vot think it worth anything. COVERING THE TERRITORY BETWEEN FORT WILLIAM AND KENORA. = ni zi i Eas THE NEWSPAPER SERVICE ; OF THE DRYDEN DISTRICT VOL. XI. DRYDEN, ONTARIO, MARCH 17th, 1933. No. 11. THE COLUMNIST I have a friend that owns a moving picture palace, I suppose I should call it a palace, to make him happy. I like to make him happy, he is such a genial soul anyhow. Well, this friend of mine. is] what we call a go-getter. He is on his toes most of the time. | When things are prosperous, he | is apt to be blue, because like | myself, he speculates at the] wrong time, but when every-| body else is down and out, he is| buoyant and bubbling. He quite often takes me into his confidence. He appreciates] my wisdom, and I in turn like his appreciation. It flatters me. Put yourself in my place. Does) it not please you, when someone | asks you to do things? Or to advise him or her on a given subject. Don't you swell up with benignity and importance? Of course you do. You are only human. Well this pal of mine has heen running Hollywood pictures since he put in the talkies. But since Premier Bennett came on the scene, it has become popular once in a while to talk British. So he came to me and said, "l have a notion to put in a series of Pritish pictures, and when they come, I want you to tell the publie, what you think about them."' Said 1, "That's alright, but the columns of this great weekly newspaper, are open to advertisers." I am not going to continue with inverted commas indefinite- ly over what he said, and what 1 said. 1 agreed to do what he wanted, only I had to see a few pictures first. Now in Owen Sound, Wiarton, | Ridgetown, Oskkosh or Peoria, I should have been furnished with a pass. My friend is for- getful. He overlooked the pass. He will probably forget to pay me for all this, in fact he may Anyhow, armed with my own money, 1 have studied several British pictures, and to thorough- ly imbibe the mise en scene, the entourage, the flair, and what not, and what else, I have digg- ed up enough simoleons to take my friends. In fact, after a good day of selling pork chops and corsets, I have filled several | seats at the theatre. What do I think of British pictures? Frankly .I like them. Put that down at the start. I do enjoy them very much. They are] different. The English charae-| ters therein, are not burlesqued;| they are natural. On the op-| posite side, the American man | or woman is not natural. In| turn they are unconsciously! burlesqued. This is why, so] many of my friends say, "That | American girl was a poor thing," or "That American man was a boob."" Now TI have read ecriti-| cisms of British pictures, but I} am not tinetured by these when 1 make my own. The English] sunlight, is not as bright as the | Californian. The shady scenes] are not so distinet. The finish is not so perfect, the action mot | go brisk. I have been looking, at 1931 pictures. When as I am told, the British pictures of late | 1932 and 1933 appear with all'| mechanical imperfections ironed | out. then I expect a "wow." | Another eriticism of a candid] friend of mine, was rather] | Mill Hall. | Drive and Dance on Monday. | April 17th, 1 with almost a full complement { when this subject will be gone | this week, | upon the audience. "Bald head- ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements in this column are charged at the rate of 50¢ per inch, with a minimum cf 25¢. The Guild of St. Lukes will hold a Rummage Sale on Satur- day, April 22nd, in the Pulp Sale opens at 2.30 p.m. * *® Easter Lily Rebekah Lodge will hold their Annual Whist * in the Pulp Mill Hall. Proceeds in aid of Dryden] Red Cross Hospital. * * * The 52nd Battalion Old Boys of Thunder Bay District will hold their annual reunion at Port Arthur on Kriday evening, April 7th, 1933. All ex-members are cordially invited to attend. Write ""Bill"' Lawson, President, | or Harry James, Secretary, at] Port Arthur, if further informa-| tion is required. » » A reunion of the members of} the 94th Battalion will be held] at the Royal Edward Hotel at] Fort William, on Friday, March] 24th. A large number of the old officers and members from wide- ly scattered points have already | signified their intention to be present, and a determined