THE WABIGOON STAR WABIGOON, ONT. Don't let your heart grow cold, and you may carry cheerfulness and love with you into the teens af your second century, if you can last so long. There never was, and never will be, a universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir--the very na- ture of many curatives being such that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient--what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. We have. however, in Quinine Wine, when ob- tainable in a sound, unadulterated stute, a remedy for many .and grievous iils. By its gradual and iudicious use the fralest systems are led into convalescence and strength by' the influence which Quinine exerts on nature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid. despondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves disposes to sound and.refreshing sleep--imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, .courses throughout the veins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary; re- sult,strengthening the: frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which natu- rally demand increased substance--result, improved appetite. Northrop & Lyman, of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine aporoaches nearest perfection of any in the market. ~All druggists sell it. 1 Louis LVI. was never better pleas- ed than when seated in front of a huge meat pie. Pork pie was his preference. When imprisoned in the temple, his bitterest complaints were with regard to food that was fur- nished him. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. The Emperor Charles V. was a most abominable glutton, and was fond of anything he could chew and swallow. He finally died of a sur- feit caused by overeating. It is 'be- lieved by physicians that his appe- tite was morbid and diseased. Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. Dear Sirs,--While in the country last summer I was badly bitten by mosquitoes--so badly that I thought I would be disfigured for a couple of weeks. I was advised to try your Liniment to allay the irritation, and I did so. The effect was more than I expected--a pletely curing the irritation, pre- venting the bites from becoming sore. MINARD'S LINIMENT is also a good article to keep off the mosqui- toes. Yours truly, WwW. A. OKE. Harbor Grace, Nfld, Jan. 8, 1898. Traveliers change their guineas, not Uligiy cuaiacrers Sin has many tools, but a lie is' a handle which fits them all. Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust. Scme persons have periodical attacks of Canadian cholera, dysentery or diar- rhea, and have to use great precautions to avoid the disease. Change of water, cooking and green fruit is sure to bring on the attacks. To such persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kelloga"s Dysentery Cordial as being the best med- icine in the market for all summer com- plaints. If a few drons are taken in wa- ter when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. With most men life is like back- gammon--half skill and half luck. Faith always implies the disbelief of a lesser fact in favor .of a greater. Minard's Liniment Cures LaGrippe. Everybody likes and respects seli- made men. It is a great deal better to be made in that way than not to be made at all. A billboard may help to swell the actor's head, bur a board bill is quite another story. A wooden leg is an n amendment to the constitution. In the game of life 'the one-armed man plays a lone hand. A man never knows whether a wo- man's hat is on straight or crooked. Some men are so busy looking for a position that they have no time to work. Minard's Liniment is best Hair Restorer. A man may be able to fool himself as to his importance, but it is diffi- cult to fool his neighbors. That man who says he never makes a mistake probably doesn't know one when he sees it. The average wife imagines her hus- band would have remained a bache- elor if he had not been fortunate enough to meet her. Casey's Truism, Dennis--'Tis th' ear-rly burrd gets th' wur-rum, Misther Casey? Casey--'Tis thot. If ye wa-ant to keep yer head above wather these days, ye ca-ant let th' grass grow under yere feet, Misther Dinnis.--Detroit Free Press. : lew applications com-' A RAILWAY MAN. EXTRAORDINARY UNPLEASANT SYMPTOMS OF KIDNEY TROUBLE IN THIS CASE. Tortured by all Kinds of Pains and Aches he Tries | Everything, but Fails to Find Relief Till a Friend Advises Him to Use Dodd's Kidney Pills--They Have Made a Well Man of Him and he is Grateful. Ottawa, Ont., July 28.--(Special.) -- Frank Chartrand, a railway man, whose home is 180 Little Chaudiere Street, has acknowledged that Dodd's Kidney Pills have done more for him than anything else in the world has ever done. He says: "I suffered with backache and was always drowsy and had a very heavy lceling in my limbs. "I had frequent severe headaches and more times very sharp pains in the top of my head, which gave me much annoyance in my work. "My fingers would cramp and I would have an uneasiness in my legs and occasional pains in the loins. "I was dizzy in spells and short of breath. If I ate a hearty meal T would have a pain in my left side. My appetite would sometimes be very good and sometimes I couldn't eat anything. I had a constant soreness and ten- derness over the spine and tired feel- ing in the region ofymy Kidneys. «1 suffered quite a little with a dragging heavy feeling across the loins. "Dodd's Kidney Pills were recom- mended to me by a friend of mine who had been cured, and I began to use them. "Almost from the start I began to feel the wonderful improvement; which. continued as the treatment proceeded, till the unpleasant symp- toms had on one entirely disappear- ed. : . 