ¥ aha d > 'rival suitors for her hand, Princes fod os sil in iy ii a .So-Tru and So-Sli. Princess Chrys- tie vy gave a big fune:al : Pd y £2 g .anthemum was played by Julia Ma- th a brass band. ; Now about a month before Chri:t nas there is a Scrooge in every ousehold, and that is father. Father dreads the winter, and the hills for fuel. Father has had to rustel for the taxes, and father 'cels the pinch. Father likes mwoth- ~'s. dad and mether Aand unt June and uncle John, and cousin Bill, and Bessie, and his own six kids, bug he really would not mind much, if the Flu took them all off just before Christmas. Father likes to sleep as long as his work allows him, and he cbj els to mother's nudging him from his dream, with "What are we going to buy grandma?" but grandma gets settled for and father snores again. Public School. resent the Palace Gardens of | ful vnes and flowers, all enhanced ground, which pictured a most real- istic smoking volcano in the dist. ance. with much sweetness and grace. Lester Pronger was the hand- some Prince So-Tru, who so nobly and couragously went in search of his lost love and who, having found 'her, won her hand. The wicked and false_So-Sli, was acted by Ray Hatch. This Prince villainously caused the Princess to be kidnapped in the hopes of gaining her hand in marriage, but his dark designs were foiled. We really could mot hate the wretch, though, Ray made too much likeable a villan! Cyril Wright looking very regal, as the merciful (?) Emperor What- For-Whi, carried off his part with great dignity, while Bill Wigle looked every inch a royal courtier sen words, thanked Mrs Ccoper behalf of the parents for the care had given the pupils, as was sho by their performances. i Mrs Hellem, assisted by Mrs per and the Senior Girls, served dainty.. tea, which was enjoyed d appreciated by the visitors. --AN INTERESTED ADMIRER ; IN MEMORIAM __ LOVING MEMORY OF OT'R son, and brother, JOHNNY RAR, who passed away on 21st of December 1926. by one, earth's ties are broken by one, they are lirked above; e day there'll be a sweet re- _union, again with those we love, en our thoughts do wander e grave not far away, . | There we laid our precious son and, brother, ust three years ago to-day. long for you, dear Johnny, eye may see us weep many a lonely tear we shed, ilst others are asleep. Inserter by father, mother and Mother always gets tired of fath- er, with his indifference and none- responsiveness, but in mother's usual way. takes th'ngs in her own hands. As a matter of fact if father did not take a hold of things, it would not suit mother. But as father has as Court Chamberlain. Dainty Fairy Moonbeam, vlayed by Edie May Wright, won all hearts as d'd her fairy attendants, Saucer Eyes, the Wizard Cat and his land of Wicked Brownies caught the esnerial attention of the zudience. - The stage was decorated to rep- Moline, all First the Dryden High School. Emperor What-for-whi, and was an artistic triumph with its 'swinging Dance and the Happy Revels by the |it is s luated wll co= ! lanterns, dainty lattice work, color-. Brownies, both of which won great pleted approximately $25,000. Mr H. Humphreys, on behalf of i choruses, and 'huck, who carried the part through . Dryden Public School Pupils Score 'Shareholders of CESS. Vernon Pronger was Saucer - Eyes. The chorus of youths and maid- __'ens was extremely picturesque and all members sang with great sweet "ON Friday evening, December 13th, ness aud vigor. the Pulp Miil Hall was filled to its Raion 2 {utmost capacity by those who came School Board, was responsible Scrooge. wag. the. dip who hated iy, hear the Japanese Operetta, en- the stage decorations and the light 13th, a report was furnished by the titled "Princess Chrysanthemum" as: effects. presented by pupils for the Dryden background was the work of Evelyn ing Committees, showing that the; Mr George Wice, Chairman of the for The Japanese Scene in the Strutt, May Bartlett and Vendla The steps in the Fairies' Umbrella favors, were originated by Miss W. . talent. =i i Miss I G. tall musidal selections, solos and j operetta during the performance. i Her efforts achieved a high pinnacle of success. Dryden Curling a i RINK NEWS __ ._. __ 22 za OUR programme for next week-- Christmas week--is as follows: "Rink "Neeing : an enthusiastic meeting of 'the shareholders of Dryden Curling R.ni held in the Town Hall, Fr day, Dec.' 