AND DINORWIC su ANITOU DISTRICT ADVERTISER. rape, VOL. VI. No. 50 $1.50 per YEAR : Wabigoon, Ont., Th rsday, May 7, 1503. FINANCIAL, The Bank of Otiawa, HEAD GEFICE, OTTAWA Capital authorized - $3.000,000 Capita, paid up - $2.000,000 Rest and undivided profits $1,934,273 RAT PORTAGE BRANCH A General Baaking Business Transacied. Special Attention Given to Collections. Re- maittances made on day of waturity at lowes; Tutes v Current Rates of Interest Allowed in Savings oie of Merchants, Traders, Manufactur- wry, Corporations aud Individuals received on Eavorable terns CHAS. G. PENNOCK, : MANAGER S. W. Rar C. W. Jarvis RAY, STREET & CO. Port Arthur - and - Fort Willian Bankers, - General Agents, Mining Brokers, Ete. General Bankuwg Business 'Transacted Interest Allowed on Deposits FIRE, LIFE, AGCIDENT : AND MARINE INSURA#CE J. CURRY, Banker & Broker 23 and 24 MANNING ARCADE i F. H. SANGSTER, LL.B., BARRISTER, NOTARY Pusric, Etc, WABIGOON ONT. hl Special attention given to the trans- action of departmental work. Go. HH. DRAPER. (Successor to Boyce & Draper) BARRISTER-AT=LAW, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc., RAT PORTAGE - ONT. ES Solicitor or the Dominion Permanent Loan Co. The ank of Ottawa. MORAN & MACKENZIE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. Offices, Imperial Bank Chambers, RaT PORTAGE. ; i Money to Loan on first-class security W.J. Moran, P. BE, MAcKENEIG Crown Attorney far District of Rainy River lo 5) i 2 Established pani of Montreal "ha HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL I Capital, ail pa lA. E. . $12,090,000 7,000,000 876,531 dup Reserve unig, 0) Profit and i.oss Account . FORT WILLIAM BRANCH cing Business transacted. vl 1avorable terms cd 01 depesits at current rates, vailable at alt poinig in Europe, and Canada, including Yukon pelts, Lawson Uity and others, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT gig of one dollar ard upwards received terest aliewed. i 0 Charge 18 made on withdraw: and de- positing money. : SE W. STEVENSON, Manager Depo al MINING, F HILLE, Mining Eogineer, Assayer "+ --t and Analytical Chemist Minesand Mineral Lands Examined and Kegorted on, PORT ARTHUR ONT., CAN. 1 MINING aN ALLAN B. MONKS, Minike INVESTMEATS Properties Examined and Reported on = OFFICES 35 Congress st., Port Arthur, Boston, blass. SURVEYORS. ~ Qutario | reputation of tiie mines Dominion & Ontari Land Surveyors, | ficial results to ail concerned. Draughismen, &c. WABIGOON - ONT. Arcade, Toronto. SPEIGHT, VanHOSTRAND & WARD, INSURANCE, FIRE - LIFE - ACCIDENT COMMISSION J. R. BUNN, "coe Agent EH. B. Land Department. MATHESON S7T., RAT PORTAGE P.O. Box 33 Corresnondence Solicited LEGAL J. F. MacGILLIVRAY, Barrig$er, Solicitor, Ete. Office -- RAT PORTAGE, ONT. MONEY TO LOAN ANNIS, Notary Public Conveyancer Drydsn - - . Ont. Agent for the Sale of Crown Lands Read the Star. Imperial Bank Chambers THE MIKADO GOLD A few weels ago, in the remarks on the affairs of the Black Eagle wine, in the Lake of the Woods district, re ference was macdie to the natural effect of benevolent mining corporations turning their valuable properties into experimentalmining schools, where esti- mable young men may acquire a know: ledge of practicai mining, The idea is no doubt charitably praiseworthy, but the policy is commercially suicidal. Apparently the Mikada is only another instance of this class of mining, which bas resulted not only in the present financial difficulties which environ the property, but also in ¢ ininous manifes- tations of apathy and : veariness among the present sharcholders, As an old western itisa poor mine which won't stand some bad management But there is a limit to all things, and it is to be hop- ed, not only for the sake of the share- holders, but mere especially for the : icontigunus to Rat Portage, that, after the present indebtedness is paid off, 'witha small balance in hand, work w I be recom- 'menced on a practical basis with bene- From start to finish the Mikado has shows an abundance of pay ore, much of it high gr i evident from what transpired at the ex traordinary meeting held in London, Eng., a synopsis of which is extracted from the British Canadian Review : An extraordinary general 'meeting of the Mikado Gold Mining Co., Lud, was held on Tuesday at the Winchester House, Old Broad Street, -E., C., for the purpose of adopting an. agreement