Wabigoon Star, 3 Apr 1902, p. 1

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AND a et] DRYDEN, _DINORWIC AND MANITOU DISTRICT ADVERTISER. VOL. V. No. 42 WABIGOON, ONT. Thursday, April 3. 1902. $1.56 per YEAR. FINANCIAL, | The Bank of Ottawa, RAT PORTAGE. = ONTARIO Capital - $2,000,000 Rest - $265, 000 4 i General Banking Business. Transacted. Special Attention Given to Collections. Re- mittances made on day of matarity at lowest rates ony rent Rates of Inter est Allowed in Savings ank Accounts of Merchants. Trader 3, Manufac ctar- ers, Corporatiens aud Individuals received on { Havorable terms CHAS. G. PENNOCK, : MANAGER S. W. Rar CG. W. Jarvis RAY, STREET & COV. Port Arthur - and - Fort Willian Bankers, General Agents, Mining Brokers, Ete. : General Banking Business Transacted 1nterest Allowed on Deposits FIRE. LIFE, ACCIDEANT AND Maring INSURANCE J. CURRY, ; Banker & Broiler 0 and 2% MANHING ARCADE ROBINSON & SANGSTER, BARRISTERS, NOTARIES &c. ; Dh ale a / Special Attention given to the transaction of Departmental Work. Lig Orrices --WABIGOON AND TORONTO C. C. ROBINSON F.H.SANGSTER LL.B. A. Cyril Boyce G. IL. Draper BOYCE & DRAPER BARRISTERS=-AT=-L AW, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc., RAT PORTAGE - ONT. Permanent Loan and Sarrings Co. The Bank of Ottawa. THOS. W. FERGUSON. Barrister, . Surveyor, Convey- ancer, Etc, - ONT. Sh A [WABIGOON . 5 Loeal and District Solicitors of the Canada. Cable Address. *Alston' Wabigoon. Cude, Moveing & Neal's. Hugh D. Alston, WABIGOON, ONT. --O-- Mihing Propositions . Inspected & Reported o on. Development Work Superin- ended, & by Contract.' SSN Mining Locations Prospected. Exploration Outfits Organized. Teen ns & conditions on 1 application, References exchanged. SURVEYORS. SPEISHT, VanNOSTRAND & WARD, Dominion 4 Ontario Land Surveyors, Draugitsmen, &t. WABIGOON. - ONT. Coronto A dar ess, 4 Room D, Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto, INSURANCE, oy FIRE - LIFE - ACCIDENT COMMISSION i 4 be CM. kyle Agent. I. B. Land Department. VATHESON st, ES RAT FORTAGE i Box 188 C res. Sundehce 5 olicited MEDICAL. FA. WH FE, M. D. 1 vi N Offiges and Drug Stor F incl Reha i AVE. R ALL WAY A ONT. JS. Hillyer, George 1. Hillyer, Careoll Corson, Henvy © lay Clark, J. 8S. HILLYER & Co., MINE BROKERS, Mining Poti bought sold and exam- ined, . Leeports made by cou Wpetont nuning engineers. Assay mg done. Exploring and developt ng nLning properties a specialty. OFFICES : | . Mine Centre, Ontario. Keystone Block, West Superior. Wisconsin. Margnette Ballon, Chicago, 11. 43 New Broad st. London, B.C! Eogland. Correspondence invited and promtly attended to. Thos, Mc Nea, : DIRECT IMPORTER OF , WINES, Y LIQUCRS A ano CIGARS MAIN STREET, Wanicoon. Suce stor {CE Se + Walker, | Johnson, D. C. Cameron, M. Pichnl: 0. C. CAMERON IS KOMINATED. The Popular Mayor of Rat Portage Will Contest the Division. Ail doubt and uncertainty whizh per vaded the political atmosphere the carly part of last week w as dissipated last" Fhursday by the unanimous nom- ination of 1. C. Cameron, mayor of Pat Portdge, at the Libzral con- vention held in that town. The dele- gates as sembled at the call of the pres were present gi represeifiatives from all parts of the new elec: oral division. Following is a list of (he delegates: Fort W Hfim=--Nmes Dat 1B. Kelly, John delaras n, I. A. Morden, Hugh Piper, John Ek W. H. Hamilton, Alexander Sudigrove, Neel ung--1J. M, Munro. t Tache--George Swanson. Wabigoon--A_-R. Melennan. Dovienat, R. Hutchison, Dr. Blair Burclay--Johu Stew: arr Oxdrift--D. L. Nighswander. Vermilion Bay--D. ». der. Le =a Hawk Lake--G. M. Rioch, Margach--H. F. Honky Keewatin--\Wm. Lyons, ~ 1 ther, Capt. Lewis. # Ingolf--Wun, Nixon. + Sultana Mine--Dr. Edison. Ash Rapids--P. H. Austin. Mikado Mine--* I Nighswan R.A. Ma- - R. oun, WwW. | Black Euole Mines! A Mell land. + Rat Portage --W. Robertson, G. E. Gr raha, C. Brady, Pi hes , I Not T A. McCros- A. Dudes R. Woods, WV. D, Rose, J. Nash, C. A. Moore, M. Brown, GE. Smith, A. Carmichael, W. Greenwood, S.C. 'Giwsie, D. SW. Parsons, FP, L. Heur- eux, BE. H. Pobimson, M. Seegymiller A. LL Fife, J. Kay. 