'members of the Finance and Build-: major portion of the cost of build- i ciwniury subscriptions, tinclid nz value of property on whic when com- |! To} 'date the sum of $2050. has heen by the Japanese scene as the back- Weeks, who certainly showed great raised, and approximately $10. of} {promised subscriptions have not ver] to enable any who wish to take! shares in the rink to do so, and that fas soon as it was definite'y known Miss M. E. Tucas was st-ge direc-| what amount would be required, to 'or andvnler heriut'on the chorus-; complete the financing that the trus-, es, as well as the principal charact- {tees be authorized to pace a mprt- ers, maae most effective entrances and exits. The costumes were under the supervision of Miss Jean Miller, who must have worked very earnestly to oh*2in such colorful and charming resulis. All the staff of the Public Srhool co-operated to make the operelta a successful event. . . To the High School Orchestra goes a word of praise too. This organization is becoming more and more widely known to the general public. The boys played selections before the curtain rose, also between the acts. ; Presentation of Prizes : On the afternoon of Friday, Dec. gaga loan for the amount, It w-s also dec'ded in connection with the shares that the executive be iuct uec- ted to issue a certificate to each shareholder, showing the number of shares purchased at $10. per shara. Tlection of Officers for the year resulted as follows: Trustees of the Property-- Dr D. G. Dingwall," * Alfred Pitt io J. W. Fowlie Directors-- wi Dr P. H. B. Wood, Jas. Winterbottom __ Alfred Pitt, President J. VW. Fowlie, Seevetary Dr D. G. Dingwall | f ¥ 1 i 13th, the Pulp Mill Hall was filled} to over-flowing by High School pup- | ils, Public School Pupils, Minisiers| of the Town, Members of the Scliool | Board and a number of proud ypar-; ents. Presert-t'on of Prizes, donated by the School Board to those pupils who stand highest in their classes {Cont'd on page three) TOWNSHIP OF VAN HORNE PROCOLAMATION Le no intention of bothering about it, this also does not suit mother. After jolly old Saint Nicholas ied apout 400 A.D. DMother has been running Christmas, and moth- er will still be rurming it when Hal- lev's Comet comes around again in 300047 A.D. So as I said, father is like Scrooge all December before Christmas, and sometimes part of November. But comes Christmas Eve, and father staggers home with belated narcels, forgotten things, looking like a comic strip hero, and tired out, father is happy. He has t he z= 3 Santa Claus heart, and is indeed Lig GEQ WICE, Clerk hearted father. He is in deb; every- Dryden, Dec. 17th, 1929 where, my have even borrowed uy GOD SAVE THE KING NOTICE is hereby given thay I will attend at the Township Hall on Mon- day, December 30th, between the hours of 1 and 2 p.m to recieve nom- ' inations for Reeve and Councillors for the year 1930. Notice is also given that if more ! Candidates qualify then are required a poll will be held on Monday, Jan- uay 6th, between the hours of 9 a m, and 5 p.m __ PROCLAMATIO = TOWN OF DRYDEN __ ¢ NOTICE is hereby given that I {will attend at the Town Hall, Dry- deri on Monday, December =0th, 1929, between the hours of 7.30. p.m. and 8.30 p.m, to receive mnomira- tions for Mayor and Councillors for The occasion was the Annual | Al the conclusion of the Curling Ring meeting Friday, 'a meeting was held to form a Curling Club. It was decided to form a Club! for the season 1929-30, and the fol-' lowisg officers were eclected: Patrons-- me - Hon. Peter Heenan, M. P. . i Mr Earl Hutchinson, M.P.P. - Mi E. Apoleton, Hon. President. J. W. Fowlie, President, i Dr D G. Dingwall, 1st Vice-pres. i R G. Wigle, 2nd Vice.-Pres.. | W. C Aitken, Sec.-treas. . J. W. Howes, Chaplain, Executive--Messrs Taylor, McPacs, Ph'llips, Winterlottom and War- ren. the year 1930. i Nominations will also be re-eived for four School Trustees. Not'ea is also given that if ~o se and place cand'dates; than! are required Te nominated, a poll will be held _on 1°30, 1 tween Monday, Janiary 6th, the hours of 9 am and 5 p.m J. E GIBSON, Clerk. Dryden, Dec. 18, 1929 GOD SAVE THE KING i his Life Insurance, but if father takes a little drop, he Ims had a little touch down town, and has ai, full one cached in the coal bin for] } the morrow. If father doesn't drink i 3 his only five-spot has gone to family. ACHIN & DONLEY, Barris-! ers, Solicitors, etc, Office on \ Donnelly Block, orner Matheson & First St i ent ! Salvation Army, or the Missionary, | ! theme : and so whatever the typ his five dollars has cheer. er's ninety-five comes . morrow.. i And what a dawn, for father, mother, children! Love running over Earp BRoXes Down through the ages, Christmas 1 = ICY LUA Day! Commemorat've of 7 hrist who "or these years of service, lived without sin. Unselfish, thoughtful, kind. £ For three hundred and sixty-four 2 days,, we humans bicker, envy, <narl and snap, cavil, carp and criticize. For one day we love each other. Would that each day were Christ- $1.00 t Truly 1 mas. --A. P. 'DRYDEN BAPTIST CHURCH <Q 7 CHRISTMAS SERVICES #3 3 10 a.m.--Bible Schoel, bot © @ DO 5 11 a.m --Morning Worship A Christmas Message 6.50 p.m.--Gospel Service. Sermon ESAT Picardy Chocolates TUNE FR 1) THR WYN - od nN $5.00 . 