between the company and Wm, John Fngledue, on' behalf of an intended company, to 'sell the new company which it is proposed to form with a nominal capital of £75,000 divided in to 75.000 shares of £1 each, credited with iss. per share paid up, the assets and undertakings of this company, for a consideration payable in partly paid shares of the new company. Col. W. 1J. Engledue presided. The Chairman said that at the ordi nary general meeting heid <n the 11th November last the position of the company was fully discussed, so that the necessity of provision of further funds weulG not come as a surprise to them 'The response to issue debent ures 0a the 23rd of January to provide working capital was so small that the directors did not feel justified in going to allottment, and the moneys subscrib- ed were returned. There was a good chance of the in*erests being conserved by the adoption of the present schense ; . . Toronto Clothing Store . . . ANNOUNCEMENT: Having leased Block, purposes from May 1st, 1 my premises, known as the Robinson to Messrs. McRae and McGillivray for hotel must vacate before above date. For this reason, and having also decided to discontinue the retail store trade and devote my time exclusively to the Raw Fur business, 1 therefore offer my entire stock of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Groceries, Dry Goods. Trunks, Valises, Watches and Jewelery In lots to suit purchasers at reduced prices for quick sale Wapicoon, April 6, 1903. R. S. ROBINSON sap C--O Tt er Lo DentraL House, MATHESON STREET. (Opposite C.P.R. Depot) RAT PORTAGE RATES, $1.00 TO $1.50 PER DAY Cood Table Fine Liquors and Gigars EVERY ACCOMMODATION --_-- J. BEAUDRO & SON, Props. miner has said, | sharehold= | yg t of "this is} rendered possible under the new Com- panies Act. 1f the property wera sold to pay the debts it was not likely to realize more than the amount necessasy for that purpose. After describing the policy to be carried out for the devel- opment of the property and reading the reports from the manager, the Chair- mar concluded by expressing the hope that the shareholders would take up shares to which they would be entitled in the new company by paying the assessment of gs. per share. Mr.G. T. Rait asked the amount of the company's indebtness. The Chairman: Close on £3,000 He was sorry the shareholders did not take more interest in the company. 'They might possibly come across a lot ofore which would pull them through. The mine had been rich in the past and they might have similar success in the future. Mr. James Reid, in Proposing the adoption of the agreement submitted to the meeting dated 2nd April, 1903 and expressed to be made between the company on the one part and William John Engledue, on bebalf of an intend- ed company, said that the scheme was the best method of dealing with the company so as to arrive at some means of protecting the property as soen as possibie. Their creditors had been pressing and they ran great risk of losing the property unless they did something at once. He had still every faith in the property and knew that there were people on the other side very anxious to get it. - Mr. Mather seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. The proceeding : then terminated. mit tai Minnietakie's Opportunity. Afier spend 18 a day at the camp of the Quinn property near Lake Minnie takie, during which he thoroughly inspected the various strippings and tests of the veins with which it is in- tersected, Mr. L[.. WV. Harriman, of Minnewaukan, N. D., d:ove into Din- orwic on 'Thursday afternoon last, decidedly optimistic regarding the present indications, and quite en- thusiastic as to future prospects. 'I'his should be very satisfactory to all inter- ested, for although the property in question, with the adjoining locations, have had an excellent reputation, they have never Leen so completely tested as at the present time, Mr. R, S. Ressman, who has a considerable in- terest in the property, having personal ally conducted a series of tests with an ingenious and effective con- trivanoe not in general use in this dis- trict. It is claimed by those who have witnessed this-process that the whole of the values in the ore treated can be accurately ascertained. ij Mr Rossman returned from the camp this (I'hursday) evening en route Er to Minneapolis, for the purpose of ar- ranging for the