na discovery. THE WABIGOON STAR, WEEKLY. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY --BY. THE-- Star Publishing Co, WaBIGOON, ONT. SUBSCRIPTON, $1.50 PER YEAR in advance. Single copies, cents. ADVERTISING RATES YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS --$100.00 per eolumn or a year. Smaller speaes in propor tion, Busi- nwss Cards (less thau 3 column) £10.00 per year. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. Z-Sales. I. gal Notices, Tenders, Mestiugs &c.,--12 cents per line (solid Noupareil, 12 lines to the inch), for first 1nsertion, and 8 cents per line for each sub- quent inser tion. T.ost. Stolen, Strayed, Wanted, For Sale. etc. when not more than 10 [ines --50 'cents for first iwaertion, and 95 cents each snbsequent inser- tio n Connnunications should be addressed to The STAR, Wabigcom, Ont. Jos. OssoRNE, Editor. ON PROBATION. The license commissioners for the district of Rainy River West, which includes Rat Portage, have established a record for 'themselves in deference a to the agitation of the temperance people, for at. the annual licetising session, with one or two ex- ceptions, the buard only granted the "applicants for licenses an extension of three months. After that period the licenses will be extended to the bal- ance of the year if the holders show a disposition to conform to the statute. A TRIBUTE iO THE PROSPEC- TOR. The Mining Record says quite truly that a capitalist never yet found a mine |e --he buys them after theyare found. It is the prospector who makes the first 'He is the one who blazes the trail, finds the way und guides the man, of m=ans to the mountain ranges, the canyons and the" hills to the crop- ping ledge, the mineral in which nature has placed her richest tre: asures. Men of we alth have the fever. icy have come to a re: slizition of the fact Tina Inining isa legithnate pursuit that it is "vastly: profitabla; t at there are more willionare mining kings than there are railroad or manufacturing magnates, and they want an ipnings in this fascinating pursuit and secup ition. Hundreds of investors: and capitilists are of the same mind. However, they will not ind mines, but they will buy them, after they are found, if they can. And right here is. where the opportun- ity of the prospector comes in. With his ability to trace the float to the mother lode, his mining experience, his knowlédge of mountain life, bis training in judging the value of dif ferent classes of ores, and with an understanding of the formations, the the distinction between porphyry grain ite, lune, and quartzite, it only remains for him to make a valuablé discovery in order tocommand the attention and assistance of capital in order to trans- form a prospect into a producing mine and a dividend payer. Bini. z Ran Into 1000 People. The Grand Trunk American flyer from Chicago ran into a crowd ot 1000 people at the corner of Dequinder and Canfield streets, at 8.30 on Satur: day last, killing ten to fifteen and ser- ously injuring about thirty more. The majority of the of the killed and wounded are from Toledo, "The people were thrown into the air and dashed to either side of the track. Many of them were ground under the wheels. The police department wasnoti- fied all and the ambulances in the city rushed to the scene. The victims were scattered along the tracks for a dis tance of two blocks. Lanterns were precured and the work of rescue began immediately. The scene reflected by the light of the lantern was horrible. Gradually the crushed and mangled bodies were recovered and sent to the hospital when there was a flicker of life left, and to the morgue whan there was none' At 10 o'clock four of the dead had heen identified. am 1 40 Gh tint ce nit The evidence of Ion. J. R, Strat ton in