Sinisa, THE OBSERVER AND STAR, DRYDEN, ONTARS ---- peti tii Canada Food Reard License No 8:5967-- Grocers. ® Poor old John Barley Corn We have a nice stock of mild drinks so necessary these hot days for nourishment, trefrosh-9 ® ment and relaxation. (® s Beer, Ale or Stout, $1.75 dozen® 5 60c doz allowed for returned bottles g ® Fruit Syrup, for making drinkse eat home. Limejuice, Orange-% > ade, Raspberry Vinegar, Lemon- ade, Grape juice, etc., from 35cg ®) bottle up. | 3 -@ Pure Jamaica Ginger wine, or ® black cherry wine, qt. bottle 1.00 ® y Health Salts Lemonade powder = = aava)e : 'ronger Bros.g ° 2590220830009 5990202959 ractors &= (Realy for Heavy Duties ~~ For belt work these tractors drive a Case 20x36 i . Thresher, fully equipped, silo mills, etc. For all round use these tractors , demand your careful consideration. It has long proved its worth. It is conomical in operation, burning kerosene succesfully. It ilt of the finest materials. You "get your money's fillers, hay pressses, "feed : 'are vou decide on your tractcs, det us show you he advantages of the Case line. You'll then "be better able to judge. F.T Brignall, Oxdrift 3 o Sgr eves P4000000 0000000000000 000001 0900000000800000 ' The Hudson's Bay Co, | lighest Market Price Paid Fe For : ~~ Muskrat and Bear Dinorwic, Ont. 3 2 GIVE US A CHANCE ™ pe ; tos 19 2 "Be Critical In choosing a Piano Buy with a view to long years of service with a desire for an instrument of establishee worth that will stand up in use Retaining it's Tone and Appearance ~~ "DNIMPARED" Investigate the Heintzman EL oo rt RA | WILDE S8YPEN BELLY S >Y i 900000404 0% $9607 2029452999000 9002:02926%28 8 I's down and faking the count. (@|:s the time to order for spring planting | Nearly New. A g Make money in your spare, time during the Fall and Winter months by selling RARDY CANADIAN WURSERY 00% British and Enropean markets willbe open again for Canadian Fruit and now Largest list of Fruit and Ornamental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown in Canada. Write for Particulars Stone & Wellington The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries. Established 1837 TORONTO, ONT ED --, ~~ For Sale Small Cash | Register Bargain | Term s Cash Apply | Farmers, | Attention em. --Price 25c. per box, WE have to announce that a sale of this paper has been made to Mr. Collison of Winnipeg, and we trust that all the snpport possible may be accorded to him and that Dryden may soon be able to boast of having the best Newspaper in the district. He will take over the business from June 1st. : R. H. PRONGER, Cobwebs in the Morning. M. J. Crosier General Merchant Oxdrift -- Ont 5d. +0 Agent For- ance Cockshutt, Frost and Wood Implements Fresh Groeeries a Specialty 'HOUSES For Sale and Rent WATERFRONT LOTS FOR SALE --ALSO~-- Fire Insurance An wh Cobwebs in the bead on rising mm the morning is the result of a Lazy Liver, doe or two mornings in succession and siak headache follows. : Father Morriscy's Liver Pills wiil clear the Brain, : ; These Pills are a purely vegetable com- pound prepared with great care, and are without doubt the very best pills for gen- eral use, on the market. The greatest care has been given to selecting the in- gredients, and being entirely vegetable, Shey act upon the liver and|bawels in such a manner as not to disturb ithe other func- sions of the body as many pills do. As a Liver Invigorater, Blood Purifier and General System Renovator, they are snequalled. Sick headache is invariably brought on by a sluggish liver, constipa- tion oricregular bowels; these pills are a cwre for sick headache in any form. @ "Pimples, eruptions and yellow skin are often caused by a lazy liver; one pill three Umes a week, will soon clear the complex- JAS. MCFADYEN, DRYDEN ONT = J. S. ALLAN BARRISTER, Erc.. Solicitor for Imperal Bank of Observer & Star Canada KENORA, ONT. HARLES DI LT The saving of a part saving. gravest importance Canadian seek ways things he could do "that when the Nati Here is what he has to say in one of his books: "My other piece of advice, Copperfield," said Mr. Micawber, "you expenditure £19. 19. 6--result, happiness. Annual income £20, annual expenditure and--and in short you are forever floored. As Iam.' come was always a good policy. 'Prudent men and women have always maintained a margin of But to-day we must go farther in our efforts to save than ever before. To-day it is a matter of the to economize by cutting down ex- penditures for unnecessary things, saving the money he spends on borrow money he will be in a posi- tion to do his full duty. OTARY, Conveyancing Collecir = General Practice i Yorkshire Fire Insur- | R. Sweene General Blacksm/ and | Wood Worker AGENT FOR Massey-Harris ¥ Implemements, Bain Wagons : and Sleigh { Dryden ep -- Builders' - Suj i Brick, Lime B. C. Shing! Sash & 8 Picture Frami Manitoba Gypsum Hardwall 100d, Fibre, #ic. D. ANDERSOX DRYDEN, ONT. F. B.. LINDEN | N ETO, DRYDEN ONTARIO _ R. H PRO NGE Notary Public Conveyancer, Eto. | -- CKENS is one of the world's great teachers. kaow, Annual income £20, annual 20. 0, 6--result, The blossom is blighted, the leaf is withered, of Day goes down upon the dreary scene of one's in: Thereis war-shorteni work wait- ing for every dollar that can be saved. IE Charles Dickens were writing to Canadians to-day he would probably give us advice to this effect: "My other piece of advice, Canadians, Meh be 5 what percentage of your annual income you have pre- viously saved, your to-day should that each . of ls be to save more, ¢ advantage of se and means doing $s threefold: By the practice of Hav iis, yous conserve the material and fete B. labor vikich must be devoted to the grim ; hve dat without, so fask before us; you cultivate the priceless o habit of thrift; you gather more and more money to bend to the Nation for or prosecution of the war to a guick certain Victory." j on needs to: - aes Published under the authority of the Minister of Finance of Canada [DR YDEN {Boot of $00000000000006000004 General Merchant AGLE RIVER, ONT. HA = amd | Exchange Barn . DRYDEN - | fa Ve Nd --