Dryden Observer, 4 Apr 1930, p. 3

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ANDERSON & HARRIS Stock THE DRYDEN OBSERVEY md ni 5 : ; wee em Hg GED OEE (ED OCHS (SED OGRE EEO aE GE OGY OEE» CT 04 Luyinyopidertens P RON GER'S ONE of the man features of a' small garden should be a well-kept b J lawn, states W. [T Macoun' Dominion VG Ir [ S | ,O Q ts Horticulturist, who adds that in his judgment a good lawn without flow- ars is preferable to flower-beds in a | | log of uncared- for grass. A flower' rarden wthout a lawn he says, m ght he compared to a picture without al 'rame, or a precious sione witho ut | NEVER BEFORE Have We Had Such a Smart Selection of Girl's Coats from 2 to 14 years--in smart T'weeds, equally as Smart as the ladies, and the Prices will Sw prise you, after seeing their smartness and quality. , setting. (The ground in front of | 'hese include the Fashionable New Cape Style so strongly Ye hous, should be given up to gross | featured this Spring ; al 'or various reasons, continues Mr Prices range from ---------ooeems =e $4: Macoun, bu, there should be at least | $0 39:75 'ne bright spot from early spring, | 'ntil late summer. Not a bed of lowers, in the middle of the grass lot, but if possible close t o the ouse or bordering the walk. Here| hen one can grow aps or other | followed by| i | Children's and Ladies | Hats oe | Searle Geraniyms. The latter, altho' | 0g liked by some persons, are a- | We feel quite proud to be alfie to display such smart models ony the mos; satisfactory plants. | as we have received this week. Both for the Wee Miss and her mother. 2 a Ei in sight of the ent f there is soma Spring Drapery This Spring Shows a decided Smariness in designs and Materials for your Window, whether you wish i; elaborat> otherwise. house or verandah and if the right) kinds are planted ther, yity of bloom from Before Planning your Windows for Spring, call and see these New Designs and Materials, ranging from fine nes, rayons, ete., to the dressy draperies of ail shades apanese "Honey- | le but these succeed only in the f Canada. The Wild (Clematis virginia- the Western Virgin's Bower . Ligusticifolia). Scarle; Trum- pet Honeysuckle, Clematis Jackman- Ralph J. Pronger "The Store of Better Valvests -§ rR a SRR SRR RR RRL Sensationa! Used Car Bargains : 1998 CLEVROLET COUPE--Completely overhauled Lod and JO Paint--in real good condition ----eome mmm -----m--- Goodwill int i $475.00 4 1926 STAR TOURING in excellent condition--looks like New Protection I | } for --. ----mmmnh- --------- $375.00 ¢ S60 als § 1926 CHEVROLET 1-ton TRUCK--with Cab; 4-spced 3 Motor 0K: transmission -- Completely overhauled and repainted NB Radiator OK: for -- $495.00 Transmission ---------------semmeee O:K:! Rear Axle -- OX: Steering 0:K: 1926 FORD TOURING--in nice Copditicn--Good Ball .on TLabrication ¢---eeeommmmmm---- O:K: Tires Ce RE eel ---- $200. 00 § Starting = 0:K: i Bighting im OK: Ignition 0:K: 1995 CHEVROLET TOURING--Ballcon tires. This is a xk This is to certify that this car is in 4 good condition as to all the points A checked. real snap at ee ee ee $275.C0 Mgr. or Dlr: 1929 CHEVROLET 6-Special SEDAN--like new____$Q75 ()() 2N Make Stock No. W License _ = a Price Durance Bros. Chovrolet Dealers, EASY TERMS IF DESIRED _- = = 40 Dryden 10.0: F: DRYDEN LODGE No. 417, meets in the Tcwn Hal! Dryden every Monday evening at 8 p.m. G. R HAMILTON, N.G: C. ETTLES, Rec.-Sec Taking FUNERAL DIRECTORS Special Reductions DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENBED F¢ "HONE Day 62 R 8 =r -_ Lae FINITE EO EER0E0S00000000ERNE00NNI TT HILEETH J.A.GARDINE. AXES and AXE HANDLES, HORSE BLANKETS, HEATERS and 6-in STOVE PIPES -- Many other Seasonable Lines -L. 0. L. DRYDEN LODGE, Ho, *= fists the Pivst emd T° Wedneslay of each momth ag oii p.m., in the Town Hall. Vig: <u; jrethron cordially invited. R. McMONAGLE, WH B. SMITH, S«c'y. Night, 6% B ¢ GOOD SET SECOND-HAND _. TEAM SLEIGHS We also have a NeW Fresh ---- ---- -- {PARCEL No. V-- ates. o and com- 8 we may plan: early crops IN THE MATTER OF D. B. f com and stalked Tomatoes last year but the rows of the late maturing vegetables in this case should bg at The Snleitpied have duly beem:lease three fect apart and better more. A ---- PARADIS, RICHAN, Ont. authorized to call for tenders and sell the following parcels PARCEL No. I--South part of brok- en .Lot 2 Concession 5, Town- ship of Rowell, Richan, Ont. and 1 log cabin located thereon, PARCEL No. II--South half Lot 2 Concession 4, Britton Township Richan, Ont., upon which there is estimated to be about One thousand cords of uncut Pulp- wood, and about four hundred pieces of uncut Piling; Pulp Camps located thereon, comsist- ing of fiive large log buildings; camp stove, heater, tables and benches ete. {PARCEL No. III--One wagon, one disc mower, one walking plow, three sections drag harrows. PARCEL No. IV--Improvements oR Paradis' homestead at Richaa comprising large, well construe- ted 5-room house. bar, (log), garage (frame), and log chicken house. men: 5 used Swede ws ah may be made on all or ny of gh above