Dryden Observer, 7 Mar 1930, p. 1

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a de. a Se TR di ER =r ses : - \ RN Sa VOL. . ---- Ste 3 i = i DRYDEN, Ongar \ Marc," Th, 1830 i SR. i 3 we ------ i 2 oof : x LJ 5 " ! 2 Surprise Party | Goungi Meeting oes Bi "The Temptation" |Funeral of the Late VuLcil Meeting [Roy Lilie Dies As High Schogy ~~ ": 3 » LJ ~ | Wy Te Louis Bjorklund --_-------- » - 3 on + (Dinorwia Correspondent) THE Regular Meetiy, Res | { of A 6f nieasages % : : € of the Coun. 00] en 1] 6r dl ~svies : ------ GUAY's HORMEL, Dinorwic pag feil Was held op Tuesday evening, THE : hN "aing given pee Jame of a very enjoyable ang [with a] members presen and May- ------ 3 ing 2 . Neg? --e ~dgy WABIGION--The ¥ of the Inta ar, tt i [nica = Un nous int, T, ~ 394: Re 3 = Sed SWPTise party Jas or Wood Presiding, A sad accident occurred at Dryden| Ihe entrtainmen 'in the Bunt s Sy NY Su, Bjork ao Posed -- x sic, DERE, In honor of Mrs{ On the motjop of Councillors pitt last week, yi, Ni 3 z t Produced py the ngt ov Church ev, -- "a family home, Guay's birthday, It was one of the {and ight accounts to eek, when Roy Lillie Was i pupils of the Continuatioy, School im evening: --- "~e. The scrve i nest parties oper Yeh a Dior het ps $3810.51 ni Wt Jey on the h Y a single fal-, the Pulp Min Hall op Fr.day even. The reader ig referred ¢, the Louise : "~elizan for any. a. day, and the joyous | Payment and on the motion of the a Whilst working at thy foot {ing wag 8reeted with , full house, Se™Mon op Christ ang the Rib as Week 5¢ weil ii o the people Present kept {same Councillors, the Dryden Public pe € block ple of oss Hid os sad the qualty and variety of the ar os for a description of ay Saturgg,, 0 UP to the end. Mpg Guay herself | Li rary wa te : . e heavy Produced 5 pe Ormance wag excellent, € fe an, work of the art; gS as helq I he I fo pny a en 89 ol fractureq skull, which rendered him The first numpep on the progra,, Man. ist Hof Churep il olny Be, Crowd in hep house for years; byt 'a grant, t ie nn until his death a few was clever exhibit op of dumb] : --~* Burquis, the Sw. aed by Re - as she does so much to keep Up the { The [Telephone Operator, My Ella 3 ater hr Eng by six of the First p orm The Picture astor, from Kenors, nthe entertaining SPIrit of Dinopy e in | Spicer tendereq fer resignation] He was taken to the Dryden Red 'POVs. Thy number yy, follow q Here jg a topical orienta} Scene "hurep and the lar Crowded every way Possible, - jt was only [from that Position to take effect | Cross Hospital, With a]] speed, ang by a demonstratio, of wands by the <he blazing sky and the parche- oral tribut, testifieq Raber fitting that she be made a req) suc- {dune First This wag accepted on | *¢ received treatment fron, Dr J, Bils of the Second ang Third Forms arth heat ang discomfort | TeSPect the deceaseq d rs Feat cessful party, © Motion of Council, Bailey & | Montieth fife, Minutes after the This was 5 very Pleasing sight and | JPY the presgyy, of temptation, | family are held jn Wabi or 1s excellen; SUrprise party was | Klose, ang the Clerk Was instructed | 2¢Cident, {The Management of the Showed the result of myc Practice, ; 22d the €Pression apg anguish of The firg part of the igvon, commenced at 8 pm, when al the | to advertise fo an operator. Appli. | OMpany ireq to Winnipeg for 5 Misses Evelyn Strut Effie Tayl- | the heart and spirit of the. Master conducteq 1 Swadigh Ves Vas Euests arrived, Punctually ¢, the /ciants to state salary expected ang | SPecialist, wh, left immediately, but ©r Nona Proudtogt & Patty Wright : The Serpent adds , Maligngn, touch an earnag, ddress Was Fi Wiich ~ Minute, ang wip, very little