i nr ice. ~The Dryden Observer pe i a VOL. DRYDEN, Ontario, March 21st, 1930 -- Fr rE SE = % ; L] - . St Luke's Annual Chevrolet My Dixie Rose - Ll] Anniversary Demonstration Service |THE Annual Chevrolet Demonstra-i FROM time to time various groups . tion and dance, held in the Paper have produced amateur plays in Dry VEN. ARCHDEACON LOFTHOUSE jill Hall on Friday evening, under|gen some excellent and others with of Kenora, was the speaker a; the the Auspices of Durance Bros, and jlenty to criticize, but in the writ- Anniversary Service to mark the Company, Chevrolet Dealers, drew al ps opinon the C: Y: P: C: en Mon- twenty-fifth year of active service of record crowd, the largest ever St Luke's Church, Tuesday night : to fill gov night established 2 precedent the hall --~1for a local talent production that Archdeacon Lofthouse's sermo=Z| Mr Durance opened the demon- |] be hard to beat. was of a reminiscent nature and |stration by introducing Mr J. Sangs-{ oc. play "Dixie Rose" was stag- dealt with all the ter, representing General Motors of { 4 in the Pulp Mill Hall and the of the ar- . vi ve rils as {ging a a . Canada. Mr Sangster gave a ™¥ | large auditorium was taxed to capa- most interesting resume. Prayers interesting lecture and chassis dem-'! Sty. of thanksgiving and suitable hymns onstration, slides being used to dem- went to make a mosg enjoyable serv- Dixie Rose, the heroine, the love- sble but over-indulged daughter of Colonel Abbott was delightfully por- trayed by Mrs C. Sfreddo. Count Sfreddo in the role of Colonel Ab- bott was splendid, his performance being the outstanding one of the whole play. ee tures were shown, picturing the| Guy Gordon, the fiance of Dixie Chevrolet in manufacture. We then| Was well dome by Wm. Koshon, his were shown General Motors proving | role being one of tre important ones. ground, and were astounded to see| Louis Sfreddo, as Dr Maitland the the severe tests ond high efficiency almost successful suitor of Dixie and that Chevrolet has to undergo before ; the cause of all the Abbotts difficul- 'ties financial and otherwise, was 1n- onstrate the many new features of he 1930 Chevrole: Six. It was interesting to nog the many high quality feature combined in the new Chevrolet, which one would ex- pect to find only in cars selling for a much higher price. After this six reels of moving pic- VISIT OF DIOCESAN SECY.-- Another pleasing event during the Anniversary Week of St. Luke's, was the annual visit of the Diocesan Sec- retary of the Junior Auxiliary, Mrs M. Hickey of Keewatin ~ Mrs Hickey addressed 5 gather- ing of over seventy in the Church on Tuesday afternoon and her talk on the accomplishment of the Junior Pledges was indeed interesting. A being pug on the market. : t : series of beautiful lantern slides. Mr Durance then announced that deed good. Miss Yola Sfreddo, whe showing the various phases of the _ heautiful piano lamp would be giv- made her Bret stage appearance, as .. Missionary work in the far Fast, on to the winner of the free draw. the Doctor's sister Pauline, was real- ~-- day M-seh 6, There were 27 ladies 2 ~ SUCCESSFUL QUILTING church had a very successful quilt- ly splendid. Her acting has come in Stratton's name being drawn 2 3 for a good deal of praise since the among the children especally,illus- Mrs trated Mrs Hickey's address which from the ha; by Mickey Pronger. was thoroughly enjoyed by the large| After this the crowd enjoyed 2 performance. crowd present. | very delightful lunch. Dancing then Mrs Oliver Anderson and Jack ! commenced, music being supplied by ' Skillen, Angela Maitland and Floyd Russell's Ramblers in their usual Abbott two firery tempered lovers peppy manner. At 2:30 a-m: one of who finally managed to agree were the most enjoyable evenings ever very good as was also Oliver Ander- staged in Dryden was brought to a son, who acted the part of Guy Gor- close. § don's avaracious father. -- Between the acts Old-time music A was rendered by the Club Orches- BEANING THE BEAN-- tra, a much enjoyed feature and Starting Monday, March 24th, the. following the first act Miss Flavie management of the Strand will place' Savioe rendered a delightful Irish a jar of beans at the entrance of the' solo, which was heartily enco-ed, theatre : patrons will be given a tick- § Miss Savoie responding with another et on which to sign their