ERED Ta oH abu iS PUBLISHED EVERY 'ora year. THE WABIGOON WEEKLY. STAR, ----DBY THE Star Publishing Co, \WWABIGOON, ONT SUBSCRIPTON in i vance. Single copies; scents. ADVERTISING RATES YEARLY ADVERTISEME Smaller speaes in proportion, ness Cards (less than 3 colnmm) » TRANSIENT ADVERTS 1M Sales, Notices, Tenders, Meetings ~--12 cents per line (solid Nonpareil, 12 ines to the inch), for first insertion, and 8 cents per line for cach sub- +oquent insertion. Lost, Stolen. Strayed, Wanted, For Sale. ete. when not more than 10 lines, --50 cents for first insertion, and 25 cents each subsequent inser- rion Communications should be addressed to The STAR, Wabigoon, Out. Jos. OsBorNE, Hditor. THURSDAY , $1.50 rER YEAR 'S--E100.00 per column Busi- ).00 per vear, logal ful exploitation of low grade ores and the attention of the leading mining en- gineers is being directzd towards! cheaper methods of treatment and of administration, whereby the large tonnage in low grade camps, like Ross- land; can be made available and there is not the lightest doubt but these ef forts will be successful. Thingsareal- ready looking better in Rossland, and there is great development in the coal business at the different camps. "Mining throughout other parts of Canada is in an exceedingly flourishing condition, particularly in Ontario, where there is a great production in sopper, iron, arsenic and other miner- erals.' In regard to the Lake of the Woods mining district, Mr. Bell states that it is suffering from the same causes which induced the depression in British Col- umbia. He believes there are good gold 'properties in the Lake of the HOW TO INVEST. The Butte Miner gives some very good suggesticns, which are just asap- plicable to the Manitou Montana, ments in district as to when it says that invest mining should be divided into two distinct classes--the purchase of producing mines, which may or may not be in- creased, and the purchase: of claims that may or may not become produce mg mines. In the former class the percentages of the deal should favor the seller, in asmuch as the chances that a produc- ing mine,may with further,exploitation become a much more valuable proper ty, are good, loss is reduced to minimum; in the latter class the percentages should fav or the buyer, as he assumes the res- ponsibilities and burden of chance and baiks against possible failure at all points in tise road, 'however favorable the initial outlook may le. A producing mine will usually take care of itself, the need of the day be- ing a more liberal Sma will investment in the lier, undeveloped properties, that bin all likelihood become" pay ing nines through proper development. Montana has a lirge number of pro spects of this kind in every one "of its numerous districts, and a judicious ef fore to secure money for their devel opment might result in largely extend- ing the productive area of our mineral fields; but the usual system <f herald ing such i as veritable bonan- zs, when little, if anything is known fevelopment, might result in ely erating the productive area iromineral fields; ; but the usual sys- tem of table bonanzas, when little, ifanything, is known of their actaul capacity as producers, has done more to discour- age investments aud turn 1.:oney aside from Si than any other proress of hack- that the. wit of man capping yuld dai MR. LE ODS. Mel D. TA: Bel, of the the products of whilst the possibility of heralding such prospects as veri oD 'LL. ON MINING METH- secietary of the Canadian Mining Institute and editor Canadian Mining Review, in Woods district, but they must be care- fully managed. In the past these pro- perties have been over capitalized insufficiently capitalized and peeple have been maaaging them with no ex- perience in gold mining or metallurgy. There is no doubt that some of the Rat Portage mines would have paid handsomely if they had not have been over-eapitalized and managed incom- petently. Mr. Bell said he was glad to know that a good deal of interest is being taken in the Rainy River coun try by Americans and he hopes that they will develop something which will restore faith in the district.--The Commercial. A PEOPLE'S HERO. John Dlitchell is the hero and saint of theserpeople (in the mining regions). Go into any hotel or barroom and you | will find his picture beside that of Mc Kinley and Roosevelt, Go into the homes and you will find it side by side with St. Andreas and. St. Patrick, Al | ways it is in a gilt frame and showily set in the most prominent par: of the rooms. I'he quiet, severe priestlike TO WHOM rr MAY CONCERN: -- NOTICE is hereby given that it is proposed to hold an examination of Candidates to be licensed as Sawlog Culiers, at Bat Portage, on Friday, the 10th day off October next. Intending Ciindidates should atonce communicate vith the Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, and forward the required fee of four dollars each. It is not the intention to hold any further examinations this season, and Candidates will.please govern them selves accordingly. Only British subjects and bona fide residents of Canada will be examined for Licenses. AUBREY WHITE, Assistant Commissioner. Department of Crown Lands," Toronto, gth September, 