effort] is being put forward to make this the best reunion since the war. Any ex-members of the Battalion who wish to attend are asked. to communicate with | R. A. Morgan, President of the ! Fort William Branch of the] Canadian Legion or with Chas. | Holland, Dryden. DRYDEN & DISTRICT AGRICUL'L. SOCIETY The above Society held their first of the 1933 Season's Diree- tor's Meeting in the Council Chamber last Friday afternoon in attendance, including Mes- dames Goldrup, Lappage, Hellem Jones, Dean, Hewitson and Clinker, and Messrs Hazlewood, Lewis, Millroy, Pollard, Wintle. | Adams and Hatch, and with Mr. | J. Parr, President, in the chair. Routine business and the final] clean up of last year's activities] took up most of the time and a] | | giscussion as to prospects of| erecting a building on the] Society's Fair Gronnds. Another | meeting will be held shortly | F. Wilkinson. Secretary. into more fully. unique. He said, he heard six different kinds of English spok- en, in a picture he saw, nol ¢ne of which he understood. So. 1 went to a British picture to see its reaction, ed Chromo,"' said one of my friends, "If that's a picture, lead me out."' And several others of my pals, are unquotable. But to the man from "Liverpool, | London, Leeds or I don't care," | British pictures are an inspira- tion. These fellows uncerstood | the patois, and the whole show | is a blinkin' treat. So Mr. Cinema owner, you can't please everybody, and you are too wise to try. But lets] have a British picture once in a; while, and when you do, let me know. 19) GED (ES () ED (EEE (ED GED (CE - )-G () S- () S=. | GET A JIG-SAW FREE 100 piece Interlocking Puzzle Free with 25¢ REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH ~The Harris 0) GED) ED (EE SED Films -- Toilet Goods Re mennnaneeenensnnsoracd | Phone 69 DRUGS -- PRESCRIPTIONS PASTE Drug Store -- Stationery -- Ete. 4 | tions and 'DRYDEN LOSES | its approval. CHURCH ORGANIZATION SLIDING Young Rector Unable to Avert Downfall. On Monday evening the Edyes were hosts to the ladies of St. Luke's Guild with their hus- bands at their palatial far home. Teams for the enjoyable sleigh ride were generously con- tributed by Mr. Winterbottom. Leaving the Rectory promptly | at 7.30, capacity loaded sle.ghs! with the younger element dis- porting themselves in mirthful contortions on toboggans tied on behind, beguiled the hour or so it takes to reach Dennyhurst. Greeted on arrival by the Mesdames Edye and augmented with warmer clothes, where necessary, the party left for the toboggan slide. No roller coast- er could compete with it for a thrill. The ladies so eager for their first ride became very un- selfish when it came to the see- ond, discreetly and solicitiously looking round to see if some ene wouldn't like their turn. Returning to the house at eleven what could beat eracking logs blazing in the big fireplace, a bounteous lunch, piano selee- songs. Then home- ward bound -- erooning "Sweet Adelaine,"' as the horses trot along in the bright moonlight. HOCKEY GAME TO KENORA Dryden's hopes for a win in Canada's famous outdoor sport, hockey, went west Saturday night, when Kenora's Senior Juveniles defeated Dryden dJun- iors 6-4. This is the final outside game for the year and Dryden has mot had a win. So things sure look black for our boys. The score does not say that our juniors were any way slack- ers. They kept the largest crowd seen at the rink this winter at fever pitch and there was not one slow minute in the whole hour and the crowd sure voiced The game was clean and fast. DOMINION FIELD SECRETARY, C.G.G., This week has been a memor- able one for Rangers, Guides and Brownies in Dryden. Miss Kathleen MeMahon of Winnipeg, newly appointed Field Secretary of the Girl Guide for the Dominion, paid an offi- cial visit to the Dryden Packs Miss McMahon's Guiding ac- tivities began Monday afternoon. ers from both Companies. for an informal diSeussion on Guide work in general. At four o'elock a visit was paid to the Brownie Packs, over the occasion in the Town Hall The Brownies were delighted with their visitor, who taught them new told them stories and played games with them. 