names and }solo. During this period Mrs Oliver the number of beans in the jar. Thed Anderson, in a picturesque Irish Cos- RETURNS FROM CONVENTION-- J. D Nicholson returned last week from the big convention of the Orange Lodge held in Winnipeg. On Saturday eveniug Mr Nicholson rep- resented Kenora County at the big County Master's Banquet in the Roy- al Alexandra Hotel. Monday Mr. Nicholson was the delegate of Dry- den Preceptory Chapter of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Black Chapter of Manitoba, in the Scott Memorial Hall Me. Nicholson was elected as 2a Grand , ptest will close Saturday, Marchjtume, danced a peppy Irish Jig, Officer, which is quite an honor £0 { 29th, and the person making the cor-§ which made quite a hit with the the local Preceptory, considering that ,.ct or nearest estimate of the num-§ sudience. it is the youngest of any of the branches. Later Mr Nicholson rep- resented Dryden L: O: L: at the Grand Orange Lodge 58th Conven- tion, at which 300 representatives from Manitoba and Western Ontario were present. Last, but not by far the least, is May Quirk who kept the audience in fits during the interval between the second and last act. In an original frish Sketch with characteristic "blather" and an outrageous cost ume, May was a scream. ber of beans contained in the jar will be given ten dollars in cash. You'd be surprised how many beans there are in a plateful, just try counting them and make a guess at ihe Strand. ~ONTINUATION SCHOOL REPORT Will the parents and gurdians of upils pease note that if they wish hem to pass examinations in June, wo hours should be spent every | 1ight, if possible doing home work from now till the end of the term. Coming Event--"Come out of the Kitchen" to be staged by the Dry- den W: I: right after Easter. Watch for further announcement. The Ladies Aid of Oxdrift United ing in the Community Hall, Thurs- present and two quilts were quilted; also three new members joined. Keep May 24th in mind as the ladies are planning a County Fair to be held on the picnic grounds. NOTICE-- ____ The Annual Meeting of the Dryden Curling Club will be held in the : : : : : ' | Council Chamber on Thursday, March Dick Cole 70; Kat'e Steiner 69; Mar STL. at Teo pant TO So fad aot Cole 67; Eunice Gough 62; Gre-. ' ' : t. Hoffstrom 60; Ted McMonagle go; are requested to attend as election Harol 4 Wilson 59: Phil Wrigh: 57; of officers for 1930-81 seacon will __Form I-- __ Tim Rigbey 79; Effie [Taylor 75; May Storey 75; Phyllis Hawke 73; PARTY & WHIST DRIVE-- A Mutt and Jeff Party and Whist "Drive will be held in the Town Hall Great Success "The Last Supper' THIS is the ninth in a series of mes- sages based on "Famous Paintings" being given in the each Sunday evening at 6:50 p.m. ! [The artist, Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most extraordinay versa- t le geniuses that ever lived He was born at Castle Vinci, located b:tween ' Florence' and Pisa. His father was a notary at Florence and land prop- rietor at Vinci. Leonard grew up . surrounded by wealth and culture and was g.ven every educational and social advantage. He spent 30 years in Florence, 20 years 'n Milan and 19 vears wanderng. His final days were passed in the patronage of Francis 1. of France The Occas'on of the Picture. The picture "The Last Supper" was pa'nted as 5 memorial to Beat- rice, wife of the Duke of Milan. The Physical History of the Pict- ure: Da Vinci began his work in 1494 and completed it in 1497, finishing it on the contracted time. Space does not permit for detailed history of this picture. = The [Technique of the Picture: Leonardo gave to this picture his very best thought. When urged to hurry his work he gave the reply: "A picture is not wrought by hands alone, but by thought." The picture required an unusual amount of time hecause each character was drawn from real life. his purpoce was to portray the reaction of the disciples to Christ's announcement, "One of you shall be tray Me" That he >dmirably suc- ceeded is the opinion of all critics. Service begins at 6:50 p.m, with a song service. Yes we will give a- way a copy of the above picture to the first one hundred to enter the church. ~ ANNIVERSARY TEA-- -- The Anniversary Tea in the Par- ish Hall on Wednes'ay afternoon. was a splend'd success, everyone W"o called during the afternoon boing