0 Jelicicus Now CLIFE'S BIGGEST QUESTION' or 'A Prince Sentenced by a Pauner' Hearty Singing, and a Varm Wel- come Awaits You! Rev. T. E. McALLISTER, Pastor | Pharmacy "issue, along with a draw for the fol- SEINE Poy WTI PRPAIRI RR In order that we might be inch ed in the District Matches arians by lhe Manitoba Curling Associaton ourselves on the same foo' nz as Fort William and Kensrs Cw ling Clubs, it was decided to afiil'ate with the Association, and be governed by their rules. - . ! The czeculive committee met on Monda: evening and decided that the pic.'ng of rinks and skips would take place on Monday, December 23 and that play would commence im- med'ately the ice could be prepared, which would probably be Christmas week. It is therefore essential that all those wishing to curl should hand in their names to members of the ' sharp. Form Pupils in * 7 #72 new wink had lem: aised by 5 to 10 Lie rink, 3S VW hand Xmas Cheer, and skating om Fri- up a perfect - Skating Monday Night, Hockey -rame Christmas afternoon, Dryden "igh School versus Millionaires. Lhis season, and by the way the boys are burning up the ice in praetice, every one is looking forward to a real bat- tle. The game is called for 2:3&¢ Christmas evening, skating from A little hockey and skat- nx will go good ruxed with Turkey day night to finish week. pr The Pulp Mill and Town will open their Battle Royal on New Year's afternoon. We think we Bochme had charge of (been paid. It was decided at the know who'll win, but don't forget to meeting that the subscriptions lists also accompanied the would remain open for a short period worth wh io. keep this date open. It will be The lianagement wishes you one and all a Merry Xmas, and a Hap, Vv New Year. NOTICE-- Curlers and Others The Curling Season will prcbably open in a fcw days. All those who intend to Curl are requested to hand in their names to any .f the following -parties-- 3 W. 1 Brewzhll at Dryden F.par 2, G. B Humilton at rug Sc a; V. C Aitken at Roy:* Bank, A. = +" a4 odt's Ltd, L. J Warren, at rry- -t den Lumber Co. "Please note that names muss Le handed in before Monday, "eccii er 23rd, as the rink wil ve picked on that date, and it will be hard to make chenges. It is not neo sary for those who have already placed their names on the list to do se. 2- gain. AN whe would like to curl are dvited to join the club. 'it is not specicd that any ser'o--s difficulty will he exparienced in conmection dn wth the supply of rec's for these who do not feel they can purchase rocks this year. The fee for the 1929 scason has heen set 2% $5i0 for gentlemen. This fes iz payable in advance. N--O---T--I--C--E 2 APPLICATIONS for the positi~nel Cavetaker for the Dryden Curling Ring for the coming season now be received by the Executive Committee. They should he addres- follows: : W. C. AITKEN, See. Dryden Curling Club, Dryden, Ontario, All gnpieaticns should contain in- = tion as to previous expericice making ice (if any) and should state the salary expected. © Duties 'o comp ence shortly. Personal ap- plicat'cns' may be submitted toa"y member of the Executive Committee. Tt is hard to define the duties of searetaler af "present, but they will consist "chiefly 'of keeping: fires and sccing that the ice is kept in proper condition. J. W. FOWLIE, Pres. will sed as = UNITED CHURCH : OF CANADA, Dryden December 23rd, 1929 OXDRIFT: Sunday School 2:08 p.m. Divine Worship 8.00 p.m. DRYDEN: 11 am, Church School, executive committee on or 'before that date. The question of rocks which it was at first felt would create some difficulty has now been solved and it is expected that -we have on hand about twenty- 5 pairs of rocks for the commence-¢ ent' of the season with a fee; 10. set for the season, and with! nity of rocks available for those who do not care to purchase them, a successful vear-is- looked. . for both from a financial and membéer- ship basis. : The executiye committee has 2 »ler of pairs of used rocks which 7 p.m. Divine Worship, The Xmas Message will be Int tled 'GOD THE DIVINE PLAY ACTCR' An 'Old World Carol Service' wiil follow the evening service. SPECIAL --Illuminations, and Selec- tions by the C:G:I:T: Choir. J. W. HOWES, Minister DRYDEN PARISH CHURCH (St Luk'es) Advent 'IV. fo num 'her will be glad to dispose of 'at "the following prices: Rocks with box, pair. $22.5 Ro-ls without box, pair__ 18.50 rocks are bargain values, m™ Those ani f= splendid opporuniiy.-- 10 porghasa, . . ih - 'of the rinks .wiil be prepgr- el 2s soon as drawn, and will be pubi-l~d in the "Observer" néxt rlowinz week. 10 a.m.--Sunday School 1 a.m-- Holy Commmuniocn 7 p.m.---Evensong. ; Speciai Chr vmas-tide SeryiCes : io TUTS..-- Xmas Eve-- 11.5+-Holy Communion i dg CHRISTMAS DAY--S8:30 Holy: Cora munion EC 10:15--Coral Service for Children 11 a.m-- Hely Com. union "V. R. TINDLE, Rector. 1 2 Rink Noles. is the opening game of the fx

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