'To show their apprecia- tion, the Brownies gave Miss McMahon the Grand Salute. During the Field Secretary's visit, every Guide had been terribly busy polishing her badges and belt, brushing her hat, ete, and, no doubt, worrying her frantic to get her uniform press- songs, in blue who assembled in evening, ready to do honour to the, visiting Guider. The two Companies lined up in Patrols on either side of the Hall. and welcomed Miss Me- Mahon with the full salute. Mrs H. Morison, Captain of the 2nd Guide Company, introduced Miss McMahon, who then took charge for the evening. A thorough inspection was first on the program and how every Guide did fervently hope that she had tied her tie with lhe reef knot! The two Com- panies, however, really did pres- ent a smart appearance, and Miss McMahon was quite favor- ably impressed. ~The Guides were then drilled in a new way of bringing on the Colours for Both teams missed numerous chances to score. Through not] passing or being over-anxious, Dryden fell down badly there. A little more team work and we will have a real team for next year. For Kenora, Lerioux was the! most outstanding layer, his stick- handling was wonderful. Fraine, Kelley, Cox and White were very effective on the forward line and showed great work in their back-checking. The rest of the boys being close seconds. For Dryden, Berrey was the outstanding star. His rushes and defence work were spectacular, but never scored. Loutitt dazzled the erowd with his stick-hanl- ling and checking, and was tower of strength for Dryden and a menace to Kenora. Freed- man was right in line with him. but missed many chances to score by not passing. Gammon worked like a Trojan at center] and was very effective, but missed some beautiful chances by being over-anxious. Whiteley was very good at centre and his poke cheque noticeable. The | rest of the boys worked hard | and with practice will be in the lime light soon. Line-up for Kenora: Goal-- | Codd and Weslak; Defence-- Codd, Robertson and Guy; For- wards -- Weslak, Fraine, Cox. White, Larioux, "Kelley, Camp- bell. | Lineup for Dryden: Goal--| Pinkerton; Defence--Berrey and Levinson; Forwards -- Loutitt, | Freedman, Proudfoot, McGuire, | Gammon, Whiteley and Taylor. | Scores 1st Period--Dryden-- Loutitt from Gammon; Kenora-- Kelley from Fraine. Scores 2nd Period--Kenora--| Lerioux, White from Campbell. Scores 3rd Period--Kenora-- Lerioux, Fraine and Cox; Dry-| den -- Freedman from Loutitt, McGuire from Whiteley, White- ley from Proudfoot. Penalties--Dryden--Proudfoot, Freedman and Whiteley. Kenora Robertson, Guy and White. McMahon explained briefly the correct way to enroll a reeruit. The girls then sat down in 2 semi-cirele while the visitor gave them a short talk on Guiding. She told them how uni- form is a reminder Guide Principles as well as a distinction, and how it help each girl to r¢ member just +hoir thelr of nals r mars olf should what is expected of a good Guide. Two jolly games came next, and then everyone sat down for a short sing-song, when they learned a new song called "Grasshoppers." By this time the evening fiown by all too quickly, so, ai : - » - | standing in Horseshoe formation more, the meeting was (Continued on Page 2) WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Kenora Musical Festival May 24th -- 26th. cnce This is a final notice request- ing any members who can un- dertake their own transportation and expenses to attend the above festival to hand in their names at once to the Secretary, Mrs. F. Wilkinson. A ; « 2 afford neglect ur INSURANCE Beferee--L. H. Withrow. . = ore wet i ks RE a Sl RG % 3] J. E. GIBSON, AGENT. VISITS DRYDEN | Association | and Companies, and met the President and members of the] local Guide Association. March 13th, when she met Guid-! sixty strong, who had met for| the week preceeding | mother ed to perfection, so that it was | guite an imposing array of girls | the | Masonic Hall at 7.30, Monday | put we are told it was one of | | an enrolment ceremony, follow-| ing which the Patrols marched | into a large Ilorseshoe, led by | the two Colour Parties, and Miss] had | LEGION - AUXILIARY | ANNIVERSARY SOCIAL Tuesday night the Ladies' Auxiliary held an Anniversary Social to commerate the third year of the organizations ac- | tivities, and the usual success | that follows the Auxiliary's | functions