tne Caney charges was con- vin aen IER EIR MT Coliucts Jil Wh clndsuay, 'make their future home. Mr. iLhis is the age of mining --an era ofl "NOTICE. the asacssment roll. Dated at Dryden this first day of May, 3908. THOS. W. THOMSON, : Clérk. The Council of the Muntetpality of the Town: | ING COM PANY, Lxp. ship of VahHorne will sit asa Court of Revision in the Council Chamber, Dryden, on Friday, Mareh 15, 1903, at 2 o' cloc. k pm, for the purpcse Capital hearing 'appeals against the assessor's returns on MINING COMPANIES. TWENTIETH CENTURY MIN- No per- stock--$2,000,000, divided into a0o,000 full paid non-assessable shares $10.00 each. Gold Mines-- Dryden Smith, Manager, Gold Rock, Ont. sonal liability. For the Farmer. The difficulties met with in old o Eastern Ontario in the matter succes ful growing of potatoes are not me with in this section of the country, in so-much that potato rot in the fall i hardly known, land that has been encountered i growth starts. 'This can ina grea from the seed. planting on the level. This can bes be done by plowing two furrows to of two or three inches, so that the fur- a nice clean furrow oh either side o the row. by a heavier furrow inches deep. ; The successful cultivation of pota- application of manure. three feet apart. tion. Dry DENITE. Wednesday for Buffalo, where they wil advisable there. He bas takings vo. have friends who regret there. dopant ure.--\Warren Mirror. there are no potato! bugs to annoy or weeds to destray. > Perhaps the worst difficulty in the clay President--Hon. A. F. keeping the s#ed from rotting before wards each other and leaving a space rows will not overlap, and in this V- shaped recess drop the seed about one : foot apart, pressing the seed into the THE INTER-STATE CONSOLID- ground when dropped. The seed can 'then lie covered by a hoe. T his leaves Another method is by run- ning a light furrow not over one and a half to two inches Geep, and into this | Secretary-- M. A. Myers, Warren, Pa. the seed is dropped 2nd then covered | 'I'reasurer--M. Nellany, Buffalo, N.Y. of about fonr|General Manager--\V. toes requires--I. A soil worked fine, enriched preferably in the fall by an 2, Medium Property-- Bi aster Mine. early varieties of seed, planted one seed one foot apart in rows at least rd Frequent, solve, Mr. and Mrs." A. Myers depirted Myers interests are s» located that Buffalo is the most central point and he-deems it to take up his residence been a progressive citizen and is possessed of the energy and enterprise that makes all under: |. ? ios Both Mr. and Mrs. Myers I'he fire is thought to have originated Copper Mines-- James. Barrett, Man- ager, 'l'ombstone, Cochise County, Arizona. Anthony Blum, President; Dr. John G. Mollath, Vice President; W. K. Tl Small-y, Sectetary and Treasurer. {| THE SUMMIT LAKE GOLD 5 MINING COMPANY OF ONT- ARIO, Lip. Capital Stock-- $3,000, oa, fully paid up and non-assessable. MacLaren, M.7., Stratford, Ont. 1st Vice- President-- Fred Rosenfeld, Detroit. tiznd Vice President--Thos, William S measure be overcome by using some| son, Detroit. means of planting that will allow the Secretary--C has. F. Berry, Detroit. I'reasurer--A. Maclaren, Detroit. ready drainage of surplus water away! Gen Nanager--S.V. Halstead, Wabi One method is by] goon. t Offices---Suife 619 to 621 Majestic .| Building, Detroit, Mich., and Wabr- goon, Out. Properties comprising soo acres includ- ing Little Master, Peninsular and Imperial in the Manitou district. ATED MINERAL COMPANY. Capital Stock--$850,000. Shares $1.00 each, fully paid and non-assessable. f{ President--\V. A. Biuckstone; James- town, Vice President--William a Schaler, Al- bany, H. Pickering, M.E. = Offices--63 Frie County § Savings Bank Building, Buffalo, N. Y.5 303 Third ' Street, Warren, 'Pa; and Gold Rock, Ontario. Fire at Silver Mine. A serious Th wank: place Thursday niorning at Silver Mountain, when the shaft house, compressor, and blacksmith "shop were burned to the ground. 