de- lighted with the charm and cordialj- ty of the function and the attend- ance was excellent. The Hall was tasfefully decorated in Easter colors of mauve and yel- low and the tea tables with the sil- ver appontments and tall tapers of mauve and vellow centered with a basket of spring blooms was presi- 'ed over by Mesdames Wool & Winterbottom, the hostess of the afternoon. Mrs W. R Tindle received the gests and those assisting a; the tables were: Mescames Gibson, Me- Rae, Crawley, Alexander, Montieth, i Gordon. Sailsbury., Berrey, Kerney tand Colliss; and Misses Thorpe, and , Pronger. Mrs R. J Pronger act as cashier and was responsble for the sale of the Anniversary History Booklet. The Birthlay Cake was cut 2 Mrs D. Wright under the auspices of the L:0:B:A:}Mabel King 57; Hilda Olen 5g; take place at this meeting. on Tuesday, April 1st at 9p.m. George Nelson 53; Claude Stansfield z Put one cent in the pocket 50; Bella Blake 50; Margaret Tuck- For each two inches you are tall, } ay 49; Margaret Crerar 44; David And bring it to the party; Mercer 41. i But if you cannot come Form II-- a Please send it back--that's all, Prizes and Refreshments. Aprons will be supplied at door. MACHIN & DONLEY, Barris- ters, Solicitors, etc. Office on Main Floor, Donnelly Block, ~ Corner Matneson & First St. South. Kenora Ont. Kathleen Millroy 72; Mamie Reany 70; Evelyn Strutt 69; Fred Yawor- ski 69; Fred Aavon 68; Elmer Wil- | son 67; Vera Bailey 64; Beth Mere- er 60; Rose Yaworski 58: Jessie Gar- diner 58; Adold Peterson 58: Vendla § Moline 57: Betty Swanson 55; Freda Thompson 54; May Bartlett 52; Bid Baker 51; Garde Rutter 51; Kitchen- 5 or Leach 50; Martha Neson 48; Ty | Phyllis Barber 46; Patty Wright 46; ¥\ Arthur Taylor 46; Alica Vaskough- ig nett 44; Orville Adair 41; N'ck Ton- ¥ ger 36; Jessie Monty 35; Earl Me- Allister 33; Evelyn Pinkerton 25; , William Peterson 25. { Form III We Wampole's Cod Whiteley, Frank 64:1; Wilkinson, Al ice 63:3; Dean, Mildred 62:7; Wilk- iinson 59:8: Wice, Elmer 58:2; White } Patricia 57:5; Gammon, Cha-lie 54:4; Parr, Ethel 53:5;; Doudiet Arthur 52:7. : Fa Berrey. Ab 46:6; Edgar, Winkie wd 45:5: Reid, Jeanette 43:6; Volkmar, ¥f Julins 43:3; Adair Evelyn 30:; Wil- sos. Hazel 55:3.-- Average in three x subjects. fl Form IV-- Rm Reany, Nona 63:6; Foulis Frances of 62:8; McRae, Lenore 61:5; Whitel'y xg Ronald 55:8; Silver, Elmer 54:6; 2 . Almg 00:5; Berrey Bob 50:2. {5 As a Spring Tonic and Health Builder "ell and Recommend It stimulates the appetite, and enriches the blood. after n severe cough or cold You can get it at the Extract of # Liver increases weight The best tonie Baptist wa | he CY Hon. P J A Cardin, Hon. L Cannon N\ Minister Mackenzie King was not \ po~ted the motion, N group. ~~ Maxch 1930. : ae wef To Aid The Lord Balfour Dies Local Red Cross, in 82nd year Owing to the unqualified success yoppiNgG, Surrey, England, ¥ of the play staged last Monday b¥ ;0 Tne Earl of Balfour, velsran be C:Y:P:C, many requecis Rave poy Statesman, died here today ll a ey the art- 4 2.45 am. at the home of his -- J a asi Hid --- brother, the Hon Gerald Balfour: pn Be a ch 28, The end came peacefully to the gee " : R oo! bs oughtfulness statesman who was in his 82nd yes. es Ta Jockey jate 2° He had Hen Jl for a long time with Trent 0 app'y une Droceecs Of NS laryngitis and came here after an : cond entertainment to help the improvement in his condtion to con- ocal Red Cross funds. We will _j..ce. He had several setbacks, 14 have to ask those who already however. and was never able to re- have enjoyed the play to come again Ri Otis! : tnr, to his home at Whitt e as they know what a good time they pion irk, Fas; Lothian game iad and will be waiting anwiously, pron the time he entered parlia- oF the doors to open, "iment in 1874 until the closing years ere were many who could mot poo jife h, figured as am import- ttend last Monday, owing to ant factor ay British politics. he sngagements, to these we would say |" He was 5 oe; famous perhaps for 'get your tickets early" you will mot "yo; co71eg Balfour note in which vet a better fifty cents worth and: cg. .