attended this affair. A very good crowd was present, including husbands of the Aux- | iliary members and members of the Legion with their wives. A splendid program was ecar- rie:l out and between the num- bers community singing was en- joyed. Mesdames Ferguson, Hel- lem, Horsley and Chipman, of the Auxiliary choir, assisted by Mrs. I. J. McPherson, rendered la delightful number, while Mr. John Hardie" was heard to ad- vantage in a Scotch song. Mr. | Harry Gammon accompanied Mr. i Hardie. This* we believe was | Mr. Gammons first public appear- ance since his long illness and his return was warmly weleom- ed. Mrs. Clinker favoured the | audience with a comical mono- | logue, and a short but amusing | » . . . | recitation by Miss May Quirk | 1 | | | was received with much ap- | plause. The writer missed the ren- dition of the Welsh National An- them by the Rev. W. M. Clarke the high lights of the evening. | roars of laughter. part in this very humourous skit McPherson. | were Mesdames | Fleming, Hellem, Mercer, F. | Davis, Ernewein, Dempster, | Chipman and Clinker. Following the program several hours of dancing and lunch were enjoyed. BORN -- At Wainwright Town- - ship on March 10th, 1933, to 'Mr. and Mrs. John Molloy, a SOM. READ THE ADS --IT PAYS A short burlesque play brought | Those taking] WHATS DOING IN TORONTO? Friday, March 3rd. two private Bills were introduced, one to amend the Assessment Act and the other the local Im- provement Act. The former clarifying the law with respect to assessment for income | of non-residents and provides that the Municipality in which the office of the non resident is located may be assessed for the income earned in Ontario. The House was in committee to con- gider four Bills. One of them was a Bill to amend the Desert- ed Wives and Children's Act which was intreduced by the Attorney General. It provides what may constitute "cruelty.'"' Under the provisions of the Act, which provides that a woman shall be deemed deserted when she is living apart from her hus- band because of his acts of cruelty. The other important Bill was Bill No. 68, introduced by Mr. Finlayson to amend the Northern Development Act. It provides for the writing off or reduction in or for the discharge of the claim against the lands abandoned by a settler where it is found that the charges again- st this land become in whole or in part uncollectable. | In reply to question, the Hon. [Mr. Cooke, Chairman Hydro Commission, laid a report before { the House showing the amount of reserves and the disposition of the reserve funds of the sys- Item. It shows a total reserve of $65.731,71844 but included in this is the amount for staff pensions amounting to $2,906,- | 584.00. This latter amount is | open to question as it is a re- On : serve set up for a particular ob- emi- ject and contributed to by ployees so that .i not be considere for the bonds i properties. In 1% question, Mr. Ne formed that whil 1 (Continued on Page 4) JACK OAKIE, W. C. One of the funniest and t eve ADDED-- 'Any Rags" Prices 25¢ & 35¢ Evenings MATINEE 2 p.m. Saturday 15¢ - 25¢ Friday and Saturday This Week FIELDS. BEN TURPIN, ANDY CLYDE and HANK MANN in "MILLION SOLLAR LEGS" he dizziest comedies you have r seen. Junior Coghlan, Mat Monday and Tuesday Next Week "PENROD AND SAM" Story by Booth Tarkington and starring Leon Janney, t Moore, Zazu Pitts and Dorothy Peterson. ADDED--"Upon the Farm," "Lucky Thirteen" Prices 15¢ & 25¢c Evenings COMING--March 24th---"Chandu." Con:ing--Marck 27-- A Night in a London Music Hall.' and 'Tons of Money.' Coming--March 30, 31 and April 1--'Sunshine Susie." A few drops of 'Muriel them soft and lovely. drying effects of soap. often as desired. TELEPHONE 3 ¥ . 0) (CD (SD SED SHR) SS-() AD-() S-()-SSD- SD (> (OG (Sw ( w 0) EES) ED (GEES (ED (ED () GD (SD) ()-S- () SD ( S () =. ROUGH RED HANDS MADE SOFT, WHITE, LOVELY rubbed briskly into the hands after washing will keep It affords protection against roughness, redness and chapping, and counteracts the The lotion is not greasy or sticky and may be used as A generous sized bottle is priced at 50¢ and sold by Dryden Pharmacy Ltd, * Prescription Specialists OED (SE (SGD (GE (GED (GEE (ES (SE Gm ( Astor' Special Hand Lotion, DRYDEN, ONT. fax .