extensive development of the property. : A large party of capitilists from New York are expected in Dinorwic ina week or ten days to visit a number of properties which are now being exploit- ed by Mr. Carl Schmidt, of the Gold en Rod Mining Company. Itis un derstood that the result of the visit will be the formation of a new company which will operate the j roperties vu a extensive scale. ~The First Boat. The first boat of the season left for Beaudro's Landing this (Thursday) morning and the shrill notes of the Galatea's whistle announced that communication with the Manitou was again established after u lapse of three weeks, Capt. Lawrence Johnston was in command, with Jas. Brown at the engine, and Percy Bolton acting as purser. Among those on hoard were General Manager Halstead, of the Summit Lake Gold Mining Co., Win, James, Wm. Watson, Paddy Wynue, Mike Ryan. Ger. Manager Pickering and others from Port Arthur arrived tco late, but will leave for the Big Master tomerrow (Fridiy) morning DYNAMITE WILL BE UTILIZED To Complete the Operations of Nature in Disastrous Mountain Slide at Frank. The desertion of Frank by its towns- people is now complete. This com- munity of rapid mushroom growth and a future of bright promise is no more. The buildings and part of the townsite: still remain but the buildings are unte- nanted and the terror-driven inhabi- tants have flown from the msznacing shadow of the disrupted Turtle moun: tain. The reason for the depopulation is obvious. An estimated auantity of" forty million tons of earth and limestone: hangs perched from the eastern peak: of the mountain threatening to descend. at any moment and demolish the- buildings which still remain intact in: the valley beneath. Until Saturday there wasnot thought to be any imme. diate peril to that portion of the towns which escaped the terrible rush of thes gigantic slide of Wednesday morning" and the inhabitantsof Frank had re newed theit courage and were optimis- tic and cheerful. So encouraging was. and the government officials were ons their way home. Chief Engineer Mc Henry, of the C P.R., however, was at. the eastern end of the conglomeration, three hours had carefully watched the: ¥ yes fjor i rived to take the train, Mr. McHenry informed him the mountain was creep- ing and that it was not safe for anyone to remain in the town. ile explained that in the rear there were large fissures: caused by part of the mountain becon. ing seperated from the main portion. This detached portion, he said, might: come hurtling down at any time and snuff out the lives and cover the homes. and stores of those still remaining. Up- on theadvice of Mr. McHenry Premicr Haultain made his way for the third time across the tiresome trail and. conferred wich the board of trade and mounted police officers. I'he result of the deliberations was that the police- men recieved orders to request every- one in to leave and go to a place of safety or remain at their own peril. The only hope for the future of the the fall of the rock which now threat- ens it. An effort wiil be made to accelerate this by the cxplosion of dy- namite in the large crevice, The dynamite has been sent for and sever al enormous charges wiil be lowered a distance into the fissure and then ex- ploded. It is hoped that the explosion will force the overhanging rock to de- toch itself from the mountain. Provid- ing, however, that the rock does slide: the houses and buildings present In. Frank ars very likely to be submerged. and destroyed by its fragments. On the other hand if the rock does not come down Frank will no longer Le a safe place in which to live and no one will reside there. I'hus there are two situations to choose from and it has. been decided to try and blast the rock from its foundations let it full where it may, and then resume mining opera- tions. In the meantime the town is to be abandoned asunsafe and the C PR. has discontinued its construction work. The Wabigoon railw sents a busy scene freight lines; amo receiving heavy con wabigoon & Gold R and the Wabigoon Flard Among. the early viziies to the Manitou will be al wry wb Wise consin people who Audi the Gold Standard the cut look that Premier Haultain. of rock which fils the valley, and for moutain side, searcely removing his. ~ Justighat he saw nobody kknows, but when Prem'er Haultain ar. town and the mining operations lies in.