cerem- all applications t, be i, the Clerk's | the nature of the injury was beyond danced the Irish Jig, Accomp njed '3s he cirelog Satan and tung away _Nglish apg hymn "N. oe in ony, Made themselves at home for hands not later than April 1st, UMan aid, anq pe Passed into the PY Miss Alma Larson at the plano, from (pn, Jerusalem OF Saar 1] SF 15 Thegn pe Sere Ny evening. (The evening starteq Councillors Pitt ang Wright mov. | Great Beyond at 9 15 pm, February This Lumber made a great hit with the distance, dazzling white and get lish, Sung in Lng. ra a a Jeave, & it was a wh St ed thay a Ney Telephone Directory | th, 1930, the audience, : f Iron a hil, I i The fam I Motes inchugo.s es e too. Ta about fun, Mr Nel- be ordered at opee at the price est. ! The late Roy Lillie was The Play entitleq "The Bluffers» Stanley, In his Monumentg) work, { 17 4°W an her four daughtery. i 0 got ge first prize and it was mate furn'sheg BY the Drydey Ob- sterling neh mg a of wag staged by the following . Mig- ; 'Sinai ang Palestine: declares thas Nelson (p, nt); Mp Fron: Flrg 2 dandy shavip ; : : Gaal) ng d's- V 1 ; 5 ; os ¢ hagen on ai 2 king bot that designation of oc- Position, loved by hig family, res- Prensa, Jeno, Vetas, He oy 1 tks the enly way tm 55 P. Be (Fin- Mhe Gent's booby prize wen % . Spm oy © after each name Where pected by 4 his fellow workmen Gatlin 3, 1 i Roger, Jes- sia Sal em. The artisy here hag d ark),; Mrs Nord: nom, "ho rest x r possible, : i "ner, and Hjlgg son 1 Us the view ,. : €S at hom, > fear Finlavenm, ho usually takeq E. A Klose Was paid $11:30 for a or oly wale ie Sissmad by Messrs Bryce Collen, James Rlgbey the southeast Ari the Joos i Tew. i Ns oe the first Prize at whist. [The Ladies cheque that had been 19g and the H : Claud Stansfield, Charles Gammop, 'the Kedron, eeord ng ¢4 thin. 2 large Number op fries os = Prize was won py Mrs Ridge- bank to be notified to cancel cheque e had resigeq In Dryde, for Ju 1s Volkmar, ge, Nelson, Ayj. : Picture, Christ jg evident] ing | 0Howed Mona. Sands sim Way, and the obY was won by issued on June 30th, 1928, Seven Years, coming heype from Shoal] mer Wilson ang Arthur Doudiet, on what jg calleg oy A Sieh ih At the . nclusion | fey Guay. A) ¢pe Prizes won were Other Motions eps. Wilson- Lake, Manitoba, Where hig Parents revealed some spleniid acting and Maps the Moun, of Offense ga Salvi, Spite the ¥ Id Beni Were excellent. Klose--That thie Mattresses ang 52 brothers Now Teside, 1, Was Was a most humoroyg Comedy. Tha Noticed that the rhisg FI: hy and deep, ow, ite a il Then the room Was ~ cleared and the, Pair of blanket OM at Guelph, Ontario on gy Students aye to pe tured Ch h Ple- 4) red te oo Number gop. . I ankets ba purchags gq 7, 18 ; : y congratulated op Cl §t as standing firm the Cortege tq the cemetep the dancing started, Everybody dane for the beds in the cells at the local | » 1 97. Besides his wif, and four the Success of theijp initial hoy to ls Tetreating, Hof; ; ® ! | ed We hag music foo. Mr goal, 5, ildren he jg meurned by hj fath- a Dryden audience ang it is ye hop. ent of his Biba, Was a stpq Ss -- ! Peterson and Mr Haigen, two of Pitt Wilson That My Kloss be er and mothep 'and five brothers, ed they will appear again 4 | his se 2 fie ; = TVice wil] be helg on CO: y the finest Musicians in thy istrict, "odio Baim dy 5 ie Percy, Ernest, Weslay, Limos: pos mo 3 9% goon broughs oo '8 subject ¢, be "€noon, March 9h in St. John's Were there. Others wh, CONE but. | mans wniforn. p Earl; a)] of whom make their hone cu 5 ee) "i hi ou attention, €Speci- ¢ "rch by Rev. E Jacques, ¢, which to the music were. Mr Green, Mr Pitt-Klose-- Ty, tenders for seay..r Shoal Lake, Man, ang ¢ iho RLING =x == fin the a oe ' the year. Here sh are welcome Sunday at 2 ror vay and Me Dube, and to 8 for 1930 be ackeq and advert. "OTTOWINg relatives the deanest Recent games at the local Cy. try we ey 7 er Mie [2% 1 11 You the g2ng whooped i UP islised for, and tha, applicants appea, SYMPathy of the whole community | 'P€ Rink brought out large CTOWGs * prophesy of Cher , ore-gleam and : Et mildly. wip music lke |: Person ap gp. lat Go Is extended. OL spectarors 8S Interest in he cup full tri Sts ultimag, and Er SR tt You could not pe, SWINE | meeting of Aven... °Z202r Council ™ ; Fess S000 Guile fon og "ho Ph over Sata, This is { PYMENT Scgogy, REPORT. 1 At the Stroke of tueg neeling of Apri Ist, to discuss pay. € funera] Service which was lenge Cy d e n, e chal- "not 2 battls, the Outcome of vi, hi Sr IV_psty, : ve the lticnl. of the Statutory by-law very largely attended was helq fn ol 2 D Donated by Ear Hutchin. is in doubt. Ty, las p ¥ §; Het Xam 80; Gilbert CINE ceased. [Then a ve leas- for; . . Ls 0m f son, MPp lav § : © last book of the i-Liller gg, g ceremony 100 3 Ty p cag Waereby 'hey cam understand the Dryden United Church, ,, Monday | -_ Garial , 18 Played for Weekly and Bible whieh calleq gh, Revelsia Ava, S re rn -- ine ik = am oly uties required Part of these duties Moon, Rey. Howes | , ME much coveteq honor. of Jesus Chrigy, throug: go gs SS. "ML ping Miller 69, F Green and Mr Dub. oh ry Esuwile may be obtained from My Dreached , Very impressive sermon Kandson . aig has also donated 3 describes jp € OWing tomms the Yi tid 'Sakina vy ur Nelson 7; Josaph. 5 3 | 7io%e in order t3,. he price of ten. 2nd tw rors §. ISOM eup for €ompetit gn he-!orop. : Sakina g9, es oe tea Set, in 2 lovely oer Hw pil ice of ten lly Te -- he ftween Kengra, Keewatin ppg in sie by the breat, a Class 13 Hogan gy; Zelia ie Ts Guay wag delighted with meeting then ey "p, = SER -50L0 1 dey This with sh. a, Li ud 3 LS Freat advergary *nderson gg. Ethe] leeting Journed on "Perfee, pay» Roy's faverit. Ty ing = an > Life Cup, wh, ;, , ay seeking t, o NE, &3; Present, ang expressed hey 2P- the motion of Councillors Proud. was very beautifully rendered by Mr "Onated by J. L sx Hen makes three w ld Eve god li to slay ap who | Mar Tt Hogan 51, 1ation of same. foot and Wrighs H. Cammen : © | ToPhies for joey) Fhks to try gor x ow oy Eves : Ir IVietop Nelson, Clayton Wag. € next event in the entertain. ; . 2 a a Us mos: Mrressiv. & fo k Wagar t Was the serving of the sup-§ = Interment took place at Drydent. Br i <i A picture win be given to Sr. Pr Siguar Swaneon, Cy. everybody dane-g they | SUCCESSPUL WHIST pRIve Cemetery. SAVE THE SILVER pappp__ =iap op 0 Wish 2 copy '® attendance, °y Miller, Ear Henderson Deloss had excellent appetites but wi The C. W, L held 5 most enjoy- . a Eiver Paper WTRrping aroung °F the STERN service. , Bennets. > ig array of refreshments | 2ble Whiss Drive at the home of = -- PEprelie, ocolate bars ang vari. ----__ =e IT Prop, Fenderson, Marie in every form everyone soon [Mrs J. Emewein on Tuesday eyen. CURLER% SERVICE oy 3 Der Commodities 22 be weed | Tne Ener Sane eo Donohoe, Harolq Miller, filled up. Was some lunch nz. Prizes Were won by the follow. Rev. J. W. Howes conductad the 3 =re = gre Proriunits te as- fratersa) visit , pay m No. on Rollo. 