¢ Britain renounced sll post-war 'emember tha; you will be helping ..::.5 in Europe both from herailica hat very . needy cause, the Red. d Germany. beyond what was peed "ross Hospital. Consjd=rable e: 1 to pov her own debts to the Uni conse wil have to be incurred this . ; gi.iog oad by the Balfour a = = Tenovysiing the interior ©° . . tion of British policy in Palest- i in i and the funds are Wg pn, which set that country aside 3 Fu meoden: ; a home for repatriated Jews. Ane loral Red Cross Society ap- Arthur Balfour was created first pracisie very mh the thoughtful np. f Balzour in 1922 and holds ss of the GC: Y: P. C: and urge the titla of Viscount Tarprian of wvervone to buy tickets for the PI&Y j:itiin ghame -oxt Frilay. Keep the date open, LE March 23th, in the Paper Mill Hall 0 . ----------TMEET = DIVORCE ISSUE REVIVED __ AGAIN IN HOUSE We Collect Notes, Accounts, Wages and Judgements. Our success Wii NTA " -- ' astonish vou. We seldom fail, IF SUPAWA, Moreh 19 -.- Parliament wp po 17 COSTS YOU NOTHING has revived the bllto establish vou take no ~cks. You can't loss. djverce courts in Ontario. Twice yo. BS to aos Py rticulars resterday the subject was under dis- ne = ¥ 1 Ta : CANADIAN CREDITORS' ASS'E. 'ussion in the house of commons. Shortly after the opening a motion BRANCEES EVERYWHEPY, hy William Irvin, U:F:A: Wetaski- OWEN SOUND BRANCH O. vn, to restore the measure to the Bex 951--OWEN SOUND, Oi. srder paper was carried by a vote of --- 104 for and 87 aginst. When the , hill came up during private members' honr met with an amendment. : -- The amendment was moved by Tenders for Scavenger-- Thomas McMillan, liberal South Tenders will be received by the "uren, '0 the offect that "this hous? undersigned until April 1st, 182°, Jics wth alarm the cpreading and for , scavenger for the year. Par- nereasing of divorces and divorce ticulars of duties required may be applications in Canada and instead ,htained from E. A Klose, Cheinass of pre dng addtional means of ob- of the Sanitation C ommittee, &nd taining Jivorce, the house would fav- applicants are requested to be per- or the encouragement and CaITYIRZ sonally present at the Couneil mest- on of a campaign of education for ing t5 be held on the above date in the purpose of impressing upon the _.der to further discuss pariicu- DEBTS COLLECTED-- TOWN OF DRYDEN _. hear ond minds of the Canadian Jars. Duties to commence April 15. recpl: the zecvedress of the matri- 7oyest or any tender not necsssa:- mon.c! ije and the permanen. stabil- 1. accepted. ty of the Canadian homes", S. veral member: spoke before the prvase members' hour expired The bill probably wil be heard from a- gain this week. As is usual on djvorce measures, :the vote revealed a divergence of {opinion in both liberal and conserva-, {tive ranks. Members of the cabinet i n favor of Mr Irvin's motion to re-§*»r store the b'H to the order paperjiswe fe Hon. C Dunning, Hon Charies{:ly i Stewart, Hon. J H King, and Hon. W ; ;D Euler. Those opposed included 'Hon. E Tapointe, Hon. J' P Veniot, Hon. J C Eliott, Hon. F Rinfret, I. B. GIBSON, Tow, Clerk Dated at Dryden this 5th &y a March, 1986. rem erm---- TENDED: I'OR ASSE SOR-- Tenc-r= will be rece'ved by the un _rsigred tp to and including ¥ri- oil 4th 1930, for an Assessor - 8S: No. 2, Zealand Township. ~r any tender not necessar- epted. W WW WHITE, Sec.treas, S: 8S: No. 2, Zealand T_T ------ i ---- RECULAR MECTING-- The regular meeting of the WW: 1: wil be held on Friday March 28 Musical Comm:tiee in charze da 3 and Hon. Peter Heenan. Prime presen; when the division todk place Concervative front - benchers wi favored the Irvin motion were Hon R B Bennett, R. S White, Gen A: D Mzcrea, Hon. G B Jones, Hon. E B Rickman, Hon. H H Stevens, and Hon. J Chaplin. Opposed were Sig G Perley, J A Arthurs and Hon. V A MecDon-1d. Liberal-Trogressive members with the exrenton of A. L Beanbien, sup- as did progres- of the labour! -- a Se ea a ram DCRN- -At Dryden Red Cross Hosp- ital on Friday, March 14th; to Mr and Mrs J. N. Daiter;, & #on ! Varieties of Bread sives and members Members of the U: P: A: : group all voted for the motion with: ' ni SA a ake the exception of A. M Carmichael. Purity Flour Cook Bock. Mailed fee Western Canada Fl 4 a Fie wil Winnipeg, Man. 11 TT ---- ' TOWN OF DRYDEN Sa---------- ApDlications Wanted Applications will = be received by the unders'gned up until Arpil 1st 1930, for an operator for Telephone Switchboard. Duties to commence * June 1st. The lowest or any tend- er not necessarily accopted. J. E. GIBSON, Tow, Clerk Dated at Dryden this 5th day of