Parcels. A marked cheque for twenty per cent of the amount tender on accompany sach tender. Tenders must be delivered to the) undersigned on or before the 12th; day of April, 1930. J. T SHILLINGTON, Sioux Lookout Ont. Trustee. ai and Clematis paniculata are good for continuity of bloom. The Dutchman's Pipe is one of the best vines for the dowers are not conspiciow. Climb- mg roses are very valuable for fine effects where they are hardy. they are often not very attractive after blooming because of the in-- sects and disease, it is best to keep them.a little in the backeround. As the foilage of Dr Van Fleet .an d American Pillar is freeer from d's- ease than that of most other varie- ties, these are two desirable varie- ties to plant where climbing roses will be conspicious. Vegetable Groups From a cultural sbandpoint, vege- tables fall into thres main groups-- those that occupy the ground for the entire season, those tha prod- use early crops and may be followed by others, and the late or second crop. In plant ing the first named sort, space in between may be uti iliz ed for growing the quicker-matur- ing sorts. Whose that occupy the ground for the entire season include the Lim, Beans, Late Corn, Cucum- bers, Egg Plants, Melons; Onions & Parsnins, Pepperh, main crop Po'a- toes: Pumpkins, Salsify; Squash and Tomatoeos. Now in between the rows of the vegetables just named such as Bush Beans, Early Beets, Cabbage Carrots: Corn and Potatoes; Lettuce Peas, Radishes; Spinach and Turnips Under late crops that may follow the early matured sorts, that is veg- etables which may be sown in Juy with good chances of a yied will be Beans, Beets; Late Cabbage, Carrots Coulifliower; Celery, Kale, Lettuce; Lettuce with Cabbage; Lettuce with Parsnips later: Cabbags followed by by Winter Radish. In the inter- cropping, that is where the second 'ten inches apart in beiween. The { Spinach will be out of the way be- {Corn (ip this case bet er use a spec- ; 1a variety such as Cos), Peas, S»in- {ach and Turn'ps. Some exampl. of | successional plant'ng are as follows: | Spinach followed by Celery; Early | Potatoes followed by Late Celery; 'Lettuce with Turnips planted later; Genoral RMorchamt, Stock of-- -- ®\GLE RIVER PAINT, VARNISH and____ ALABASTINE -- GOLDEN STAR LODGE ALE: & A: M;, No. 484, GRC: eets in the Masonie Hall Dryden oe Second Tuesday of each month Visitors Cordially Invited. Agent for Frost & Weed IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTY PLOW cov : sense ! Sharples Cream Separaters. RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. pt THDTHTR RHEL For Early Spring Cleaning. EA. KLOSE Ontario Drydem -- fore the Cabbage occupies the full { room. In the place of Spinach, ear- !ly Le'tuce or early Beets could be used. Between the rows of Corn, 'Pumpkins can be grown. Between Parsnips early Beet & Spinach. The s writer was fairly successful in grow- F. J. COOPER, W:M. pe oF ETRaEY Gury s ort Fats ip listwoen rowepe! a OXDRIFT -- ONTARIO _. Dealer in Agent for-- | eS Te A SR SECS RS verandah but the 5F AS craw Celery or Peas and Beans followed -- PRR 2 > 9 ' Bryce's Raker crop matures before the lat. veget- |S ar bd ; able occupies the whole space; Cab-| a bage in ows three feet apart can': "have two rows of Spinach eigh® or WOOD SAWING A Call For Us Will Kesuit in Prompy Service. Leave Orders at Star Pool- room, Phone 102, or at my house, Queen St. a ------_-- M J. Crosier General Merchant --- L BAUER TE -- BOOTS AND SHOES DRY GOODS Sn eeu me 0 <TD EET (> ) ED OEE» OBES GROCERIES | on owas. | LIVERY AND DRAY § FARM IMPLEMENTS : PROMPT SERVICE eem---- Li ALL HOURS LIFE INSURANCE A. WEAVIR, FROST AND WOOD AND Drydsn, Untaslo COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS _. Cemommsosrooas ' - mam + A oi Red and White Grocery Siore re ---- ------ -- uood for- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Quart Jars Pickles, Sweet or Sour, jar ------- ---- --memmeme 39 Nabob Coffee--per tin ---- ----eee= ESE RR nt iw aD Y Blue Ribbon Tea--per pound ... «= = == "wr enecewme--c 03 HONEY-_ 5-1 Pails, for ._.. = -- -- oe momma mami- 05 Puritan Malt--per tin .... vv ee eo -- rm iis 1D Cinger Snaps--per pound «--_________ Perens 110)5 Penanfle--eight tins for oc FC. il is 4 Sugar-- ten pounds for -- a :59 A limit one of each Special to a castomer, SPECIAL for THURSDAY MORNING ONLY-- Butter--Brookfield; Palm ar Delica b__ :36 Not Over two to a customer Pickled Hams--per Ib meee eee « 25 mass sl Smoked Shoulders, per ™----.--._______ 12414 0. H. Pron ger DRYDEN - ONTARIO When Buying Bread Look for this label on the bottom Of each loaf BRYCE'S HOME MADE BREAD : Drylen, Ontario Insist that this label is on every leaf you buy. - IS is your Guarantee of Quality and Purity. Now is the time to Leave Your Criers for Hot Cross Bums. «Z Goed Iriday, to be delivered early on th: momirg eX SOW REAP GOOD and FETTER SEED CROPS For Higher Yields, Better Quali and Cleaner Crops... c. use REGISTERED SEED Try Some This Year : CANADIAN SEED CROWLIRS' ASSOCIATION + Ottawa

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