'I'. Teevins, WV. P. Kenzie, ( san, I. son. . ¥ The Phcdlings commenced at 10. 30 and after transacting formal busi- ness President Graham requested nom- nations for candidates. 'Ihe only names submitied were 1). C. Cameron, of Rat Portage, and Dr. Hamilton, of Fort William. 'The later however w itl drew his name, thusleaving Mr. Cam- | eron the unanimous choice of the con- | vention, 1 'That the selection was a fav: orite one was evidenced Ly the appro- val it received from all parts of the dis- trict. 'The commercial glelegation from Fort William were enthusiastic and sin- cere in theirappreciation of D. I. Cam- eron's now ination. So wis Mr. John Munro, who represented the. prosper: ous agricultural district of Slate River. While A. R. McLennan ,of Wabugoon, the hub of the division, with Dr. Bair and A. CR. Hutchison, of Dryden, heartily supp ried the noming ition and pledyed the support of that section, When the. candids tte elect entered Tusa: Ciathing ROBINSON BLOCK om plore. MAIN ST., WABIGOON WINTER Hats, Caps and Furs. Boots and Shoes. HIGHEST CAS SH PRICES FOR A - STOC Now COMPLETE Men' s and Fol' Pordy ade Clothing Dry Goods and Groceries Watches and Jewelery K Gent's Fur Tn Trunks and V ole NY QUANTITY OF RAW FURS OARS e NX ) R. S. ROBINSON 0089040" "2 $00 0604 0 eee SEE Lio asosansas anaes © J. BEAUDRO & SON MATHESON STREET, C.P.R. Depot) RAT PORTAGE «(Opposite Cood Table Fine Liquors and Gigars EVERY ACCOMMODATION a (Jena i i] and assuring that now ident Mr. Geo. E. Graham and. therdl RaArEs, $1.00 TO $1.50 PER DAY | ber Co., now the Rat Portage Lumlier Co. I'nis organizitin.g embraced the at firms of Ross, Hall & Brown, The eron & Kennedy, cessful "i cipal mat-ers, having served two years | elected ala yor by acclamaticn in 1qor, contest with D. L.. the room he was most enthusiastically received. In a brief speech he accept ed the nomination, th: inking the dele- gates for the honor conferred on nim 'he was before the people as their candidate he would labor assiduously to secure a victory on polling day. He also urged upon the Association how much depended upon their active co operation and orginiz ation in all parts of the electoral dis- trict. : ASSOCIATION REORGANIZED. Before the corvention adjourned the ditrict Liberal association was reor- ganized to accord with the new divi- sion as-follyws: President--Geo. E. Crtham, Fort Willian. First Vice-president--P. I. Keazie, Rat Portage. Second Vice president-- A, R. Me- Lennan, Wabigoon., Sec. Treasurer--E. A. Morton, Fort William. : With an executive of one representa rive from twenty Liberal associations of the division. Mec- Delegates Banguetted. In the evening the Liberals of Rat Portage entertained the delegates to a banquet at the Hilliard Opera House. About 75 gentlemen sat down' to a splendid dinner, served by the genial host, Louis Hilliard: Me. George A. Grabam, president of the district asso- ciation, occupied the chair, while Mr. McKenzie, vice-president of the dis trict associatian, and Mr, I. R. Dea- con, president of the Rat Portage as sociation, occupied the vice chairs. 'The toast of the eveniilg was "Lhe Provincial Legislature" responded to | by the candidate and Dr. Hamilton, of Fort William. MACHINERY IS ROVING iH. Substantial Evidences of Min- ing Activity All . Round," Tom Armstrong came in from the camp of the Long Luke Gold Mining Co. property, where, with W. Quirk and Jim Stevenson he is preparing for | the commencement of active mining operations. = A good deal of prehimin- ary work bas been accomplished! ,ANONY which is the completion of the road ftom the camp to Long Lake, thus mak» ing a through road from Dyment to the Juke. The test sit which will Le the shaft has Leen considerably en: larged. A first instalment of machinery in the shape of an cngine and boiler are now on their way from Toronto and john Aaron expects soon to re ceive mstructions from England to let the coutract for sinking. Urgent business compelled= Mr. A. B. Hermann to return to Chicago from Dryden on Thursday last. On Satur- day the compressor for the Redeemer Mining and Milling Co's (formerly the. Hermann- Larson) mine, Dryden and is now lieing installed. Drvden in a couple of weeks. apparatus