19 pb mistake, ng the even. | ng: Ladies First, Mrs I. Cufjen, fret "oomal service of the Curler, St the Jou Hed Cross yda Lodge Average Ags, Sms' 7 ongs galore were rendered, Mr | Consolat on Mp J. Torbay; Gents "hich was heyy 3 the Dry it ot E B. ROBINSON, teacher Was also asked to sing, whe "as: Oliver Anderson, Consolation ed day ' ----e : 3 15 a first-clagg singer i=} Turnbul], = Y VEIV reticent when it come , Following the capge delicious pe. WABIGooN SCHOOL Repogy _ ging; but after some Persuad. § reshments were served, Mrs Fre. Sr. Pr--Dorothy Wright Melvin consented to singing fo, thel "en being asyisted by Mry 4 gE Harrig, 4 l it Was a treas WellfSmith ong Mrs Stross: A shor: Grade 1p; . : £00d thing comes to an end} musical programme was also mph Nvstrom 75 ol i, Bal came to ap end about twof njoyta "arry Grah- . M. me d all made their way home a ©: Fiwin pry 61- a TOR pending a lovely time apg : J =; Haze) Wright 61 Ola len Urs Guay a pea) Surprise, MY DIXIE ROSE. __ --- «ck 64; Edmung Fr. Sa ing Ney : : "kson €4 Ea. The C: Y: p- wn Olson gy CAB -- 27 "My Dix: 'ra : - CARD oF THANKS play Ro ixie R Crade III--Pegg.. Armstrosg =. ar: ; °n M Sie Armstrong 70. : oy Lillie and famly wish The following an 70; Joyce Fg Alfred er. Yess sincere appreciation acter: TOWN op BREYDEN._ from 65; Ethel Coll, 9, Bo ¥ y= egkindness ang > for Scavenger. son 6p. : d eo - : ade v H Alfreq . Angel Reneindhy toed oe", 2 Nordetrun, gp Melander 60; pgp ine Mai Sghed unig April 1st 1880,{ Crag, Veg pore fo na » 1 ar 1 man . bs Guy Gorden ____ ~~ cutee oy EF for the yegy Par- jon Zohn-on 74, gy Be : Col. Joby Alben: ans of duties Tequired may be'Bery p.; nson 7p; Victop Shushact ric DONLEY, Barris. [Dixie Athos: 3 of the Sumece A Klose, Toy Lelie Poton 61; ret Olson €o; Olicitors, etc. Office on |r Geo Maitiang § rica C ommitis, soRly Jobnoton gg, ; Floor, - Don Block, | Richard Gorgon ar. dm 3% be per} Gag, v ut Landmark gg. : p omally present a; 1 Council meet. | Drie Johnson 44 ' irst St BZ to be held op the 2} °%Ve date in Grade VI. Cl TOWN OF DRypEy re pO day Re 8 Miko Shushack. gg. i 4 -- ; -- pin Duties 1 Commence Apri 3. Signe Melander gg' es ApPlicationg Wanted --- West of "ender not Becessar.| Grade vy __ Marguerity Meerrill * Applications vill. be. rectiveg . iY a. . > "7; Bil Pon'on 75. the undersigned until Apri 30th, i Dinah GIBsoN, Tow, Clerk | onour- Spelling Me Merril 1930, for an operator z, Telephone Mares yt Dryden this 5g, dy of B. Ponton, Johnson ? Switchboard, Duties to commence a, Jeo, : (5, BAYKE, teacher June 1st.. The lowest or any tong. C-- ---- ER. Tel alt Serta TT OF VAN Homa a Demers : J. E. ( , Tow, Cle Residents of Van H, . "Don't forges . ack will get tha Che my. * Datsg 2 Dryden this 5th day of e c Rote that Mr Wm, Mew pag ae oration and Dance oe Po rein ros potted [Wal Turon. for the Mill Hall, Fiigy,, March 14th o, g ee - growth, . Se; for the current year, The P.m, Tee Draws ! DBETS COLLECTEpP__ a | Wampale's ry cn cll asks for your Co-Operation ' ana eget, Notes, Ascouns, Wager Extract of Cod Liver { ~ --smmg Tl win te pee ! iy Wg Our success wily CODLaIn these needeq erg § At Dryden Red Crogs Hopital HT Stew, Mike? i 18h : i, S1ents in just the righ; eb 7 Mule--Sure, ty : ke mg COUT YOU NOTHING Stee and jt is rich ro P h ar mac Mrs G. Ww, gry 1930, to My gn, Pat Whig. jy, od Phat' that You take ng risks, You can lose, mines --tha; mysterious % mith, a son Patron, mething for 5 Write us today for Particulars oEomething™ tha; maps A: D hike Arg - Partie A iren gro or . ; 54nd sve CANADIAN CREDITQRy' ASSN. | those of advanced pore ES Mark 2 pin od Oe ? Hoa elit rl hf {ow RANCHES BVERYWgRR and energetig Tors, 8 prea Bp I thought youeq joo OWEN SOUND BRANCKp. We Sell and . lt put. Bhice You are gy pred k 2 n : h 8Teen a3 mégele 3% Dryden [Box 951_owEy SOUND, Qut, Recommeng fg jin ¢ Veda r, 2 the United At Dryden, on March 5th, 1980 5. ° Mr 81d Mrs Gog Dogg, 112 1920 to Wednesday fing > 8 ) Church cvening at 5.39 o'clock, wl fod

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