'The fire took place at 6 a m. just a few minutes after the night shift had * Lknocked off y 7 and this was indeed fertunate, asi the fire had occurred when the men were 'in the mine the} results would have been fatal, as the] men would have been unable to escape. l from the boiler, It Lurned so rapidh that the men were unable to cope with Read the Star J. S. Hillyer, Carroll Corson, George KH. Hillyer, J. 8S. HILLYER & Co. MINE BROKERS. engineers. Assaying done. a specialty. OFFICES : Mine Centre, Ontario. Wisconsin. Eugland, Correspondence invited and promtly attended to. Henry Clay Clark Mining Properties bowsght gold and exam ined. Reports made by competent mining Keystone Bloc k, West Superior. Marquette Building, Chicago. 111. ,... 58 New Broad St. London, E.C.| Times Journal. it, the buitdings being all destroyed. The shaft was burned. to the frst level about thirty fect down This sh ft had just Leen ent iarged and retimbered and the compressor plant had just been s | installed. All work is now suspended and the mine is filling with water. 'Manager Pickering and Malcom kf Exploring and developing mining properties | Speers are both in town and state that they do uot know what will be done until the arrival of Mark Hirsch who is at present in the east, --Fort William F.A. WHITE, PHYSICIAN & DRUGGIST. Office and Drug Store, RAILWAY AVE. S. B BLACK, ISSUER OF For the Rainy Kiver District DRYDEN, ONT. WHOLESALE WINES and LIQUORS . AGE NT FOR THE : Golden Key Brand Aerated Waters..... Manufactured specially for family use and put up in half- pint bottles. Rat Portage . M.D. WABIGOON . vi ONT Marriage - Licenses GEO. DREWERY, Ont. Read the Star FLGOMA HOTEL, PORT ARTHUR HEADQUARTERS FOR MINING MEN Samgle Rooms for Conumerci al 'Travellers $1.50 ro $2.00. RATE3 © - MERRILL & HODDER| 4 Props. |BEAUDRO'S|§ HOTEL Headquarters for Sportsmen Stopping place for Travellers en route to the mines o the 'Manitou FINE ALLS, STOUT & LAGER pet BAR WELL STOCKFD WITH Wines. LIQUORS AND CIGARS Rates $1.50 per dey CIIAS. O. SULT, Prop Offices, 35 Court Street, Boston, Mass. Lake Minnehaha, Ont. | 7 Minin 0. T. J. PEALE, PRESIDENT, H. R. MORTON, SECRETARY, Cincinnan, Ohio. Toronto. : JOHN HENRY HAYNES, VICE PRESIDENT, North Adams, Mass. The President Co, owns 80 acres near Mosher Bay. The property is free of all debt or encumbrance. : The ore is free-milling and assays average $22 to the ton, with traces of silver and platinum. A vein 25 feet wide crosses the properties. Ore costs $3 a ton to mill--Figure the profit yourself. $1.00 a month for 12 months will secure 100 shares par value $1oc. : being rapidly subscribed. Mining Investments often bring enormous returns. Shares axe: Full particulars from OBERST BURBANK, Mamage 530 Union Trust Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. HUCSON'S BAY CO. DINORWIC ONTARIO DEALRES IN € Groceries - Provisions - Hardware Clothing - Dry Goods A Full Stock of Special Rates to Mining Com- MINERS' SUPPLIES panies and Contractors om JUST A 101 [ENT! wif FEW BA ROAINS... Sweat Pads at 65e¢ per ie 1 pair Collars at $4.50 per pair 1 set t-inch Lines $2.93 SEEDS ! a Dr on H ardware ust Arrived a SEEDS | J Full Line of S. 13. BLAC CIT, ' Watch MANUFACTURERS of and 1g WHOLESALE l)EALERS IN AND Correspondence Solicited sass ssocoa aI IIIA ZT TZ Tr a ar SSSSSSSSD pe 4 S23. i The Rat Portage Cold Storage Y A and Produce Company, umd. 4 bi Wholesale Produce and Provisions v ~~ Qontracters' and Miners' IN \ Supplies a Specialty. sila IN b PROMPT SHIPMENTS a Ene Ws eee i MANITOU MAPS A% the STAR on Fics dg