for the aerial tramway Thursday Tas, and has all been trans- ported over thai ice to Beaudro' s land- Mr. Cameron, on rising to, was loudly appt ded. i felt rath ne Set candidate, aud must be excu did not stick closely to the subject. He had no great fear of the result of Lis campaign when he witnessed such enthuisiam, on every hand. He paid a tribute to Hoii. C. WW. Ross and his ability. Mr. Ross was not only one of the best public speakers in Canada, but one of the wisest and most pru- dent legislators. = Although the Lib- erals had held power for many years, he: felt sure they would be again returned to power. Referring to the coming contest, he asked the LiLerals of the district, on their part, to con duct it in a clean and upright manner. Dr. Hamilton, who was warmly re- ceived, 'paid a high compliment to Mr. Cameron for his address. While the Liberal administration had always been progressive, yet it must be admitted that greater strides had been made un der the Ross adminstration than pre viously. He reviewed Mr. Ross' at-/ titude toward$ New Ontario, how it had been opened up by railways and colonization roads, been developed by bounties on iron and steel, export du- ties on saw-logs, and protection of ed- ucational institutions. "New Ontario" was coupled with the names of Jos. Murphy, C.E. Meads, A. E. Merton and P. McKen- zie, who each responded in suitable terms PER2ONAL. Mr. Cameron first became identified with the interests of this section in W. Kennedy, he erected and operated the first sawmill in Norman. He con: tinued in this business until the organ ization of the Ontario & Western Lum. Weston Lumber Co, (Ryans), Com and Iheck & Bann- ing. Mr. Cameron wss chosen the first manager of the new oruanization, which office he stills holds, having by. business ability and peson: al encrgy brought the huiiess, of which he is now the chief Owen, to Its present suc- sanding. Mr. Cae ron has always taken an Active inte rest in muni 1s counvillor from the west ward; was and was again returned this year 1m a Props. [ 3 Mather. Daring the STAR'S visit to Rat Tor tage de had interview with Mr. Theo. Breidenbach, engineer of the Westerfield Investment Co's Klint Lake property 'regarding the new ball mill which he is introducing into th s country from. the ce! 'ebrated Krupp works, Gerri.any. lr. Breidenbach had every confdznce the ball mill, which are largely used in Transylvania 'and quite a number are in successful operation in Califor- ma. The mill hasa capacity of 6o tonssef quartz daily, almost. equal to the work of a 30 stamp mill. It Js claim d to be much more economical thn the gravity mill, requiring less power, producing less slime and inci dentally reducing the waste of the pre- cious metal to a minimum. an Sturgeen Lake Xuggets. A good deal of activity is noticeable in the Sturgeon Lake District, and a considerable smrunt of fresh territory will be operated this season, as several prospectors are already on the spot with supplies waits for the ice to break up. ; Endo 4 A The erection of the Tremain stamp. mill on the Shores prope-ty 1s being rapidly pushed and «verything is in ready a hoist has been introduced mto each of the shafts, which are a 'quarter of a mile apart, and are each 1883, when, |i in partnership with Mr. H. | 3 feet deep. Geo. Dawson bas his supplies all in and will resume development on his company's locations immediately. At J. S. Steele's mine the last of the machinery and supplies have been re ceived. 'The installation" of a stare. null on this property has been post- {poned until the result of further devel- opment has been ascertained: Archie Ward, of Speight, VaaNos- trand & Ward, who has heen surveys hig mining locations in the Sturgeon: Lake district for the past for weeks returned to \W abigoon oh Suinduy last. The last car of machinery for the Twentieth Luntury mine, arrived at Dinorwi 1c last week and isuow at Gosd Doel, he arrived at Mr. Hermann expecting to return tor The bulk of thé wire rope and otlser- at the- Big Mi aster arrived at Wabigoon on in the principle of shapesfor commencing operations. Al- . di 7 ant BY. AE

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