1go2. [LGOMA HOTEL, PORT ARTHUR discussing the cause of the failure of HEADQUARTERS FOR MINING MEN the 1luvestment of British capital in British Columbia,says the causes, "are One to be found outside the province. of these is the preference of the British investor himself to risk his enterprise. Failure in has also been due to over and agement. ed bis money in British Columbia min- ing properties he generally sends over a man from the School of Mines there to manage them. Inthishe is nnwise, asthe only .muming experience such men get in Great in connec: tion with coal, thing of mining copper, Precious metals. operated by Americans or Canadians." : ing the depression in British Mr. Bell says it is disap- sone of the camps. ring fron, a Tenotion ny in province iss cEunwholesom money on mining gambles in mining stock rather than engage m a legitimate mining the past under capitalization and incompetent man- When the Britisher invest- iron or. tin, and when they come over here they know no- lead or the 'I'he successful mines in British Columbia are all owned or The Samgle Rooms for Commercial Travellers $1.50 to $2.00 MERRILL&EHODDER Props. GEO. DREWERY, WHOLESALE WINES and LLIQUCRS . . . RATES AGEXY FOR TIE Clolden Key Bramd Aerated Waters..... PINT ALES, STOUT & LAGER Manufactured specially for family use and put up in half- pint bottles. TD oo og Portage . Ont. face of the Vidor of the strike greets you every w here, ard to his bidding the men and women are absolutely loyal. W hen he made his tour through the coal region last spring the towns held ¢Mitchell:days'" in his honor, and women threw roses and flowers on the street for-his earringe to. pass over. His power over the people is supreme. Never was a leader more absolutely obeyed than he. He gave the word and the men threw down their picks and shovels and the women cheered the action. The miners around Witk- esbarre and Scranton did not favor a strike avd would gladly go back to work at any. moment. But the orders of the'r leader. there a few men work breakers and they wait Here and cin be secured to mine coal. More can be had to work the washeries, by which the old culma banks are gone over anew and some inferior coal is ob- tained. Dut the great mass of men stand by their leader and have made him a patron saint of their industry. -- Brooklyn Lagle. Doc Watts Revised, or Thouzhts of a Man -in Overalls, on seeing an In dian in golfing attire: "Lo the ne glndian, whose enlighten ed mint Jlothes him so well, that he leaves the Whites behind." V ---- Just. because he got those blue blue Leyes ty, His wife was shocked and shouted with surprise, + . I don't care What you did, Its time that face was hid, 'Lill the bloom wears off blue eyes. those blue Just to Suit You From no other tailor will you get Suitingsisuch as ors, for appear- ance or. durability, and for any thing dike our prices. + Judging from what our patrons tell us, we Lave notpnly the choicest range of SUITINGS to. pick. fro faction th CW s % it give hetter satis- ad elsewhere A. LEVY so 0) Tailor Keewatin, Ont. BEAUDRO'S HOTEL Lake Minnehaha, Ont. Headquarters for Sportsmen . Stopping place for Travellers en route to the mines othe Manitou BAR WELL STOCKFD WITH Rates - $1.50 per day McRALE & McGILLIVRAY, Proes. RUSSELL HOUSE RAT FORTAGE. ONT, $1 to B= "0 Rates = [This house has been thoroughly refitted and everything is first- class. The bar is supplied with the choicest Liquors & Cigars J.G. QAUDAUR Prop, MINING CONTRACTS Thon Armstrong MINING CONTRACTOR, is prepared to furnish Estimates on ROCKWORK, - Mii DRIFTING Ite. Etc. For all particulars apply to T. ARMSTRONG; i s 3 : PLY, Wabigoon Hotel, Wabigoon WINES. LIQUORS AND CigARS | NEW ARRIVALS Be AT ri The Peoples' Store a, NEW DRY GOODS NEW HATS NEW SHIRTS NEW TIES NEW COLLARS ~NEW S{OES . See our HAND=-MADE MINERS' SHOES The Grocery Department is replete with all the best things in the market FRESH EGGS z@~ [verything of the best. LT ise BUTTER Get our prices Hr large or small orders. "2x JOHN GARDNER & CO. Your Cooking or Heating Stove. ROW want your Trade Af MANUFACTURERS of and 84 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN N & Correspondence Solicited yold iy and Se Gor mpan v Limited. | v \y Y Wi holesale Prod 100 and Fioviions NE 5 Li actors and Miners' A plies a SD peciaity e: ® oo & ® ' 2 CINORWIC ONTARIO DEALRES IN 1] Groceries - Provisions - Hardware Clothing - Dry Goods AR Full Stock of MINERS' SUPPLIES on hand. Special Rates to Mining Com- panies and Contractors ¢h application. NAS NAN AANA Office Store GOLD ROCK Post The best of goods kept and no trouble to show them. < CALL AND EXAMINE! : DENMARK ~ANAAAL 2 THE DINCRWIC STEAMBOAT Co. JAN CONBECTION. WITH... The ines 'Reef Transgortiiion Co. The Shortest Route and Quickest Time : to the Gold Mines of the Manitou : . Irene Sven Dinorwic for. Beaudro's Landing at 8 30 a.m. daily, except a leaves \Wabigoon for Beaudro's at 7.30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays S.S. Minneola leaves Gold Rock daily for points on Manitou Lake Tirst-class transportation facilities on Manitou portage all communications to THE DINOQRWIC care of Hudson's Bay Stores - 5 STEAMBOAT CQ, Dinorwic, ONT. Address