'Dodds Kidney Pills have worked a wonderful cure itn my case and I cannot speak too highly of this great and good remedy." What Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for Mr. Chartrand tney have done for thousands of others, and they'll do the same for you if you give them a chance. There are many railway men in Canada today who find Dodd's filid- ney Pills indispensible. They are the railway man's surest and best friend. The constant vibration on trains and engines is very hard on the kid- these organs well and able to resist disease. The scientific study of man is the most difficult of all branches of knowledge. Controversy equalizes fools and wise men in the same way--and the fools know it. Fever and Ague and Biliovs Derange- vents are nositively cured by the use of Parmeiee's Pills. They not only cleanse the stomach and bowels from all bilious matter, but they open the excretory ves- sels, causing them to pour copious effu- sions frein the blood into the bowels. af- ter which the corrunted mass is thrown ont by the natural passage of the body. They are used as a general family med- icine with the best results. ¢ A person is always startled when he hears himself called old for the first time. Yon may set it down as a truth which admits of few exceptions that those who ask your opinion really want your praise. . Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like g~ld, tin like silver, crockery like mar- ble, and windows like crystal. 14 When a strong brain is weighed with a true heart it seems like bal- ancing a bubble against a wedge of gold. If some knockers were able to make money as easily as they make trouble their wealth would soon become bur- densome. Minard's Liniment is the best. There are a great many real miser- ies in life that we cannot help smil- ing at, but they are smiles that make wrinkles and not dimples. ms Wilson's Fly Pad Will clear your | house of flies neys. and Dodd's Kidney Pills make. © MARKETS. Wheat--The wheat markets have had an easier tendency during the past week: At the beginning of the week prices in the American specula- tive markdts had quite a break and by Wednesday they touched 3c under the high point of about two weeks ago. Since Wednesday there has been a little better feeling, and some re- covery in price, but the week closes at around a decline of 14c per bush- el from a week ago. The market has continued to be wholly influenced by the weather in the winter wheat belt. The beginning of the week was very favorable everywhere, which induced short selling and letting go .of long wheat; then on Thursday the weath- er became showery in some parts, and shorts, especially in'the July op- tion, hastened to cover and rallied the market sharply. The delay in harvesting and threshing caused : by July option, as it lessens the quan- tity of new wheat that might have been available to deliver on July contracts, and causes shorts to be anxious buycrs whenever the situa- tion seems adverse to them. The gen- '|eral export trade in = actual wheat continues in a normal condition, no unusual activity is seen at any point but a moderate routine business is transacted from day to day. 'Lhe export demand {from T urope is light because the crops in the southern half of Europe are being harvested, and all the European wheat crop is making a good show and will be 80,- 000,000 larger than last year. This Roumania are freely offering their new wheat to importing countries at lower prices than American wheat is offering. This tends to keep the ex- port trade quiet at the moment, but eventually America will pe called up- on for a fair share to help fill Euro- pean requirements, ang this, along with increasing domestic require- ments in the States wil] hold prices well up, after the first rush of the crop to market. The local market Bas continued quiet in tone, and trade is on a very limited scale, confined almost entire- ly to the wheat shipping or recently shipped from country points to ter- minal elevators. With the decline in outside markets by Wednesday de- clined 1c from the prices at the close of last week, but since then they have recovered 4c, and at the close of business Friday: they stood at 76jc. No. 1 hard; 74ic, No, 1. northern; and 72ic No. 2 northern, spot or July delivery, in store Fort William or Port Arthur. gs FLOUR--While local demand is on- export demand for flo nd as pric- es for wheat are high'an advance in flour prices is momentarily expected. In the east the price has already gone up 20c per sack. We quote : Ogilvie's Hungarian, $2.05 per sack of 98 1Ibs.; Glenora Patent, $1.90; Alberta, $1.75; Manitoba, $1.60; XXXX, $1.25. } MILLFEED -- Bran is firm and 'worth $15 per ton in bulk. Shorts firm at $17 per ton in bulk, deliver- ed, subject to usual trade discounts. GROUND FEED--We quote: Oat chop, per ton, $28; barley chop, $24; mixed barley and oats, $26; chop screenings, $15.50; oil cake, $30. OATS--The market for oats is un- settled. Business is quiet and most- ly confined to local account. We quote: No. 2 white, 404c per bushel, for carlots on track here; feed grades, 387 to 38c. At country points farmers are getting 8lc to 3dc for No. 2 white oats. Street oats are not offering. BARLEY--AII offerings are now be- ing taken for feed at 40c per bushel. The movement is very light. SPELTZ--Dealers are doing a lit- tle business in speltz for feeding pur- poses at 50c¢ per bushel of 5elbhs. HAY--Demand is fair and the mar- ket steady at $7 to $8 per ton for carlots on track here for fresh baled. POULTRY--T1he market is quiet. Live chickens bring 70 to 75c per pair, and turkeys are worth llc per pound, live weight. BUTTER--Creamery--Receipts are fairly large and prices ho:d steady at 16%c to 17c¢ per pound for choice creamery, f.o.b., factory BUTTER--Dairy--Receipts are mod- erately large, and there is a good demand for choice grades. A number of country shippers are sending in butter which is badly packed, and this reduces the average price con- siderably. Many of these packages are very dirty and not at all pre- sentable. Some are using lard pails, which makes the butter unfit for table use. Prices range from 10 to 113c per pound, commission basis. CHEESE--The market is steady and purchases have been made at 8%4c per pound." The range or prices is from 8%c to 9c per pound deliver- ed here. : EGGS--A stiff demand for eggs'has put the market in a stronger posi- tion and prices have been 1ljc higher than a week ago, at 12%c per dozen for choice case eggs, delivered here. DRESSED MEATS--Receipts are improving, and the market is easy. We quote: Beef, city dressed, 73% to 8%c per Ib.; veal, 8 to 9c; mutton, 9c; spring lambs, each, $3.50 to $4 hogs, per pound, 7% to 8ic. rains, has a special influence on the | week it is reported that Russia and' ly moderately heavy there is a good | give advice, but good advice carefully followed has altainable satisfaction to thousands. it to you: Use OGILVIE'S HUN- GARIAN FLOUR and secure all that's good in wheat, and baking days that are as devoid of from night to day. In Flour Buying brought: otherwise un- Try this and see if it don't bring the best No. 1 hard failures as the changing BY ROYAL WARRANT Millers to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales ( ENGINES AND BOILERS, MACHINE SHOP OUTHITS, BOILER SHOP EQUIPMENTS, PLANING MILL MACHINERY, SAW, SHINGLE AND LATH MILLS STEAM LAUNDRY MACHINERY, MINING MACHINERY, WRITE The A. R. WILLIAMS MACHINERY CO., LIMITED, FQR ANYTHING WANTED IN IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP The quality standard from Ocean to Ocean. Your money back if not sat- isfactory. - = - - ROSE & LAFLAMME, Agts.,, MONTREAL. HALCYON HOT SPRINGS, B. C. Without question the hest and most effective springs in Canada for the cure of rheumatism, kidney or liver troubles. The medicinal quali- ties of the water are unequalled. Splendid hotel accommodation ; fine fishing and hunting. An ideal spot for the invalid. a -- The man who borrows money bor- rows trouble. © The man who lends money doesn't need to borrow trouble. He has a good supply with him. -.-" Breathing Disease. Infectious diseases are breathed into the system from those affected with disease or from bad smells; yet how many women breathe daily the offensive steam from common soaps ' made from rancid fats, and keep their hands for hours in such solutions, and the clothing from such soap suds is worn next the tender skin. No wonder disease and eczema are prevalent !. Users of Sunlight Soap --Octagon Bar--know the difference between that and the pure, health- ful smell from the vegetable oils and pure edible fats in Sunlight Soap. 208 Toronto, Ont.,, Canada. See The Point? You pay your money, and we give you the nicest, sweetest cigar made-- LUCINA. You will stay with them, MANUFACTURED BY GEO. F. BRYAN & CO..... WINNIPEG . Buy one. mmr" ee W. N. U. No. 387. P -- There is a paper published at Sing Sing prison called '" The Star of Hope,"" but no one has ever been known to apply for a permanent po- sition on the staff. THE BEST PILLS. --Mr, Wm. Vander voort, Sydney Crossing, Ont., writes : "We have been using Parmelee's Pills. and find them by far the best pills we ever used, For Delicate and Debilitated Constitutions these pills act like a charm. Taken in small doses, the effect is both a tonic and stimulant, mildly ex- citing the secretions of the bod: giving tone and vigor. oh IE SEL It is perhaps well to remind that girl whose parents are doing all they can to make her happy, and who is dissatisfied, that some day her hap- piest moment in life is when the baby is asleep. On the programnie of human ev nts women are the consolation race. Some people are born boor, some achieve poverty, and some thrust poverty on other people. Rainbows never surrender, but al- ways go down with .their colors fly ing. : Hh ----